Godly Stay-Home Dad



"I forgot. Er, thank you, little sister."    


Mengmeng turned his head to thank him.    


"I'm not a little girl." She turned her face to the side.    


"Forget about me. You're a bit younger than me." The Mengmeng said, then went back to controlling the car.    


"What's wrong? Did you hang up the wrong files? "    


After studying for a moment, he finally got it right. This time, he carefully stepped on the accelerator.    


Weng! *    


The car moved slowly away from the exit, the road wide, shifting, accelerating.    


"It's not that hard to drive." Mengmeng said while laughing.    


"Is it fun? "Give it a try later." Yue Xiaoxiao was eager to give it a try.    




Just like that, the carriage wobbled as it left the New Moon Mountain.    


At the beginning, he took left and right turns, but when he reached the foot of the mountain, he was able to travel a lot more smoothly.    


In terms of learning, the Mengmeng was still very strong.    


Zhang Han watched the entire scene, his mouth revealing a smile.    


This girl was willing to try anything.    


Just a moment ago, he almost knocked himself against the wall. That foolish look on his face was really very amusing.    


At least Zhang Han had laughed out loud earlier.    


They did not even try to stop him, thinking that if they were to collide with a wall, Mengmeng would be even more dumbfounded.    


In the end, she was able to control it.    


The others, such as Zhang Guangyou, Rong Jiali, and Yue Wuwei, had all observed this scene and couldn't help but laugh.    


A few children together was still quite interesting.    


"Big sister Mengmeng, you're so powerful!"    


Chen Chuan said admiringly, "You drive so well, you don't even have to swing left and right anymore."    


"That's a must." Mengmeng replied as he watched the road intently.    


There were not many cars on the road here, so it was just right to practice driving. The rest of them only drove for five to seven minutes, Mengmeng drove for fifteen minutes.    


It was very stable, but it was slow.    


He wandered all the way to the city center and subconsciously drove towards the school.    


In the next half an hour, in a place with fewer people, Yue Xiaoxiao made the second half of the journey.    


"Where are we going?"    


"The ice cream of Lan Lan's family in Dragon City?"    




When they reached their destination, they immediately pulled to the side of the road.    


Before she got out of the car, Nina made her change her ears.    


Seeing four little girls and a little kid coming down from the luxury car, the passersby were all taken aback.    


Such a small child driving a car?    


My God.    


Everyone was flabbergasted.    


It was dusk.    


The few of them were eating ice cream s as they strolled along the street.    


The car was still there, not even locked.    


It was her first time tasting a ice cream, so she could only eat a small mouthful. She then said, "Thank you."    


As he spoke, he got used to it.    


"We always eat this ice cream." Yue Xiaolou said, "The taste is not bad."    


Walking on the streets, this small team had a very high rate of turning back.    


He walked to the side of a plaza.    


Mengmeng suddenly saw a yellow-haired girl and a few tattooed men walking towards a nightclub on the side street.    




Mengmeng let out a light cry.    


"What's wrong?" Yue Xiaoxiao asked.    


"It seems to be Wang Yihan?" Mengmeng said uncertainly. He probed with his spiritual sense: "It really is her."    


"Your friend." Yue Xiaoxiao took a bite out of the ice cream. "Call them over to play together."    


"She went to that nightclub with a few others. I don't know what she went to do." Mengmeng's tone was a little strange: "She dyed her hair, yellow hair."    


"Oh, isn't that normal? Our classmate has one too. " Yue Xiaolou said.    


"There are indeed many colors in the hair, such as red, blue, and yellow." Nina subconsciously looked at the street.    


"Some of them have dyed their hair." The Mengmeng was curious, the spiritual sense was sensing the situation over there, a few familiar people ran over from the side.    


They were Wang Yihan's former male friends.    


"Hey, Ah Wu!"    


Mengmeng called the last person.    




He was stunned for a moment, then turned and walked over after greeting his companion: "Mengmeng? Why are you here too? "    


"We're shopping." The Mengmeng said, "Are you guys going to the nightclub as well? I just saw Yihan. "    


"Oh, yes. We made an appointment to play together." Ah Wu smiled awkwardly: "I'm following an older brother. Isn't this the same as a holiday? So I came out to play."    


"Isn't a nightclub a place for adults?" Mengmeng looked at it a few times.    


There was also some information about nightclubs.    


It was a place of entertainment, and it was always on the news. Many policemen went to arrest a lot of people.    


"We came out to play with Peng Ge."    


Ah Wu subconsciously lowered his voice, "Peng Ge is particularly strong at my school. His younger brother is my school's eldest brother, and we've known each other since we came and went. He brought us here to play some games. Since there's nothing to do during the holidays, we came here to play. Do you want to join him?"    


"Eh ?" The Mengmeng hesitated for a moment, thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Let's not go, we'll just walk around outside."    


"Alright then. Bye bye." Ah Wu greeted him and quickly ran over.    


Looking at his back, Mengmeng curiously muttered two sentences.    


He remembered that he seemed to be a very bashful and honest classmate. Now, he looked like he had changed a lot, his movements and the way he sometimes spoke sounded like he was a young social man.    


Mengmeng remembered that she had read an article about how to prevent children from being bullied at school. Someone had said that when their children are together with those kind of people, you have to pay attention to whether or not their children are being bullied.    


Could it be that Ah Wu was bullied at school?    


He didn't know, but Mengmeng felt that with Wang Yihan's personality, he shouldn't be able to.    


Or did they just like it?    


When he thought about it carefully, he felt like he had a great time playing in the Sea Dragon Star Region, it didn't seem like much for them to come out to play.    


"Let's go for a walk. I want to take Fina to experience the beauty of the earth." The Mengmeng said.    


A few children were leisurely eating ice cream s while walking on the street.    


As she ate, her eyes twinkled, and she was curious about everything around her.    


This was a normal society.    


It was his first time seeing it.    


Ah Wu ran to the nightclub. A few classmates were waiting for him at the entrance.    


This made Ah Hu feel good in his heart.    


"Go in."    


He took the lead to walk in. When he saw the waiter, he directly said, "Looking for Peng Ge."    


"Peng Ge is at 301."    


Ah Wu led the way from the side stairs to the third floor.    


As he entered the room, he saw that it was filled with smoke.    


About twenty people.    


Wang Yihan with dyed yellow hair was among them. There were a few who were about her age, with colorful and tattooed hair.    


"You're here?"    


A thin, handsome man with tattoos on his arms waved his hand: "Go to Uncle Leng's place and get some chips to play cards."    


"Alright, Peng Ge." Ah Hu said honestly.    


"Yihan, you've already lost yours, go and get some." said a woman.    


Wang Yihan threw his poker card on the table in frustration and turned to run back with Ah Wu.    


The room was large, like a suite. It had two bedrooms and two other rooms. One of the rooms was for holding chips.    


It was like a small card, Wang Yihan and the others didn't know what exactly they were supposed to do. Since they knew that they were taking it for free, they just needed to sign their names on the computer.    


Almost everyone took a lot, while Wang Yihan took the most.    


Just like the others, if they lost, they would just go and grab some for free. In any case, it would be free of charge.    


"Let's continue playing."    


Peng Ge sat on the side and calmly said, "I'll take you guys to the bar downstairs at around 7. As usual, I'll find a car to take you home at 8: 30."    


He spoke very generously, as if he was subconsciously giving others a sense of security.    


They liked bars and things like that.    


While they were playing cards, this Peng Ge stood up and led a red haired girl of 17 to a bedroom inside.    


The other tattooed men revealed smiles of understanding.    


After two minutes, there seemed to be some kind of frequency call inside. It was vague, not very clear.    


One minute passed, five minutes later, Peng Ge walked out.    


He left the room and went to a room on the fourth floor.    


There were several men in suits and suits sitting on the sofa, smoking a cigar.    


"Boss, it's about time." Peng Ge said.    


"Oh, well done. We'll settle it in a bit. Bring that blocky bloke over here." The bald man smoking a cigar said.    




Peng Ge nodded and returned to his room on the third floor.    


After playing for a while, he clapped his hands and said to the man beside him: "Bring them to the lounge to play games first. Wang Yihan, you guys stay here for a while, I have some things to discuss with you guys."    


He casually pointed at the three little girls.    


Ye Zichen's big brother, who had been playing with him for a long time, now sat down on the sofa in a very relaxed manner.    


Ah Wu followed him with some thought, because he seemed to have heard some words from Peng Ge's two underlings.    


'The few of them got caught.    


'Maybe in a few days, I'll have to come here to work part-time. When that happens ? '    


Cover, part-time, what do you mean?    


Ah Wu muttered to himself. He felt slightly uneasy in his heart.    


He looked at his big brother beside him.    


"Aiyo, my stomach is hurting. Bro, should we go to the Game Hall on the second floor? I need to go to the bathroom first. "    


"Hurry up, don't run around."    


The big brother beside her seemed to say in disgust.    


Ah Wu ran to the bathroom and waited at the door for a moment until they left. Then he quietly returned to 301. The door was not closed, and there was a small gap. He stood beside it, subconsciously holding his breath.    


Sssssssss ?    


He took a deep breath and listened carefully. There seemed to be some noise and crying inside?    


"Do you know how much it is?"    


"You think the chips are for free?"    




It's all because I didn't explain it clearly to you. "    


"There are other ways as well."    


"It's just some simple jobs, chatting with others and ?"    


"It's best that you cooperate obediently, otherwise you will be embarrassed and may even end up in jail."    


Peng Ge spoke loudly, so that Ah Wu could hear him.    


His expression immediately changed.    


What, what should we do?    


His hands could not help but tremble.    


He had also heard Wang Yihan's shout, "Then find my parents!"    


It seemed to be a fight.    


In the end, it calmed down a lot.    


"I told you to tell the The elder sister and the rest to come here, just ask them!"    


Peng Ge seemed to be discouraged, he stiffly said a few words and made a call.    


Following that was a low voice that was inaudible, as if Peng Ge was comforting something, or was it a threat?    


"What are you doing!"    


A stern shout came from not too far away.    




Ah Wu was startled.    


The group of people that just went down came back, but his few male classmates weren't there. There were only Peng Ge's subordinates and those girls.    


He saw a few aggressive people.    




Ah Wu's heart skipped a beat.    


He felt that his brain was unable to react, and he felt suffocated.    


He was extremely nervous, to the point where he could almost hear his own heartbeat.    




In a panic, Ah Wu ran down a side corridor.    


"Let's go."    


The man waved to the two men beside him.    


Ah Wu heard the sound of people running quickly behind him.    


It's over!    


There was a dead end ahead.    


Where to?    


Ah Wu quickly rushed over, cold sweat pouring out.    


In a moment of desperation, his eyes fell on the window beside him.    


The staircase was just to the side of the window!    


He quickly opened the window and pulled down the screen.    


Hiss, hiss ?    


After taking two deep breaths, he gritted his teeth and took a step forward. He firmly grabbed the handrail of the stairs outside. Normally, he didn't have much strength, but at this moment, he easily turned around and ran down.    


This was the back street, and in front of them was a small district.    


The two did not pursue him.    


He even shouted out a few words from the window, "What are you running for? I'm not hitting you yet, come back quickly."    


The tone was kind.    


But Ah Wu did not believe it.    


The commotion in Peng Ge's room already showed that they had been played in this nightclub and had been tricked.    




He ran quickly through the crowded streets.    


Seeing this, the two cursed and gave up.    


"What do we do now?"    


"They're still inside."    


Call the police ? If it really was like Peng Ge said, then he had to go to jail.    




Or tell the parents?    


At this moment, Ah Wu was very scared. He didn't know what to do and didn't know what to do.    


He came to the street numbly.    




His expression changed.    


"Yihan said before that Zhang Yu Meng's family is very powerful, she's right over here. Go ask her first, yes, ask her first, if things don't work out, we can only contact her teachers and her parents."    


In a moment of anxiety, Ah Wu had a clear understanding of the situation.    


Even though he didn't know what to do and knew that there was nothing he could do, he asked for someone who could help.    


So he ran along the street where he had come from.    


They did not see the Mengmeng and the others.    


After running forward for another few hundred meters, it seemed as though he was trying to use running to extinguish the fear in his heart.    


After running for a thousand meters until he was tired.    


"Hiss, huff ?"    


Ah Wu sat paralyzed on the side of the road, gasping for breath. Sweat had even soaked his hair. Besides fatigue, he was also extremely nervous.    


"What should we do!"    


Ah Wu scratched his head in annoyance.    


He himself did not know what to do, but he could only find an adult in this situation.    


He didn't dare to tell his parents that he wanted to look for his teacher first.    


At this moment.    


"Didn't you go to play? Why are you here? "    


A melodious voice rang out.    




Ah Wu was startled, he immediately raised his head and saw Mengmeng from the front.    


"It's great that you're all here!"    


Ah Wu immediately stood up and ran over with a head full of sweat: "We're in trouble, we seem to have been tricked, Peng Ge is talking about Wang Yihan and the others, he doesn't seem to be letting us leave, I have no choice but to come out. I heard Yihan say that your family seems to be very powerful, I just wanted to give it a try, I, I don't dare to tell my parents, if my family finds out, I'll be crippled."    


"What is it?" Mengmeng was a little dazed: "Then let's go first. Come, let's get on."    


Get in the car?    


What do you mean?    


Ah Wu was stunned and followed him, about 40 to 50 meters away.    


There was a very tall car by the side of the road.    


"Eh? "What is this?"    


Mengmeng saw a piece of paper on the window, he picked it up and looked at it, "The penalty ticket..."    


Well, don't park.    


Many passersby from both sides were looking at this place.    


Seeing that they were not very tall, especially Mengmeng, he tiptoed to open the door of the car and got into the driver's seat.    


"Damn, even this child has grown a G?"    


"Pfft, it's heart-piercing!"    


Seeing this, many people were a little confused. Counting the price of the car, it seemed like they would have to work for years before being able to buy it.    


"Some things can only be born with it, or else it's bad enough."    


Many people shook their heads and sighed. Listening to the sound of the engine, the car sped forward.    


"What's going on?"    


Yue Xiaoxiao asked as she looked at the co-pilot, Ah Wu.    


"It's like this, we ?"    


Simply speaking about the process, all they did was at school, get to know that Peng Ge's little brother, someone who played very well in school, and get to know him after a while. Later on, in this nightclub, there was a video game room, they always came to play, and after familiarizing themselves with it, they gradually turned into playing cards, until today, the amiable and refined Peng revealed his true nature.    


So this was a pit.    


"Just a fraud?" Yue Xiaoxiao harrumphed. "You guys too, how can you so easily trust those people?"    


"I didn't expect it to be like this. Mengmeng, can you help us?" Ah Wu asked pitifully.    




Mengmeng guessed on the gas pedal and rushed towards the entrance of the nightclub.    


There was a car that was about to turn around, but when it saw this posture, it was so shocked that it hurriedly stopped. It looked on helplessly as the Mercedes-Benz roared past and almost hit it, cursing in its heart.    


Bang bang!    


The two of them got out of the car and were about to talk when they suddenly saw a few bratty kids get out. The one driving the car was actually a little girl.    


Forget it.    


If he were to say that he didn't understand the situation, he would probably cry, as though he was bullying others.    


The crux of the issue was that this little girl could just casually drive a car. She might even have a mine at home.    


Mengmeng and the others got out of the car, but did not lock the door, and walked straight inside.    


"Hey, hey, hey."    


Ah Wu's face changed, "No, we're going in directly? How can that be? "    


"Who else should I look for?" Mengmeng looked at him, confused.    


Seeing him so nervous, there was no need for him to lead the way, the spiritual sense immediately explored the entire building.    


He found Wang Yihan on the third floor.    


"All of you..."    


Two waiters walked over and were about to say something.    




The hundred different forms of the spiritual sense technique that the Mengmeng learned finally showed some use. The two of them stopped and their consciousness became blurry.    


Unhindered, he took the elevator to the third floor.    


"I really can't."    


Ah Wu said anxiously, "Let's find some adults. "That Peng Ge is extremely formidable."    


"Don't talk rubbish, just follow me." Yue Xiaolou glared at him. "A boy, why are you being so cowardly?"    


"Beat them!" From the start, Chen Chuan wasn't afraid of getting into trouble. He waved his little fist, wanting to beat someone up.    


"Let me do it." Ferina's face was cold as she said lightly.    


"Puff ?" Ah Wu's eyes slowly widened.    


Some were shocked.    


What did this Little Beauty just say?    


As a token of her gratitude, she also ate a lot of snacks recently. She wanted to do this kind of thing on her own accord.    


Nina quickly said:    


"You can't just casually use moves here, let's just watch Mengmeng handle it."    


"Sister Mengmeng is the strongest, hit them!" Chen Chuan excitedly said.    


If practicing martial arts wasn't for fighting, then what was the point?    


Chen Chuan felt that as the only man in the team, it was time to show off his charm!    


They followed the corridor all the way to room 301.    




A figure quickly rushed out, accompanied by a tender tone:    


"Sister Mengmeng, I will open the door for you!"    


Bang, bang!    


Chen Chuan turned around and kicked.    


The entire door was kicked down, smashing onto the floor and producing a loud noise.    


Peng Ge and the others: "?"    


In Mengmeng, Yue Xiao and a few others, "..."    


He was somewhat speechless.    


Especially Ah Wu, he was completely dumbfounded.    


Did I see wrongly?    


This little boy had kicked the door down?    


Was the door made of paper?    


The scene inside made Ah Wu feel different from what he imagined.    


Wang Yihan and the few female students sat on the sofa with a wronged look on their faces. The two girls were even crying.    


But just now, Peng Ge and a few girls two or three years old seemed to be comforting something.    


He wasn't sure about the details, but he was still a bit confused.    


But Mengmeng had been using the spiritual sense to check, so her face was currently cold.    


"Ah Wu?"    


One of Peng Ge's lackeys frowned, then stood up and said.    


What are you doing? How did you break the door? Can you afford it? "    


"Ai, let's not talk about this yet."    


Unexpectedly, Brother Peng, who was sitting on the sofa, kicked him. His eyes lit up as he smiled at Mengmeng, Yue Xiaolou, Nina, and Ferina.    


He thought to himself, "What a loli!"    


It was so beautiful.    


In this society, there were a few people who had different tastes and liked the little loli very much. His elder brother had also thought of ways to do this kind of thing and seeing this scene, he was quite excited.    


Other than Wang Yihan and a few other classmates, the other eight to nine girls present were not that old either. However, they could faintly feel that their auras were different from that of Yue Xiaoxiao and the others ?    




Wang Yihan's expression changed as he called out.    


"Yihan, why are you playing with such a person?" The Mengmeng asked puzzledly.    


"I ?"    


Wang Yihan's gaze froze as he sat on the sofa again. Lowering his head, he kept quiet.    


"Come, come, come in."    


Peng Ge greeted him enthusiastically, "If the door is broken, then it's broken. There's not much money. How about this, who ?" Xiao Liu, just report it to the police, just deduct it from my salary. You guys don't have to be polite, come in and sit. When Ah Wu ran out just now, I thought something was wrong.    


"Who is your friend? Why are you so shameless?" Mengmeng glared at her.    


With her peerlessly beautiful face, just a glare at her was enough to make one think she was beautiful.    


Peng Ge still smiled, but wasn't angry in the slightest.    


"Elder sister Mengmeng, hit him!"    


Chen Chuan waved his fist: "Why don't I beat him up? Knock off his front teeth. "    


He seemed eager to give it a try.    


"She's even a little hot chick, hahaha." Peng Ge's subordinates laughed loudly.    


"Yihan, let's go." The Mengmeng said.    




Wang Yihan stood up and was about to walk over with a few women.    


Seeing this, Peng Ge and the others didn't want to chat at all.    


Ye Zichen looked at his subordinates in shock.    


"Since you've come, why are you leaving?"    


They went with a wicked smile, as if to bar them from the house.    


"That's right. I haven't explained it clearly when the door is broken."    


"It's fine if you don't have any money to pay for it. If you come over to work part-time, you might be able to earn a lot of money."    


"Little sister ?"    




Bang bang bang bang.    


Mengmeng, Yue Xiaoxiao, Chen Chuan, they moved, one person, two people, and directly kicked those few people, causing them to fly out. One of them pushed down a few girls, while the other knocked over the sofa, and the most miserable one smashed the vase that was a meter tall to pieces.    


Ah ah ah ah!    


Miserable screams rang out.    




Peng Ge and the others were dumbfounded, but they couldn't react. What was this situation?    


He looked at Chen Chuan who was rushing over.    


Normally, this kind of brat would send him flying with a kick and dare to provoke him? He was showing his face but not showing it!    


Peng Ge was slightly angry as he stood up to make his move.    


In his own territory, had he ever been bullied before?    


Who would have thought that at this moment, his entire body was weak and his legs were weak.    


F * ck! Too many times had happened recently.    


Without delay, he raised his fist.    


Chen Chuan had already arrived in front of him.    


"I'll fight!"    


Chen Chuan shouted loudly.    


The little fist smashed into Peng Ge's face, arms, and chest with a crackling sound.    


Most of the hits landed on his face. In just three seconds, he had been hit countless times.    


Bang bang bang ?    


Peng Ge was completely stupefied.    


I was beaten by a kid?    




"His teeth are so hard, they didn't hit."    


Chen Chuan felt that he was using too little strength, so he increased his strength.    




"It fell this time."    


Chen Chuan snorted like a Mengmeng, turned around and walked back happily.    


"Hiss ?"    


Peng Ge felt as if a lot of his teeth had fallen off.    


His entire body was numb.    


This devilish brat was too ruthless.    


Ah ah ah ah ah!    


Several girls at the scene exclaimed.    


In addition to the shock wave from the fall of the door, a dozen or so people quickly gathered from the other side of the hall and were quickly approaching.    


It was not only Peng Ge who was dumbfounded, even Wang Yihan and the others were also stunned.    


So powerful.    


"Let's go!"    


Mengmeng looked at him in disdain, and was about to lead the group to leave.    


"I was ? I was ? taken away."    


In the end, Peng Ge was a ruthless person. He forced himself to stand up with broken teeth and was about to finish his words when he held a few sheets of paper:    


"This branch, they owe a total of eighteen million. If they dare to leave, they will never have peace."    


"Why do you not count the money you owe?" The Mengmeng asked: "Is this a scam?"    


"There are signatures, papers, documents, and all the necessary formalities. Hur Hur Hur, no one can get away from me." When Peng Ge saw his subordinates that had their expressions greatly changed, he said, "We can't let them take a step away!"    


"Peng Ge!"    




"F * ck, who's come to ruin the show?" Is he courting death? "    


"What's going on?"    


The dozen men rushed into the house with vicious expressions on their faces. There were a few guards guarding the door.    




Chen Chuan rubbed his fists: "Big sister Mengmeng, should I hit them?"    


Before he made his move, he had asked the big sister Mengmeng if she wanted to ask, so he was fine no matter how he fought.    


The little guy was also very smart, he knew who the backer was.    


"There's no need for that anymore. Someone else will be here after the fight."    


Mengmeng thought for a moment, but did not let him make any more moves, instead he snorted and said: "Alright, then I'll still not leave."    


No, not going?    


Wang Yihan and a few of his classmates, including Ah Wu, had never seen such a scene before.    


"Give me the lists."    


Mengmeng pointed.    


"Hur Hur Hur, it's up to you."    


Peng Ge was really a ruthless person. The Ninja pain made him seem like a normal person. He walked over and personally handed the list to Mengmeng.    


"This nightclub is yours?" Mengmeng took a look and did not understand. There were some people here who understood the situation, so he had to ask them before he went to look for them.    


"It's my big brother's territory."    


He remembered his big brother's background and said, "Let me tell you, this matter isn't over yet, none of you will be able to escape. I really look forward to when you guys can work part-time here, hahaha, I will take good care of all of you ?"    




Mengmeng casually kicked him, causing Peng Ge to fly backwards.    


"Even though he looks ugly, he still came out to scare people."    


Mengmeng looked at Brother Peng who was stunned again and said: "Let's go, let's go upstairs to find someone."    


"What for?"    


"You dare to touch me, Peng Ge?" Kill them all! "    


Seeing this, the lackeys were also shocked.    


What was going on with Peng Ge? To be kicked down by a little girl?    


They were just about to make a move when they saw the little boy, kicking his big friend.    


Soon, only wailing sounds could be heard.    


Mengmeng led the team to the elevator and went to the seventh floor.    


Only then did the people in the room stand up.    


"Is that brat too strong?"    


"It hurts, I feel like I've been dislocated."    


Ah!" I have a fracture.     


"How could he be so powerful?"    


"He's not a child. He must be a dwarf. Is he a high-priced bodyguard?"    


"Peng Ge, your mouth is still bleeding. Hurry up and wrap it up."    


"Inform the brothers to block the door, do not let them escape."    


These people supported each other as they walked towards the hall. Their miserable appearances made it difficult for one of them to look straight at them.    


Who was the boss here?    


Oh, so this is what happened.    


Their big brother was upstairs. After he received the news, he immediately gave the order to not let one of them off.    


The big brother with the bald head, who was smoking a cigar, had a fierce look in his eyes.    


"Where are they?"    


"Boss, they went to the seventh floor."    


"What!?" The boss is still entertaining the guests up there. Quickly go, don't let them offend the big shots. " The bald big brother's face changed.    


He was here to watch the market, but he was not the big boss. It was just that he had a strong relationship with the boss and did some shady business for him.    


At this moment, there were more than ten people on the seventh floor who wanted to stop him.    


However, just as he ran into the hall, he saw the door to the Supreme Being Room being pushed open, and a few brats ran in.    


"This is bad!"    


"I'm late."    


"Let's take a look over there."    


When they ran to the door of the room, they didn't close it, but the scene inside made them pale.    


There weren't many people in the room, so the environment inside the room was elegant.    


The two of them sat on separate sofas, talking to each other. Each of them had a few subordinates. The boss of the nightclub was standing at the side, carefully making arrangements.    


The two of them were discussing business matters.    


This was a top figure in the Xiangjiang, the owner of the nightclub also wanted to hear what the masters usually talked about.    


Just as he was talking about the rise of the battle.    


The door was pushed open and a bunch of kids ran in.    


Someone actually asked: Big Sister Mengmeng, who should we hit this time?    


What do you mean?    




Causing trouble.    


Tycoon's facial expression changed drastically.    


If he pissed the two old masters off, he would be in a lot of trouble.    


"Uncle Luo."    


Mengmeng took the lead and walked over, waving his hand.    


Under the astonished gaze of the big boss.    


Luo Shan was startled at first, but then a warm smile appeared on his face, and he anxiously stood up to welcome her, laughing out loud:    


"Aiyo, Mengmeng, why are you here? Sit, sit. "    


This expression, this enthusiasm ?    


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