Godly Stay-Home Dad



"Is it the sea? We don't always go to the seaside to play. "    


"There's still a difference. You'll know when we go over and play."    


"Then go to Maldives. I've only been there once." Zhang Han laughed.    


"Is that so? With whom? " Zi Yan suddenly revealed a smiling expression.    


"Ahem, and my dad."    


The corner of Zhang Han's mouth twitched, he coughed lightly, then took out his phone to call Zhao Feng:    


"Xiao Feng, we will be going to the Maldives tomorrow. You can arrange something for us."    


"Alright, Master."    


If one wanted to go over and play, there was no problem with the procedures, it was just a matter of a few words from Zhao Feng.    


But before doing anything, Zhao Feng still sent out a message:    


"Master is going to play in the Maldives tomorrow, do you want to come with me?"    


Of course, he and Liang Mengqi had to go. Even though he hadn't asked Liang Mengqi yet, he knew that with Liang Mengqi's restless nature, he would definitely go.    


Liang Hao: "Lili and I will go as well."    


Wang Ya: "And me."    


Mu Xue: "I'll go wherever Master is."    


Ah Hu: "It's perfect for Jia Ran's summer vacation. We should go as well."    




Thus, a large group of young people had to go over.    


"Qing Qing, I also want to go out and play, but my stomach is about to give birth." Zhou Fei said in distress.    


She also loved to travel. She had been there every single time, but now that she was pregnant, it was really inconvenient.    


"Let's go, we'll go too. Didn't the doctor say it? During pregnancy, it's good to go out and relax."    


Chen Changqing laughed:    


"It doesn't matter if it's going to happen soon. With me here, my eldest son's safety won't be a problem. I'll notify the others later. We'll bring the doctors with us, no matter where we live it will be the same."    


"Then, is it really okay? What if he played outside and the environment wasn't good? Will it delay matters? " Zhou Fei was a little hesitant.    


Mother loves glory, she wants her son to be healthy and healthy, although want to go out, but travel also have a lot of time after.    


"No problem, I am an earth realm warrior now, and furthermore, I have the big brother Han. How can there be any problems?"    


Chen Changqing laughed.    


"Then we should go as well. I'll tell the Elder Sister Yan right away."    


Zhou Fei made a decision, but revealed a smile and called Zi Yan:    


"Elder Sister Yan, I will go with you."    


"You're about half a month old now, is it okay to be tormented like this? I was going to play around for eight to ten days before I came back to wait for you to have a son. "    


"Qing Qing said that it's fine, we also plan to look for a doctor together."    






After waiting for three hours, Zhao Feng began to arrange for formalities.    


This is incredible.    


Zhang Hanyang's punch was able to kill peak of heaven comletion stage and cause the entire world to tremble.    


Many countries listed Zhang Han as the number one danger in the world!    


Inform the Chinese side that Zhang Hanyang has a travel plan. Under known circumstances, he had to inform them immediately.    


Thus, the officials of Xiangjiang directly contacted the diplomatic staff of Ma De's side:    


"Let me tell you guys a piece of good news, Zhang Hanyang is taking a group of people to play on horseback."    


"Puff ?" "Are you sure this is good news?"    


The next morning at 8 o'clock.    


Crowds of people gathered at the company's airport.    


"Auntie Fifi, your stomach is already so big. Are you hiding my little brother inside?"    


Mengmeng would always look curiously at Zhou Fei's stomach.    


"Yeah, he's in my stomach. He'll be born in a few days." Zhou Fei gently caressed his stomach.    


"Hehehe, then I'll have a little brother who can play with me."    


Mengmeng said while laughing. She felt this was really new.    


"Get on the plane."    


Everyone continued to level up, and the flight time was around six and a half hours.    


The first stop was the White Horse Manor on the Seven Stars Island. Ma Di's island was divided into four stars to the Seven Stars, with the Seven Stars being the most luxurious. Of course, this was the name of the country of Hua, and there was a clear difference in destination for everyone.    


"It's so hot."    


Once he got off the plane, he would feel waves of heat wave approaching him. Although it was normal for Xiangjiang, most of the time, Mengmeng was in the classroom or New Moon Mountain was not hot.    


Outside of the house, there was an even denser feeling of humidity and heat.    


"Welcome, Mr. Zhang, Madam Zhang, welcome to our."    


A group of people came over to welcome them. There were around twenty people, represented by officials, but most of them were martial practitioners led by a peak of heaven comletion stage.    


"Hello, Mr. Zhang, I am Oman, a subordinate of the Light Sect. I am resident here, and when our Saint Ruler heard that the Mr. Zhang had come here, he specifically asked me to come here to have a chat with him. Do you have time, Mr. Zhang?"    




Last time, Zhang Han had rejected him. This time, the other party wanted to pay him a visit, so it didn't take him too long to meet him.    


It was eight in the morning, the voyage was for six and a half hours, and it was actually only eleven o'clock when they arrived. Because of the time difference, Oman had arranged a very luxurious dining room for them at noon, and they began to play after lunch.    


Three days.    


Playing with the scenery of the island, the water by the sea is very clear.    


The canoe, catamaran, windsurfing, standing skateboarding, and other sports. Although the Mengmeng had already played them before, she was still quite happy.    


However, Zi Yan felt that these things were nothing much. She had been to the ocean floor with Zhang Han many times already, and when Mengmeng grew up, she would still play with him many times.    


The water was clear and the view charming.    


On the fourth day, Saint John arrived.    


John Doe looked at Zhang Han strangely as he followed beside him.    


He really did not expect that in such a short period of time, Zhang Hanyang had grown to such an extent.    


Saint King John and Zhang Han drank tea as they talked.    


Zi Yan sat down with the Mengmeng nearby and took some fruits for him.    


"Mengmeng, have some fruits. Although they are not as delicious as the fruits on the mountain, they are still passable."    


"Thank you, Sister Xue."    


"Call me Auntie."    


Mu Xue curled his lips: "I'm more than ten years older than you, just call me auntie."    


"Oh, thank you Auntie Xue."    


The Mengmeng had a good impression of Mu Xue, so when Mu Xue talked, he was rather casual.    


For example, the last time when Sect Leader Jiang came over, Jiang Yanlan and Mengmeng dragged their words:    


Mengmeng, have you ever learned this saying? It would be nice to have friends from afar.    




Mengmeng did not hear it clearly.    


Jiang Yanlan then said that he had friends from afar.    


Mu Xue then replied: The wind is blowing.    


After asking a few questions, he finally understood that the wind was pulling harder for him, so he had to flee.    


He was rather interested in these Mengmeng s and liked to find Mu Xue together with them sometimes.    


On the other hand, when Mu Xue's parents were here, he paid attention to whatever Mu Xue said, and did not say those words.    


"What are they talking about?"    


Zi Yan curiously asked.    


"I can't hear you, that old fellow is extremely cautious."    


Mu Xue looked at John the Saint Ruler.    


It was said that this Saint Ruler had always been very strong, and was also an old man who had lived for several hundred years.    


After chatting for about half an hour, Saint John stood up with a smile and took his leave.    


In the following days, they continued to play happily.    


It was as if some of the rich and young masters on the island that Zhang Han was on had vanished without a trace.    


As small as the island was, it was impossible to offend them. So no matter where Zhang Han went, the ban would be followed by a lot of people. They would not be on guard against Zhang Han, but rather, they would be worried that they would be provoked.    


From the mouth of the Saint King John, Zhang Han also found out that they were talking about the Bone Devils. Basically, it was the same as the Little World, the Ancient Ore, the King Realm, the Kunlun Immortal World.    


After playing for half a month, as Zhou Fei approached the point of birth, everyone flew back to the Xiangjiang to finish their journey.    


Finally, on the 25th of July.    


"Wa ?"    


The delivery room spread the good news, and Zhou Fei was born.    


A seven Jin chubby kid.    


After a few days, when he saw the child, his entire body became wrinkled and he became terrified by Mengmeng:    


"Mommy, was I like this before?"    


Mengmeng asked in a low voice.    




Zi Yan smiled slightly and replied: "I was born like this. I'll be fine in a few days.    


Zhou Fei recovered quickly. As a mother, she looked at the little baby with eyes full of maternal love.    


"What should I call you?"    


Zhou Fei pondered for a moment. "Qing Qing, Elder Sister Yan, Brother-in-law, tell me, what name are you going to give your child?"    


"Let's call him Chen Chuan, a horse with a flat land. I hope his road in the future will be like a flat land where horses gallop." Chen Changqing replied.    


"Chen Chuan? "How did you come to this conclusion so quickly?" Zhou Fei hesitated: "What we said before was different."    




Warlord of Chen family was grinning from ear to ear: "Alright, Chen Chuan. It's a flat land, not bad, my grandson, Chen Chuan!"    


Chen Changqing had a son, and many of the higher-ups of Chen family were also here.    


He would come here every day with the intention of letting Zhou Fei return to the Chen family to sit in seclusion.    


However ? No matter how well the decorations of the Chen family s were done, they were not far from the New Moon Mountain's.    


After a month, Zhou Fei and Chen Changqing brought their child back to the mountain, where the Mengmeng would frequently visit.    


Zi Yan would also help.    


She knew how difficult it was to bring a child along. If it were to cause trouble, she wouldn't even be able to sleep well.    


Once, Mengmeng stood beside Zi Yan and pointed at the little kid's lower part:    


"Mom, it seems different."    


"Uh, this ?" "Because he's a boy. Like your father said, men and women are different. Because they are of different genders ?"    


Zi Yan explained in detail.    


As for Zhang Han, he was currently outside making a call.    


It was from the Fifth Elder:    


Si Nan sent people to contact them, saying that if King Liu wanted to come for a walk in the secular world, King Liu would give Zhang Han resources. Of course, Zhang Han was also in charge of their safety.    


Although they were responsible, they were worried that Zhang Han would make a move. King Liu possessed the strength of an Aurous Core stage warrior at the King Realm, that was not the case in the mortal world. From Si Nan, they also knew that in some small world or normal world, strength would be suppressed.    


He had to be careful.    


After hesitating for a few days, King Liu finally made up his mind. He would spend a lot of money to come out and see the real world.    


If he could, he would also inform Brother Wang, one of the 13 tycoons.    


Who didn't want to take a look at the real world?    


But when Zhang Han heard this, he very straightforwardly answered:    


"No time."    


Right now, she did not lack any resources, and Mengmeng was still on vacation. She would accompany Yue Yang to play everyday, how could she have the time to care about other people?    


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