Godly Stay-Home Dad



"So it's like that. Then I have nearly 1000 points, okay? "Let's give it a try!"    


This time, Chen Changqing and his grandfather prepared five sacred object, which could already be considered as a lot of resources. They also prepared a few Heaven-grade treasure, but compared to the total points, the profits brought by Heaven-grade treasure were not big.    


While they were talking, Chen Changqing also walked into a room in the front. At this time, Zhang Han still had not moved, and was casually observing his surroundings.    


More than half of the people who came out of every room were discussing this matter.    


The smallest one had around twenty or thirty points, and the largest one was someone Zhang Han had never seen before. Warlord of Chen family knew him, but he was also a veteran in closed door cultivation who had around seventy-three hundred points.    


Here, points weren't any big secret. Because people would see something when exchanging points, so when they were chatting, many of them shook their heads and sighed.    


"This time, Celestial Treasure Pavilion will probably break the record with the lowest number of points. When the gate of small word opens, the total number of points exchanged will be tens of thousands."    


"Yeah, those big sects sometimes use seventy or eighty thousand points to take out ten eight divine artifact s to exchange for what they want. They are really generous and won't be able to see such a scene this year."    


"70,000 points, at most it's only the sixth level." One of the old men shook his head and sighed, "The Celestial Treasure Pavilion is a very mysterious place, no one dares to make a ruckus here. As for the seventh, eighth, and ninth floors, no one knows what treasures are on them."    


"No, I remember that divine king Zhang, the mountain master of Tianxia Mountain, had once went up to the seventh floor, but he never said there was something up there, and it's not certain if he was the first one."    




Amidst the chatter of the crowd, Gai Xingkong, Ji Wushuang, Eventide Heavenly Wolf, and the others all came out.    


"Xiao Han hasn't entered yet?" Walking up to it, Gai Xingkong smiled and said: "This time is not bad. With nine hundred and eighty points, I should be able to exchange for two sacred object s that I fancy a lot."    


"I'm only five hundred and ten, I don't know if I'll be able to meet someone I like especially." Jiang Yanlan curled his lips.    


"Can't you see that Mu Xue over there only has a few hundred points?" Eventide Heavenly Wolf looked at Jiang Yanlan.    


She was also a princess of a small world's sect. For people like them, along with Ye Longyuan and Shi Fenghou, there weren't many treasures that she could use since she had yet to open her gate of small word.    


"I only have a little more than 300, I can't even exchange it for a sacred object." Mo Chengfeng sighed lightly.    


"Not bad, I only have two hundred and twenty-one points." Ji Wushuang laughed lightly.    


"Why are you so few?" Gai Xingkong was slightly taken aback.    


This caused Ji Wushuang's expression to pause slightly. After muttering to himself for two seconds with a calm expression, he slowly spat out a word.    


"I'm poor."    


He was worried about Old Tie.    


The mouth of a middle-aged man behind him trembled three times before he powerlessly said:    


"Two hundred or so is fine too. All of my belongings were exchanged for twenty-eight points."    


"Don't compare me less. I only had 21 points."    


Compared to them ? There were a lot of Warlord of Chen family and Gai Xingkong.    


However, Zhang Han had heard them say a few words before, and it seemed that they had also borrowed some treasures.    


Very quickly, Chen Changqing also walked out, with a happy expression on his face.    


"1050, not bad, big brother Han you haven't gone yet? You try it too. "    




Zhang Han nodded his head, and directly walked to the side of the room.    


Shua shua shua!    


With this move, many gazes turned towards him.    


"The ruthless Zhang is going in."    


"It's said that he has two divine objects and several sacred object on his mountain. He even has a lot of Heaven-grade treasure. I wonder if he has a lot of points."    


"Not necessarily. He might not be able to take out the divine object."    




Many people were discussing.    


However, Mu Xue suddenly thought of a possibility:    


"This guy couldn't have sold my Magic dance sword, right?"    


Back then, Zhang Hanyang had said that he would sell it whenever he had the chance.    


Thinking about it, Mu Xue suddenly became angry:    


"If he dares to sell it, once the gate of small word opens, I'll come and kill him after I go back and break through!"    


Ye Longyuan's face became gloomy. After looking at it for a few times, he finally let out a cold snort and did not say anything.    




Shi Fenghou looked at Ye Longyuan, and his usual cold smile cut halfway.    


In the young generation of the small world, there was an enigma, which was Little Roc King Shi Fenghou's sneer.    


What was he laughing at?    


No one was clear. No matter what happened, he would always sneer at them in such a way that no one would be able to understand.    


There was even one time when he made a great contribution, and many seniors of the surrounding sects couldn't stop praising him. Amidst the peaceful atmosphere, a single 'ah!' caused the atmosphere to become tranquil and awkward.    


Under the gazes of everyone present, Zhang Han walked into the room, and the door was enveloped in rays of light.    


Oh? A puppet?    


The room was neat and tidy, milky white, with glowing gems. In the center was a large desk and two chairs on either side of it. A man in a green robe sat inside, his face hidden by a halo of light.    


Zhang Han took a look and understood the gist of it. The white robe puppet outside was the main battle, and the black robe was one of the upgraded versions. The more powerful one was the green robe's main spirit, which was the spiritual sense.    


"Place the points exchange treasure on the table."    


After Zhang Han sat down, the azure-robed puppet spoke in a low voice.    


Zhang Han looked at it, the dimensional ring on his right hand flashed, and instantly, a wave of heat wave swept over, and the flame knife appeared on the table.    


The green gowned puppet professionally extended both of its bloodless hands and pulled out the flame knife. This time, two black spirals appeared on the face that was hidden under the undulations, they were like eyes.    


After looking for three seconds, he opened his mouth.    


"8700 points."    


"Oh, sure." Zhang Han nodded.    


From the divine artifact's five thousand points, divine artifact s were also fifth rank spiritual treasure s. Although they were all at the fifth stage, there were certain things that differed greatly from one another, just like in a good university. Some treasures that were good at learning were also bad at learning, but there was no way a certain level of treasure was just a fixed price.    


flame knife was worth nearly 9000 points, but it was worth it. Weapons, spears, swords, halberds, these sorts of primary weapons were also very popular.    


But Zhang Han knew, if he took out the thunder sun tree s, its value would probably exceed 50,000. According to their algorithm, they were also at the fifth stage, and the thunder sun tree would be able to suppress most of the treasures of the same level.    


After Zhang Han nodded, the azure-robed man took the flame knife away.    


Following that, Zhang Han took out his Magic dance sword.    


The green-robed man pulled out the Magic dance sword, and the two vortexes looked at each other for three seconds.    


A saint artifact was currently a relatively rare treasure, but it wasn't very valuable.    


"Four hundred and thirty-one."    


The green-robed man quickly gave his answer and placed the Magic dance sword on the table.    




The Mu Xue the female demon's Magic dance sword was directly sold.    


Then, Zhang Han took out Ye Longyuan's gold nail and casually threw it on the table.    


"Four hundred and twelve."    


"But ?"    


After Zhang Han nodded, he muttered to himself for a bit and finally took out a jade bottle. Inside, there was a pill that had just left the wok a few days ago.    


"Two hundred thirty-one."    


A pill was equivalent to half a sacred object. If this news was spread out, the entire floor would be filled with eyeballs.    


But Zhang Han shook his head lightly, and said calmly:    


"No Action Immortal, with your level, you are still unable to see through this pill?"    


Upon hearing these words, the azure-robed golem suddenly fell silent.    


One second, two seconds ? Five seconds later, the green-robed man started moving again. He reached out his hands and picked up the pill bottle.    


"Top grade Da Luo dan, 1000 points."    


Zhang Han then nodded his head, but his eyes were sizing up the green robed puppet that had changed. At the same time, he took out another pill.    


"High-grade Flame Blue Pellet, 700 points."    


Immediately after, Zhang Han took out eight pill s in a row.    


"Exquisite Zephyr Pill, 1300 points."    


"medium grade Charging Pill, seven hundred points."    


"High quality Congealing Dew Pill, 900 points."    




A total of ten pill, with a total of 93,000 points.    


Its value had already surpassed the divine artifact s.    


These ten pill, Zhang Han used four types of sacred object and over thirty types of Heaven-grade treasure. It could be said that after Zhang Han refined a set of pill, the value had increased by several times, and among them, the profits were terrifying.    


But no one had this kind of pill cultivating technique like Zhang Han.    


Zhang Han then took out some of the treasures he had obtained from the disciples of Snow Wind Pavilion, as well as the Celestial Dan Sect and Western Halan Clan.    


"Low grade true essence pill, 30 points."    


"Low rank Rock Wind Pill, 50 points."    


"medium grade Ascending Pill, point one hundred and fifty."    




However, the best pill in the Celestial Dan Sect was also worth more than four hundred. Adding the miscellaneous treasures he had, there was a total of one thousand seven hundred and thirty points.    


The price of these two sacred object was low, which of course made Zhang Han very satisfied. After all, they had an owner, it would be good enough for them to be able to purchase it.    


The nine thousand three hundred points obtained from the ten pill refined by Zhang Han, the seven thousand three hundred points obtained from the Celestial Dan Sect and the other forces.    


Adding them all together, the total number of points was 20,573.    


This was no longer a small number. It was enough to easily exchange for two fifth rank spiritual treasure and could at most choose four of them. However, a treasure with 5000 points, it would be useless.    


In fact, there were still several sacred object in Zhang Han's dimensional ring. However, he did not plan to take them out, and directly exchanging them would be a bit of a waste, so he might as well put them back in the medicinal field for the pill s.    


"Your command medallion."    


The green robed puppet took out a palm-sized token and transferred some energy into it. On it, there were more than 20573 numbers, representing points.    


But right at this moment, Zhang Han was about to say something.    


The green-robed puppet's aura had a slight change, causing Zhang Han's words to once again reach his mouth.    


He gave a faint smile.    


"He's running pretty fast."    


After he finished speaking, he got up and walked out of the room.    


Two rays of light appeared on the face of the green-robed puppet once again. They were no longer black vortexes but human pupils. At the same time, two murmurs resounded:    


"This kid is quite interesting."    


When Zhang Han walked out of the room, Warlord of Chen family and the others were still chatting.    


On the right, quite a few people were already heading up the stairs to the second floor.    


"big brother Han, how many points?"    


Chen Changqing asked curiously as he quickly walked over.    


Shua shua shua!    


At this time, the Warlord of Chen family, Gai Xingkong, Ji Wushuang, Mo Chengfeng, Wang Ming, Rong Jiaxin and the others all looked at Zhang Han.    


As for the points, everyone was now clear about one another. Up until now, the one with the most points was still the Eventide Heavenly Wolf.    


1,957 points.    


They felt that Zhang Han should not be any less than the Eventide Heavenly Wolf, so they were all very curious.    


Seeing that, Zhang Han laughed helplessly, and casually took out the order badge from his pocket.    


A string of numbers appeared on the screen, causing everyone to be dumbfounded.    


How much?    




"Damn, what is this for?"    


"So many!"    


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