The Strongest Tycoon

C733 Chase Him

C733 Chase Him

At noon, Wei Gang also informed the entire Loongxiang Guard to keep a close watch on the school. He didn't want anyone with an unknown identity to enter the school.    


But Keiko also brought Jee Yue out to go shopping. The Loongxiang Guard did not care much and thought that it was the same as before. They just casually walked on the streets of the school gate.    


They also sent people to follow the guards but no one expected that following them, Keiko went to a washroom in a shop.    


The guards could not accompany them in, so they waited outside.    


Who knew that this was the problem? They waited for a long time but no one came out. Jee Yue went in to take a look but Jee Yue ran out in a panic and said that Keiko was gone.    


This time, those who followed the Loongxiang Guard knew that the matter was very serious. They had seriously neglected their duties and had actually lost the people they were protecting!    


They didn't dare to hide such a big matter from the Loongxiang Guard and immediately reported it to the higher-ups.    


When Wei Gang got the news, he was so scared that he almost lost his soul. The reason he could come to Purple Star Academy to be the principal was because Lin Fan had sent him to protect Leyao and Keiko.    


Now that Keiko suddenly disappeared, how could he explain to Lin Fan?    


Therefore, Wei Gang first gathered all the Loongxiang Guard in the school and immediately went out to find people. He also quickly called Lin Fan and prepared to ask for help.    


Although there were a lot of people in the Loongxiang Guard in the school, Keiko's disappearance was not a simple matter. It was obvious that it had something to do with those people from Japan.    


If she really hid herself... The entire Haizhou was like a needle in a haystack. It was hard to find her.    


After Lin Fan received the news, he was instantly enraged, and he cursed Wei Gang in his face.    


"What the hell are you doing? I asked you to go to school to look after them. What can you do if you can't even see them?!"    


"I'm sorry, young Master. It's my fault. I'm willing to be punished!"    


"What's the use of saying all this now? Hurry up and get them back!"    




After hanging up the phone, Lin Fan paced back and forth anxiously in the room.    


He was extremely cautious, but in the end, he still made a mistake.    


Xia Xuan said calmly: "Young Master, now is not the time to be anxious. In my opinion, we must first send people to the Haizhou's airport to keep an eye on it to prevent them from taking Keiko away!"    


Lin Fan clapped his hands and thought to himself that his mind was really in a mess. Xia Xuan was right. The primary goal of those people who came from Japan was to take Keiko away.    


If he wanted to bring her back to Japan, he would have to take a boat or a plane.    


He said, "You are right. No matter if it is all the airports or all the ports, send people over. We must not let them take Keiko away! Time is of the essence. Let's do it now!"    


" Yes, I will arrange people right away! "    


Xia Xuan left. Lin Fan could not sit still in the room, so he stood up and walked outside.    


He wanted to personally go to Haizhou to take charge and wait for his subordinates to find them.    


The royal family of Japan and the Yan Qi's House. There was no way they would dare to snatch someone away from him!    


The entire Haizhou would be blocked off by people, let's see how they would escape!    


However, what Lin Fan didn't expect was that those people of Japan didn't seem to be planning to hide from him.    


Apart from secretly taking Keiko away from the school, they didn't hide their whereabouts anymore.    


Xia Xuan soon came to find Lin Fan and said, "Young Master, we have found her."    


"So fast?! Where is he?" Lin Fan said in surprise.    


"After they took Keiko away, they went to the airport. Now they are blocked by our people and cannot leave."    


"That's great!" Lin Fan smiled.    


Xia Xuan shook her head. "It is still not optimistic. Due to the emergency, we did not send many people to the airport. I am afraid that they will not be able to hold it for long. Once there is a conflict, they only need to leave some people behind to delay it. The remaining people will be able to leave with Keiko."    


"Then inform the airport. All airplanes are not allowed to take off!"    


"I'm afraid not. The people from Japan took their own airplanes. Our airport can't be controlled here."    


Lin Fan became anxious. "Then what are you talking about? Hurry up and transfer the Loongxiang Guard over! I'll go over too!"    


With that said, he pulled Xia Xuan's hand and ran towards the landing pad. Luckily the helicopter was parked there, otherwise Lin Fan would have to take the boat over.    


While Lin Fan was rushing to the airport, the Loongxiang Guard, who arrived at the airport first, was blocking the people of Japan.    


"No one can take Miss Keiko away. Our young master has ordered that if you dare to act recklessly, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Loongxiang Guard shouted.    


"Bagh! Princess Keiko is the princess of our royal family. What right do you have to stop us? Hiding the princess privately is a capital offense!" The people of Japan also shouted.    


" Tsk, what royal family of Japan? This is not your country. How dare you try to do as you wish?! "    


Keiko was surrounded by the people of Fusang and kept her head down without saying anything.    


This made the people of Loongxiang Guard very anxious. There were less than ten of them who came to the airport, but there were more than a hundred people from Fusang opposite of them.    


Moreover, they seemed to be well-trained experts, and they weren't ordinary people.    


No matter how proud the Loongxiang Guard was, they knew that once they attacked, they wouldn't be able to stop so many people.    


However, they absolutely couldn't allow these people to be taken away. They could only think of ways to stall for time, and wait for the reinforcements sent by Lin Fan.    


"Make way for us quickly. We don't have time to waste with you. If you don't make way for us, don't blame us for being impolite!" The voice of the Japanese shouted.    


Loongxiang Guard refused to be outdone and said, "Still not polite? Come on, I'm not afraid of you. I've already said what I want to say today. If you want to leave, you have to step on our dead bodies! "    


" Bagh! Do it! "    


Seeing that they couldn't talk about it, the people of Japan couldn't hold their anger anymore.    


They also knew that this was Haizhou, not their territory. If they dragged this matter for too long, they were afraid that Lin Fan would bring his men and chase after them.    


The current situation was advantageous to the Fusang side. Taking advantage of the fact that Lin Fan had fewer people, they could break out of the encirclement by force.    


"Stop!" Keiko shouted.    


The scolding from both sides stopped.    


The people of Loongxiang Guard were filled with surprise. They had finally waited for Keiko to speak.    


He said, "Miss Keiko, don't worry. We won't let anyone take you away. Young Master will be here soon."    


Keiko's heart trembled when she heard that Lin Fan was coming.    


Beside her, yamada anxiously said, "Princess, could it be that you are still hesitating? You should make a decision quickly."    


The man sent by the Yan Qi's House said coldly, "Princess, you don't have any other choice right now. Don't complicate things."    


Keiko nodded. "I know what I should do. Give me some time. Let me see Lin Jun again, okay?"    


Shan Tian said, "Princess, you..."    


After saying that, he let out a heavy sigh and looked at the people of Yan Qi's House.    


In this matter, it was basically the people from the Yan Qi's House who made the decision. He didn't have much right to make the decision.    


However, the only purpose of the people of Yan Qi's House was to take Keiko away. They didn't have to think about anything else.    


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