Godly Stay-Home Dad



In the morning, Zhang Han came to the big dining hall in the Snow Wind Valley.    


There were quite a few disciples here, and they would usually eat once a few days. Right now, there were about twenty people in the hall, so one could imagine that there weren't many disciples from the Snow Wind Sect left.    


It's fine to have more people, but less ?    


The absence of the two women for a long period of time was also a hidden danger.    


Without further ado, Zhang Han decided to come over to listen to the situation and make his move.    


"Our main sect will be sending many powerful clan elders."    


"Yes, I heard that our sect's master refined a treasure that surpasses the divine artifact, causing a huge commotion. I think that the Great Clan Elder himself led a team here."    


"This time, as long as we, the tianlong, succeed, our resources will be innumerable, and we will be out of it."    


Ah, the disciples of his bloodline are already blessed. My Master has had a earth completion stage for more than twenty years, and I think he said that he would have the chance to achieve Heaven's Ascendant in around three to five years. "    




After eating breakfast for ten minutes, he heard some useful information.    


When the Grand Elder of Wind Snow School came, would he bring a lot of spiritual treasure s' resources, refine sixth rank spiritual treasure, or even the peak of the fifth stage?    


It's all possible.    


'There's not much time.'    


Zhang Han muttered to himself, stood up, and walked out of the dining hall. He headed up, and walked from the bamboo forest at the side to the kitchen.    


'It should be about time to send the wine and meat on.'    


Zhang Han walked around the kitchen area, but did not run into anyone. After walking around once every five minutes, there was still no one around.    


This time, he walked past the main door.    




A cold and disdainful voice sounded.    


Zhang Han stopped and looked over with suspicion. It was the fatty who always bullied Liao Lang.    


"Liao Lang, how many laps you have here? Is there something wrong with it? "    


"Senior Brother, it's not a good business deal. I'll wait here for a while to pick up the little junior sister before leaving." Zhang Han revealed an embarrassed expression.    


"Which junior?"    


"It's Junior Sister Wan."    


"Hmm?" Fatty sneered. A trace of jealousy flashed across his eyes as he said angrily, "I will be sending the meat to the top of the mountain in half an hour. Now, I still lack the Three-Li Deer Leg Meat. Go and catch one from An Feng Lake. Hurry up!"    


"But ? but our junior apprentice-sister is almost here."    


"What did you say?" So you want to refuse? Can you afford to hold up the adults' meals? " Fatty widened his eyes.    


"This ?"    


Zhang Han's face turned ugly, pretending to be hesitating, he muttered to himself.    


Finally, after five seconds, under the fatty's cold gaze, Zhang Han walked closer and said in a low voice:    


"Senior Brother, I, I'm not too good on that aspect. Little Wan is already dissatisfied. If we fail to meet up, then there won't be any more chances. How about I wire Senior Brother up and then we ?"    


This fatty's eyes suddenly lit up like a thief. He looked around and finally said, "Really?"    


"Seriously! As long as Senior Brother is able to take care of me in the future, then this is nothing. "    


"Good, good, good." The fatty revealed an 'able to teach' expression, and laughed as he patted Duan Ling Tian's shoulder. After that, he looked at the house behind him, and five or six disciples were busy standing in front of the gate. He waved his hand:    


"You guys do it first, wait for me to come back before sending it up!"    


"Yes sir!"    


"Let's go."    


The fatty gave Zhang Han a glance, and then the two of them walked towards the depths of the forest at the side.    


"Liao Lang, it's not that Senior Brothers are always purposely bullying you, you brat. I heard that you've been in the sect for at least ten times? Your two senior brothers are not too satisfied, but you can rest easy with me protecting you in the future. "    


As he spoke, Fatty's eyes seemed to hold a deeper meaning.    


Zhang Han understood and quickly replied: "Alright, then thank you. The words are true, of course I wouldn't only know Junior Sister Xiao Wan, there will also be a lot more, when the time comes..."    




The fatty nodded in satisfaction.    


When he reached the side, his small eyes looked left and right, "When are you coming? I can't send it up too late. "    


He had long seen Little Wan and always had a good impression of her, but there was no chance for him to do so. On the other hand, that Liao Lang, who had the ability of a pretty boy to wander amongst the flowers, displeased many people.    


But when he said that, he suddenly realized that Liao Lang's tone was extremely indifferent.    


"It's not her. I'll send you to see her."    


"What?" Where shall we meet? " The fatty turned his head to look at 'Liao Lang'.    


However, the scene that entered his eyes was a palm that was getting closer and closer to his head.    




About 15 minutes later.    


Fatty walked out of the forest and headed straight for the kitchen. When he reached the entrance ?    


Two thieves beside him laughed and said:    


"Senior brother, we heard what that brat said just now. Didn't he introduce you to his junior sister? How did he come back so quickly?" "Isn't it..."    


"Hmm? "All of you, be quiet. If I hear others discussing this matter, all of you, scram." Fatty harrumphed coldly.    


"Yes, yes, yes."    


The few of them nodded with base smiles.    


Under their gazes, the Senior Martial Brother walked into the kitchen, took out some meat and wine, and headed up the mountain from the side road.    


They advanced for ten minutes, passed through the gate guarded by the five men, and passed through a cave to the top of the mountain. They arrived at the top of a mountain, which seemed like a huge flat platform.    


The sky was filled with dark clouds and there was a very high pressure from them. The clouds were rolling in all directions, and Zhang Han could tell that the cloud had something to do with the spiritual treasure s that were being refined by the Kunxu Reaml s.    


Moreover, the entire plaza was surrounded by energy, looking majestic.    


Seeing this scene, Zhang Han's heart was certain:    


"Looks like this tianlong has a broad agenda. Even though the success rate in refining sixth rank spiritual treasure is extremely low, failure is at the top of the fifth step and cannot be underestimated."    


After standing in that spot for two seconds, Zhang Han ran to the back of the house, where a row of houses were located.    


Before he could get close to the house, he saw two people sitting on a table. One of the round-faced man rubbed his hands.    


"Hurry up and take it out. It's been three days since I last ate meat. I really can't take it anymore."    


"Coming, coming."    


As per Fatty's usual performance, Zhang Han walked over while nodding and bowing, and took out a lot of delicious food and wine from the spatial treasure.    


"Gurgle gurgle gurgle ?" "Awesome!"    


The other person drank a jar of wine, while the round-faced man gnawed on his elbow.    


Zhang Han had been standing by the side the entire time. Only when the two were half full and their speed had slowed down did he take a glance at him:    


"Why aren't you leaving?"    


"Err ?" Martial Uncle Hu, About that, I heard that Master tianlong is going to refine a treasure that surpasses the divine artifact, and would like to alarm the main sect. The Great Clan Elder is bringing people over, and will reward us with many cultivation resources. "    


"What does this have to do with you?"    


"As disciples of the Snow Wind Pavilion, we are also proud of the strength of the sect.    


"There's nothing much to inquire about. The martial arts resources sent here temporarily don't have much to do with you." The round faced man shook his head slightly. He ate comfortably and then said a few more words: "All the initial resources must be given to Lord tianlong. If this is successful, there will be more resources that will belong to you."    


"Hiss!" Is that so? That's great! "But ? but when will it be a day of success?"    


"Do you see the dark clouds above? In a few days, when the sky is clear and the mountains are thunderous, then we will have achieved great success. Alright, let's go down.    


"Yes sir!"    


Zhang Han did not ask any further, nodded his head and turned, walking slowly.    


He also heard the conversation of the two people behind him.    


"To combine the essence of many treasures with a thunderstone to transform it into an energy attack, only our Master would be able to think of such a method."    


"Yeah, when the thunder strikes, that moment will be recorded in our Snow Wind Pavilion's history book!"    




Hearing their words, the corner of Zhang Han's mouth flashed with a smile, and his gaze landed on the clouds above.    


"The spiritual treasure's essence."    


"Thunder huh ?"    


Feel the eight thousand thunderclouds in the divine sense sea, and the flickering Taiyi wood for Lightning.    


Coincidentally, I'm lacking as well.    


"It's time to leave."    


Zhang Han muttered to himself, then left the cave, he did not return home, but instead went straight down the mountain. During this time, he bumped into more than ten people, all of them greeting him, and some even more powerful people even questioned him on what he wanted to do.    


The answer, of course, was to capture the ingredients.    


No one paid any attention to this. Instead, it was as if they were in a hurry, as if they were looking for something.    


Zhang Han could feel that it was most likely the few people who had disappeared.    


Arriving at the sect's mountain gate, Zhang Han took out the command medallion. After the mist dissipated a bit, he appeared in a flash.    


"This Heaven and Earth great formation is also troublesome."    


After experiencing the disappearance of a few of their sect's disciples, even they would probably become more cautious. With the help of the powerful experts from the main sect, using this method would not be an easy task.    


Zhang Han was very interested in the thunderclouds at the top of the mountain.    


If there was a large amount of energy, then he could condense 10,000 thunder clouds. Then, he would be able to break through to the Xiantian realm.    


One of the methods was to silently break through the formation and enter from the air.    


But breaking this formation required a lot of preparation.    


"If you have the chance, come at me. If you don't have the chance, don't force me."    


Zhang Han shook his head slightly. He felt that this was a huge project and he wouldn't come here every day to look for opportunities to think of something.    


"It's time to go to Tianxia Mountain."    


Zhang Han looked to the east and then moved his body, gradually leaving Snow Wind Pavilion's range.    


His figure slowly returned to its original appearance.    


The boundless spiritual sense scouted in all directions, and along the way, it met three groups of people, the first of which was earth completion stage.    


Every time the other party noticed that the spiritual sense was probing, Zhang Han would withdraw and silently advance.    


After seven hours of trekking, Zhang Han only had thirty percent of the spirit energy left in his body.    


However, he had also reached Tianxia Mountain.    


In the middle, there was a mountain that was as wide as a mountain. The slope of the mountain was not big, and the characteristic of the mountain was that it had a wide area, around the mountain there was a circular mountain river 100 metres wide. The river was filled with surging energy, and Zhang Han could feel that it was a higher class Heaven and Earth great formation compared to the Snow Wind Pavilion.    


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