World's Strongest Martial Warrior

C1839 CHAPTER1839

C1839 CHAPTER1839

"Jiejie... He still dares to boast shamelessly in the face of death! "    


"Ever since I gained my consciousness, all the humans who intruded this place were killed in body and soul."    


"The two of you have extraordinary physiques. I believe the Blood Essence must be very delicious. Looks like I can have another feast today.    


The skeleton ghost smiled evilly. Its empty eyes sparkled with a blood-red light. As it waved its claws, a dark and cold ghost flame whizzed towards Peter Parker and the other man.    


"Junior Jiang, be careful. I'm afraid this guy's strength is comparable to a World God Venerable!"    


Sensing the irresistible and terrifying pressure from the skeleton ghost, Yue Wushuang's pretty face became much more solemn in an instant.    


Although transcendent-grade heavenly deities could match a World God Supremacy, Yue Wushuang had also never seen a transcendent-grade heavenly deity battle with a World God Supremacy before.    




This skeleton ghost shadow in front of her was an old monster that existed in an unknown era. Yue Wushuang was also uncertain if Peter Parker could handle it or not.    


"Don't worry, it is just a living undead creature."    


Peter Parker smiled faintly and raised his head to throw a punch at the skeleton ghost.    




The dazzling seven-colored fist light carried a boundless divine might that could destroy everything. In the blink of an eye, it completely extinguished the incoming black ghost fire.    


"The power of seven Daos? You... You're a transcendent-grade Heavenly God?"    


Sensing the power contained in Peter Parker's punch, the skeleton ghost's disbelieving scream also rang out in the cave.    


Peter Parker looked at the skeleton ghost with an expressionless face." If you take the initiative to hand over the treasure now, perhaps there's still time. "    


"Don't even think about it!"    


The skeleton ghost smiled coldly. "So what if you're a transcendent-grade heavenly deity? When this sovereign dominated the world back then, it's not like I haven't killed transcendent-grade heavenly deities before!"    


"Enough, don't bluff in front of me."    


"Your cultivation when you were alive was indeed very powerful. Most likely already surpassed the level of a lower realm god."    


"It's precisely because of this that you're skilled in the Soul Dao that you're able to simulate the powerful aura you had when you were alive and shock others."    


"However, the true power you currently possess is only at the level of a World God Supremacy."    


Peter Parker stood with his hands behind his back. His eyes were calm as he looked at the skeleton. "If you are really confident that you can deal with us, I'm afraid that we will attack the moment we appear. Why would you pretend to be dead and wait for the right time?"    


Peter Parker's calm words immediately caused the skeleton ghost's body to involuntarily tremble.    


"Brat, don't speak nonsense!"    


The skeleton ghost roared out in anger. A wave of dark and cold ghost Qi instantly surged in all directions, causing the entire cave to become distorted.    


But in reality, the skeletal ghost had long panicked in its heart.    


When Peter Parker and Peter Parker arrived just now, he had indeed felt that the two of them were extraordinary, which was why he didn't attack them directly.    


He first asked his two subordinates to test Peter Parker and the ghost, but in the end, both of them were instantly killed by Peter Parker with a single punch.    


When the skeleton saw this, it didn't dare to make any rash moves.    


Initially, it thought that Peter Parker and Peter Parker would seize the treasure directly under the temptation of the treasure, so it could take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack.    


Who would have thought that Peter Parker would see through it with just a glance?    


What he even more did not expect was that this black-clothed youth who saw through him was even a transcendent-grade heavenly deity who broke through the limits.    


With his current state, facing a transcendent-grade heavenly deity, he probably really did not have much of a chance of winning.    


"I've already given you a chance. It's you who did not cherish it. Since you don't plan on handing it over, then I can only eliminate you first and then take it myself."    


After Peter Parker's indifferent voice faded, the seven-colored fist light condensed from seven different forces once again punched at the skeleton ghost.    


The skeleton ghost's facial expression changed. The monstrous ghost Qi around its body instantly turned into a black claw shadow and collided with Peter Parker's seven colored fist light.    


Bang! Bang!    


The two of them continued to fight.    


Every single time they collided, it would cause a loud sound that was like a great bell, and it was sufficient to cause the heavens and the earth to tremble and the mountains and rivers to collapse.    


Yue Wushuang, who was watching from the side, was directly forced back into the cave passageway by the terrifying force created by the exchange of blows between the two of them.    


If not for the extremely powerful ancient restriction left in the cave, it was likely that the exchange of blows between the two would have caused the entire cave to collapse in an instant.    




After the two of them exchanged seven or eight blows in a row, the skeleton let out a miserable cry. It was sent flying by Peter Parker's punch. Finally, it smashed heavily onto the stone wall of the cave.    




With a loud sound, the entire cave shook like an earthquake, causing the earth to shake and the mountains to shake.    


Even the ancient restrictions surrounding the cave were shaking from the impact of the skeleton ghost.    


The skeleton ghost climbed up from the ground in a sorry state, looking terrified.    


Its chest had been punched through by Peter Parker. A few of its ribs had been shattered by Peter Parker's punch. It even felt like its body was going to fall apart.    


"Wait... little brother, I am willing to hand over the treasure. Please be magnanimous and spare my life."    


Looking at Peter Parker, who was waving his fist at him with the force of seven Dao, the skeleton ghost hurriedly begged for mercy.    


"If I kill you, these treasures will also be mine."    


Peter Parker glanced at the skeleton indifferently. "If you want to live, I will give you another chance. As long as you submit to me, I will spare your life."    


This skeleton had the combat strength of a World God Venerable.    


If he could subdue it, it would be equivalent to having a World God Venerable fighter. It would save him a lot of trouble.    


"Sir, don't go too far. If you push me too far, I'm afraid it won't do anyone any good!"    


When the skeleton heard that Peter Parker wanted him to submit, it immediately became angry.    


When it was alive, it was a Highgod that dominated the Divine Realm, a peak expert that was only inferior to a Divine King. Even if it had transformed into a spectre, how could it submit so easily to someone else?    


"You don't have the qualifications to negotiate with me right now. Submit or die. Choose one of the two."    


Peter Parker's face was expressionless. The seven-colored fist light on his fist caused the surrounding space to constantly distort and distort.    


"Wait... I surrender, I'm willing to surrender to you."    


The skeleton saw the terrifying fist light on Peter Parker's fist. It felt as if its soul had left its body. It hurriedly called out to Peter Parker.    


If it was at its peak, it would naturally not fear a transcendent-grade Heavenly God like Peter Parker.    


However, it had already been reborn in the situation of the undead. Although it had already awakened part of its consciousness when it was alive, its strength was equivalent to a lower realm god that had just broken through.    


With his current strength, unless he self-destructed and perished together with Peter Parker, he was really not a match.    


It was not easy for the skeleton ghost to be reborn, but it did not want to be destroyed by Peter Parker just like that.    


No matter what, he had to submit to this brat and save his life first.    


As long as he recovered his peak strength, dealing with a mere transcendent-grade heavenly deity was still an easy matter, right?    


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