Pill God Returns

C27 Six-joint Palm

C27 Six-joint Palm

Liu Yu's face darkened. He could feel a terrifying force from Wu Chen's attack. It was a very powerful force. If he didn't deal with it appropriately, he might even lose.    


His body shook, and a long blade suddenly appeared in his hand. As soon as this long saber appeared, a sharp saber light instantly spread out. It rushed upwards in the opposite direction, and directly rushed towards the sky.    


"Liu Yu even used the Spiritual Treasure!"    


"Is his strength really that terrifying? He was able to force Liu Yue to this extent, and he even used the Spiritual Treasure."    


"With Liu Yu's strength and the Spiritual Treasure, even if he encountered a Sixth Empyrean of Spirit Rotation Stage warrior, he would still dare to fight."    


Everyone was incomparably shocked. They had a feeling that this battle might not be what they had imagined. This was most likely an extremely intense battle.    


"You should feel proud that you can make me take out my Wind Snow Knife."    


After Liu Yu received the treasured saber, his energy and confidence increased dramatically. No matter how strong Wu Chen's cultivation base and strength were, Wu Chen was still no match for him.    


"But, this is the end for you. Next, I will suppress you completely."    


Liu Yu gripped his long blade and slashed out. The powerful blade energy formed a red stream of air. It carried the power to crush everything as it charged towards Wu Chen.    


"Are you going to suppress me completely?"    


Wu Chen smiled faintly. If Liu Yu wanted to suppress him, just a broken blade was far from enough.    


He raised his hand and struck out the Heaven Slaughtering Style, charging at Liu Yu.    


The sharp blade energy and the ferocious Heaven Slaughtering Style collided with each other in front of everyone's frightened eyes.    


In an instant, the heaven and earth changed. A ferocious aura burst out. A terrifying power swept out, crushing everything.    


"Hexagonal Palm!"    


Wu Chen struck out with a single strike. His attack didn't stop. Right after that, he used another ultimate skill, the Hexagonal Palm. The power of this skill was tremendous.    


As soon as the Hexagonal Palm was unleashed, the space trembled and rumbled. A powerful palm force shook the heavens and earth.    


"Not good."    


Liu Yu's facial expression changed dramatically when he saw Wu Chen's palm strike. Wu Chen was really strange. His attack was ferocious, majestic, and unstoppable.    


"One-Slash Knife!"    


The Purple youth gripped his long blade and slashed out. A powerful blade energy burst out. He tried to use his long blade to defend against Wu Chen's attack.    


The corner of Wu Chen's mouth curled into a smile. He clenched his fist and rushed out. A powerful Fist Force burst out from his body. This punch seemed to be able to destroy everything.    


This was another fierce attack. Liu Yu's face was filled with shock and fear. Such a powerful attack was launched continuously, and no one could resist it.    


However, he wasn't an ordinary person. At this critical moment, he gripped his long blade and welcomed Wu Chen's ferocious Fist Force attack.    


Wu Chen's fist landed solidly on the long blade. A powerful force burst out from the blade, forcing Liu Yu to retreat, unable to defend himself.    


At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded. They had never thought that Wu Chen would be so powerful. He was able to fight expert at the Fifth Empyrean of Spirit Rotation Stage Liu Yu for so long, and it seemed like he had the upper hand.    


How was this possible?    


Liu Yu staggered a few dozen steps back before regaining his balance. He raised his long blade and looked at it. He found a deep fist mark on the surface of his saber. This imprint was very deep, as if it had been engraved on the blade.    


"His fist strength is too terrifying."    


Liu Yu was shocked. His saber was a Spiritual Treasure. It was extremely hard. Even Seventh Empyrean of Spirit Rotation Stage or Eighth Empyrean of Spirit Rotation Stage warriors couldn't leave any marks on it. However, Wu Chen did it. This had shocked him and made him sigh with emotion. The strength of Wu Chen's fist was absolutely beyond his imagination.    


Wu Chen smiled coldly. He used the Jarring Gun and waved it in the air. Endless spear light shot out in all directions. A powerful attack fiercely rushed towards Liu Yu. Wu Chen didn't give him any chance to rest.    


"Spiritual Treasure."    


Liu Yu's face darkened. He didn't expect Wu Chen to have such a powerful weapon in his hand.    


"Frenzied Sword Chop."    


Liu Yu shouted out loudly. A powerful Qi rushed out from his body. He held the long blade in his hand and slashed down. The terrifying energy of the blade shattered into pieces and swept towards his opponent.    


The spear light and the blade energy clashed. The Qigong mixed together, and a wild and chaotic Qi rushed out like a violent storm.    


"Heaven Slaughtering Style."    


Wu Chen smiled faintly. He was multitasking. He struck out another powerful Heaven Slaughtering Style. The power of this attack was extremely fierce, like a surging river, endless.    


"This is bad."    


Liu Yu panicked. In a panic, he hurriedly swung his blade to block the attack. He slashed out with his blade, shattering everything.    


But at this moment, the Jarring Gun in Wu Chen's right hand swept out. The spear light shot out lightning, breaking everything in its path.    


At this moment, Liu Yu was finally afraid. He had never thought that Wu Chen's strength would be so powerful. His techniques were endless, and his attacks were relentless. It was impossible for anyone to block or dodge his attacks.    


His fierce spear carried the power to crush everything in its path. He rushed over fiercely. Liu Yu couldn't dodge in time and was hit by the spear. He let out a miserable cry as his body was sent flying backwards, and blood splattered everywhere in the air. He fell to the ground, and the Qi around his body fell down in an instant.    


Silence, complete silence.    


At this moment, everyone widened their eyes and stared at Wu Chen. Their eyes were filled with disbelief. They had never thought that... Liu Yu, who had reached the Fifth Empyrean of Spirit Rotation Stage, was defeated by a Second Empyrean of Spirit Rotation Stage warrior.    


In the next second, the arena erupted with excitement.    


"He won! He actually won!"    


"I can't believe he actually defeated Liu Yu!"    


"He defeated an expert at the Fifth Empyrean of Spirit Rotation Stage warrior with only a Second Empyrean of Spirit Rotation Stage cultivation base! Just how terrifying is this man's talent?!"    


"So, we were all wrong. This time, it wasn't the identity card that detected the problem, but the opponent's ability."    


"That's right."    


Everyone was talking at the same time, causing a huge commotion. No one could have imagined that an expert at the Fifth Empyrean of Spirit Rotation Stage Liu Yu would be defeated by a Second Empyrean of Spirit Rotation Stage warrior.    


"Chen has won."    


Wu Zhan widened his eyes. He couldn't believe what he just saw. He had been extremely worried when he saw the battle between Liu Yu and Wu Chen. He was afraid that Wu Chen would be defeated, but now, it seemed like all his worries were unnecessary. Wu Chen's strength had far exceeded his imagination.    


After that, Wu Zhan smiled. He believed that as long as Wu Chen was here, the Wu family would definitely obtain outstanding results in this batch of Hidden Dragon Competition.    


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