Supreme Martial God



Under the lead of an officer, Lin Yue left the main tent and headed towards another camp to meet the main general who was guarding the army.    


"I do not seek to be magnanimous and selfless in the right direction towards Lee Kuangfeng, as long as it is not someone who is on the same level as Zheng Hsing."    


Following behind the officer, Lin Yue could not help but secretly criticize in his heart, he did not know what the main general would look like.    


Very quickly, the officer brought him to the destination, pointing to the tents in front of them, saying, "You can go in, the general is inside." With that, the officer left by himself.    


Looking at the tent in front of him, Lin Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, suspicions arose in his heart, this tent was actually extremely elegant, and it looked to be filled with the aura of a woman. He laughed bitterly, and thought to himself: "Even in the army, he actually wants to set up such an elegant tent.    


But in the end, he was still his superior. Lin Yue readjusted his mentality, walked to the entrance of the living quarters, and shouted: "Vice General Lin Yue, I am here to pay my respects to the main general."    


Inside the tent, Qin Yao was playing chess with Zheng Wan. Upon hearing someone speak outside, Zheng Wan was the first to be startled, and asked with suspicion, "Why does it sound like Lin Yue's voice?"    


Qin Yao slightly smiled, and joked: "You, thinking about him, is too crazy. How could we have Lin Yue in our Dragon-Defying Army?"    


After saying that, she withdrew the chess board. With a serious expression, she said, "Come in."    


The curtains of the tent parted and a young man walked in. The three of them looked at each other and were stunned for a moment.    


"Lin Yue!"    


"Zheng Wan, Qin Yao!?"    


Lin Yue saw the two women in the tent, who were precisely Zheng Wan and Qin Yao who had been left in the Tianxuan City!?    


"So the Dragon Rebel Army really does have connections with Eastern Tang, Princess Qin Yao is Company Leader Li's niece!?"    


"Lin Yue, it's really you!?" A huge surprise surfaced on Zheng Wan's face, and without caring about Qin Yao at the side, she had already leaped into Lin Yue's embrace.    


Lin Yue patted her back as he felt a sense of warmth and whispered, "Why did you come to this kind of place?    


Zheng Wan lifted her face. She could not hide the joy in her heart as she said, "In the Dragon Rebellion Army, who can hurt me? Big Sister Qin Yao has many guards by her side. We are very safe."    


Lin Yue smiled bitterly and caressed Zheng Wan's hair, saying: "The two of you, what are you doing together with the Dragon Rebel Army, are you two here to fight too?"    


When Qin Yao saw Lin Yue, she was also rather cheerful. With a bright smile, she said, "We followed along to sightsee, and we were almost bored to death by Tianxuan City."    


Lin Yue smiled slightly and asked: "Qin Yao, how's the progress of your marriage?"    


Zheng Wan suddenly pinched Lin Yue lightly, and said softly: "If I don't, you can bring up the pot. Sister Qin Yao came out to take a walk because the marriage was not going well."    


Lin Yue was speechless.    


Qin Yao's expression was slightly bitter, but she quickly returned to normal. She invited Lin Yue to sit and poured a cup of tea for him, then asked him what she meant by 'Vice General Master' just now.    


Lin Yue then explained Li Wudi's decision, smiling as he said, "Qin Yao, now that you are my superior, you must definitely improve yourself."    


When Qin Yao heard that her uncle told her to lead a team to strangle the remnants of the Wolf Demon, she was immediately overjoyed.    


Although she wasn't really interested in power, as the royal daughter, she had been looking forward to controlling the battle squadron and killing off the Demon Race for a long time.    


Furthermore, her cultivation was not high, so it was very difficult for her to get such an opportunity from the children of the royal family.    


"Qin Yao, don't let your guard down. Although the Azure Wolf Clan has almost been wiped out, the remnants left behind are not without threats. At the very least, I know that a Demonic Emperor and several demon kings have escaped, and within a circumference of eight hundred kilometers, there are more than a thousand demons. Two hundred Inverse Dragon Warrior s is actually not a lot."    


Qin Yao nodded and said, "I know … Lin Yue, tell me, how should we kill them? "    


Lin Yue muttered to himself for a moment, and said: "These demon clan members are now all frightened birds. If they saw that something was wrong, they would turn around and flee. If we wanted to kill them all, we must gather them all.    


Qin Yao did not understand, and asked doubtfully: "You just said that these demon race members were scared of us, why would they gather around for us to kill?"    


Lin Yue's eyes flashed, and said: "Be it humans or demons, all of them are greedy, as long as we use this point well, we will not have to worry about them not being tricked."    


Qin Yao looked at Lin Yue, waiting for him to continue.    


Lin Yue explained his plan once, and when Qin Yao heard it, he hesitated and said: "Isn't the price too high, if the demon race does not fall for it, with so many resources, wouldn't it be a waste?"    


"I can't bear to have children with wolves. If I catch them one by one, it will be difficult to capture them all. Besides, to the Dragon Rebel Army, these resources are nothing at all. We can naturally obtain them by destroying a few wolf dens."    


Qin Yao thought for a moment, then nodded: "Alright, then you will be in charge of arranging this matter. If it doesn't work, then we will slowly chase after him."    


Lin Yue came out of Qin Yao's tent, still having Zheng Wan to accompany him. He returned to the tent that was allocated to him alone, and planned his plans for the future.    


Summoning the Demonic Wolf out was not the most difficult task, but with the combat power of the opposing dragon army. With two hundred Inverse Dragon Warrior, they might not be able to handle Demonic Emperor and the remaining Spirit Demon Kings easily.    


There were more than a thousand Wolf Demon in this ancient mountain range. It would not be easy to catch them all in one fell swoop.    


Just as Lin Yue was considering whether he should send some people over from Netherworld Sect, suddenly, he felt a chill behind him, and a hand was already on his shoulder.    




Lin Yue's expression changed greatly, the Genuine Essence protection barrier on his body released a bright light, and the Genuine Essence in his body began to boil, releasing the strongest pressure!    


However, that hand was still resting on his shoulder without any hesitation.    


Lin Yue took a deep breath, the Martial Soul jumped and the Genuine Essence's power increased once again, forming a thick flame of spirit energy on the surface of his body!    


With a light wave of that hand, the flames on the surface of Lin Yue's body immediately scattered. All of his defenses were useless under that palm!    


Lin Yue felt as if he had fallen into a cave of ice, he forcefully resisted the urge to explode with his Chaotic Flame and coldly said: "Senior's Martial Dao Stage is far superior to mine, Lin Yue is not my opponent! I wonder what senior is trying to do!? Has Lin Yue offended anything!? "    


"Within your body, there is still a powerful energy that has yet to explode. Are you sure I won't kill you?"    


An old man's voice sounded from behind Lin Yue.    


"With senior's methods, even if I were to burn the Martial Soul, I'm afraid that I still wouldn't be able to block a casual attack from you. If you wanted to kill me, you would have already done so long ago."    


Moments later, he removed the hand that was on Lin Yue's shoulder. Lin Yue turned around and saw the old man dressed in a simple grey robe.    


The old man smiled and nodded, he sized Lin Yue up with satisfaction and said indifferently: "Not bad, the Profound Qi in your body far surpasses the Martial Dao Stage. If you become a Martial Monarch, you will be able to stir up the wind and become the overlord of a region."    


Lin Yue looked at the old man and asked without being servile or overbearing: "Who is Senior? Why did you come to Lin Yue's tent late at night? "    


The old man lazily said: "I am only an old servant who is following by Princess Qin Yao's side, wanting to ensure the safety of the princess at all times. I have come to see you to remind you, that in this world, you can't expect everything to happen, this forest extends for over a thousand kilometers, and there are many places where demons can hide, are you sure that you can rely on two hundred Inverse Dragon Warrior s to encircle and kill all of the Wolf Clan? "Kid, don't you dare cause trouble when the time comes. If you can't take care of him, you will end up in a desperate situation instead!"    


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