Pill God Returns

C2147 The Vicissitudes of Life Had Changed

C2147 The Vicissitudes of Life Had Changed

"I wonder how Hong Hai and Dan Qingzi are doing?"    


Wu Chen thought of his friends, disciples, and girlfriends. After so many years, he wondered if they were doing well now.    


"Pill Realm, summon."    


Wu Chen began to sense the Pill Realm. This was the world he had created. As long as he wanted to, he could sense it no matter where it was.    


An enormous force passed through the spatial circulation and entered the boundless Cosmological Space, searching for the traces of the Pill World.    


However, the result disappointed him. He couldn't sense the existence of the Dan World.    


"What's going on? Can't sense the Pill Realm?"    


There were two possibilities that he couldn't sense the Pill Realm anymore. Firstly, the World of Pills might no longer exist. It might have been completely shattered. Second, this era is not the era he was born in. It's another completely unfamiliar space and time.    


However, no matter which possibility it was, he had to find out what exactly was going on.    


"Space Transportation."    


This time, he wasn't using Space Transportation anymore. Instead, he used his divine ability directly. After drifting through space and time, his cultivation base and strength had greatly improved. His comprehension and usage of the Great Meaning Of Space had also reached a whole new level. Now that he had opened the spatial zone, his speed was even faster than when he crossed the void.    


In the blink of an eye, he had completed the conversion from one spatial zone to another.    


However, when he arrived in another space... He sensed a deathly stillness. He could not sense any powerful aura in the surrounding space. Even planets were rare, turning into a dead silent world.    


"What exactly happened?"    


Suddenly, Wu Chen had an ominous feeling. He was afraid that something bad had happened.    


"What is that?"    


At this moment, Wu Chen found something that looked like fragments not far ahead. Out of curiosity, he went over to take a look.    


"This is a fragment of a planet. Could it be that all the planets in Star Field have been destroyed?"    


Looking at these fragments, the ominous feeling in Wu Chen's heart intensified. These planets had been destroyed. Then, did this mean that his alchemy world had also been destroyed?    


"No, it's impossible."    


Wu Chen shook his head violently. He couldn't believe that his alchemy world had already been destroyed. Because the Pill World had already been transferred to the Primordial Great World. This was the Super World. Ordinary forces wouldn't be able to do anything to it. Unless the alien race attacked with all their strength.    


"It can't be the alien race, right?"    


Wu Chen's body trembled when he thought of a non-human. Back then... , the reason he went to the era of origin energy was to find the medicinal herbs needed to refine the Good Fortune Pill. However, he had stayed in the era of origin energy for several hundred years. Then, he drifted in the chaotic flows of space and time, drifting for an unknown amount of time. With the speed of the foreign race, it was possible that they had already refined the Good Fortune Pill. They had created a Great Sovereign, and once they created a Great Sovereign... Then, in this era without a Great Sovereign, they would absolutely be able to sweep away everything. Nothing could stop them.    


"No, it's impossible, absolutely impossible."    


The more Wu Chen thought about it, the more terrifying he became. He shook his head violently, not daring to believe that it was true.    


"Spatial Transfer."    


Wu Chen activated the Spatial Transfer once again. If he stayed here any longer, he would go crazy.    


A moment later, he arrived in another spatial zone. He couldn't believe that the Dan World had already been destroyed.    


"Eh? There seems to be a human in this Star Field."    


Wu Chen keenly discovered that there seemed to be a lot of people in this spatial zone.    


According to the human Qi he sensed, Wu Chen descended from the sky and saw an unbelievable world.    


This was a world full of skyscrapers and all kinds of cities. It was highly developed and had a lot of people. But, there is one unusual thing, that is, the people of this world... They did not have the ability to cultivate, nor did they have any cultivation base.    


"What is this place exactly?"    


Looking at the world in front of him, Wu Chen was deeply confused. Was this place really something that existed in the era he lived in?    


Then, he checked the basic information of this world and found that the humans here were born ten thousand years ago. Before that, there were only some ancient legends and legends left.    


These ancient legends had records of those experts who could fly and escape. However, no one believed it now. They only thought that it was a myth and a ridiculous rumor.    


"Could it be that it was really caused by an alien race?"    


Wu Chen's heart sank, sinking into the depths of hell. This time, perhaps he really came back late. Everything that belonged to his era had basically been destroyed and completely erased.    


Finally, he left this world and headed to another place.    


Along the way, Wu Chen had traveled more than a dozen Star Field. The things he saw were either empty or people who didn't have the ability to cultivate. In the only world with cultivation ability, it was common for people to have low combat strength. A True Martial Stage was considered an Apical Level warrior, and the number of people he could find could be counted on one hand. Not to mention a stronger warrior.    


However, all of these were not what he was looking for. The place he was looking for was the Primordial Great World, and it was his alchemy world.    


Finally, he found the approximate location of the Primordial Great World based on the coordinates of the galaxy.    


"Is this the Primordial Great World?"    


Wu Chen raised his head and looked at the Star Field that appeared in front of him. The originally solid and solid Primordial Great World had long disappeared without a trace. There were only fragments of planets left in the entire ___. They drifted aimlessly in the Interstellar Space, just like him. They were drifting with the wind, without anyone to rely on.    


"Is everything over?"    


Looking at this familiar yet strange place, Wu Chen fell into deep despair. Everything was over, no longer existing, completely destroyed.    


The universe was vast, the universe was desolate, and there was no place for him in this endless space. Where should he go?    


Dan Qingzi, Hong Hai, where are you all? I miss you all so much.    


Tu Xingsun, Zhou Jie, Spiritual Saint, are you all still alive? Please answer me.    


Yue Liuying, Yue Qingzhu, where are you now? I, Wu Chen, have returned. Can you hear me?    




No one answered him. Everything had disappeared and no longer existed. The only thing left was his broken heart.    


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