Godly Stay-Home Dad



Scenes after scenes caused the Azure Flame Sect disciples at the back to fall into an uproar:    


"Rumor has it that Zhang Hanyang is unrivalled in the lower realms. I never thought that he would be able to fight with such a powerful being like the Sect Leader after coming to Karakorum. Could it be that he already possesses the strength of a peak Jindan Stage?"    


"Even if he isn't at his peak, he still has the strength of a late stage practitioner. What a terrifying Zhang Hanyang."    


"I suspect that he is at the final level of the Aurous Core Stage. Otherwise, how could he be so heaven defying?" Rumor has it that he started his career more than six years ago, but the rumors are usually false. "    


He looks very strong, but he is no match for the Sect Leader. He is so young, if he is really a peak Jindan Stage expert, he would have already become famous throughout the world, and not just in the lower realms. His strength should be at the late Jindan Stage, nearing the peak.    




The sounds of discussions were heavy, Zhang Hanyang's strength, was beyond their expectations.    


One second, two seconds ? After ten seconds, the disciple had already escaped a certain distance.    


Zhang Han frowned slightly.    


The consumption of spiritual energy in his body was too fast; it had already dropped to 60%.    


Mengmeng who was beside him was also stunned, he did not dare say a word, afraid that he would disturb Zhang Han, and only held onto Zhang Han's hand, getting closer and closer. Feeling the perspiration on the little girl's palm, Zhang Han suddenly dispersed his Starmap Lightning Sea, and retreated quickly.    


"Want to run?" "In front of me, Li Qingyan, this is impossible."    


Li Qingyan turned into a streak of light and chased after him.    


"Flowing Fire, Shadow!"    


"Flowing Fire, Light!"    


"Flowing Fire, Scroll!"    


"Flowing Fire, Wind!"    


Li Qingyan's' Shadowlight Tornado 'was unleashed four times in an instant. Looking at his expression, he wanted to get rid of Zhang Han first before dealing with other matters.    


Seeing this scene, Zhang Han retaliated while flying:    


Empty Shattering Hand!    


Heavy Mountain!    


Ghastly soldier!    


"Boom boom boom..."    


The most troublesome thing for Li Qingyan was the ghost soldiers. Only when that thing was near her body would she be able to detect it, and if she wasn't careful she would be hit, causing her to be unable to catch up.    




The disciples of the Green Flame Sect swarmed over, and the one chasing after them was obviously not Zhang Han, but Zhang Mu and his group.    


With Elder Ma holding them back, Zhang Mu and the others' speed was not that fast. They were caught up to in three minutes and many of the disciples started to fight with each other.    


However, the disciples at the front frantically ran and ignored them. More and more people started chasing from the back, and more people started to get killed and injured.    


Zhang Han, who was hundreds of meters away from them, frowned upon seeing this scene.    


If this dragged on, all the disciples in the valley would die.    


He could implicate Li Qingyan for a period of time, but the disciples of the valley were not as strong as the disciples of the Green Flame Sect.    


Plus, the battle on this side would be discovered sooner or later by those people from the alliance of dozens of Southern Wind forces.    


Li Qingyan wasn't worried about their discovery, but the people from the Vale were worried as well, which was why they didn't stop.    


"This can't go on."    


Someone said to Zhang Mu in a bitter voice, "North Column, Eastflash, Wu Hua, Yu Fan, Lu Yun, the five of you, lead the rest and flee. The New Moon Mountain of the lower realms will gather and the other branches will follow the main group.    


"Elder Mu, what about you?" another elder asked.    


"I will stall Elder Ma and give you guys some time. Whether or not you manage to escape will depend on your luck."    


The disciples trembled in fear.    


Only in times of crisis would they be able to see who could stand up to what was going on.    


There were five Elders present, but the four of them were used to idling around. At such a critical moment, they didn't have any backbone left. Of course, escaping by themselves was not a problem.    


Elder Mu was different, he had a sense of leadership.    


After hearing this, several people led their teams to flee in all directions. As for Zhang Mu, he suddenly turned around with an indifferent expression:    


"Elder Ma, it's time to experience your kung fu."    


Bang bang bang ?    


Zhang Mu continuously used various abilities. A ripple swept out like a stone smashing into water. It was like a sound wave. In an instant, the enemy's attack speed slowed down by several degrees.    


On the battlefield, a lot of things would be decided in a second. Indeed, he managed to buy time for a few teams. However, the farther they got, the less it would affect them.    


For a time, the entire area seemed to have become a battlefield.    


Zhang Mu, all along, I have treated you as an enemy. I, as a cultivator, respect my strength, and many major powers have already broken away from the level of scheming and scheming. However, you, Zhang Mu, are different.    


Elder Ma chuckled, as if he was talking to an old friend:    


But one day, the Sect Leader obtained the Dragon Fragrance Tree at the Deep Sea, and after thirty years, for the sake of the Dragon Fragrance Fruit, I have come to the depths of the valley. Now, with the addition of the Frost Crystal mine, it is more than enough to prove my worth. You are a very powerful person, I admire you very much, and I know that it is impossible for you to join the Azure Flame Sect.    


As Elder Ma spoke, the aura on his body began to surge. Upon closer inspection, he was very close to the peak of the realm, much stronger than Zhang Mu.    


Boom! Boom!    


All sorts of moves were displayed one after another. In just ten breaths of time, Zhang Mu was at a disadvantage.    


Although he was forced to retreat step by step, he was able to stall for time. Seeing this, Zhang Han turned and sent a ghost soldier flying towards the Sect Leader of the Green Flame Sect, Li Qingyan.    


His speed increased once again, and he once again hit the sea of lightning on his star map. The thunderous rain became a little quieter, scaring away many people.    


"Let's go."    


After restraining himself for a bit, Zhang Mu followed Zhang Han and quickly flew to the left.    


"Chase with all your might!"    


Li Qingyan gave the order, and the many reverends and elders began to chase after the few groups of people who had escaped.    


He, Elder Ma and the other two people chased after Zhang Han.    


"Zhang Mu, Zhang Hanyang, you won't be able to escape!" Elder Ma said sternly as he attacked.    


Multiple attacks continuously struck and Zhang Han continuously defended, maintaining his balance.    


Li Qingyan's speed was very fast, and because Zhang Han did not cultivate Treasure-searching formulas, he was not able to execute the Godspeed Technique, so his speed was slightly slower than Li Qingyan's.    


However, to everyone's surprise, even after chasing for two hours, he was still unable to do anything to his opponent.    


There were even a few secret techniques that Li Qingyan released, but they were all blocked.    


The more they fought, the angrier Li Qingyan became. Even with her peak strength, she still couldn't take them down?    


"Truly an indestructible cockroach!"    


The angrier Li Qingyan became, the wilder her aura became and the stronger her strength became.    


The attacks became stronger, making it even more torturous. Zhang Han was still alright, he had experienced a lot and his expression did not change, but Zhang Mu's heart was beating erratically.    


The previous wave of flames was only three meters away from his skin, close to the extent of scalding. And on Zhang Han's side, it was at least thirty meters away, unable to approach him.    


Zhang Mu became increasingly apprehensive.    


So it turns out that Xiao Han said that being able to fight against the peak was real.    


If not for him, no one would have been able to stop Li Qingyan. But with Zhang Han around, Li Qingyan was actually forcibly stopped.    


Although he was running away, Zhang Mu was more and more shocked.    


Unfortunately, good times do not last long!    


Four hours after they escaped, more than thirty people suddenly flew over from a plain in front.    


Seeing this, they were slightly stunned.    


Green Flame Sect's Li Qingyan?    


"Zhang Mu?"    


"This is ?"    


Li Qingyan frowned and ignored him. Elder Ma directly said:    


"The other young man is Zhang Hanyang. He killed hundreds of people from our great sects in the Eastern Region of Karakorum and now he dares to come to Karakorum. Everyone has the right to kill him!"    


The exits of the Eastern Region of Karakorum were mostly located in the Kunlun Mountains or the neighboring countries. There were countries such as the Southern, Western and Northern Regions, which corresponded to different parts of the world. Currently, Zhang Han's name could be considered to be resounding throughout the Eastern Region.    




"He is Zhang Hanyang?"    


"I am Crimson Star Sect's Elder Feng. After knowing that Zhang Hanyang entered Karakorum, I specially went to the quiet valley to meet him. I didn't expect that we would meet here.    






The group was led by a cultivator of the later stage of the Aurous Core Stage. The rest of the group had just entered the late stage of the Aurous Core stage and the middle stage of the Aurous Core stage.    


They rushed towards Zhang Han and attacked him.    


"Dad, there's a lot of them!"    


Mengmeng was shocked.    


Little Princess was initially very nervous, but as time passed, she realized that the person behind her could not do anything to her either. With Zhang Han's comforting and confident words, she had long since relaxed.    


"They're just a bunch of dogs. Watch dad kill the enemy."    


Zhang Han's eyes flashed coldly.    


The fifth move of the Heavenly Demon, the Blood Death Seal!    




In that instant, a complicated blood-red imprint appeared out of nowhere. An incomparably mysterious aura covered all of the incoming Elder Feng's group.    


All of a sudden, they felt as if the vital energy and blood in their bodies were out of control. Even the attacks they unleashed had dispersed. It was as if their blood was flowing backwards. It was an incomparably uncomfortable feeling, as if their heads were spinning.    


Elder Feng was after all a late stage Jindan, and was still able to maintain his movement. He hurriedly took out three types of defensive spiritual treasure, while the others' movements were slightly slower than his.    


At this moment.    


Ghost soldiers appeared!    


Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft ?    


In an instant, over twenty people were harvested.    


Soon after, Zhang Han dispersed the sacred art, and before any of them could react, he quickly flew past them from the side.    


Although Zhang Han could still use his Divine Powers to kill them all, these few people were not worth Zhang Han wasting his Qi.    


With such frequent moves, Zhang Han's spirit energy had also been reduced to sixty percent. Even if there were pill s to eat, it would still be a little too much for him to take in.    




Elder Feng, who was leading the group, had a tragedy. He was completely stupefied.    


Li Qingyan's pupils constricted as she sucked in a cold breath of air. She had never expected him to be so powerful even after such an intense battle. Could it be that he was also at the peak of the Aurous Core stage?    


No, impossible.    


If he was at the peak of the Aurous Core stage, he would not have run away so decisively.    


Ah ah ah ah!    


Elder Feng's angry roar came from the back, bringing a few people with him as he chased after them. Unfortunately, he wasn't as fast as them, and in a short while, he disappeared into the horizon.    


There were only a few people left.    


Mengmeng relaxed:    


"Dad, why are they so persistent in chasing us?"    


"Maybe his head's broken." Zhang Han replied.    


Judging from his aura, he seemed to be quite adept at it.    


"They all have pig brains." Zhang Mu cast a glance behind him and once again attacked to cancel the attack as he was slightly out of breath.    


"Grand Duke, you're wrong!"    


Mengmeng snorted: "We can't just call them whatever they want."    


"Huh?" Zhang Mu froze for a moment. Then, the corners of his mouth trembled.    


Li Qingyan and the rest were furious.    


"By now, the entire Eastern Region knows that Zhang Hanyang has entered Karakorum and will definitely send people to the valley. It's too late for you to want to divide up the Frost Crystal Stone! Even if you want to occupy a place in the valley, it might not be possible. " Zhang Mu turned his head and said.    


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