The Strongest Tycoon

C647 Geography

C647 Geography

After bidding farewell to Gai for the time being, Lin Fan returned to his own manor in Drunken Immortal Island. He was surprised to see Qiao Chen.    


Lin Fan asked in surprise, "Qiao Chen? Why are you here? Are you the only one here?"    


Qiao Chen had been staying in Mingzhou to manage the Star Moon Entertainment headquarters. Although it was not a big deal, her daily operations were also small matters.    


In addition, she was also the student council president of Mingzhou University and was very busy all day. She did not know why she suddenly came to Haizhou.    


"I have something to discuss with you." Qiao Chen said.    


"I have something to discuss with you too," Qiao Chen said. Lin Fan also said.    


After saying that, he gestured for Qiao Chen to sit down and ordered his subordinates to bring tea over.    


Qiao Chen did not like to speak vaguely and went straight to the point, "Our school's fourth-year students are about to graduate. Many of them have not found a job yet, so I want you to see if you can recruit some from our school's freshmen."    


Lin Fan nodded. "No problem. It's only right to give back to our alma mater. Speaking of which, are you going to graduate this year as well? "    


Qiao Chen nodded. She was a grade higher than Lin Fan to begin with, and now she was also going to graduate.    


However, because her work in President of Students' Union these few years was very outstanding, so the school wanted to keep her, but Qiao Chen still refused.    


The reason was that she wanted to be by Lin Fan's side. If she stayed at school, she would definitely be separated.    


"I have something to discuss with you. I want to move the company's headquarters here. The resources in Haizhou are much better than in Mingzhou. It will be beneficial for the company's future development." Lin Fan said.    


Qiao Chen naturally had no objections. She really wanted to stay with Lin Fan in the future.    


"Are you the only one who came today? Where are Murann and Datou?" Lin Fan asked again.    


Xu Murann had been staying in Mingzhou all this time. Wang Datou and Zhang Yida had been sent back by Lin Fan to help them, so Lin Fan really missed them when he didn't see them.    


Qiao Chen shook her head. "I came here temporarily this time and will not stay for too long, so I did not bring them along."    


Lin Fan was silent for a while. He thought about what he had talked about at Gai's place. He thought about it carefully and said, "Recruit this area. You can look for some mechanical and material related departments. Other than that, you can also find some electronics and energy sources. In total, you can do all of them in the field of engineering."    


"Engineering?" Qiao Chen was a little puzzled.    


Lin Fan's current industries were mostly in the service industry. He did not have the second industry in the industry, so why did he need to recruit people from the engineering industry?    


Lin Fan explained, "I might need to build a factory."    


"Oh, okay. I'll go back and settle this first." Qiao Chen nodded and did not ask Lin Fan what factory he wanted to build.    


After the matter was settled, Qiao Chen could not stay any longer and immediately returned to Mingzhou.    


After Lin Fan sent her away, he returned to the manor and gave Anna a call.    


"Young Master Lin, you are looking for me? Is there something wrong with the design of the manor?" Anna asked.    


"No, the building is perfect. I live comfortably. Did I contact you for something else today?"    


"Young Master Lin, please tell me what to do."    


"I want to give you another mission."    


When she heard that there was a mission, anna became excited. Lin Fan was the best customer she had ever seen. Furthermore, he was going to make a big deal.    


She didn't expect that the manor would have a second mission not long after it was handed over.    


Lin Fan took a sip of tea and said: "I wonder if you have any research on the laboratory and manufacturing factory used for scientific research?"    


Anna asked hesitantly, "I don't know what type Young Master Lin is talking about."    


Lin Fan pondered for a moment. The black technology he had was not open to the public. Although Anna was a reliable person, she was not one of them, so he could not tell her everything.    


He said, "It's similar to car production lines."    


Anna smiled. "No problem. I have made similar designs for people in the past."    


"Very good. When are you free to come? Let's meet here and talk about it in detail. "    


"I'll go over right now!" Anna was very straightforward.    


Lin Fan was her top client. Even if she had work to do now, she had to leave it behind and complete Lin Fan's task first.    


It only took half a day for Anna to fly directly to Haizhou.    


After boarding the helicopter that Lin Fan had sent to pick her up, anna originally thought that they would fly directly to Lin Fan's manor, but who knew that they would land on a deserted island not far from Drunken Immortal Island.    


Anna walked down the helicopter in puzzlement and saw that Lin Fan was already waiting for her there. She quickly ran over and said respectfully, "Young Master Lin, I have made you wait for a long time."    


Lin Fan waved his hand and pointed. "The laboratory and factory I talked about on the phone are going to be built here. Do you think it is suitable?"    


Anna looked around. This island was almost adjacent to Drunken Immortal Island.    


However, the situation on the island was completely opposite. The Drunken Immortal Island was covered in lush vegetation and full of vitality.    


However, there was nothing on this deserted island, only a large amount of rocks were exposed.    


Anna walked a few steps and arrived at a higher location. She looked around.    


She then nodded. "It seems like there are no major problems. The research and factory don't have high requirements for the land, but there is one thing that is necessary."    




" Energy, or electricity. " Anna explained.    


Lin Fan nodded. "This is indeed a problem. So I want to ask you if you have any good ways to solve it. "    


Lin Fan had no choice but to build the factory on a deserted island far away from the city.    


He had to keep the things he wanted to make a secret to the public for the time being. The best choice was to build the factory on a deserted island far away from human habitation.    


However, there was also a fatal flaw, which was the energy. He wanted the factory to start operating. Electricity was indispensable.    


Lin Fan's manor was now using wind power, solar power, and tidal power, which were both clean and sustainable green energy sources.    


However, it was not suitable for the factory. Because the power needed for the factory was too great. If these methods are not on a large scale, they won't be able to meet the demand.    


And if he wanted to use these few types of green energy to supply the factory with energy, the funds needed would be too much. He would need to occupy a large area, and it would be impossible to complete it in a short period of time.    


As for the power of fire, Lin Fan had never thought about it.    


Fortunately, anna had solved this problem perfectly after walking around on the deserted island.    


"Young Master Lin, this island is really blessed by the heavens. It's perfect for building factories. I think I have found a solution to the problem of providing energy!" Anna praised.    


Lin Fan was surprised and puzzled. "You found it so quickly?"    


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