The Strongest Tycoon

C751 Found It

C751 Found It

Ling successfully lured away most of the guards in the manor. Xia Xuan successfully brought the group of people from the Loongxiang Guard into the manor.    


In order not to alarm the electronic alarm system in the manor, they used a special firing rope to shoot from outside the manor to the top of the main building.    


Then a group of people climbed up the roof of the manor one after another. According to the location of the room that Keiko previously provided, Xia Xuan quickly locked onto the target.    


With a wave of her hand, she brought a few Loongxiang Guard's ropes down and with a swoosh, they quickly slid down.    


In Keiko's room, at this moment, after Yan Qi Yu City sent away the guards outside the door, they were preparing to take advantage of Jiu Xing to rape Keiko.    


His strength was still greater after all. After pressing Keiko down, he began to tear at her thin clothes.    


With a sound of a stab...!    


A large tear was torn open on Keiko's thin nightdress, revealing her fair skin.    


"Ah... Let go of me, don't...!" Keiko cried and cried as she desperately pushed Yan Qiyu's body outwards.    


"Hahaha. What do you mean no? Tonight, I am going to make you my slave. Just shout. That's right, no one can stop me! " Yan Qiyu was even more enraged by Keiko's exposed underwear.    


After laughing maniacally a few times, he continued to tear Keiko's clothes, as well as his own belt.    


At this time, Xia Xuan and the rest had already reached the window of Keiko's room from the hanging rope.    


The window was not closed and from the outside, one could see everything that was happening inside. Seeing Keiko being raped by Yan Qi, Xia Xuan was so angry that her head was about to explode.    


No matter what, Keiko was still her young master's woman. Being treated like this by another man was an insult to Xia Xuan.    


Therefore, Xia Xuan did not care if the guards in the manor were alarmed. The windows were bulletproof glass and normal methods would not be able to open it.    


She could only use aluminum heat agent to perform high temperature combustion and explosion. Time did not wait for anyone. Xia Xuan and a few Loongxiang Guard quickly stuck the special aluminum heat agent iron bar onto the glass.    


Then, they lit the fire. Along with a series of explosions, the glass opened.    


Clunk! Clunk!    


There was a loud sound.    


Xia Xuan did not wait for the fire to finish burning before she kicked the window open. The falling glass made a huge noise in the room.    


"Who is it? Baka! Who are you?" Yan Qi turned around and was shocked.    


There were a few people in black outside the window. They were like Spiderman, hanging outside with ropes. Then, one of the smaller ones jumped into the room.    


Then, before he could react, he was kicked into the wall and hung up.    


After Xia Xuan entered the room, she kicked Yanqi away without saying a word. Then, she pulled the bed sheet from the bed and helped Keiko up to wrap her body.    


At this time, although Keiko was not violated by Yan Qi, her clothes had already turned into strips and could not hide her alluring figure.    


Xia Xuan did not immediately go and continue to deal with Yan Qi but first to block for Keiko. This was the woman of her young master, Lin Fan. No matter if it was Yan Qi or the Loongxiang Guard, they wouldn't allow her to see her.    


"It's fine, we're here to save you." Xia Xuan hugged Keiko and comforted her.    


"Wuwuwu..." Keiko finally saw hope in her despair and immediately broke down into tears.    


As for Yan Qi who was kicked to the wall, he held his stomach and stood up with difficulty. Through the broken window, he could also hear the alarm and chaotic sounds outside.    


Shocked, he said, "Baka, how dare you barge into the territory of Yan Qi's House? Guards, arrest these audacious people!"    


When the two guards standing guard outside the door heard the commotion in the room, they immediately opened the door and ran in.    


When they saw a few strangers in black and the broken window, they were stunned.    


He didn't know what to do.    


Yan Qi was furious. "Baka, did you guys get beaten up by pigs? Take down these people!"    


"Hey!" The two guards replied loudly. Then, they took out their weapons and pointed them at Xia Xuan and the Loongxiang Guard.    


Unfortunately, the few guards led by Xia Xuan were the elites among the elites. They were very familiar with snatching weapons with their bare hands.    


Especially in a place like the bedroom, which was not very spacious, the distance between the two parties was very close.    


Before the two guards could react, the two Loongxiang Guard's figures flashed. In an instant, they stood up and snatched the weapons from their hands.    




"Ba Kuo?!"    


When the two guards saw the weapon in their hands run to their opponent in the blink of an eye, they were dumbfounded.    


After looking at each other in dismay, they skillfully hugged their heads and knelt on the ground.    


It made Yan Qi, who was beside him, so angry that he exploded. "Useless trash, what's the use of raising you!"    


"You're the only one with a lot of nonsense!" One of the Loongxiang Guard had long disliked Yan Qi. He kept chattering non-stop and impatiently walked up to Yan Qi. He raised his knee and slammed it against the wall once again.    


"Urgh...!" Yan Qi Yu had vomited all the food and wine he had eaten that night. The entire room was filled with a disgusting smell.    


Luckily the windows and doors were open, otherwise it would be even more disgusting.    


The Loongxiang Guard who attacked Yan Qi Yu Cheng was splashed by some of the filth he spat out.    


He was the one that the young master wanted to deal with, and that was why he didn't hold back when he attacked.    


"How dare you disgust me? Let's see if I can kill you, R People!"    


After saying that, he pushed Yan Qiyu to the ground and pushed Yan Qi's wretched face into the pile of spit he spat out. He even rubbed his face a few times.    


Yan Qi was definitely not a match for the elite warriors of Loongxiang Guard. In the face of torture, he didn't even have the ability to fight back, so he could only endure it as much as he wanted.    


Xia Xuan really could not bear to watch anymore and turned her head to say: "Stop wasting time. We have found him. Let's hurry up and leave!"    


"Yes, Miss Xia!"    


A few Loongxiang Guard responded and helped Xia Xuan tie Keiko up on the rope. They prepared to go down through the window.    


When they were about to leave, Xia Xuan turned her head and saw Yan Qi winking at the two guards lying on the ground. She ordered the Loongxiang Guard, "Pack up these three first!"    




The so-called tidy up was to not let the three of them shout.    


After Loongxiang Guard understood what he meant, each of them picked up a chair and gave it a few punches.    


Yan Qi Yu City and his two guards were all knocked out.    


"Inform the young master that the plane has landed and that the people on the roof will cover us. Let's hurry to the airport!" Xia Xuan said as she brought Keiko along and landed on the ground.    


Keiko finally recovered from her panic and looked at Xia Xuan and asked, "Lin Jun is also here?"    


Xia Xuan said as she walked. "Yes, young master is currently on the plane and is about to land. This is the most dangerous time. Don't talk too much and leave quickly."    


"Oh, okay." Keiko also knew that it was too dangerous at this time. She grabbed the bed sheet that was wrapped around her body and lowered her head to follow Xia Xuan.    


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