The Strongest Tycoon

C437 Late at Night

C437 Late at Night

Everyone reveled in this dreamlike spectacle for the middle of the night before finally feeling tired and going back to their tents to sleep.    


After Wang Hui's Loongxiang Guard arranged the night watch sequence, most of them went to sleep. The rest stayed alert around the camp.    


However, none of the elite guards noticed that the dream-like halo around the camp seemed to have a hypnotic effect.    


The people who went to rest in the tents slept very soundly, and even the guards who were on night duty had unknowingly fallen asleep.    


The next day, Lin Fan was woken up by the noise outside.    


He felt that he slept very comfortably last night, and he did not feel the kind of discomfort that he felt in the wild at all.    


After he woke up, he didn't know what the people outside were arguing about, so he put on his clothes and went outside to check.    


When he just walked outside, he saw Wang Hui scolding the people of Loongxiang Guard. "What's going on? What are you all doing? Weren't you all too relaxed last night? You didn't even have a little bit of vigilance!"    


Seeing how angry he was, Lin Fan walked over and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"    


"Young master, the people who arranged for the night watch last night were all asleep, and the ones who took over didn't wake up on time either. All of them slept until dawn. How detestable!" Wang Hui was about to explode from anger.    


Now that he thought about it, he still felt a lingering fear in his heart. It would be fine if nothing happened, but if something happened, it would be the Loongxiang Guard's dereliction of duty.    


As the person in charge and the leader of the Loongxiang Guard, Wang Hui couldn't absolve himself from the blame.    


Seeing that all the guards of the Loongxiang Guard were being scolded by Wang Hui until they had tears streaming down their faces, Lin Fan smiled and said, "Alright, nothing really happened. Don't blame us too much. Perhaps everyone was too shocked by what they saw last night and couldn't get used to it."    


Lin Fan's words didn't make any sense. But it also gave Wang Hui a way out.    


Otherwise, he would really punish his subordinates who had failed their duty.    


They were supposed to follow Lin Fan to protect his safety, but in the end, all of them had failed. How could he tolerate this?    


"Mr. Wang, we don't know what happened either. We were pretty energetic last night, and we were very focused, but we didn't know when we fell asleep..." A guard captain said in an aggrieved tone.    


"Yeah, we were the ones who took over the shift. Usually, we didn't need an alarm clock to wake us up, but we didn't know what happened last night. We slept so soundly..."    


"Don't give me any excuses. Failure is dereliction of duty. Although the young master doesn't mind, I can't let you guys off so easily. Later, all of you go out for a jog. No one can rest until you run ten kilometers!" Wang Hui said angrily.    


"Yes!" The guards quickly accepted the order. If they hesitated, what awaited them would not be the punishment of ten kilometers, but twenty kilometers!    


Wang Hui would definitely be able to do such a thing.    


"This is bad, come and look here!" An exclamation suddenly came from a corner of the camp.    


This scream seemed to carry a great amount of fear. Lin Fan and the others quickly ran over.    


"What's wrong? What happened?"    


"What happened so early in the morning? What are you shouting about?"    


Everyone walked to the side of the person who shouted. Then, they were all stunned...    


The person who shouted was a man from Anna's team. He woke up in the morning and prepared to go to the toilet in the camp to relieve himself. However, he saw an inconceivable and extremely horrifying scene.    


In front of everyone's eyes, at this location of the camp, a series of large footprints suddenly appeared on the ground!    


The shape of the footprints was very similar to a person's foot, but the size was shocking. Wang Hui squatted down and used his palm to measure it. It was about half a meter long!    


The exclamation attracted everyone's attention. They all gathered around, and everyone who saw the footprint trembled in fear.    


"Oh my god! What is this?"    


"Such a large footprint, it must be a prank. Who is so childish? Quickly come out and admit it. Don't scare people, okay?"    


However, no one came out to admit it...    


They asked each other for a while, but they still did not know what was going on.    


Therefore, Lin Fan and the others had to admit one fact. After the person on guard fell asleep last night, something came into the camp. And it looked very huge!    


A half-meter long footprint stepped on the ground, and the soil in the camp was a few centimeters deep.    


"This looks like a barefoot person stepping on it."    


"Bullshit! Is there anyone who has such a large foot?"    


"Then what did you say?"    


"Could it be a snow monster?" Someone guessed.    


Nowadays, many documentaries were talking about snow monsters. It was very similar to the current situation. It was the people who slept in the snow at night. When they woke up in the morning, they found that there were large amounts of footprints around their tents, and they were also extremely huge.    


"I say, can you be more clear-headed? This is a tropical area. Where did the snow monsters come from!?" Someone retorted.    


"If it's not a snow monster, then it's a Bigfoot!" A designer from the United States said.    


On his side, there were also rumors about Bigfoot monsters.    


Wang Hui frowned and motioned for the crowd to not stand too close to destroy the scene.    


He had been carefully observing the surroundings of the footprints.    


Seeing his serious expression, the others did not even dare to breathe loudly.    


Lee Xiaokang came to Lin Fan's side and whispered, "Mr Lin, is there really a monster in Reflecting Moon Island?"    


If there were no footprints, Lin Fan would definitely snort in contempt.    


But now that there was evidence in front of him, he could not be sure. "Who knows? I hope it's a harmless guy. Otherwise, we'll be in trouble."    


Lin Fan was shocked when he thought of the danger of this mysterious thing.    


He quickly asked, "Check the number of people and see if anyone is missing!"    


Everyone looked at each other and trembled in fear.    


Such a big thing, once they wanted to catch a few people, based on the fact that everyone was sleeping so soundly last night, it really wouldn't be difficult.    


However, the situation didn't turn bad. Everyone was fine. No one had disappeared.    


Wang Hui, who had been observing the situation, stood up at this moment. He felt that his legs had gone soft, and his heart was trembling.    


He wasn't frightened by the footprints, but by the thought of what happened last night.    


All the people on night watch had fallen asleep, which was very unusual.    


The guards of Loongxiang Guard were not experienced and powerful. The night watch mission was not worth mentioning to them, but for some reason, they had all fallen asleep without any alertness last night.    


It was also after this unusual situation that something came into the camp. Wang Hui did not know if there was any connection between them. He did not understand it in a short period of time.    


There was only one thing he was sure of. This island was not as safe as it seemed.    


"Young master, I think Anna's team's inspection activity needs to be suspended first. Also, for safety's sake, you'd better return to the ship right now... " Wang Hui said with a solemn expression.    


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