Supreme Martial God



When they were almost back to the camp, Qin Yao was still immersed in extreme excitement. She felt like everything was a dream, this kind of feeling was hard to imagine.    


After pausing outside of the camp for a while, Qin Yao returned to normal. She turned around and looked at Lin Yue as she pleaded, "Lin Yue, don't tell this to anyone else. I don't want to make this public for the time being."    


Lin Yue nodded and said, "Rest assured, I know what you are thinking."    


Qin Yao gratefully looked at Lin Yue, and after muttering to herself for a moment, she said: "You … Is it really okay? Can you provide me with soul power every night? "    


Lin Yue thought about it, his Martial Soul was different from the others, it was one of a million Hung Meng Martial Spirit, the amount of soul power used was extremely shocking, but he had many spirit grass and Spirit Pill, and could easily be replenished.    


And Qin Yao had some sort of special meaning for him. This girl's encounters and her thirst for martial arts, was something that Lin Yue had experienced before.    


Lin Yue calmed himself down and said: "We'll meet at the mountain peak tonight."    


The two of them split up and returned to their respective tents to rest.    


In the blink of an eye, it was midnight. At the promised peak, the two met again.    


After Qin Yao sat cross-legged and thought for a while, Lin Yue set up a barrier of hidden spirit talisman around him, so that no one could disturb him.    


"You can begin."    


Lin Yue waited for Qin Yao to prepare, and with a thought, the Hung Meng Martial Spirit immediately appeared, flickering continuously in the air and releasing formless soul force pressure!    


Qin Yao's face quickly became flushed red. She bit her teeth tightly and felt a great sense of cherishing this kind of energy in her heart, allowing her mind to feel the impact of the Hung Meng Martial Spirit's undulations with all her strength. In between her eyebrows, the energy bud within the Divine Mansion was slowly squirming as Lin Yue's soul power beat.    


As the ball of energy within his Divine Mansion began to wiggle due to the stimulation, Qin Yao's body, which was originally not sensitive to nature's vitality, quickly felt a numbing sensation.    


She could clearly feel the origin energy in the wind. The wisps of origin energy that floated around her were like gentle clouds, soft and intimate.    


When the energy in the Divine Mansion wriggled, Qin Yao's veins, bones, and blood vessels all felt as if they were being exposed to the sunlight.    


"Rumble …"    


The night wind blew across the peak of the mountain, and the bamboo forest nearby began to shake.    


The moonlight was as clear as water shining on a bamboo forest. That cool moonlight essence slowly lingered on their bodies and entered into their bodies.    


An hour later, Lin Yue temporarily kept his Martial Soul.    


"How is it? "Do you feel better?" Lin Yue asked as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.    


When using the Martial Soul, especially when considering the fact that Lin Yue's soul power undulations were a little stronger, he used the Martial Soul with a lot of energy. With such a huge soul power consumption, it was extremely tiring for him.    


Qin Yao looked apologetically at Lin Yue, whose aura had returned, but her eyes emitted a confidence that she had never felt before, and said: "I'm much better now! I am certain now that as long as I have the help of your Martial Soul, I will definitely awaken my Martial Soul as well! "    


"Hm!" "It's good that it worked!"    


Lin Yue smiled slightly and took out ten Spirit Pill s from the Universe Ring and swallowed them in one go.    


After half an hour, Lin Yue had replenished most of his soul power, and once again activated Martial Soul. His soul power surged like a tide, and waves after waves of it surged towards Qin Yao's body.    


That night, Qin Yao felt that Lin Yue's Martial Soul s' impact time had reached six hours.    


Seeing that the sun was about to rise in the east, the two of them stopped cultivating.    


At this time, Lin Yue's expression did not hide his exhaustion, especially his spirit energy, which was weaker than before.    


In contrast to Lin Yue, Qin Yao looked to be in high spirits. Even though she had spent the entire night cultivating, she seemed to have slept soundly, and her entire body released an endless amount of charm, which was faint like brilliant flowers!    


The two of them smiled at each other. They stood on the mountain peak side by side for a while to admire the scenery. Then, they returned to the camp and went back to cultivate.    


For the next period of time, the two of them practiced the same pattern. They practiced separately during the day. When midnight arrived, they would meet on the mountain peak to cultivate together.    


Very quickly, half a month had passed. After being stimulated by the outburst of Lin Yue's Martial Soul's soul power for a long time, the feeling of the ball of soul power inside Qin Yao's Divine Mansion grew stronger and stronger. She could sense that in a few more days, a change would occur in the Divine Mansion between her eyebrows!    


Suddenly, another five days had passed. It was a late night, and Qin Yao and Lin Yue were quietly cultivating on the mountain peak. Lin Yue's Hung Meng Martial Spirit was floating in the air, trembling from time to time, while radiating invisible fluctuations of soul power in all directions.    


Qin Yao's body felt comfortable, the strong numbness made her want to cry out, regardless of whether it was her body or soul, she felt that she had reached a mysterious realm. This kind of situation was embarrassing to speak of, but she was still immersed in it, unable to extricate herself.    


A red dot of light had appeared out of nowhere on her delicate, white brows. The red dot was enchanting and filled with breathtaking beauty, as if it was the most stunning decoration.    


"Bang, bang, bang ~"    


At this time, the ball of unknown energy within Qin Yao's Divine Mansion was wiggling more and more violently.    


The numbness and itchiness on Qin Yao's body had reached its peak, and her blood vessels and bones were constantly heating up, becoming as hot as a furnace!    


The energy within the Divine Mansion was about to change!    


Maybe, the Martial Soul was about to awaken!    


Qin Yao clenched her teeth, doing her best to restrain the earth-shattering palpitations in her chest. She held her breath, concentrated, and waited for the next moment.    


However, just as the feeling of this transformation had reached its peak, and just as the Divine Mansion was about to erupt, a bizarre black aura suddenly shone from Qin Yao's body. That black aura, with a speed visible to the naked eye, shot out from under Qin Yao's skin, and quickly swam towards the Divine Mansion between her eyebrows.    


The Divine Mansion that was smoothly absorbing the fluctuations of Lin Yue's Martial Soul suddenly shook, and then, Qin Yao's rosy cheeks instantly turned deathly white. With a wail, she opened her mouth and spat out a cloud of blood mist.    


Lin Yue sensed the change in Qin Yao and immediately opened her eyes. He supported her and asked worriedly: "Qin Yao, what's wrong!?"    


Qin Yao raised her head and only now did she see that the center of the woman's brows was currently covered by a ball of black aura.    


"What is this!?"    


Qin Yao laughed miserably, saying, "This is probably the soul power seal planted in my body … I had originally thought that I had found a way to awaken the Martial Soul, but unexpectedly, the soul power lock is still on my body. "    


Lin Yue's expression became grave, closed his eyes, and carefully sensed the aura on Qin Yao's body. Following the release of his soul power, the black aura condensed at the center of Qin Yao's brows warped for a while, then as if startled by something, quickly disappeared into Qin Yao's veins.    


"This ball of energy... seems to be afraid of my Martial Soul? "    


Lin Yue slightly hesitated. He was a little surprised by this discovery, how could the soul power lock be afraid!?    


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