Pill God Returns

C1015 Analysis

C1015 Analysis



The Sacred Elephant let out a furious roar as a powerful aura burst out from its body. It then took a step forward and charged toward the Weird Birds.    




The Weird Birds collided with the Sacred Elephant. Immediately, a surging energy burst out from the center of the collision. It was like a huge wave that swept down endlessly.    


Below, everyone raised their heads and looked at the Weird Birds and the Saint Elephant. Their hearts were filled with shock. This was a battle between a Sixth Rank Demon Lord and a Dragon Transforming Stage Demon Lord. Needless to say, it was going to be extremely exciting.    




The Weird Birds let out a long roar. With a flap of its wings, a violent hurricane tore through the sky and rushed towards the Sacred Elephant. It launched a ferocious attack at the old man in green.    


The green-clothed old man did not show any signs of weakness. He urged the Sacred Elephant to take a step forward. A powerful aura burst out and clashed intensely with the Weird Birds. The surging energy continuously shook and swept in all directions.    


A hundred meters away, Wu Chen was flying at a rapid speed. He could sense the powerful fluctuation coming from behind. He understood that this was the battle between the Weird Birds and the group of people from before.    


"Let's fight, let's fight. It would be best if both sides suffer."    


The corner of Wu Chen's mouth curled into a smile. The strength of the Weird Birds was incomparably powerful. He had once fought with it. Even with the Demon Suppressing Tablet in his hand, he was unable to suppress it.    


But now, with those idiots around, he didn't need to waste any effort.    


Without stopping, Wu Chen continued forward. After flying for an unknown period of time, suddenly, a surge of energy rushed towards him.    


"Not good."    


Wu Chen's facial expression changed. He turned around and dodged the attack.    




The violent force hit the ground, causing the ground to explode and turn into scorched earth.    


"What's going on?"    


Wu Chen stopped and raised his head to take a look. He was shocked.    


The ground was filled with corpses. They were everywhere. Most of these corpses were incomplete, and some of them had even been shattered by some unknown force.    


Wu Chen landed on the ground and glanced at the bones. He found that not only were there humans, there were also other creatures such as Sea Serpent, Space Worm, and so on.    


"What is this?"    


Suddenly, Wu Chen found a very strange skeleton. He picked it up and held it in his hand. After examining it carefully, he found that it was actually a sheep's bone.    


"Why is there a sheep bone here?"    


Wu Chen was shocked when he recognized the attributes of the skeleton, because he remembered that there was no such thing as a sheep in this spatial zone. Since there was no such thing as a sheep, then where did this sheep's bone come from?    


"Let's see if there are any other creatures here."    


Wu Chen carefully looked around and examined it. The result shocked him even more. The bones here... There were not only sheep bones, but also cow bones, pig bones, hedgehog bones, and other living things' bones. He could find them all here.    


"What's going on? Why are there so many bones of creatures from the outside world here?"    


Wu Chen was confused. In this space, resources were scarce. The common edible creatures, namely Space Worm, were some other creatures. For example, creatures like the Sea Serpent were also the targets that people captured. However, he had never found any cows, sheep, or other creatures here. Since there were no such creatures here, then the bones of these creatures... Why would they appear here?    


Instinct told him that there was definitely a great secret hidden here.    


Wait a minute.    


Suddenly, Wu Chen thought of something important. He remembered that when he was being chased by the Weird Birds, he seemed to have heard something during his escape. What did that sentence say?    


Wu Chen thought about it carefully. Soon, he remembered that the sentence seemed to be saying, "Elder, the place that Senior Brother Liu and the others mentioned should be in front of us."    


"Yes, that's right."    


Wu Chen slapped his thigh. He finally remembered. At that time, when he heard the words' Senior Brother Liu ', he subconsciously remembered the words' Liu Xiahui '.    


At that time, perhaps he didn't pay much attention to those words. It was only now that he realized that there was actually a lot of information hidden in those words.    


Here, there was no harm in making a bold guess about the senior disciple Liu that the person had mentioned. It was Liu Xiahui. So, the meaning of this sentence was... Liu Xiahui had once been to a place nearby. This possibility was very high. Because before this, Liu Xiahui and the others had been trapped in Demon Mountain for five whole months. They couldn't find a way out. In just five months' time... They could go to many places. Perhaps, they had already explored every corner of the Demon Mountain. All of these were possible.    


Therefore, it was very possible that Liu Xiahui had been to this place before, or even to his current location.    


At this moment, Wu Chen separated these words from each other. From these words, it could be seen that Senior Brother Liu had already judged Liu Xiahui as Liu Xiahui. There was nothing much to say about this. It was not difficult to explain it to them. Because there were still more than ten people who had followed Liu Xiahui at that time. They were in the same team.    


The place they mentioned actually didn't have any special meaning. It was just that they had mentioned a certain place in the vicinity, so they decided that it would be the place he was currently at. In any case, it didn't make any difference whether it was here or nearby.    


However, after carefully analyzing these words, Wu Chen discovered some problems. Why did Liu Xiahui and the others mention this place, and not the place where they raised their fists? Furthermore, Liu Xiahui wasn't the only one who mentioned this place. The others also mentioned this place, which proved that this place was very strange. It was worth describing it in detail.    


This made them curious about what kind of place was worth mentioning, and what was so special about it in the vicinity.    


Then, he took a look at the skeletons and suddenly made a bold guess. Perhaps, this was the place Liu Xiahui and the others had mentioned. Because, when he first came to this place, he felt that it was very strange. There were a large number of corpses on the ground, and amongst these corpses... Many of them were the bones of animals in the outside world. Liu Xiahui and the others were the same as him. They came from the outside world, so it was impossible for them not to recognize the bones of cows, sheep, and other living creatures.    


At this time, they returned to the question at the beginning. Why were there the skeletons of cows and sheep here? Where did these skeletons come from?    


Thinking of this, Wu Chen couldn't help but shake his head, cursing himself for being stupid. Wasn't it clear where these corpses came from? They must have come from the outside world. Because there were no such creatures in this spatial zone.    


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