Pill God Returns

C782 Competition

C782 Competition



At this moment, a brilliant light burst out from Yuan Feng's Pill Cauldron. The light soared to the sky and was incomparably dazzling.    


It was very obvious that Yuan Feng had also successfully refined the third Supreme Pill. He had achieved his initial goal, the Triple Connection.    


However, everyone only took a glance at it and lost interest. They continued to watch Wu Chen refine the ___. With Wu Chen around, would they still need to care about Yuan Feng?    


When they saw the Three Connecting Limit, which should have been full, it only caused a very small reaction. The people of Sky Profound Holy Land were also very embarrassed. Now, all of them were in the limelight. No, to be precise, all the limelight had been stolen by the Beichen House. It had been stolen by Wu Chen. With his three beads in front of him, the three extreme connected beads behind him had already lost their luster.    


Tang Ji and Kang Yang looked at each other, secretly amused. Originally, Yuan Feng had competed with them for the three consecutive postures. They had been arguing intensely, but they had never thought that it would be someone else. He had achieved the goal of three consecutive postures ahead of everyone else, and the other party wanted to improve his result further. Achieving the Quadrupole, this was all the hard work they had put in before. All of them were doing this for the sake of supporting that person's existence.    


Very quickly, Yuan Feng's supreme grade Thousand Illusion Pill was successfully refined. He looked at the pill in his hand, but he couldn't feel happy about it.    


At this time, he looked at a person on that side. That person was someone he had never considered as an opponent before. Because this person's level was too low, only Tier 4. He naturally did not put such a person in his eyes at all. However, just now, this person whom he had ignored... He had actually taken the initiative to refine the third Supreme Pill. He had become the first person in their field to achieve three consecutive extremes, and had stolen the limelight of everyone. Such an outcome was something he never imagined.    


Once, he had slapped the face of Tang Ji of Beichen House. He had stolen all the limelight that belonged to Tang Ji. But now, a Wu Chen had appeared in the Beichen House. Using three Supreme Pill to slap his face had made him feel dizzy and disoriented. The feeling of being unable to differentiate things was unbearable.    


"How could I lose? I can't lose. I also want the Quadrupole."    


Yuan Feng roared out loudly. He put down the Supreme Grade Thousand Illusion Pill in his hand and picked up another set of herbs. Without even looking at it, he threw it into the Pill Cauldron and began purifying the herbs.    


"Yuan Feng has also started refining again. He also wants to achieve the Quadrupole!"    


"Isn't that obvious? Yuan Feng is a proud son of heaven. A Tier 5 alchemist would always have his own pride. He would never allow anyone to surpass him. Now that Wu Chen has started concocting pills, he naturally won't be convinced. "    


" That's true. If it was me, I wouldn't be convinced either.    


"However, the current situation is somewhat disadvantageous to him."    


" What do you mean? "    


"First of all, his herbs have yet to be purified. It requires time and energy to slowly purify them. This will waste a lot of time, and there is only an hour left until the end. It's hard to say whether the world can make it in time or not. "    


"That's true. Wu Chen was the one with foresight. He was the first to finish processing the herbs. What he needed to do now is to concoct the pills. It's much simpler."    


"The two of them. His cultivation and strength can't be compared to Wu Chen. He just refined three medicinal pills. Basically, he has already reached his limit. But look at Wu Chen. His face wasn't red, nor was he gasping for breath. He was extremely calm, and no abnormalities could be seen on his face. On this point, Yuan Feng had lost to Wu Chen. Therefore, it wouldn't be an easy task for him to surpass Wu Chen."    


"Your analysis makes sense."    


"It's hard to say for sure now. We will know when the examination is over."    


The crowd discussed animatedly.    


"This guy is still unwilling to admit defeat."    


Tang Ji shook his head in his heart. Yuan Feng's skill in alchemy was very high. His speed was also very fast, which made even ___ sigh that he was not as good as ___. However, there was always a stronger person who was stronger than the stronger one. This time, he just happened to meet a Wu Chen. This man with purple hair, whether it was his pill concoction speed... Judging from the current situation, Yuan Feng was going to lose without a doubt, unless a miracle happened.    


At this time, Tang Ji looked at Wu Chen once again. He initially disliked this person. He thought that this man was trash, but now, he was the one who was once regarded as the disgrace of Beichen House. He was the first to refine three Supreme Pill, and he had successfully defeated Yuan Feng. He had turned the tide with his own strength, and now, he was refining the fourth Supreme Pill. He planned to break the record of this examination, and challenge the almost impossible Quadrupole. In his opinion, all of these were just like a dream. He couldn't believe it.    


"I really misjudged him."    


Tang Ji sighed and shook his head. He stopped caring about Wu Chen and Yuan Feng and focused on concocting his own pills.    


"What should we do? Should we wait here?"    


The other alchemists looked at each other. They had basically given up completely. Four hours to refine three types of medicinal pills. To them... That was simply impossible. Rather than wasting time and energy to refine them... It was better to give up just like this.    


"Let's also start anew."    


Some people sighed and restarted the Pill Cauldron, starting the refinement. Since Wu Chen, Yuan Feng and the others had obtained three consecutive outstanding results, they did not stop. Instead, they continued to refine the Quadrupole in order to pursue a higher grade Quadrupole. How could these people have the face to stand there foolishly?    


The others did not say anything when they saw this. All of them took out their Pill Cauldron and began to refine a new one.    


The leaders of the various large factions also nodded when they saw this. An alchemist had a certain rate of failure when refining a medicinal pill. However, failure was not scary. The terrifying thing was that one would lose the courage to challenge a difficult opponent from the start.    


Now, under the influence of Wu Chen and Yuan Feng, the crowd had started a new round of refining. It didn't matter whether the result was good or bad. As long as they weren't afraid of the difficulties or challenges, this was the best thing.    


Time passed minute by minute, and they were getting closer and closer to the end point. However, the enthusiasm of everyone didn't diminish in the slightest.    




After an unknown period of time, another vibration suddenly came from the high platform. Along with the vibration, there was also a fierce strong light that rushed straight up.    


Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look over. When they saw the direction where the unusual activity came from, their pupils all contracted, full of disbelief.    


"Quadrupole, it's done."    


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