Pill God Returns

C712 The Third Phase

C712 The Third Phase

"Evil little devil, die!"    


Roc roared ferociously. The Qi around his body was in chaos. He was infuriated to the extreme. No one had ever hurt him so badly.    


Immediately after that, a terrifying wave rushed out crazily, carrying the momentum of a mountain breaking. It swept towards Wu Chen, determined to kill him.    


Staring at the surging wave, Wu Chen let out a sigh in his heart. He knew that the people of White Shark Clan were very difficult to deal with. Now that he had a closer look, he finally understood how tenacious the life force was. How terrifying was a robust physique? It far exceeded that of an ordinary person. If it wasn't for the fact that he had been cultivating the Apical Level cultivation technique from the very beginning, he really wouldn't have been able to afford it.    


Now that the battle had progressed to its current state, it was no longer up to him to decide. He had to defeat Roc, or else he would be the one to die.    


Taking a deep breath, Wu Chen spun the Seal in his hand and unleashed a powerful blade energy. It rushed out of his body and started spinning rapidly. It formed a sea of saber Qi that was filled with saber Qi. As the saber intents surged wildly, a powerful aura was unleashed. A confrontation was vaguely formed between the flames and the golden light, with three sides standing side by side.    


"This is the third Profound Sky Four Elements Formula."    


Liu Ziyi, Wang Haifeng, and the others widened their eyes when they saw the saber Qi unleashed by Wu Chen. Their eyes were filled with shock, and they couldn't believe what they had just seen.    


The Profound Sky Four Elements Formula was one of the most difficult cultivation techniques in Beichen House. Countless people had been cultivating with great effort, but they still couldn't figure out what was going on. Wu Chen had just entered the sect for less than a year. He was already able to condense the third image. This was simply not something a human could do.    


The improvement of one's cultivation base could be obtained through a fortuitous encounter. However, the improvement of one's cultivation technique could not be improved through a fortuitous encounter. This was because it was closely related to one's comprehension ability, and it didn't have much to do with one's fortuitous encounter. He could only rely on himself to slowly comprehend it.    


Wu Chen had cultivated the Profound Sky Four Elements Formula for less than a year, but he had already achieved such a great achievement. It was as if this skill was born for him.    


He had no time to care about Liu Ziyi and the others' shock. Wu Chen was using all his strength to cast the skill. The Profound Sky Four Elements Formula was the same as the other skills. The further one went, the more powerful the Profound Sky Four Elements Formula became. With his current physical condition, it would take more effort for him to use the ___. It was a bit difficult to use the Third Phase. However... There was nothing he could do now. He had to completely defeat Roc.    


"Clang! The Dragonslaying Knife was drawn out of its sheath, emitting a brilliant light. Waves of powerful energy surged out from it, and the blade energy was like a rainbow. The blade energy split apart and shot out.    


"Go, Dragonslaying Knife!"    


Wu Chen shouted out loudly. With a flip of his palm, the Dragonslaying Knife flew out along with a powerful blade energy, colliding with Roc's tsunami.    


The Dragonslaying Knife was Wu Chen's Intrinsic Magic Treasures. It was a weapon that he had used all his strength to create and cultivate. It had an indestructible power.    


"You want to kill me with just a broken blade? Dream on!"    


Roc roared ferociously. His body shook, and the violent sea water shook violently. It kept surging, and it rolled out violently. Waves surged into the sky, and it seemed as if they could devour the heavens and devour the earth.    




When the Dragonslaying Knife was three feet away from Roc, it stopped moving. Because there was a surging wave in front of it that was violently crashing onto its body. It blocked its movement, making it unable to take a step forward.    


"Get out of my way"    


Roc let out a loud roar. A frenzied energy was unleashed from his body. As White Shark People, his strength was naturally extremely strong. Despite the huge consumption of energy, he was still able to use such a powerful attack.    


He looked at Wu Chen who was standing opposite of him, and a cold smile emerged in his eyes. Who did this kid think he was? How dare he compete with White Shark People? He was simply courting death.    


Under such a violent attack, even the Dragonslaying Knife couldn't bear it anymore. It was forced back, as if it was no longer a match for him.    


"This person's strength is really powerful."    


Wu Chen was secretly amazed. The people of White Shark Clan, regardless of whether it was their strength, vitality, or physique, all of them had reached the peak of perfection. It was no wonder that they could become the overlord of the ocean.    


"Dragon and Phoenix, attack together."    


Wu Chen shouted. He urged the dragon and phoenix, the fire phoenix and the Golden Dragon to roar in unison. Their roars shook the sky and shook the earth.    


"Roar!" "Roar!"    


The dragon and the phoenix appeared once again. A terrifying aura burst out from their bodies as they rammed into Qin Nan's figure.    




The dragon and the phoenix unleashed their power and slammed into the ocean waves, causing the ocean waves to tremble violently.    


With the help of the dragon and phoenix, the pressure on the Dragonslaying Knife's body dropped drastically. Light burst out from its body once again. Sharp saber Qi soared into the sky and rushed towards Roc.    


"How is this possible?"    


Roc looked at all of this in shock. His eyes were filled with shock. He had never thought that Wu Chen's attack would be so fierce and overbearing.    


"Break for me."    


Wu Chen roared. He activated the Dragonslaying Knife. The powerful blade light pierced through the ocean waves and shattered the ocean water, instantly breaking Roc's attack.    


"No, it's impossible!"    


Roc shook his head violently. He couldn't believe what he had just seen. His tsunami attack was extremely powerful. How could it be broken?    


However, no matter how much he didn't believe it, it couldn't change the fact that his attack had been broken by Wu Chen's Profound Sky Four Elements Formula.    


Right at this moment, a dazzling golden light burst out from his body. This golden light was incomparably dazzling and dazzling.    


"Hahaha, kid, I have the Life Protector. What can you do to me?"    


Roc burst into laughter. Just like the others, he also had the Life Protector which could protect his life. With the Life Protector, no matter how powerful Wu Chen was, he wouldn't be able to kill Roc.    


"Life Protector?"    


Wu Chen smiled coldly. In other people's eyes, the Life Protector might be a problem, but when it came to him, there was no way for him to stir up any trouble.    


"Death's Note."    


Wu Chen shouted. A ray of light shot out from his body and hit the golden light. After that, the golden light exploded. The light dimmed and disappeared.    




Roc's eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he just saw. His Life Protector was broken just like that, and he couldn't exert any of his strength.    


Right at this moment, the Dragonslaying Knife rushed over. A powerful force burst out from it and hit him in the blink of an eye.    




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