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C162 Everyone Was Shocked.

C162 Everyone Was Shocked.

"Dlamini, don't worry!"    


"I'll save you now!"    


Lin Fei did not move and muttered a few words to himself before shouting at Dlamini.    


Dlamini must not be able to hear anything because of the explosion of the grenade. He anxiously watched Lin Fei struggling. He could not hear what Lin Fei was saying.    


His struggles caused the roof of the warehouse, which had been on the verge of collapse, to creak.    


Lin Fei quickly gestured for him to stop struggling. Only then did he finally stop struggling. He was waiting there for Lin Fei to save him.    


"Stop! Don't come over!"    


However, just as Lin Fei was about to walk to the entrance of the warehouse, Soul Sect's Spiral Shell, who was covered in blood, suddenly stood up in the ruins of the warehouse. He shouted at Lin Fei.    


At this moment, she used all her strength to rush to the side of the warehouse. She grabbed the rope with one hand and took out a sharp machete with the other. She shouted at Lin Fei, "If you continue to walk forward, I will cut this rope!"    


It turned out that Soul Sect's Spiral Shell did not manage to escape successfully just now.    


She originally planned to escape from the other side of the warehouse. Everything should have proceeded smoothly, but an accident still happened.    


She never would have thought that Lin Fei could use her own hands to send the grenade flying.    


The first grenade exploded in the air and created a shock wave, which happened to cause a wall inside the warehouse to collapse.    


The collapse of the wall caused the two grenades that she had prepared in advance to explode at the entrance of the warehouse.    


This sudden scene caused her to be buried in the rubble before she could even react.    


Although she managed to keep her life, she was still heavily injured. She kept bleeding. If she didn't immediately go to the hospital for treatment now, she would definitely die.    


Lin Fei looked at Soul Sect's Spiral Shell, who was covered in blood, and then looked at the rope in her hand.    


It turned out that this rope was the rope that connected Dlamini to the beam. At this moment, Dlamini was about five meters away from the ground.    


If the ground was just a broken rock, then even if the rope was cut, Dlamini would not fall to his death.    


But coincidentally, there was a wooden spike right below Dlamini. Its sharp tip was pointed directly at the top.    


If Soul Sect's Spiral Shell really cut the rope, Dlamini would definitely die.    


"Do what you want!"    


"I don't want to save him anyway. If you want to cut the rope, then cut the rope!"    


However, at this moment, Lin Fei casually leaned against the wall. He did not seem to mind at all.    


"You're really too much!"    


Dlamini, who was hanging in the air, looked at Lin Fei's attitude and kept scolding him in his heart.    


However, Soul Sect's Spiral Shell did not think so.    


She was very anxious!    


She was still bleeding non-stop. She felt that she was getting colder and colder. She felt that she was about to die.    


She did not have time to continue arguing with Lin Fei. She was worried that she would die here.    


But she was unwilling to give up!    


Because the Ming Zhongshui was currently in Cape Town. She had already pressed the distress button just now. She had informed her companion, the Ming Zhongshui, to come and save her. She hoped that the Ming Zhongshui could rush over and save her before the situation worsened.    


She had already been a killer for the rest of her life. She knew that death would come eventually. But now, she suddenly felt that this world was so beautiful. She didn't want to die yet!    


Of course!    


Actually, she wasn't the only one who was anxious. Lin Fei was also very anxious.    


Because a series of explosions had already happened here. Such a huge commotion might have alarmed the nearby people.    


If someone called the police, the police would immediately rush here. This might cause this matter to become very terrible.    


However, Lin Fei was very good at disguising his emotions. He did this on purpose. His goal was to distract Soul Sect's Spiral Shell's attention. He hoped to find a chance to save Dlamini through this method.    


His disguise had indeed achieved the effect he wanted. Soul Sect's Spiral Shell sank into her own thoughts and relaxed her vigilance against Lin Fei.    


The next second!    


Lin Fei picked up a sharp piece of wood from the ground at lightning speed and fiercely threw it at Soul Sect's Spiral Shell.    




That piece of wood shot towards Soul Sect's Spiral Shell's throat like an arrow.    




By the time Soul Sect's Spiral Shell reacted, that sharp piece of wood had already pierced her throat.    




She opened her eyes wide in shock and turned to look at Lin Fei. But she died before she could finish her sentence.    


She probably did not expect that after being an assassin for more than ten years, she would be stabbed in the throat by a sharp piece of wood and die.    


All of this shocked Dlamini, who was hanging in the air. He admired China's martial arts even more.    


Lin Fei did not dare to waste any time. He carefully put Dlamini down and cleaned up all the traces around him.    


Finally, he simply dug a hole and buried Soul Sect's Spiral Shell's corpse. He did not expose this handsome killer's corpse in the wilderness.    


After finishing all of this, Lin Fei took Dlamini and quickly left from the other exit of the abandoned chemical factory.    


In order to prevent himself from being discovered by the police, Lin Fei took Dlamini around Cape Town many times.    


Finally, when they returned to the city, it was already one o'clock in the night.    


Lin Fei reminded Dlamini. Lin Fei asked Dlamini to arrange for his family to go on vacation for a while before coming back to live with him.    


He had killed two assassins from the Dark Abyss. They would never let this matter rest.    


Therefore, after Lin Fei finished dealing with the matters of the West Group, he would negotiate with the leader of the Dark Abyss and settle this matter thoroughly, eliminating any future troubles.    


Although this underground organization posed no threat to him, he didn't wish for the people of this underground organization to keep pestering him.    


More importantly, he wasn't alone yet.    


He still had his family! Furthermore, he still had three women to protect!    


He didn't want anything to happen to them!    




After Lin Fei and Dlamini left, the police quickly rushed to the site of the accident.    


Unfortunately, they did not find any strong evidence or clues. They did not even find Soul Sect's Spiral Shell's corpse.    


After searching for a while, they found nothing. Thus, they helplessly retreated.    


Not long after the police left, a person suddenly appeared. No one knew what special means he used, but he quickly found the place where Lin Fei buried Soul Sect's Spiral Shell.    




He did not dig out the corpse, but quietly inserted three cigarettes in front of Soul Sect's Spiral Shell's grave.    


After that, he lit another cigarette. Then, he slowly said, "Soul Sect's Spiral Shell, I'm sorry! I'm late!"    


"Although our relationship isn't particularly close, since you begged me for help before you died, I will still take revenge for you!"    


The cigarette quickly burned out.    


That person also disappeared in the night.    


And this person was not someone else!    


He was the number one assassin in the Dark Abyss's underground world.    


Ming Zhongshui!    




"You are my little apple, I love you very much..."    


The sun had just risen outside when Lin Fei, who was staying in the hotel, was woken up by the phone call.    


Too many things had happened last night. Lin Fei slept very late. Unknowingly, it was already the morning of the second day.    


Lin Fei tried to wake himself up. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Liu Qing calling.    


Lin Fei guessed that these three women must have arrived at Greece. They should have just gotten off the plane and saw the message sent by Lin Fei.    


He hesitated for a while before picking up the phone. "Hello, Xiao Qing, have you arrived at Greece?"    


"Sir, you can't do that!"    


"You can't do this!"    


What greeted Lin Fei was not a gentle voice, but a stern questioning.    


Obviously, Liu Qing was very angry!    


Ever since Lin Fei knew her, she had never used this kind of tone to talk to Lin Fei!    


Through the phone, Lin Fei also heard the other two angry women beside Liu Qing questioning him sternly.    


"The weather in Greece today is very good, right? Is the scenery in the Aegean Sea beautiful?"    


Lin Fei tried to change the topic, but he did not succeed.    


He had to bear the blame of the three women.    


Lin Fei felt that it was fortunate that they were not by his side. If they were by his side, they would definitely be so angry that they would want to beat him to death.    


However, in the end, he still convinced the three of them to stay in Greece. He didn't want them to return to Cape Town. Lin Fei hoped that they could play in Europe while waiting for him to find them.    


After hanging up the phone, Lin Fei completely relaxed. He woke Dlamini up, then they went straight to West Group.    


Last night, Dlamini had followed Lin Fei's instructions and sent his family away. Now, he had nothing to worry about.    


Lin Fei had saved him twice in a row. Now, he was determined to follow Lin Fei and become his loyal subordinate.    


Lin Fei also planned to use Dlamini well. After all, such a person was the most reliable.    


On the way, Lin Fei called his secretary Phyllis. He asked her to inform everyone that there was an official shareholder meeting today.    


Lin Fei did not intend to look at the company's accounts anymore. He wanted them to confess on their own accord.    


Those small shareholders were not worth mentioning in front of a billionaire like him. If they did not know what to do today, Lin Fei had ten thousand ways to make them lose all their shares.    


For Lin Fei, if the higher ups in the group chose the right side, he would not affect their future. If they chose the wrong faction, Lin Fei would give them heavy punishment.    




Although Lin Fei did not lack money now, he accepted the West Group as a businessman and not as a philanthropist.    


Businessmen valued benefits. Their relationship was built on interests. There was no other relationship between them other than interests.    


When Lin Fei and Dlamini arrived at the meeting room of West Group, all the shareholders and higher-ups of the company were present.    


Hollar Ray was sitting on the seat of vice president, but he looked very worried.    


Lin Fei glanced at him and then sat on the chairman's seat. Dlamini stood behind him.    


At this time, because Lin Fei brought Dlamini here, the people in the meeting room began to discuss passionately.    


Everyone in the company knew very well what Hollar Ray had done. Now, Lin Fei had brought Dlamini to the meeting room. This meant that Lin Fei was going to deal with Hollar Ray's matter publicly.    


"All of you, quiet down..."    


Everyone in the meeting room was having a heated discussion. Just as everyone was talking, Lin Fei spoke in a serious manner. He made everyone in the conference room quieten down.    


Then he stood up and pointed at Dlamini, who was standing behind him, and said, "From today onwards, Dlamini will officially become the new chairman of West Group!"    


Lin Fei calmly announced this matter. But at this moment, everyone in the meeting room was shocked.    


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