Supreme Dragon System

C45 Don't Force Me!

C45 Don't Force Me!



The green-robed guy, Zhan Qian, and the other two were stunned.    


They turned their heads and looked toward the cheeky guy.    


A human figure was rushing toward Zhan Qian like a gale.    


In the blink of an eye, the stranger was meters away from Zhan Qian.    


Meanwhile, Fu Shiyao, who was thinking about excuses to not kill the Three Tailed Demonic Wolf, was overjoyed after hearing the proclamation.    




"If this Three-Tailed Thunderwolf has a master, then I don't need to kill it."    


In that instant, Zhan Tianming became Fu Shiyao's savior.    


Now that she looked at Zhan Tianming, she found him quite handsome.    


Reason? There was no reason.    


He was simply handsome and cool.    


"All of you, stop! That Demonic Wolf is mine," Zhan Tianming said as he approached and pointed at the three of them.    


'Damn it!'    


'How dare you touch my Demonic Wolf!?'    


'I'm not done with it yet.'    




Zhang Xuan harrumphed coldly with a disdainful expression.    


"Who are you? You want me the believe that the wolf is yours just because you say so?"    


"If you have the ability, make the Demonic Wolf obey you by making it kneel before you."    


Zhan Tianming glared at Zhan Qian.    


'Is he really asking me to do that?'    


'Damn it!'    


'He must be tired of living.'    


However, Zhan Tianming did not get angry and said, "If it kneels before me, will you really believe me?"    


"Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!" Zhan Qian couldn't help but laugh.    


Beside him, the youth surnamed Tang also laughed. "Haha!!!" Senior brother, this guy came out of nowhere and wants us to believe that he has tamed the Demonic Wolf. Now, he says that he can make the Grade One Demonic Wolf kneel before him. What kind of wishful thinking is it? This is one of the funniest jokes I've ever heard."    


Zhan Qian nodded his head, laughing so hard that tears appeared in his eyes.    


After he finished laughing, he disdainfully said, "Brat, I don't care who you are or what sect you come from. Scram as far away as you can if you want to live."    


Zhan Qian didn't want anyone to spoil his plan.    


Zhan Tianming's expression did not change as he said, "Brat, I also don't care who you are or what sect you come from. I can make the wolf kneel before me, but you are sure I can't. So, why are you afraid?"    


"I'm afraid? I'm afraid you'll die a terrible death."    


He glanced at Three-Tailed Thunderwolf and felt disdain in his heart.    




"Even if this guy is the owner of the Demonic Wolf, so what?"    


"Once a beast is controlled by the Mad Blood Powder, it would attack anyone, even their own master."    


Meanwhile, Zhan Qian had no idea that something about the wolf has changed.    


When Zhan Tianming appeared on the scene—the madness, the insanity, the bloodlust in the wolf's eyes peaked.    


The Three-Tailed Thunderwolf had already smelled the stench coming from Zhan Tianming's body.    


The scent was a fatal attraction to the Demonic Wolf.    


If the wolf was mad before, now it was psychotic!    


The Three-Tailed Thunderwolf had become even more frenzied.    


The demonic blood in its body seemed to be boiling.    


"Senior Brother, this kid is so funny."    


The Tang guy sneered as he walked forward until he was in front of Zhan Tianming.    


"Brat, if you can make that Demonic Wolf kneel before you, I'll kneel too and call you grandpa."    


"If you can't, then you've to kneel and call me grandpa. How about it?"    


"Senior brother, I'll have to trouble you to be my witness."    


Zhan Qian coldly laughed as he nodded, "Alright, I'll be your witness."    


Zhan Tianming's face was filled with contempt. His gaze swept over the Tang guy, and he ridiculed, "Stop with all this nonsense. You'll really have to call me grandfather if I make the wolf kneel before me."    


After saying that, a cold expression appeared on his face.    




"Boy, you want to bet, right?    


"Alright then!    


"Let's make it bigger."    


"Loser not only has to call the winner grandfather, but he also has to lick the winner's soles until they are clean."    


Zhan Tianming purposely frowned.    


"What, you don't dare?" Zhan Qian sneered.    


Seeing the expression on Zhan Tianming's face, the duo was certain that they had won the bet.    


"Kid, weren't you very confident just now?"    


"Are you scared now?"    


"You want to be a cowardly turtle?"    


Zhan Qian interjected and ridiculed him, afraid that Zhan Tianming would abandon the bet due to fear.    


Zhan Tianming frowned, clenched his teeth, and then revealed an expression that said he was ready for death. He made himself seem like an agitated fellow trying his best to calm down.    


"You... Don't force my hand."    


"I'm forcing you. What do you want? If you don't dare to bet, just obediently kneel before us, kowtow and beg for forgiveness."    


"Alright, I'll bet."    


Suddenly, Zhan Tianming agreed, and at the same time, turned to look at the young man named Tang and said, "You're also a part of this bet, right?"    


Right now, the duo was on a power trip, far from fear.    


Before even suggesting the bet, they had used their true qi to access Zhan Tianming.    


A one-star Martial Practitioner.    


Someone so weak couldn't even fill the gaps between the teeth of the Three-Tailed Thunderwolf.    


So, they obviously didn't buy his claim.    


Fu Shiyao couldn't bear to see Zhan Tianming seek death, so she stepped forward to persuade him. "It's better if you don't bet, you will lose."    


"Junior sister, don't interrupt," Zhan Qian stepped forward and said with a modest tone.    


Zhan Tianming grinned. "What's your name? You're so beautiful... totally my type."    


After hearing that, Fu Shiyao's beautiful face turned red.    


She just couldn't fathom it.    


How could a person be so direct?    


Fu Shiyao bit her red lips lightly, and her face started to burn.    


She did not dare to look straight into Zhan Tianming's eyes.    


On the other side, both the Qian guy and the Tang guy sported gloomy expressions on their faces.    


Especially when they saw the sheer disregard Zhan Tianming showed them by flirting with her right in front of them, they could not wait to stomp Zhan Tianming to death.    


Zhan Qian said in a deep voice, "Brat, go and make that Demonic Wolf kneel right now."    


"Otherwise, I'll consider it your loss."    


Zhan Tianming withdrew his gaze from Fu Shiyao's body, looked at the furious Zhan Qian, and disdainfully said, "Why are you in such a hurry? Are you that look forward to licking my soles and calling me grandfather? Also, isn't she just too beautiful?"    


Zhan Tianming raised his eyebrows at Fu Shiyao.    


Fu Shiyao's face became even redder.    


Her already lowered head lowered even further; her chin was almost touching her chest.    


"Look, even the beauty has nodded." Zhan Tianming laughed.    


"Brat, don't just stand there and talk. If you don't make a move, you will lose!" Zhan Qian bellowed.    


Zhan Qian just couldn't bear to see "his woman" being taken advantage of like that.    


The Tang guy also added, "That's right, if you don't go now, then you will lose. Humph! Then, not only must you kneel down and call us grandfather, but you must also lick the soles of our shoes clean."    


Zhan Tianming turned to look at the Tang guy.    


"Oh, look at you. You are also so eager to call me grandpa."    


"Aiya, my grandsons are really too impatient and passionate. I don't even know what to do."    


"Hahaha!" Fu Shiyao laughed at Zhan Tianming's words.    


That smile was breathtakingly beautiful.    


"Aiya!" (Note:- Imagine Uncle Roger.)    


Zhan Tianming exclaimed and purposely covered his eyes with his hands, making an exaggerated gesture.    


"Hey beauty, can you not smile so beautifully? Your smile is so bright! You're so beautiful that I can barely keep my eyes open."    


"Humph! Smooth talker."    


Fu Shiyao's heart raced as she glared at Zhan Tianming with her mouth agape. Then, she turned around.    


His face was now like a ripe tomato.    


Zhan Tianming, who had been teasing Fu Shiyao for a while, had totally ignored Zhan Qian and the Tang guy. As soon as he faced them, his original laughing expression suddenly sank, and his ice-cold eyes stared at the Three-Tailed Thunderwolf that was becoming more violent with each passing moment.    


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