Global Check-in System

C119 It Was Safe and Sound

C119 It Was Safe and Sound

Lin Fei went to the storage room on the third floor to get some edible food, then he returned to the island.    


This time, he didn't go back the way he came. Instead, he went along the river downstream of the waterfall.    


Because walking along this river could reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble in the forest.    


Also, there were no roads in the river that were full of thorns. He would be able to walk faster at night.    


Because he was worried that the beauties would go into the forest to adventure to find him, he replenished fresh food and provided his body with an unprecedented amount of energy. Lin Fei's speed this time was outrageously fast.    


Following the river, it only took him less than eight hours to return to the cave in front of their island shelter.    




"Xiao Qing!"    




"I'm back!!"    


Outside the cave's wooden door, Lin Fei shouted excitedly.    


He had too much good news to tell the three of them now. He felt that he had endless words to say to them.    




Lin Fei stood outside the cave and shouted for a long time, but there was no movement from inside. This gave him a bad feeling in an instant.    


Lin Fei pushed open the wooden door and found that there was no one in the cave. This made his heart skip a beat.    


"This is bad!"    


"It seems like they really went out to find me!"    


When he thought of this possibility, Lin Fei's brain instantly buzzed and exploded.    


There was nothing worse than this matter. The thing he was most worried about had still happened.    


Lin Fei did not stay. He knew they might have followed his path during the day.    


The only thing he could do now was pray that they did not walk for too long and did not walk too far in the forest.    


Lin Fei ran at full speed. He hoped that they would not encounter any danger in the forest, or else he would not be at ease for the rest of his life.    


However, just as Lin Fei went around the waterfall, he heard a gunshot from the AK47 coming from the forest ahead.    


According to his judgment, the gunshot was about a thousand meters away from him. After the gunshot, there was also the sharp sound of a woman and the low roar of a beast.    


"Not good!"    


"They must have encountered some kind of danger!"    


Lin Fei thought in his heart. In an instant, he leaped up as if he was flying. He grabbed the green vine on the tree and rushed towards the big tree in front of him.    




"Xiao Qing! '"    




"Is it you guys?"    


As they kept flying, Lin Fei kept shouting in that direction, hoping to get their response.    


"Mr Lin Fei..."    


"We're over here!"    


Sure enough, as soon as Lin Fei finished speaking, Xi Mengwei's voice was heard in an instant.    


"Are you all still safe?"    


"Is Xiao Qing and Fei'er there?"    


" What did you encounter? "    


Hearing Xi Mengwei's voice, Lin Fei's tensed heart relaxed a little, and then he asked a series of questions.    


"All three of us are here!"    


"We are safe for now!"    


"It's just that the big tree we are in is surrounded by many wild boars. We are trapped and die on the big tree! "    


Perhaps seeing her savior appear, Xi Mengwei also quickly replied in one breath.    




"Stay there and don't move!"    


"I'll be right there!"    


Lin Fei warned them, but he did not slow down at all. Very quickly, he arrived beside the big tree where the three women were trapped.    


With his special eyesight, Lin Fei could clearly see that the three women were hiding on a huge banyan tree.    


The youngest Xi Mengwei was sitting on the highest branch of the banyan tree while Lee Fei'er was sitting in the middle of the tree.    


Liu Qing, who was holding the AK47, was sitting at the bottom of the banyan tree branch. She pointed her spear at the wild boar herd below and was constantly on guard.    


It was very obvious that even at this kind of dangerous moment, she still chose to protect her two younger sisters.    


At this moment, on the ground below the banyan tree, there were at least more than ten huge wild boars that were two meters long. They were surrounding the huge tree and continuously letting out crazy roars.    


In this scene, not to mention the three beauties, even Lin Fei felt his scalp go numb, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of fear in his heart.    


In the past, Lin Fei had heard from the old hunters in the village that a herd of pigs was the most terrifying. Once they set their eyes on them, it would be very difficult to get rid of them. Now, it seemed that it was definitely not an alarmist.    


Because Lin Fei had already seen those wild boars surrounding the tree, after being unable to attack the prey they set their eyes on, they actually started to crazily chew on the tree trunk.    


It probably wouldn't be long before the thick banyan tree was directly bitten off by them.    


"Xiao Qing!"    


"I'm already here. Don't be afraid. Quickly climb to the top of the tree with Fei'er!"    


"Be quick!"    


Lin Fei had just steadied himself on the big tree beside him when he said to Liu Qing, who was on the other side of the tree.    


He was wearing a camouflage suit and deliberately lowered his voice. It was late at night, so the three beautiful women could only hear his voice. They could not tell where he was.    


"Okay, good!"    


However, Liu Qing did not hesitate too much and directly climbed onto the highest tree branch and squeezed together with Xi Mengwei and Lee Fei'er.    


At this moment, the wild boar under the tree was in a crazy state. Lin Fei's appearance did not attract their attention at all.    


They continued to crazily chew on the tree trunk, determined to bite off the banyan tree.    




"Hold tightly onto the tree trunk with both hands!"    


"Find a way to hold your ears!"    


Lin Fei shouted at the three beauties on the opposite tree while quickly taking out the remaining two Type 82-2 grenades hanging on his waist.    




As the flames exploded in the forest like lightning, two loud explosions rang out in the quiet forest.    


The huge shock wave caused by the explosion of the grenade instantly overturned several wild boars under the tree. Some of them were even sent flying by the shock wave.    


In the next moment, there was a wail like the cry of a ghost, but Lin Fei did not stop there.    


Instead, the moment he threw down the grenade, he picked up the AK47 he had picked up from the pirates and fired wildly below.    


Because he was worried that when he returned to the shelter, other pirates would come, so Lin Fei returned with a lot of guns.    


He had to be prepared for everything.    


After being hit by the hot bullets, the wild boar under the tree suddenly screamed in pain.    


The lucky boar that survived immediately ran away.    


After just a moment, other than the dead boars that were killed, the bottom of the tree was completely silent.    


However, the thick smell of gunpowder and the bloody smell that filled the air were still showing the tragic scene that happened just now.    


After a while, seeing that there was no longer any movement under the tree, Lin Fei leapt up and grabbed a hanging green vine in the air. Borrowing the gravitational force from his body, he gently swayed it and landed on the big tree where the three beauties were.    


"It's safe now!"    


Lin Fei had just stabilized his body when he said to the three beauties.    


The three beautiful girls finally saw Lin Fei, who was wearing a camouflage outfit and was fully equipped. They were shocked and confused at the same time.    


"Let's go!"    


"Let's go to the shelter first. I will explain it to you in detail!"    


Seeing the puzzled and shocked looks of the three beauties, Lin Fei knew that they had too many questions to ask, and he also had a lot of good news to share with them.    




At this moment, the smell of blood under the trees was too strong. Lin Fei was worried that it would attract more ferocious beasts, so they had to leave this place as soon as possible.    




The three beauties did not ask much and nodded obediently at the same time.    


After staying on the island for so long, they naturally understood that they couldn't stay here any longer. Otherwise, it was very likely that they would fall into greater trouble.    


Lin Fei quickly brought the three beauties to the ground one by one. Under Lin Fei's lead, the group quickly returned to the shelter on the other side of the waterfall. They were safe and sound.    


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