The Strongest Tycoon

C724 Tracking

C724 Tracking

Ever since Lin Fan acquired the Purple Star Academy, he had forcefully expelled a group of evil horses and resigned himself to his fate as the new principal.    


The atmosphere in the entire Purple Star Academy had changed completely. There was no longer the chaotic days from before, and everyone was in danger.    


Geng Tiandu was beaten to the point of entering the hospital, and he was even expelled. The remaining kittens and puppies did not dare to cause any trouble at this moment.    


If they were to offend Lin Fan, their outcome would not be much better than Geng Tian's.    


As for the underlings who followed behind Geng Tian earlier, they were also kicked out of the school by Lin Fan.    


These people's families also had some small powers, but at the same time, they did not dare to say anything.    


Even the Geng Family had yet to make a move, so these small families didn't have the courage to offend Lin Fan.    


After a period of peace, everyone thought that this matter would be settled just like that.    


Keiko, on the other hand, did the same as before. She would go to school on time.    


However, to be safe, Lin Fan told her to try not to leave the campus.    


Every day, she would land in a helicopter and go to school. After school, she would also take a helicopter and directly return from school.    


What he was afraid of was being too secretive. If he gave the enemy a chance, he might not be able to keep an eye on him if he went out. If there was a loophole, it would be hard to deal with.    


Fortunately, Keiko also knew that she was a target that was being targeted. She listened to Lin Fan's instructions very obediently and would never take a step out of the school.    


They ate lunch in time and also ate in the school canteen.    


They did not even order takeout. It could be said that they were extremely careful.    


She felt that she had already caused enough trouble for Lin Fan, so she didn't want to add more for him.    


However, as time went on, people would always be careless.    


Keiko herself was still very careful, but her classmate Jee Yue had long forgotten about it.    


Ever since she saw Lin Fan's mighty and extraordinary side that day, she inexplicably became curious about Keiko's boyfriend, and now the new director of Purple Star Academy.    


Furthermore, she had a kind of mysterious admiration for Lin Fan. Since the Geng Family had not revealed themselves for such a long time, it must be because they were afraid of Lin Fan.    


Therefore, Jee Yue suddenly had a sudden impulse today and insisted on dragging Keiko to the street outside the school to stroll around.    


"Let's go. I know a newly opened dessert shop. The cake made inside is very delicious!" Jee Yue pulled Keiko's arm and swung it back and forth.    


Keiko answered straightforwardly. "I am not going."    


"Aiya, aren't you tired of eating in the canteen all day long? Go and change your taste. I'll treat you!"    


The school's canteen would never satisfy the students. It was filled with all kinds of complaints, even in Purple Star Academy, it was no exception.    


But impartially speaking, the food cooked in the Purple Star Academy's canteen could really beat up all the schools in the country.    


After all, it was an aristocratic academy. The food provided was of high quality, so the dining was of course the most important.    


Not to mention, ever since Lin Fan took over Purple Star Academy, the canteen had undergone a huge reform.    


It had brought in many delicious food that many students at their age liked.    


However, no matter how good it was, eating it all day long would cause one to get sick of it. It was always not as interesting as the fresh food that came from outside the school.    


Most importantly, the students went out to eat not only for the sake of eating, but also to enjoy the freedom outside.    


But Keiko really did not want to go out, but she could not bear Jee Yue pulling hard and could only helplessly say, "Wait a minute, I will call Lin Jun first."    


After saying that, she threw Jee Yue aside and went to the side to make a call.    


Jee Yue pouted and muttered, "Lin Jun, Lin Jun, you have to inform everything. Don't you know that showing affection in front of a single dog will cause lightning to strike!"    


Actually, she was very envious that Keiko could have such an outstanding boyfriend like Lin Fan. She was simply the prince charming in the dreams of millions of girls!    


"Hey, Lin Jun."    


"Keiko, did you have lunch at noon?"    


"I was just about to go, but Jee Yue insisted on dragging me out to eat." Keiko whispered.    


Lin Fan thought that Keiko should be quite bored during this period of time. Other than staying at school and at home all day, she did not have the chance to go out to relax.    


As time went on, being cautious and on edge all day was not a solution. She should go out for a walk.    


He smiled and said: "Then go, I'll send someone to protect you"    


"En, then I will have to trouble Lin Jun." Keiko said sweetly.    


Lin Fan couldn't help but laugh. This Japanese girl was good everywhere, but she was overly polite. He heard that even if it was a couple, most of them would be polite for the rest of their lives. In the eyes of the people in the country, she seemed to be very boring.    


After ending the call, Jee Yue looked at Keiko enviously and said, "You have agreed, right?"    




"Then let's go. " After saying that, he pulled Keiko and ran out of the school.    


On the other side, Lin Fan had already called Wei Gang and asked him to bring some members of the Loongxiang Guard to protect Keiko.    


After purchasing the Purple Star Academy, Lin Fan paid the most attention to security.    


In the past, the school's security personnel were all replaced by people from the Loongxiang Guard.    


The entire school had arranged a thousand guards from the Loongxiang Guard, plus some of the lowest security personnel. A total of three thousand people had built an airtight security around the school.    


As long as there was any danger, these people could guarantee that they would be able to block anyone outside the school. Even if they encountered a powerful opponent, they would be able to block the reinforcements sent by Lin Fan.    


Walking on the street outside the school, Keiko's nervous mood slowly relaxed. She felt a long-awaited sense of comfort.    


Looking around, there were many Loongxiang Guard sent by Lin Fan to protect her in secret. Keiko felt even sweeter in her heart. She felt that she was still very important in Lin Fan's heart.    


With so many people protecting her, Keiko also slowly became happy and started to stroll around happily with Jee Yue.    


After walking around once, they finally arrived at the dessert shop that Jee Yue mentioned.    


This place was indeed very popular. The customers inside were packed to the brim and they were all students of Purple Star Academy.    


The two of them queued for half a day before finally finding an empty seat.    


They ordered the pastries they wanted and were patiently waiting.    


Keiko heard some chaotic noises coming from outside the door and turned to look outside.    


There seemed to be a few people who wanted to come in but were stopped by the Loongxiang Guard.    


A few young people were confronting the people of the Loongxiang Guard. Keiko didn't pay much attention at first but when she saw an old man behind them, she was suddenly stunned.    


The pastries were made, and they were called out from the counter.    


Jee Yue got up and went to bring the pastries back and said with a smile, "Aiya, it's finally our turn to eat. I'm so hungry."    


Then she saw Keiko kept her head down and did not speak.    


Puzzled, he said, "Hey, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly? Are you uncomfortable? Could it be that your menstrual period is here?"    


Keiko shook her head and said, "No, it's too noisy here. Let's bring it back to school to eat."    


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