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C118 He Had Regained What He Had Lost.

C118 He Had Regained What He Had Lost.

After killing all the pirates in the forest in a short period of time, Lin Fei quickly flew towards the beach.    


He didn't dare to waste any more time, because the shot he shot at the beach just now could only temporarily scare the pirates on the beach for a short while.    


He believed that by now, they might have already walked towards the forest. He couldn't let them split up and enter the forest.    


The sky was almost dark. Lin Fei began to feel anxious.    


This was not because the night was unfavorable to him. On the contrary, a night battle was more beneficial to him, who had strong eyesight.    


He was worried about the women who lived in the cave.    


He was worried that they would take the risk to go out and find him. Because it had been a long time since the sky turned dark, he had not returned yet.    


He felt that they would very likely do such a thing.    


Besides, this island wasn't peaceful today. Gunshots kept coming from the island. If they heard the sound, they would probably come in that direction.    


If they really went into the forest to find Lin Fei, it would be much worse than Lin Fei dealing with these pirates himself.    


With this thought in mind, Lin Fei quickly ran towards the beach.    


When he was close to the beach, his sharp hearing had already heard the whispers of the pirates by the forest.    


Due to the power of the sniper rifle, the pirates were still squatting at the bottom of the beach, not daring to move.    


The sun gradually set, and the sky became darker and darker. Lin Fei guessed that these pirates were waiting for the night to fall, and then using the cover of the night, they rushed into the dense forest to save people.    


But they never thought that all their companions in the forest would have died long ago.    


Lin Fei did not dare to shoot recklessly, because there was a powerful sniper on the yacht.    


Once he fired, he would expose his position. If he was surrounded by more than ten pirates crawling on the beach, he would be in a very passive position.    


Lin Fei carefully climbed onto a tree. He opened the scope of the sniper rifle and began to observe where the pirates were hiding on the beach.    


After his observation, he found that the pirates lying on the beach, not daring to move, were very close.    


"This saved me a lot of trouble!"    


After observing for a while and confirming, Lin Fei immediately grinned and said.    


He quickly returned to the ground and climbed to the beach again. When he was very close to the beach, he took out three grenades.    


In order to save time and chase away all the pirates as soon as possible, Lin Fei threw the three grenades into the pile of pirates on the beach.    




The three grenades were neatly thrown towards the pirates. In an instant, the pirates who had reacted shouted anxiously.    


However, at this moment, it was too late for them to shout.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


Three loud muffled sounds came from the beach in succession.    


The three grenades exploded almost at the same time, and a huge wave of air burst out from the beach. Lin Fei was very close to the place where the explosion happened, and he heard a noise.    






"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


Countless shrapnel and grenades exploded, creating a shockwave that killed many of the pirates lying on the ground.    


Although the surviving pirates didn't die from the explosion, they had completely lost their ability to resist.    


Lin Fei did not rush out. Instead, he kept shooting at the pirates who had lost their ability to fight on the beach. Then he quickly climbed onto a big tree with a clear view.    


Lin Fei hid among the dense leaves and observed for a while. He decided to choose a place to execute a plan to determine the sniper's location.    


He quickly determined the location and quickly went down to plant a simple scarecrow under the tree.    


Then he picked up an AK47 and fixed it with a simple scarecrow that had already been made to the top of the tall tree.    


Then, he used a very thin green vine to pin the AK47's trigger. He pulled the green vine and climbed onto another tree with a poor view. He set up the barrett sniper rifle and observed the direction of the yacht.    


After doing all this, the weather was completely dark. So at this moment, Lin Fei did not hesitate to pull the green vine in his hand.    


"Da! Da! Tap!"    


The trigger of the AK47 was pulled by the green vine in Lin Fei's hand, and bullets were fired continuously.    


The bullets were aimed at the direction Lin Fei had set in advance, and they shot wildly in the direction of the yacht on the sea.    


The gunshots broke the silence on the deserted island once again. However, the gunshots instantly silenced the injured pirates on the beach.    


In the evening sky, the AK47 continuously fired.    


The scorching hot bullets drew a long line of fire in the air before finally sinking into the sea around the yacht, causing small waves.    




However, almost at the same moment that the AK47 opened fire, a dull sound came from the back of the yacht on the sea.    




The next second!    


A powerful barrett sniper rifle bullet hit the scarecrow's head. The AK47 was fixed on the scarecrow.    


In an instant, the branches and leaves on the tree were smashed into pieces and flew in all directions. The AK47 was also shattered by the bullet.    


However, at this moment, Lin Fei used his super strong vision and instantly locked onto a position on the sea below the yacht. He revealed a cold smile.    


It turned out that this cunning sniper was hiding on the sea below the yacht, using the aquatic plants in the sea to cover his body.    


No wonder Lin Fei was unable to recall the position of the sniper with his Photographic Memory's memory.    


"He is indeed cunning!"    




"This time, you are dead for sure! "    


Lin Fei coldly smiled and stared at the sniper.    


The sniper clearly realized that the shot had exposed his position, so he quickly sank into the water and prepared to move to the next location to cover.    


Unfortunately, Lin Fei would never give him a second chance.    




Subsequently, the dull sound of the barrett sniper rifle's gunshot rang out once again.    


The Barett's powerful bullet drew a long line of fire in the air before the night fell. It was like a falling meteor as it drilled straight into the sea's surface.    


A few seconds later, bright red blood appeared on the surface of the sea. Although Lin Fei could not see the miserable look of the sniper being beaten to death, he was sure that the sniper was dead.    


Seeing that the sky had turned completely black, Lin Fei did not waste any more time. He rushed to the beach and killed the pirate who was seriously injured by the grenade.    


After Lin Fei confirmed that all the pirates had died, he jumped into the sea. He used the lifeboat to cover himself and slowly approached the yacht.    


Now, he wasn't sure if there were other pirates on the yacht, so he had to be careful.    


As Lin Fei got closer and closer to the luxury yacht, he became more and more excited.    


Soon, he arrived at the location of the yacht. He saw that there was still a soft staircase on the hydrophilic platform on the yacht that had not been kept properly.    


Lin Fei observed for a while and found that there was no danger. He slowly climbed up the ladder and came to the deck.    


Lin Fei looked at everything familiar in front of him. At the entrance of the deck were the black marks left by the grenade explosion.    


Lin Fei nimbly snuck into the passenger cabin under the deck of the yacht.    


However, there was no one in the passenger cabin.    


After arriving at this position, Lin Fei quietly snuck into the cockpit of the yacht. After he confirmed that there was no one in the cabin, Lin Fei went to the monitoring platform to check.    


From this position, he could see almost all the places on the yacht through the surveillance camera.    


After checking, Lin Fei finally confirmed that there was no one else on the yacht. At present, he was the only person alive on the yacht.    


But to be cautious, Lin Fei still carefully checked every corner of the yacht. Only then did he finally feel at ease and sit in the passenger cabin.    


Lin Fei recalled what had happened in the passenger cabin earlier and was still somewhat afraid.    


After careful inspection, he found that other than the environment being a little dirty and messy, the entire yacht basically did not have any major changes.    


No one could understand the feeling of him regaining what he had lost. Lin Fei felt that all of this was like a dream.    


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