Urban Magic Eye

C593 Comforting Li Huan

C593 Comforting Li Huan

Lee Zhengfa came to his senses and said indignantly, "You... you are with Lee Liangcai?"    




Yan Biao and the little brother that Yan Biao had brought over burst out laughing.    


One of Yan Biao's little brothers mocked, "Boss Li, you are quite bold. Your crooked thoughts have already landed on Master Lee's father's head. I admire you."    


"He is not bold. He is just stupid!" One of hooligan's henchmen said with a sneer.    


Yan Biao also smiled and said, "Boss Li, don't blame me for not being loyal enough. I really can't help you this time."    


"Brother Biao, Brother Biao! I was wrong. Let me go!" Lee Zhengfa begged, "I really didn't know Lee Liangcai was your friend. If I knew, even if I had ten guts, I wouldn't do such a stupid thing. It was just a piece of land. If the Lee Family was willing to use it, then use it. It doesn't matter if they are using it to fill the mud of Immortal Lake, or to plant crops. As long as they are happy. "    


At this moment, Yan Biao suddenly realized that it was all because of him. He had accidentally dug the pit into Lee Zhengfa's soil.    


This time, Yan Biao couldn't let Lee Zhengfa go even more. He said fiercely, "That piece of land was mine. What's wrong? Do you want me to compensate you with ten million yuan?"    


"I dare not, I dare not!" Lee Zhengfa carefully apologized.    


"Take him away and apologize to Master Lee!"    


Yan Biao escorted Lee Zhengfa to the Lee Family to apologize for his crimes. The girl who was sitting in the carriage didn't say a word since the beginning, because she was scared silly.    






At this moment, Lee Hao was awkwardly standing in the living room of Lee Lianghui's house, and was being interrogated by his youngest mother, Tao Bilian.    


"Hao, what did you do just now? Why is Huan crying so sadly? I asked her, but she didn't say anything. "    


" This... "    


Lee Hao was so depressed that he wanted to die. What the hell was going on?! If he knew this would happen, he would not have touched Lee Huan.    


Now that he had made a mistake, Lee Hao could only bite the bullet and say, "Actually, it's nothing much. I just made a few jokes with Lee Huan. I didn't think that it would make her so angry that she cried. But Baby Mom, don't worry. I will go and apologize now."    


After saying that, Lee Hao immediately slipped away. He was afraid that Tao Bilian would ask about the details and how to answer at that time.    


Lee Hao came to Lee Huan's bedroom door and knocked twice. No one answered. There was only a low sobbing sound.    


"I'm coming in!"    


Lee Hao opened the door and saw Lee Huan lying on the bed. Her tears had already soaked the pillow.    


Lee Hao closed the door and walked to Lee Huan's side to sit down. He comforted her, "It can't be! Didn't she just say that she didn't want to get married at the moment? Is there a need to be like this? "    


" Why not? "    


Lee Huan said angrily, "You have already treated me like that and still don't want to marry me. How... how am I going to go out and meet people in the future? How am I going to marry people in the future? "    


Lee Hao,... ""    


Lee Hao lowered his voice and comforted her, "Grandaunt, didn't nothing happen just now? You are still innocent. You can marry however you want. Can you stop crying? If you cry, my life won't be easy either. Look, my ears are still red."    


"Liar!" Lee Huan glanced at him and became even angrier, because Lee Hao's ears did not change at all.    


Lee Huan continued, "Are you not going to marry me? Then why did you touch me? Do you want to kiss me? And... and took my clothes..."    


Lee Hao spoke nonsense in all seriousness," The reason is that you are too beautiful. Men would want to commit a crime if they saw you. I am a normal man, so I am not an exception. As for whether I will marry you or not, I never said I will not marry you! It's just that we are so young now, why should we marry? It's so tiring!"    


" Is this explanation satisfactory? Stop crying. How about I perform a magic trick for you? "    


As he spoke, Lee Hao snapped his fingers with his right hand. A large emerald-green cucumber appeared out of thin air in his hand.    


Lee Hao waved the cucumber in front of Lee Huan's eyes and said proudly, "Awesome! Come, give this lord a smile."    


"I hate you!"    


Lee Huan was still unhappy. Lee Hao put the cucumber in Lee Huan's mouth and said, "Try it. See how big the cucumber I made is?"    


Lee Huan took a small bite and smacked her lips a few times. She said, "This is the kind of cucumber I ate at your house. It was clearly you who brought it here. You even lied to me that it was made."    


"Eh? Alright! As long as you're happy! "    


After coaxing Lee Huan, Lee Hao felt much more relaxed. He made up his mind to never touch Lee Huan again in the future. There were two big shots standing behind this woman. He really could not afford to offend them.    


Lee Hao did not touch Lee Huan anymore, but it did not mean that Lee Huan did not touch Lee Hao. She sat up and leaned on Lee Hao's broad shoulder. As she ate the cucumber, she asked, "Lee Hao, why don't you want to get married? Why don't you think about uncle and aunt? They are always so anxious."    


"Getting married isn't that simple!"    


Lee Hao smiled bitterly and said, "I can't help it! Marriage can only be decided by fate."    


"Oh? What is it that you have joined the National Security Agency?" Lee Huan asked curiously, "I heard that these special departments have strict requirements for their members. Marriage matters must be strictly audited."    


This was true! However, it was not suitable for Lee Hao, but since Lee Huan thought so, Lee Hao did not explain, but said vaguely, "Yes, people in the martial arts world can't help themselves. There are some areas that are not satisfactory."    


This time, the knot in Lee Huan's heart completely disappeared. The smile on her face bloomed again. She kissed Lee Hao on the cheek and said shyly, "I am willing to wait for you!"    


"Eh? Waiting for me?"    


Lee Hao became smug again! He said with a smile," Waiting is so boring. Why don't we do something meaningful? "    


"What do you want to do?" Lee Huan was so scared that she covered her chest with her hands. She had just experienced Lee Hao's power. She would not hesitate to attack him.    


"You dug a pit. You have to fill it up, right?" Lee Hao pointed at his own body and smiled bitterly. "Look, it has already become like this. Don't you have some responsibility?"    


"Pervert, rogue!" Lee Huan's pretty face was hot, but she could not help but look at him a few more times.    


"So big?" Lee Huan was a little shocked. Although she had never eaten pork, she had never seen a pig run before. Even if she had never seen a pig run, she still had some basic common sense.    


Lee Hao went close to Lee Huan's ear and said, "We don't need a real gun practice. I only need you to help me..."    


The more Lee Huan heard, the more embarrassed she felt! She glared fiercely and said, "Don't dream. I won't do that kind of thing."    


At this time, Lee Hao had fully enlightened Lee Huan. He did Lee Huan's work step by step and used his trump card. Huan, as long as you are willing to help me this time," he said. I will give you a surprise later. How about it?"    


To be honest, if it was another man who made such a request to Lee Huan, Lee Huan would have slapped the other party twice on the spot. But who asked this person in front of her to be Lee Hao? She really could not do it. Furthermore, she could not bear to throw it away.    


This was because Lee Huan's peripheral vision would occasionally look over there. Obviously, she was paying attention to the changes there because she knew in her heart that the man at this time was very uncomfortable.    


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