Urban Magic Eye

C509 Self-recommendation

C509 Self-recommendation

This time, Zhou Qianqian was frightened badly. She sat aside without saying a word and ignored Lee Hao.    


Lee Hao knew that this was only temporary in the hearts of these little girls. In a while, they would jump up and down energetically again.    


Since the other party did not need to comfort her, Lee Hao was too lazy to comfort her. The proper business was more important. It was better to continue finding home tutoring.    


It was not difficult to find information about home tutors. He searched on a random website and found rows and rows of information about home tutors. As for Lee Hao, he only needed to find someone who was pleasing to the eye to teach him.    


Who was it that Lee Hao found pleasing to the eye? Of course, it was a beauty. However, the photos online were too fake. They needed to test Lee Hao's eyesight and luck.    


Zhou Qianqian sat for a few minutes and waited for Lee Hao to comfort her. However, she saw Lee Hao lowering his head and playing with his phone. This made Zhou Qianqian very angry. She angrily walked over and snatched Lee Hao's phone.    


Lee Hao was speechless and said, "Qianqian, don't mess around. Give the phone to brother-in-law. Brother-in-law still needs to do proper business."    


"I won't give it to you!" Zhou Qianqian was happy now. She took Lee Hao's phone and sat to the side. She said to herself, "I will check and see if you have done anything bad behind my sister's back."    


Lee Hao was speechless."    


Lee Hao had already expected this kind of situation. How could there be such an obvious loophole? Zhou Qianqian could only waste her time.    


In fact, Lee Hao was thinking too much. Zhou Qianqian had been with her elder sister all the time. How could she not know about Lee Hao's matter? She did this to scare Lee Hao.    


Zhou Qianqian turned on Lee Hao's phone and understood what Lee Hao was doing just now. She frowned and said, "Brother-in-law, you want to find a tutor?"    


"Yes!" Lee Hao smiled and said, "You have to learn from old age and never forget to charge yourself. Only then can you walk the path of life. The further you go, the higher you climb. That was why... Qianqian, you must study hard, work hard..."    


" Stop it! I hate preaching." Zhou Qianqian said impatiently, "I listen to these things every day in school. Please, let me go home and have some peace."    


"Okay! It's another girl who doesn't like to study." Lee Hao shook his head and sighed, "If you don't work hard, your old age will be sad. Qianqian, in the future, you..."    


Lee Hao could not say what happened next because Zhou Qianqian walked over and blocked Lee Hao's mouth. Uh, not with his mouth, but with his hands.    


Zhou Qianqian complained, "I don't like brother-in-law anymore. Turns out brother-in-law is such a person. He likes to teach Qianqian. Qianqian doesn't like to listen to these big reasons."    


"Uh! Alright!"    


Lee Hao took Zhou Qianqian's hand away and took his phone. He said," Qianqian doesn't want to learn. Brother-in-law has no choice. You can't possibly not want Brother-in-law to learn, right? Brother-in-law is a person who does big things. You must not delay brother-in-law's path of becoming a god."    


Zhou Qianqian rolled her eyes and could not help but ridicule, "Brother-in-law, aren't you just learning the Japanese language? Look at how awesome you are. It was as if you were the only one who knew it. " After she finished speaking, Zhou Qianqian changed to another language and spoke a long string of words. She then proudly stood in front of Lee Hao as if she was saying: Come and praise me, see if I'm awesome or not.    


"You know Japanese?" Lee Hao, who was familiar with Japanese culture, immediately recognized that Zhou Qianqian was speaking Japanese, but he did not know what she was talking about.    


"Of course!" Zhou Qianqian was like a proud princess. She raised her head and said disdainfully, "It's just Japanese. I have learned it a long time ago and even obtained a certificate from the country."    


"Amazing, my Qianqian!" Lee Hao gave her a thumbs up and praised, "Qianqian, I can't tell. You are so awesome at such a young age. Will you go to heaven when you grow up?"    


"Brother-in-law!" Zhou Qianqian pouted and said, "I am not a child anymore. I am already an adult. I have already grown up."    


"Is that so?" Lee Hao scanned Zhou Qianqian's body and finally fixed his eyes on the most eye-catching part of her body. He swallowed his saliva and said, "Yes, it is big. Qianqian has grown up. It is the harvest season."    


Zhou Qianqian,... ""    


As they chatted, Zhou Qianwei walked out. When she saw the two of them sitting there and chatting, a smile hung on her face. Clearly, she was very satisfied with their performance.    


Recalling the last time Lee Hao and Zhou Qianqian met, Zhou Qianwei felt rather helpless. This sister of hers was good in everything except for her carefree personality. Whoever she liked, she liked to stick to. There was no need to be wary of men and women at all. As for Lee Hao, Zhou Qianwei knew better. He was the type of person who would push his nose up to his face. If you lean against him, he will dare to hug you. He would not care so much.    


How good and normal it is now. This is the normal way for brother-in-law and sister-in-law to get along. Hugging is out of character.    


Zhou Qianwei smiled and said, "Qianqian, listen to me today. Be good and tell what you want to tell sister. I will buy it for you tomorrow."    


Everything was an illusion. If Zhou Qianwei came out earlier, seeing the scene of the two people on the sofa, even Old Blood would be angry. Luckily, Lee Hao was smart enough to scare Zhou Qianqian. The little princess was angry. Naturally, she did not want to talk to Lee Hao.    


Obviously, Zhou Qianqian realized this matter and patted her chest with lingering fear. After making a cute face for Lee Hao, she ran to Zhou Qianwei's side. She wrapped her arms around Zhou Qianwei and said coquettishly, "Sister, I want to go out for a vacation. Take me out for a vacation!"    


"Travel? No, no." Zhou Qianwei shook her head and refused, saying, "Qianqian, the New Year is coming soon. This period of time is the peak of passenger transportation. Older sister is so busy that she is unable to find time to accompany you. When the season comes next year, older sister will find time to accompany you? How is it? "    


Zhou Qianqian pouted her small mouth, her face full of unhappiness. She said with grievance, "It's so boring for me to be alone at home. No one will play with me." When she said this, Zhou Qianqian shifted her gaze to Lee Hao.    


Suddenly, Zhou Qianqian's face lit up and said, "Sister, brother-in-law is looking for a tutor. He wants to learn Japanese. You know, I learn small languages. Japanese is pretty good. Why not let brother-in-law stay here? I'll teach him how to learn? This way, we can save a lot of money."    


" This... "    


Zhou Qianwei hesitated and put her sister beside Lee Hao. They got along day and night. This was like meat buns hitting dogs. They would never return. But seeing her younger sister's hopeful eyes, Zhou Qianwei could not bear to refuse.    


Finally, Zhou Qianwei looked at Lee Hao and asked, "Do you really want to learn Japanese? Or are you..."    


Zhou Qianwei did not say the rest of the words. She became suspicious and suspected that the two of them had colluded and deliberately put on this act.    


"Unjustified, truly unjust. Why is it always me who gets injured? Could it be that there is a label of a pervert on my face? It can't be! What an upright, masculine, and handsome boy."    


Lee Hao couldn't help but laugh at himself, and then he bit the bullet and explained, "Wei, don't think too much. I've already planned to learn Japanese. Just now, I was looking up information on the Internet, but I didn't expect Qianqian to speak Japanese. What a coincidence."    


In order to prove his innocence, Lee Hao even handed his phone to Zhou Qianwei to take a look. The website that he had just opened had not been deleted. Zhou Qianwei looked at it. Lee Hao said, "If Qianqian is willing to teach me, I will naturally be happy. If you don't agree... Then forget it. Invite the family to teach me these few coins. I don't care. "    


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