Supreme Martial God



When Caen heard Lin Yue announce her shameless act in front of everyone, he was even more furious. His withered face kept trembling, and he felt like his heart was about to crack.    


Everyone present at the scene hated Lin Yue to the core. Regardless of whether he ignited his Ancestral Hall of Chu, designed Chu Yuv to become stronger than him, or even killed his divine medicine clone, they were all unforgivable.    


"Rumble ~"    


The frantic lightning above continued to strike down, causing the defense in the air above the altar to shake endlessly. Once this defensive array exploded, the Battle Spirit Formation that was built with great effort would be destroyed!    


"High Priest Caen, don't worry about him for now! The most important thing right now is to stabilize the Spiritual Array! "We can't let anything go wrong!"    


Seeing Caen's furious expression, Elder Everlasting was afraid that she would lose her reason once again, so he quickly reminded her.    


Although Caen hated that she couldn't eat Lin Yue alive, she was still a Shaman High Priest, so she knew the weight of the big array. She glared at Lin Yue coldly before retracting her anger and carefully inspecting the Battle Spirit Formation s.    


"These thunder from the Ninth Heaven were all attracted by the Battle Spirit Formation and leaked from the trajectory of the formation. As long as you balance them, there will be no more lightning … Monier, you guys protect me, I want to use my powerful hundred hand sacred art to repair the formation! "    


"Yes, High Priest!"    


Monier and the other witches agreed with their heads bowed, then quickly distributed themselves around Caen. Each of them sat cross-legged, the black aura on their bodies surging, streams of power covering the entire space and forming a small formation, blocking the wind and rain that was falling.    


Caen's face turned gloomy, she took a deep breath and stood at the center of the array, staring at the trajectory of the altar.    


Suddenly, she extended out her palm. The Shaman Energy on her body surged, and strands of black mist quickly condensed and formed into palm after palm. Within each of the black mist hands, a trace of pure flame flickered.    


"Creak, creak ~"    


Caen muttered an incantation as her expression became more and more serious. The palms made of Wu Li, following her strange incantation, started to float and revolve around the altar, and gradually, the trajectory of the palms became more and more similar to the energy in the air above the altar.    


Lin Yue watched Caen's actions from the center of the large array and raised his eyebrows. He knew that once the opponent fixed the path of the origin energy, the Sky Fire would stop burning, and the defensive array would also disappear. As for him and Ling'er, they would become fish on the chopping board.    


"We can't let her fix the formation!"    


Lin Yue raised his head and looked at the black smoke like palms that were flying in mid air and quickly approaching their target, a strong light shining from his eyes. He pulled back the Ink Sword that was born, gritted his teeth, and activated a strong sword qi, slashing down ruthlessly!    


"Rumble ~ ~ Rumble ~ Danglang!"    


The Ink Sword's sword light was like a tide as it came slashing down. Unexpectedly, a thick layer of black energy suddenly burst out from all four sides of the trail, shining brightly and instantly dispersing the sword light!    


Lin Yue was already severely injured, and with this attack, he was already strong enough, adding the fact that he was not prepared, the backlash from the black light directly sent the Ink Sword flying more than a dozen meters away, it shook him until he was dizzy and his chest churned, causing him to feel a fishy smell in his throat, causing him to almost vomit blood!    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk ~ Little bastard, how could a small figure like you interfere with this sacred Battle Spirit Formation!?" You just wait inside obediently. When I fix this great formation and catch you, I'll let you have a taste of being unable to beg for life or death! You are just a little mouse now, with no path to heaven or earth! "Let's see where else you can run to!"    


Caen laughed sinisterly, as she controlled the hundred black smoke palms that carried the true essence of the Tyrant Fire from afar. The palms slowly revolved in the same direction as the origin energy orbits, just a single step away from perfectly overlapping with each other!    


Once they merged, the true essence of the Tyrant Fire in his palm could swiftly merge the magic power from his palm with the elemental energy track, and the great magic formation would also be completed.    


"The few of you, guard the other three directions. If he dares to escape, kill him directly!" Elder Limitless coldly ordered the several green robed experts behind him, sealing the formation.    


The Genuine Essence on their bodies was surging, and it was carrying a killing intent as they waited quietly. With Lin Yue's injured body, let alone two people, even if there was only one person, he still wouldn't be able to pass through!    


"Damn you!" "He really became a tiger in a cage!"    


Right now, it was extremely clear from all directions, and all the experts were standing guard inside the defensive array. Lin Yue could no longer use any small method to create chaos.    


Seeing Lin Yue's frown, Ling'er slowly walked over and pulled at the corner of Lin Yue's clothes. Her gaze was pure and gentle with a deep gentleness, as she said in a low voice, "Brother Lin Yue, Ling'er has something that she wants to tell you."    


Lin Yue looked at Ling'er and asked: "What did Ling'er want to say?"    


"I …" Ling'er paused for a moment, then summoned up her courage: "I am very happy, very happy that I was able to meet Brother Lin Yue in my entire life. Since young, Ling'er has been protected by Brother Lin Yue, we grew up together, the others ignored me, then Brother Lin Yue took me to play in the forest outside of Eastwood City, I cried, with Brother Lin Yue coaxing me, I made a mistake, Brother Lin Yue will comfort me, I am happy, Brother Lin Yue is even happier than I am …"    


"Do you remember? That day, you took me to play in the mountain forest and encountered a storm … "Ling'er lifted his head. His eyes flashed with a bright light, looked at the sinister looking night outside the protective arc of light, and said softly," That time, it was just like tonight, a night of darkness. The two of us were unable to return to the city, so we hid in a cave to avoid the rain.    


I asked Brother Lin Yue if he was cold. When Brother Lin Yue said that it wasn't, I actually know that you were very cold because I could feel that you were trembling all the time … "    


"At that time, I had thought that the Brother Lin Yue was really good, and that if Ling'er hid in your embrace, you would be the one to shoulder all the hardships …"    


Ling'er laughed gently, but her expression gradually became filled with determination, and she said: "Brother Lin Yue, Ling'er truly feels very lucky. Back then, you accompanied me on that night, and I still accompanied you on that night. However, Ling'er has already grown up. If she wants to bear the rain and the wind, let's do it together. I don't want Brother Lin Yue to suffer anymore, no matter if he lives or dies, let's face it together. "    


Lin Yue looked at Ling'er blankly. On her face that had already changed a long time ago, Lin Yue felt a sense of familiarity that was hidden within her soul.    


In a trance, Lin Yue saw an innocent, innocent, young girl who was nestled in his embrace, smiling with her head raised.    


It was Lin Yue's greatest wish to not let anything happen to her. This was the only person he could concern himself with in his entire life.    


"Gurgle ~ Gurgle ~"    


As the Witch Caen directed the hundreds of black smoke palms to replenish the energy that was leaking out, under the burning of the Tyrant Fire's essence, the entire array formation gradually stabilized. The dispersed energy slowly shrank, and in the end, no longer leaked out.    


Following the balance of the magic orbits, the amount of thunder and fire activated in the sky started to decrease, and gradually, the lightning stopped striking.    


The defensive arc light was slowly disappearing.    


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