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C96 Hope on the Sandy Shore

C96 Hope on the Sandy Shore

"That's right, it's an island!"    


"We're saved!"    




"Xiao Qing!"    




"We're saved!"    


Lin Fei shouted excitedly.    


The excitement in his heart was simply indescribable.    


Hugging the three women and kissing them, he kept shouting with great emotion like a happy child.    


He wanted to share the joy of escaping from death with the three women out at sea. At that moment, no one understood the true meaning of escaping death better than the four of them.    


The three women were currently being held tightly in Lin Fei's embrace. Although they were very weak at the moment, seeing their hope of survival had reinvigorated their bodies.    


"Quick, let's get ourselves ashore as soon as possible. The island doesn't appear to be a small one, so we can definitely find freshwater there!"    


After his moment of celebration, Lin Fei said to the three beauties.    




The three beauties nodded.    


Everyone leaned on the edge of the lifeboat and started paddling the lifeboat non-stop towards the island.    


But since the oars had all been lost in the storm last night, they could only rely on their hands to paddle now.    


Perhaps their undying will to continue living had incited them to work hard.    


Not long after, the lifeboat finally arrived at the shallow waters of the island. Since paddling was no longer as efficient, Lin Fei jumped into the water and began pushing the lifeboat ashore.    


However, there were no beaches around the edges of the island from what they could see, only piles of rocks.    


With that, Lin Fei carefully pushed the lifeboat to a place where it was easy to get ashore. He then went ashore first before helping the other three beauties up.    


"We're finally saved!"    


Just as Xi Mengwei stepped on a hard rock on the shore of the island, her knees went soft immediately. She then fell down to her knees and began crying.    


She had been a sweet girl ever since she was born. Under the protection of her father, she had never experienced any sort of suffering, let alone a situation of life and death.    


Although she had a lively personality and put up a courageous front on the outside, her heart was actually rather fragile.    


When they were still drifting in the middle of the ocean earlier, she had been holding back her emotions and did not dare to cry, afraid that her negative emotions might spread to everyone else.    


But now that she had arrived back on land, all the emotions in her heart finally erupted.    


"Mengwei, don't cry!"    


"Aren't we still alive?"    


Lee Fei'er squatted down to comfort Xi Mengwei. But seeing her cry, she could not help but do the same.    


Even the usually cold Liu Qing squatted down together with them and began bawling her eyes out.    


The three women hugged each other tightly and cried together!    


Their tears contained the joy of surviving through a disaster and the endless bitterness of drifting in the middle of the ocean for the past month.    


No one else could possibly empathize with them other than themselves.    


Lin Fei did not try to comfort or bother the three sobbing women.    


He fully understood that they all needed to vent the emotions that they had been suppressing during their time stranded out at sea. After all, it was not good for one's mental health to forcefully suppress their emotions.    


After venting out all their pent-up frustrations, the three women crawled on the rocks and kissed the ground beneath their feet. They then acted as if they were embracing the earth itself.    


After all, it really was not easy for them to survive. In fact, it was as if they had been given a second chance to live.    


"Brother Lin Fei, please don't make fun of me. I really couldn't hold it back any longer!"    


Having vent out her suppressed emotions, Xi Mengwei looked at Lin Fei and said with a smile.    


She was obviously in a much better mood than before, which proved her ability to adjust to her new surroundings.    


However, looking at the three women's red and swollen eyes, Lin Fei could not help but suddenly feel a deep sense of guilt.    






"Xiao Qing..."    


"I'm so sorry..."    


"I originally wanted to bring you all around the world, but to think that things would end up this way..."    


Lin Fei looked at the three beauties and started blaming himself.    


At that moment!    


He had the sudden urge to burst out laughing, but he realized that it was not exactly the best time to do so right now.    




"Brother Lin Fei, this had nothing to do with you. Don't blame yourself!"    


Seeing just how much Lin Fei was blaming himself, Xi Mengwei quickly got up and walked to Lin Fei's side. She then hugged his arm and said gently.    


"That's right, Xiao Fei!"    


"How could we possibly blame you? It's all those damn pirates' fault, not yours!"    


Lee Fei'er quickly hugged Lin Fei's other arm and looked at him with a gentle gaze.    


"Sir, there are countless unknown dangers and changes in sailing out at sea that we can't possibly predict ahead of time. From the moment we boarded the ship together, we had already prepared ourselves to face whatever troubles we may come across. So, it's not your fault. You don't need to feel guilty and blame yourself!"    


"Our bodies are also in urgent need of freshwater. Hunger will soon cause us to lose our rationality too. All of us must look around the island for food and fresh water!"    


"None of these things happened because of you. So, sir, we must stay alert. Since we have been given a chance to continue living, we shouldn't waste time brooding over the things that happened in the past."    


Standing up, Liu Qing looked at Lin Fei and said in a serious tone.    


Instead of trying to comfort Lin Fei, she wanted him to prioritize facing what was happening in reality before his eyes.    


"Yeah, Xiao Qing is right!"    


"The most important thing right now is to find fresh water and food."    


Upon hearing their words, Lin Fei came back to reality in an instant.    


At that moment, he realized that Liu Qing was the calmest of the three women. No matter the current situation, she would always be able to maintain a rational mind and speak with great clarity.    


She seemed just like an angel guiding him towards the light. Whenever he finds himself to be lost, she would always wake him up back to reality and move him in the right direction.    


He even began rejoicing in his heart. Back then, Brother Bai Shanshui was willing to let him take her and even more glad to let her board his ship.    


Lin Fei composed himself and fixed the lifeboat to a rock on the shore with a nylon rope. After that, he took all the remaining tools and led the three women deeper into the island.    


Currently, they only had a long nylon rope, a windproof lighter, an axe, and an AK-47 with 25 rounds of ammo. Other than that, there was not anything else.    


They were standing next to a pile of rubble near the shore of the island that in reality was a rather tall cliff by the ocean.    


The cliff, more than ten meters high, extended upwards at an angle of 60 to 70 degrees. Although there were many cracks on the wall that Lin Fei could climb up with, the three women would definitely not have enough strength to do the same.    


Thus, Lin Fei gave up on the idea of climbing up the cliff. Instead, he walked along the pile of rocks on the beach and went in the direction of their right.    


According to his previous observations, the edges of the cliff on the right side of the island were relatively wide. He estimated that they should be able to enter the island from there.    


The path along the pile of rocks was rough and difficult to travel through. Though the three women may each appear strong in their own respects, they were naturally quite weak at this moment. Not only were they thirsty and hungry, but their physical strength had also been severely reduced.    


This had also greatly affected the speed of their group advancing down the pile of rocks.    


As the sun rose higher into sky, the vicious sunlight shone on their bodies, further aggravating their hunger and weakness.    


As the youngest person in the group, Xi Mengwei had fallen into a state of confusion from dehydration and could no longer walk properly on her own.    


Passing the axe, nylon rope, and Ak-47 he was carrying on his back over to Liu Qing and Lee Fei'er, Lin Fei then carried Xi Mengwei on his back before walking forward.    


This obviously slowed them down and made their already-difficult journey even worse.    


Previously on the lifeboat, Lin Fei had taken off his shirt to protect the food from the weather. However, both the food supplies and his shirt were lost in the sea because of the storm. That was why he had been half-naked all this time.    


Since Xi Mengwei was only wearing a pair of pajamas at the moment, Lin Fei could feel the warmth of her chest pressing down on his back.    


But at this moment, Lin Fei was not in the mood to pay attention to such trivial matters. Instead of paying his mind to such thoughts, he wanted to find a way to enter the island as soon as possible and find freshwater.    


Carrying Xi Mengwei on his back. Lin Fei noticed his steps getting heavier and heavier by the second. His strength was now rapidly diminishing.    


If things continued at this pace, he would probably collapse way before he even found any source of fresh water.    


It took nearly two hours for Lin Fei to lead the three women along the pile of rocks at the bottom of the cliff.    


But sure enough!    


At the end of the pile of rocks on the right side of the island was a silver white beach within a large bay.    


Furthermore, the edge of the beach that was connected to the dense greenery on the island gradually extended into the island.    


Between the beach and the island's forested area stood a few tall coconut trees that were carrying dozens of coconuts above at that time.    




"There are coconut trees there!"    


Lin Fei could not help but shout excitedly. Not knowing where his sudden burst of strength came from, he carried Xi Mengwei on his back and ran towards the direction of the beach.    


Following him from behind, Liu Qing and Lee Fei'er stood shocked for a moment before dragging their heavy footsteps and running towards the same direction.    


Just as Lin Fei's feet stepped down on the soft sand, the system notification that had not sounded for a long time suddenly rang out in his mind.    


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