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C246 This Is Just the Beginning

C246 This Is Just the Beginning

Lin Fei's words were like a switch, instantly waking everyone up from their shock.    


"Heavens, what happened?"    


"Is Minister Marcus crazy?"    


"Is this an illusion?"    


"How could President Cassel lose?"    


... ""    


The countless white-collar spectators around instantly started discussing. Their eyes widened in disbelief, and their eyeballs fell to the ground.    


Edward Jin also looked at Lin Fei's back in an instant. His mouth was so wide that it could fit an egg.    


Even Marcus' brother, Matheus, had a confused look on his face. He did not understand why his brother, Marcus, would suddenly make such a shocking and incomprehensible move.    


Did he not want to do it anymore?    


"Marcus, are you f * cking crazy? I asked you to throw that poor bug out. Is there something wrong with your f * cking intelligence? Can't you understand what I'm saying?"    


As the unlucky person involved in this matter, Cassel finally recovered from his shock. He looked at Marcus angrily and questioned.    


In this company, no one had ever dared to challenge Cassel's authority. But today, he was personally grabbed by the collar by his own company's security director and thrown out in public. Even he could not understand it.    


The fury in his heart at this moment could definitely ignite a dead volcano that had been silent for many years.    


However, under his furious questioning, Marcus looked at him coldly. Then, he directly threw him to the ground and sneered, "Cassel, I think you're the one with a f * cking brain problem. Otherwise, why don't you know the new boss? "    


Silence. Absolute silence. The whole place was dead silent!    


No one would have thought that this security minister hired by the company with a high salary would not only throw out Vice President Cassel, but also dare to say such firm words.    


This could not help but make everyone curious. What exactly did Housekeeper Franklin say to him on the phone just now that made his attitude change so much in an instant?    




Cassel was so angry that he could not speak. He struggled to get up from the ground. He cursed, "Marcus, listen to me. From now on, you have nothing to do with Lishi. Because you've been fired by me, get lost now! "    


However, as soon as Cassel finished speaking, he realized that Marcus was looking at him quietly with a smile. He did not seem to be in a hurry or afraid at all. He suddenly felt that something was strange.    


"I've never seen a new boss before. Hiss..."    


However, Cassel seemed to have thought of something. He muttered and suddenly looked up at Marcus. "What did you say just now? You said that I don't even know the new boss. Do you know the new boss? Where is he?"    


At that moment, for some reason, Cassel inadvertently glanced at Lin Fei. Suddenly, he had a bad feeling in his heart.    


"Impossible, impossible, how is this possible!"    


Cassel was shocked by his own thoughts, but then he quickly dispelled the thoughts in his heart, thinking that it was absolutely impossible.    


But at this moment, he saw Marcus in shock in his eyes. He quickly ran in front of Lin Fei and performed a standard royal etiquette. Then he said, "Boss, I'm sorry. We were ignorant just now and offended you. Please punish me!"    




Marcus' words exploded in everyone's mind like a clap of thunder.    


Just a month ago, within the entire Lishi Company, everyone was talking about the rumor that the Lishi Company was bought over by a mysterious boss from the East.    


However, other than a few absolute higher-ups who knew about this, the rest of the staff were just guessing. However, Marcus' words instantly confirmed that it was true.    


However, this was not the main reason why they were shocked. The most important thing was that he actually called this Dongfang man, who was not even 200 yuan in total, the boss. This was simply unbelievable.    


This was too shocking. No one would have thought that this young man, who wore very unconventional clothes, was actually the mysterious Dongfang boss, who was rumored to be the one who bought the entire Lishi Company.    


This made it very difficult for everyone to think of such a scene in their minds. To be able to buy a company that was valued at 70 billion pounds, he should be a wealthy man from the east no matter what!    


But this man in front of you, other than his looks and temperament, was not good at all. He was so poor that it was hard for people to associate him with the word 'wealthy man from the east'!    


However, Lin Fei, a billion-dollar cash giant, did not care about the doubtful gazes of the people around him at this moment. Instead, he felt that Housekeeper Franklin was quite capable.    


He immediately waved his hand lightly and said with a smile, "Marcus, you did not offend me. On the contrary, I think you did very well!"    


After Lin Fei said that, he pointed at the white-collar audience around him and continued to smile. "You even did better than them, so not only did I not punish you, but I even rewarded you!"    




Marcus suddenly looked up and saw the atmosphere from this new boss. He felt guilty, but he still nodded without caring about the details and respectfully retreated to the side.    


"Marcus, what is going on?"    


The moment Marcus retreated to the side, he immediately rushed up and asked.    


"Lin... Mr. Lin, what's going on?"    


Edward Jin had to put in a lot of effort to calm himself down, but he still stammered as he looked at Lin Fei.    


The white-collar workers and onlookers around also fell silent for a moment before they started discussing. The entire company hall suddenly became noisy.    


However, Lin Fei patted Edward King on the shoulder and said, "Edward, there's nothing special about it. I just felt bored a while ago, so I took a random company to play with it."    




Hearing this answer, Edward King was instantly stunned on the spot.    


He thought to himself, "F * ck, is this still human? Lishi is one of the top ten companies in London. If you have nothing better to do, just accept a company to play with. How rich must this person be?"    


"No, this is not just money. This is f * cking money!"    


Just now, he felt that this Lin Fei might be a tycoon from the East. He was the type of tycoon that could do business with Lishi.    


But now, it seemed like he was more than just a tycoon. This was simply a f * cking tycoon who wouldn't pay with his life if he was scared to death!    


He was a super tycoon who could set off a financial storm on Wall Street with just a stamp of his foot. He was a super tycoon who could turn the tide with a flip of his hand!    


At this moment, Edward King suddenly felt that he was the one who had been blessed by God. He swore that even if he were to be beaten to death, he would still cling onto Lin Fei's leg and never let go.    


Lin Fei saw Edward King still standing there in a daze. He suddenly grinned and patted him on the shoulder. "Hey, Edward, let's have a bigger picture. Let's see a bigger picture!"    


"You can just stand aside and watch. Today's show has only just begun, and it has only just begun!"    


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