Urban Magic Eye

C180 A Great Competition of Cucumber Quality

C180 A Great Competition of Cucumber Quality

The restaurant's lobby manager patiently explained, but Zhang Tao still did not buy it. He said angrily, "Unpalatable means unpalatable. What good taste? It's all excuses!"    


Lee Hao picked up his chopsticks and tasted the cucumber slices. It was not comparable to Little Heaven and Earth's cucumber slices, but compared to the cucumber on the market, it was still more fragrant and refreshing. The lobby manager should not be lying.    


"Tao, forget it. Stop messing around. Let's eat. We still have things to do in the afternoon!" Lee Hao advised. It was just a cucumber. There was no need to make such a big fuss.    


However, Zhang Tao did not think so. He thought that he had made a big mistake today and lost all his face. He was actually fooled by the green vegetables in this restaurant. It was too infuriating to think about it.    


At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open again. A man in his forties walked in and asked, "Manager Cai, when did this happen?"    


Manager Cai immediately told him what had happened. The man nodded and said, "Go ahead and do your work! Leave this to me."    


Then he looked at Zhang Tao and said, "I am the owner of this restaurant, He Jianzhang. I have been working in the restaurant for more than 20 years. I don't mind anyone, but this is the first time I have seen you like this."    


"What do you mean?" Zhang Tao asked curiously.    


"Haha," He Jianzhang smiled contemptuously and said, "I see that you are all dressed well. I think you are all important people. It is just a meal. I will treat you to it."    


"What do you mean? I still need a few thousand yuan of food money from you?" Zhang Tao shouted at He Jianzhang. This time, he was furious. This was clearly looking down on him.    


"Isn't that so?" He Jianzhang said coldly, "After I ran this shop, I saw people giving out bug escape orders. I saw some people using the toilet to escape card. I also saw some people pretending to be drunk. But today is the first time I've seen someone picky about vegetables and want to escape orders. "    


"Sir, I can tell clearly from standing here that... The vegetables in our shop are definitely the best green vegetables in China. If you can find a vegetable twice as good as this one, let me put it this way. Not only will I be exempted from your list for today, you can come and eat in the future no matter what. The list will be exempted as well. "    


"Of course. Since there's a reward, there's a punishment. I, too, am not the kind of person who pretends to be competitive. You apologize for your mistake, just settle the bill. How about it? Do you dare to accept it?"    


After saying that, He Jianzhang even looked at Zhang Tao provocatively. This restaurant had been dedicated to him for the first half of his life. He had strictly monitored the selection of each ingredient. He had the confidence to say these words.    


"Alright! I'll take it." Zhang Tao agreed confidently. He had just eaten the cucumber that Lee Hao had given him. He could instantly kill the cucumber in He Jianzhang's restaurant. There was no doubt about it.    


"Awesome!" He Jianzhang was also a straightforward person. He said, "Sir, how long will it take for you to find the cucumber you are satisfied with?"    


Zhang Tao wolfed down the cucumber that Lee Hao gave him just now. Now he could only look at Lee Hao and look at him pitifully.    


Actually, Lee Hao wanted to bet? He did not want to bet. He did not want the special vegetables in the small heaven and earth to be spread out. His purpose of planting vegetables was very simple. Besides satisfying his own consumption, he also wanted his close friends to enjoy them.    


Of course, the most important thing was that the land in the small heaven and earth... It would be a waste if he didn't plant some things. Besides, planting vegetables was an instinct that flowed through the blood of the Chinese. As long as there was land and the Chinese, they would work hard. Lee Hao was just one of the reasons why they created an oasis.    


After saying so much, he just wanted to express Lee Hao's original intention of growing vegetables. It was all for himself, for his family, for his friends, and not for selling money or doing other things.    


So? Facing Zhang Tao's request, Lee Hao was very, very troubled. This was a typical case of a strenuous and unrewarding task. He Jianzhang said that they could come here to eat for free in the future. But would they come? Lee Hao didn't care. As long as they could eat their fill, it was fine. But these two women... They didn't eat the sweet and delicious vegetables at home and instead came here looking for trouble. Were they crazy?    


"Elder Brother Hao..." Zhang Tao continued to speak in a pitiful tone. He really wanted to strike a blow to He Jianzhang's confidence and let him know that there was always someone better than him.    


"Alright!" Lee Hao nodded in agreement. His little brother had already begged him repeatedly. As his big brother, he couldn't just stand idly by! After saying that, he took out a green cucumber from under the table.    


Zhang Tao was overjoyed. He immediately ran over and took the cucumber from Lee Hao. " With a cracking sound, he took off about a quarter of the cucumber and handed it to He Jianzhang. He said, "Boss He, try the cucumbers we brought. They are not as delicious as the cucumbers in your restaurant. I'll kneel down and call you daddy. "    


From Zhang Tao's tone, He Jianzhang heard that he was very confident. He didn't understand what was so special about this cucumber. Indeed. This cucumber had a good appearance and was very attractive. However, he really didn't agree with the taste.    


Of course, he wasn't afraid of Zhang Tao harming him, because after Zhang Tao gave him a piece of the cucumber, he picked up the remaining cucumber and ate it himself. His face even revealed an intoxicated expression.    


Eat! He Jianzhang immediately made a decision. He wanted to see if this cucumber was as good as what the other party had said.    


With this kind of mentality, He Jianzhang took the first bite. His pupils suddenly enlarged and revealed an expression of disbelief.    


"This... Is this still a cucumber?" He Jianzhang said in shock.    


"If it's not a cucumber, what is it?" Zhang Tao smiled contemptuously. He was very pleased with He Jianzhang's expression, as if all the credit was his.    


Of course, even if others pointed out that it was Lee Hao's credit, the pride on Zhang Tao's face would not decrease. He had paid respects to the mountain and recognized Lee Hao as his big brother. The glory of his big brother was his glory.    


After a while, He Jianzhang ate all the cucumbers in his hand. He looked at the remaining half of the cucumbers in Zhang Tao's hand and drooled. From his expression, it could be seen that he really wanted to have another piece of the cucumbers.    


Obviously, Zhang Tao would not give him such treatment. He ate the remaining cucumber in a few big bites, cutting off the other's thoughts. Then he said proudly, "Boss He, what do you think? You don't believe me when I say your cucumber tastes bad. Do you understand now? This is the truly excellent quality cucumber. "    


" Understood, understood! " He Jianzhang hurriedly replied, "The cucumber that little brother brought has broadened my horizons. This time, I lost. In the future, when you come to my restaurant to eat, all of you are free of charge."    


After making his promise, He Jianzhang asked again, "Little brother, where did you buy this cucumber?"    


Losing the bet caused a certain amount of loss, but He Jianzhang did not feel the slightest bit of depression in his heart. On the contrary, he felt warm because he found a business opportunity. A business opportunity that could make him stand out in the catering industry. If he put such a high-quality vegetable in the restaurant, it was hard not to make money.    


Unfortunately, wishes were good, but reality was cruel. Before Zhang Tao could answer, Lee Hao said, "Boss He, these vegetables are provided by friends. Forgive us for not telling you the source."    


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