Supreme Martial God



In front of the dungeon, half an incense stick of time had passed and more than half of the dozens of powerful Demonic Beast had already been suppressed.    


At this time, Priest Caen and a few other clan members slowly descended from the sky. She arrogantly walked in front of a few overpowered greater demons and looked at the Demonic Beast with reddened eyes and body brimming with demonic Qi. She sneered disdainfully and ordered, "Lock them all back in!"    


With a roar, the Demonic Beast was carried into the dungeon and was once again suppressed.    


Caen walked in front of the two green-robed elders, her dark eyes shot out harsh rays of light. She looked at the two of them coldly, like a viper.    


"What happened to your Ancestral Land of Chu Family!?" Didn't they say that this dungeon is impregnable and that gods and buddhas are unable to enter!? "Now there's actually such a great disturbance. If the battle spirit is affected, then who will take responsibility!?"    


A green robed elder bowed, and explained: "Priest Caen, you cannot blame all of us. According to your order, we have to minimize the number of people at the back of the shrine, in fear that it will affect the operation of the formation."    


"Shut your mouth!" Behind Caen, a skeleton shaped female Magus with a red spot on her forehead shouted out, and coldly said: "Isn't this what you said, Sir Caen!?"    


The green-robed elder's eyes flashed as he whispered, "This old man dares not."    


Caen arrogantly puffed up her skinny chest, unhappiness written all over her wrinkled face. She glanced at the surrounding elders, then walked straight into the depths of the dungeon. As she walked, she muttered: "Fortunately it's just this group of Demonic Beast, as long as the Holy Maiden is here, with her power, she should be able to barely hold up the loss of the spirit formation."    


In the gloomy dungeon passageway, traces of the battle that had exploded were left behind. The ground was bloodstained and reeked of a strong stench of blood.    


Caen frowned, she walked to the deepest cell with disgust, and quickly, she reached the door.    


"Come and look at our little Holy Maiden. See if there are a few more wrinkles on her beautiful face. Hehe ~"    


Caen laughed sinisterly, proudly opened the door and walked in.    


Moments later, a sharp howl suddenly came out from the depths of the dungeon, causing the elders outside the dungeon to turn pale with fright!    


"Whoosh!" "Whiz!" "Swoosh!"    


With two elders in the lead, several streaks of light quickly flew into the room. They all knew the weight of these witches, so they couldn't let anything happen to these few people.    


"Sacrifice, what happened!?"    


The green robed elder rushed to the door, looking at the furious Witch Caen, only to see that there was no killing intent around, he was curious.    


"Flee!" The Holy Maiden had escaped! The little Holy Maiden had disappeared! Who was it!? You can actually break my Spiritual Array!? "    


Caen looked at the empty room, in the middle of the room, there was a praying mat that was left on the floor all alone.    




From outside the dungeon, another elder rushed over, and when he got close, he said in a deep voice, "Reporting to the elders, Caen is offering sacrifices. A young man brought a Holy Maiden out of the ancestral hall, escaping from the Ancestral Land of Chu Family area."    


"Holy Maiden!"    


Upon hearing that she had discovered the Holy Maiden, Caen immediately turned around, transforming into a soft light ray, like a black snake, quickly swimming away in the air!    


"Sacrifice Caen!" The green-robed elder cried out in alarm and chased closely after him. However, when they arrived at the entrance of the dungeon, Caen had long since disappeared.    


One-wheel movement technique was extremely strange. The Witch Clan was considered a top movement master that was rare in Pan'gu Continent. They were unpredictable and far faster than the wind.    


Lin Yue cut a path of blood, escaping out of the core region of the clan hall, rushing to the periphery, without even thinking, he rushed towards the northwest direction!    


The map that Yu Ruyi gave him clearly showed the surrounding situation, and the rest of the area were all residential areas of the Ancestral Land of Chu Family. Only in the northwest direction was it a boundless ancient forest, the ancient trees were filled with an unknown aura, and only after entering it would one be able to escape from the pursuit.    


The vast forest stretched as far as the eye could see. The towering ancient trees blocked the view of the distant forest. Even the eyes and ears of powerful experts would be greatly reduced here.    


Lin Yue clenched his teeth, and started to sprint towards the northwest without stopping. With the Ten-direction Spirit Fox's sensing ability, he could clearly distinguish the direction!    


After fleeing for two hours, in the blink of an eye, the distance to the Ancestral Land of Chu Family ancestral hall had long since exceeded one hundred kilometers.    


"Whew ~"    


His heavy breathing came from every cell in his lungs. His whole body was drenched in sweat and blood, and his clothes were sticking to his body.    


Ling'er got down from Lin Yue's body and looked at Lin Yue's back figure while gasping for air. Her eyes were filled with love and love, but the moment Lin Yue turned around, she immediately turned his body around so that Lin Yue wouldn't see her face.    


"Ling'er, what's wrong?" Lin Yue noticed Ling'er's abnormality and asked softly.    


"Nothing, nothing, Brother Lin Yue, I'm going into the forest for a while", then, Ling'er ran deeper into the forest.    


Looking at Ling'er's back, Lin Yue thought that the girl wanted him to open her mouth, so she sat down beside the big tree and checked the wounds on her body.    


The wounds on his body were very severe.    


Although Lin Yue's repeatedly tempered skin had withstood the burning of the Tyrant Fire to some extent, the strength of the flames was still above what Lin Yue had predicted, and he was still unable to completely block the fierce flames that penetrated his body!    


The skin on the side of his abdomen had been burnt to a crisp, his flesh and blood charred black. The Martial Soul was throbbing, but it could only barely be repaired, it was impossible to cure it in a short period of time.    


The violent killing of Lin Yue in the dungeon tunnel, the chaotic battle at the exit of the dungeon, and the killing of dozens of guard squads. After a few twists and turns, the injuries on Lin Yue's body gradually accumulated.    


"Hiss ~"    


Lin Yue moved his body slightly, feeling an excruciating pain. The wounds on his back, back and waist were all moving his muscles, making him feel as if his entire body was being torn apart.    


Taking out the remaining few Spirit Pill s from the Universe Ring, Lin Yue swallowed them all in one go.    


One spirit energy after another dispersed and quickly recovered from the wounds. Only then did his festering muscles regrow and his injuries stabilize, no longer worsening.    


After a moment, Lin Yue felt that his mind was a lot clearer, and vitality was flowing through his body, preventing him from fainting.    


"Brother Lin Yue."    


Ling'er slowly walked out of the forest, slowly arrived in front of Lin Yue and called out in a low voice.    


Lin Yue raised his head and saw a face covered by a light muslin.    


Lin Yue was startled, and said in surprise: "Ling'er, why do you have to cover your face? "Is there something wrong with your face?"    


Ling'er shook her head, and said in a low voice: "No, Ling'er just didn't have a good rest in the dungeon, there were a lot of pimples on her face, and she didn't want Brother Lin Yue to see it."    


"Hey, silly girl, what's there to fear about a few pimples? Even if Ling'er turns into an old granny, I will still not despise you. "    


Ling'er's eyes flashed, then squatted down, gently looking at the wounds on Lin Yue's body. When she saw that Lin Yue's entire body was covered with wounds, her eyes immediately filled with pain, and tears uncontrollably flowed down.    


I just ate Spirit Pill, after a while, everything will be fine. Brother Lin Yue is Martial Ancestor Expert now! This little injury will not be difficult for me! "    


Seeing Lin Yue's proud look, Ling'er held back her tears and carefully bandaged the wound for Lin Yue.    


"No need, we must continue on our way. The experts from the ancestral hall will be here very soon. We cannot stay for long."    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk ~, damn brat, I'm already here!"    


In the distance, an black light moved as fast as lightning. In the light and shadow was an old witch, who had a savage smile on her face as she pounced forward.    




The moment Ling'er saw the old witch, her body trembled, and her eyes revealed a strong sense of fear, her heart sinking.    


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