The Strongest Tycoon

C699 Determination

C699 Determination

When the plane landed on the industrial island, the scene was even more spectacular.    


On the sea surface of the port, there were endless ships transporting construction materials. The island was filled with construction vehicles. Not long after, the entire island's planning could be seen.    


Lin Fan led the people and introduced them as they walked. "This is the new research institute in the future. Behind it is the office building. In front of it is the garage area of the factory, and in the middle of the island is the geothermal power station..."    


Seeing the industrial park that occupied an entire island, Ni Feng and Gong Yi were also very excited. This place would be their workplace from now on.    


The entire island was focused on research and development, production, and food production. There were also very good conditions for working and living here, so there was nothing to be dissatisfied about.    


Thinking back to the advanced technology they had just seen, the two of them were filled with pride. From now on, they would be the leaders of the world's most advanced electronics products.    


To be able to participate in such a factory and personally design future products, this kind of satisfaction was very sufficient.    


"Young Master Lin, don't worry. We will work for you from now on. We will be loyal and loyal to you!" Ni Feng quickly expressed his stance.    


Gong Yi also said. "Young Master Lin, me, me too. I promise to give you the best I can to design the best product for you!"    


Lin Fan nodded. He was satisfied. "Very good. As long as you work hard, I will not treat you badly."    


After saying that, he remembered that this time, it wasn't just the two of them who were recruited, but also the entire team behind them.    


He said: "Oh, right. When you come to sign the contract, ask everyone in your team to sign it together. The treatment will be the same as what I said before. I won't treat you unfairly."    


"Yes! I'll inform them when I get back!"    


The two of them said excitedly.    


Although they couldn't enter the Yunqi Group, it was still better to follow Lin Fan, a boss with potential, to develop than to choose the Yunqi Group.    


The subordinates might not understand, but they believed that as long as they explained what they had seen and heard today in detail, no one would be stupid enough to refuse to come here.    


The recruitment had succeeded, and he had also given the two of them some stimulants. Lin Fan had already completed the mission beyond his expectations.    


After finishing his instructions, Lin Fan sent the helicopter he had sent to send the two of them back to Haizhou City.    


Thousands of miles away in Han Country, Ai Ya returned to the headquarters of Yunqi Group's company after a stomach full of anger.    


Although she was the Human Resources Director of one of the top 100 companies in the world, Ai Ya did not have any patience or self-restraint. When she came, she had already thought of how to arrange Lin Fan.    


Now that she returned to the company, she immediately went to find a director who was related to her.    




"Oh, Ai Ya is back. Did the contract go smoothly today?" Piao Buji, one of the executive directors of Yunqi Group, asked.    


"What did it go smoothly for? I ran into a rotten person who ruined the contract!" Ai Ya said angrily.    


Piao Buji sat up in surprise and asked, "What's going on? Tell me, is there anyone else who dares to provoke our Yunqi Group?"    


"Uncle, you don't know! Today..."    


As expected, Ai Ya exaggerated the conflict between her and Lin Fan. She did not mention how arrogant she was, but fabricated the truth.    


She said that Lin Fan looked down on Yunqi Group, and that he was prepared to destroy the company's plan to start the materialization.    


After a long time, Ai Ya drank a glass of water to moisten her throat.    


Piao Buji, on the other hand, was deep in thought. He knew that his niece had always been arrogant and despotic because of the company's influence, so he did not believe these words.    


However, the matter of Lin Fan and the Yunqi Group snatching people had attracted his attention.    


The new project of electronic products was a long-term plan that the company had prepared for a long time. Relying on the large number of users and good brand reputation, Piao Buji did not think that there would be many strong competitors.    


However, as one of the executives of the company, Piao Buji was still very cautious. He would not easily ignore an inconspicuous opponent.    


He asked: "The person with the surname Lin you are talking about, what does he do now?"    


"Uh, let me think. There seems to be a company called Star Moon Entertainment. He's the boss." Ai Ya frowned and thought about it.    


"Entertainment company?" Piao Buji said in surprise.    


He never thought that the person who came to rob the company was actually the boss of an entertainment company. This made Piao Buji feel very funny.    


"Haha, since when did people in the entertainment industry start to do real businesses? This is simply a joke!" Piao Buji said with a sneer.    


"Uncle! No matter what he did in the past, Now he's competing with us. If we don't get rid of him, the other competitors will look down on our group! " Ai Ya was afraid that Piao Buji would not mind and reminded him.    


Piao Buji nodded. "That's true. However, it was effortless to deal with such a small character. He could be killed with just a finger! "    


"Then uncle, hurry up and ask someone to do it. I've had enough of this person's anger today!"    


Piao Buji waved his hand and smiled. "Hey, no rush, no rush. I will investigate this person's background first."    


As he spoke, he started searching for information about the Starmoon Entertainment on his computer.    


In the end, it didn't matter that he searched just like that. The information that came out of the Internet gave Piao Buji a shock.    


The company had only been established for a year, but it already had two world-class celebrities. It even created a super popular girl group.    


There were a total of dozens of artistes under Star Moon Entertainment who had signed contracts. From first-string to third-string, each of them had millions of fans.    


The two movies produced by the company, one was higher than the other. Not only had they broken the record, but they had also received a profit that was dozens of times higher.    


Even Piao Buji was shocked by the speed at which they earned money.    


The most strange thing was that as the boss of Star Moon Entertainment, Lin Fan's identity was very mysterious. He could not find any information at all.    


All of this made Piao Buji, who had been looking down on him, pay more attention to him.    


His identity was unknown, and he couldn't get any information about his property. The only company he could find that could make money was the company. Piao Buji felt a bit of pressure.    


If he let this kind of opponent compete with the company for the same project, he might really be threatened.    


Of course, in Piao Buji's opinion, Lin Fan could only pose a little threat to the Yunqi Group. After all, the Yunqi Group's current size was comparable to the Yunqi Group's. Lin Fan could only be considered a small force.    


It was already considered not bad to be able to snatch some soup from the Yunqi Group. It wasn't to the extent of directly destroying the company's new project.    


After considering for a while, Piao Buji felt that it was necessary to trip Lin Fan, this future opponent, but it was not to the extent of kicking and kicking.    


With his status, as long as he casually gave orders, there were many ways to make Lin Fan quit the electronics industry.    


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