Godly Stay-Home Dad



Flame Soul is a fire type spiritual item.    


It contained soul energy and the essence of fire elemental spiritual energy. It was a type of natural essence that could be absorbed using various secret art s, mainly used by cultivators of the Innate Realm or above to raise their spiritual sense.    


Relatively speaking, the effect of raising spiritual energy was much less.    


So when Zhang Han saw the Flame Soul, his eyes shone brightly.    


"I hope its purity will be higher!"    


Zhang Han's eyes flashed as he transformed into a complete thread, and continued to stab at the Flame Soul.    


The higher the purity, the stronger the absorption. At the same time, it was based on the secret art's ability to absorb energy, the stronger the secret art, the better the absorption effect.    


had never lacked secret art.    


There was only a question of whether or not he could use his current strength!    


Right now, what he was looking at was the purity of this Flame Soul!    


The Flame Soul at the side looked like a monster seeing Zhang Han howling, but it did not have any consciousness of its own.    


As the millions of threads that were transformed by the spiritual sense pierced over, the Flame Soul seemed to feel pain.    


It was enraged!    


Sha ?    


It was as if a deep and hoarse voice had come over. This was a soul roar!    


Its two arms suddenly stretched out towards Zhang Han, continuously growing longer, carrying with it a monstrous power.    


This strike probably had the degree of prescientific stage.    


But the moment it made a move, Zhang Han's spiritual sense pierced through and traveled through its body.    


"The purity is actually over 70%."    


Zhang Han was a little surprised.    


He did not expect the Flame Soul here to be as pure as the upper echelons.    


The purity level was divided into three levels, the first level was from one to three, the purity was turbid and could not be absorbed, the fourth to sixth level belonged to the middle level and could be absorbed, but the conversion rate was neither high nor low, seven to nine, the purity was very high, it was very suitable for absorption.    


This made Zhang Han felt that this Flame Soul was the biggest treasure in this relic.    


However ?    


The larger the quantity, the better.    


If there was only one, it wouldn't be of much use.    


As the Flame Soul's arm continued to stretch out, sweeping towards Zhang Han.    


Zhang Han stretched out his right hand.    


Hand of Earth Killing Intent!    


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!    


The instant that Zhang Han executed it.    


The magma within a radius of ten meters suddenly began to boil like boiling water.    


Wisps of infernal energy rose up, and in the time it took to take a single breath, they gathered into a three-meter large palm!    


Where there was baleful qi, the power of the Hand of Earth Killing Intent increased exponentially.    




A muffled sound was heard.    


The Flame Soul of this prescientific stage was smashed into smithereens with a single slap.    


Strands of refined energy exploded, like a pale crystal ball, slowly dispersing from the edges.    


If he didn't absorb it, the essence energy would dissipate in just a second.    


But Zhang Han was already prepared.    


Blood Underworld Seal!    


Zhang Han suddenly slapped his left hand, and instantly, a blood colored fog enveloped the Flame Soul's essence, following that, it turned into a thread of red light and entered Zhang Han's palm.    




Zhang Han's eyes flashed red.    


90% of the essence energy turned into spiritual energy, converging in the middle of divine sense sea and turning into a thin strand of mist above divine sense sea.    


The other ten percent of the energy would gather in the meridians, and be absorbed by Zhang Han's spirit energy in the blink of an eye.    


"I hope there's a decent amount."    


Zhang Han looked at his surroundings. It was all lava, as if he was in the center of the ocean, or the middle of the desert, giving off a sense of pressure.    


There was no way to tell where was which direction on the ground, but there was something strange about the sky.    


In the sky to the right of Zhang Han, the color of the Scorching Cloud was growing darker and darker.    


This meant that the location of the center of the ruin was in that direction.    


Thus, Zhang Han's body moved, heading deeper into the ruins.    


Every hundred meters or so, there were three to seven small platforms.    


The Heavenly Dao Laws had never existed in the face of death, so there was a high chance of survival. Thus, within this B-class relic, there was a piece of ground that could be said to be a stone platform that extended downwards like a pillar.    


After walking forward for more than a thousand meters, Zhang Han would wait for two minutes every time he stood on the ground.    


Unfortunately, the number of Flame Soul here seemed to be extremely low.    


Walking forward for three thousand meters, he only met three.    


Adding the previous ones, there were only four of them.    


"Am I in the border area again?"    


Zhang Han could not help but be at a loss whether to laugh or cry.    


Entering twice and both times at the edge of the zone ? whose malicious intent was this?    


"Ignore this place."    


Zhang Han fixed his eyes and quickly rushed forward.    


In the ruins, time was short and precious. Wasting time in the outer regions was foolish.    


Thus, Zhang Han continued to advance forward. Fortunately, there were a few spiritual treasure among them.    


Zhang Han did not care about the consumption of the spiritual treasure, as he continued to walk, he directly absorbed some of the spiritual treasure's energy, maintaining 90% of his spiritual energy state.    


Walk forward for an hour.    


The area of the stone platform on the ground grew larger and larger. Some of the stone platforms were large enough for over ten people to stand on at the same time.    


Along the way, Zhang Han absorbed another dozen or so Flame Soul, and the spiritual sense was slowly increasing in size. There was already a small ball of thin mist above the divine sense sea, and gathering into a cloud was only a matter of time.    




On the right side, there were a few warriors. They were standing on a stone platform, continuously defending against the attacks from the Flame Soul.    


Zhang Han's body moved, and quickly proceeded forward.    


This was because beside these people, there were more than ten four meters tall Flame Soul!    


From the looks of it, it should have reached the level of medium term of master stage.    


Of the fourteen or fifteen people, there was one in the late stage, and four in the middle stage. The rest were all in prescientific stage, and facing the nearly twenty middle stage Flame Soul, they were somewhat miserable.    


When they neared, Zhang Han could even hear some of their exclamations:    


"Soul defense, soul defense, they are going to use soul attacks again!"    


"Pure spiritual energy attacks aren't very effective against them. Quickly use the secret art, the incantation."    


"Strengthen the energy of my shield, come and help me!"    




At first glance, isn't that protector Leng holding a small green shield?    


At this time, there were five people standing behind him, activating their shields at the same time. A ray of multicolored light surrounded everyone, and this shield could defend against 90% of the Flame Soul's attack power.    


"Hmm? Someone is coming! "    


Suddenly, a voice rang out from the crowd. Everyone turned their heads to look, only to see a figure quickly approaching from afar.    


"It's the Master Zhang!" protector Leng called out emotionally.    


"Master Zhang? Vicious person Zhang! "    


Everyone reacted, a few of them looked at Zhang Han nervously.    


A few of them looked dejected.    




Under the gazes of the crowd, he crossed his arms and waved them forward.    


Immediately, two palms that were five meters long swept towards many Flame Soul.    


Bang bang bang ?    


A few muffled sounds could be heard.    


A total of seventeen Flame Soul were shattered into pieces.    


Zhang Han spread out his palm, and instantly, a trail of blood suffused outwards, sweeping away all of the energy.    


This caused the expressions of everyone present to freeze.    


A big boss was a big boss. With just a wave of his hand, he annihilated so many troublesome monsters.    


"Thank you, Master Zhang, for your help!"    


The late stage martial artist quickly cupped his hands in thanks, but didn't say a word.    


"Thank you, Master Zhang."    




Everyone thanked him, but at the same time, they only said that, there were even a few people who gathered together, blocking Zhang Han's line of sight, as though there was some treasure behind them.    




"Lord Manager!"    


Suddenly, a voice sounded from the crowd. It was the protector Leng, who took a few steps forward and said," There is a heavenly and earthly treasures at the back, and it is a refined beast, and looks like a Heaven-grade treasure. However, there is a five meter defensive barrier around the treasure, we had to wait for half an hour, and it only shrunk to one meter.    


protector Leng explained the situation briefly.    


As soon as these words were spoken, the corners of everyone's mouths slightly trembled. They all sighed in their hearts, knowing that there was no such thing as a treasure.    


Fine, I don't want to have to fight over the treasures later.    


Zhang Han nodded to protector Leng and looked behind him.    


A snow-white flower was floating atop the magma, a meter around the flower and surrounded by a layer of light.    


As the spiritual sense converged, Zhang Han's eyes faintly flashed.    


"You think this is a treasure?"    


Zhang Han looked at protector Leng, and shook his head slightly.    


He raised his hand and the Hand of Earth Killing Intent gathered in the magma, grabbing onto the object underneath the white flower and rising.    


Crash! *    


Several streams of lava surged.    


When everyone saw what was in front of them, they all felt a chill down their spines.    


"It's ? it's actually a monster?"    


The Late master stage practitioner sucked in a breath of cold air.    


"We've been deceived!"    


"They are a party! and seduce us on purpose! "    




The crowd began to discuss amongst themselves.    


This was because the thing in front of him was a fish-like monster with a flower of energy at the top of its head.    


Clearly, it was the one that had trapped them!    


On the other hand, Zhang Han did not care about these people, he looked at the Flame Soul in front of him. Its purity reached eighty percent, and its energy was ten times stronger than the Flame Soul from before.    


Clearly, it was like the leader of this team.    




Zhang Han controlled the Hand of Earth Killing Intent, breaking the Flame Soul into pieces. Once again, a red light shone, and it was absorbed into his body.    


One was similar to the seventeen he had just absorbed.    


It seemed like this fish shaped Flame Soul was a bit more expensive here.    


After he finished absorbing, Zhang Han looked at protector Leng and said calmly:    


"Don't stay in one place for too long."    


With that, without waiting for protector Leng's reply, Zhang Han's figure moved, quickly advancing towards the side.    


"Master Zhang is indeed a heavenly person!"    


The Late master stage cultivator moved his body, and also advanced towards the inwards.    


The others left in small groups.    


At the same time, he felt a little regretful. From the looks of it, there was a time when the ruthless Zhang Ye would be willing to help others.    


Eh ? It seemed like a beautiful misunderstanding.    


Zhang Han continued to move forward, and the amount of Flame Soul he absorbed continued to increase.    


Thirty, forty, fifty ?    


Gradually, Zhang Han absorbed more than three hundred Flame Soul.    


In one area, there were more than thirty warriors or even ten disciples of small world sects. But there were a total of two hundred Flame Soul surrounding them, and there were more than thirty fish-like Flame Soul in total. They were firmly trapped within, while the other one hundred or so Flame Soul were continuously attacking.    


And when Zhang Han arrived, he was like a god of death, constantly killing Flame Soul from the sidelines.    


In less than five minutes, all the surrounding Flame Soul had been wiped clean.    


This caused the more than thirty martial artists present to feel quite touched.    


"Thank you, Master Zhang!"    


"Master Zhang, you are truly too kind. You have saved my life for eternity!"    




Zhang Han did not care about their gratitude, and immediately headed in the opposite direction.    


This made the disciples of the sects from the smaller realms sigh with emotion.    


"If it was Shi Fenghou or Ye Longyuan, they would definitely not care, I never thought that Zhang Hanyang would actually be so heroic, admiring him! "I'm impressed!"    


Zhang Han did not care about how others thought or evaluated him.    


Now, after absorbing more than three hundred Flame Soul, there was a completely new cloud above his divine sense sea.    


The strength of the spiritual sense was five times stronger than before, when expanded to a hundred meter radius, it was twice as strong as before!    


Although this kind of growth didn't seem to be much, in reality, it was already a breakthrough for a monstrous genius. One had to know that it had only been two hours.    


After entering the Innate Realm, the divine sense sea opened.    


The early stages of the Innate Realm was the gathering of clouds above the divine sense sea.    


In the middle stages of the Innate Realm, clouds and mist covered the entire divine sense sea, as if covering the entire ocean.    


In the late stage of the Innate realm, the clouds would form rain and form a layer of water in the divine sense sea.    


Each drop of water contained many spiritual energy. The layers of water converged into rivers, formed lakes, and formed seas as they underwent all kinds of transformations. This was a stage that involved the realm of Soul Formation.    


As for Zhang Han, he had already reached the cloud gathering stage ahead of schedule.    


If he was not as good as an Upper Sky, there was still a difference.    


However, Zhang Han knew that if he completed the Cloud Gathering stage in advance and spread throughout the divine sense sea, then when he broke through to the Innate Realm, the intrinsic sublimation would definitely bring him endless benefits!    


Not enough!    


Not enough!    


How could a single spiritual sense cloud be enough!    


The Flame Soul seemed to still have a lot.    


This was the biggest treasure in the ruins.    


This was a treasure that only belonged to Zhang Han!    


Before reaching the Innate Realm, one would not understand how to use Flame Soul. Even if there were two God State Strong s who were equivalent to the early stage of the Innate Realm.    


They could feel the Flame Soul's energy because they possessed the spiritual sense, but how to absorb it ? I'm afraid not.    


Keep moving forward.    


About half an hour later, a dark patch appeared in the distance.    


It was land!    


They finally saw land.    


It was an island.    


The area was not small, it was around a quarter of the south island's size.    


In the entire island, there was only sand and stone. It was a reddish-brown color, and the temperature would definitely not be low.    


They advanced for another five minutes.    


Seeing the scene on the shore, Zhang Han's pupils contracted!    


"I'm rich!"    


Something that could cause Zhang Han's heart to waver.    


What they represented was no small matter!    


At the front shore.    


Above the magma, was the Secret Mama's Flame Soul!    


Secret Mama!    


It was like an ant's nest had been broken open!    


Tens of thousands of Flame Soul!    


This caused the others to feel a chill in their hearts.    


This made Zhang Han very happy!    


There were too many of them.    


It was really too much.    






Zhang Han's figure seemed to transform into a stream of light.    


Just as he was about to make his move, a voice came from the side:    


"Master Zhang, over here!"    


Turning his head to look, he saw more than ten people standing on a stone platform with a radius of forty to fifty meters.    


There were quite a number of people standing on the stone platform not far from them.    


It was obvious that they were stumped by the Flame Soul in front of them.    


Seeing Lei Tiannan, Zhang Han's expression changed as he controlled the Flood Dragon badge to float above the magma.    


"Ye Longyuan, Shi Fenghou, Mu Xue, some of the disciples of the talents from small world, Grandmaster Mo, Grandmaster Ji and a dozen or so other people have all entered. The process of them charging in did not take more than a minute, Ye Longyuan was the fastest, he charged through in less than ten seconds." When Zhang Han reached the stone platform, he nodded his head and said, "In front of us, the Fire Beast District, when we are ten metres in the air, will be suppressed. If we want to reach the island, we have to fight our way out, we are planning to charge in together."    


"They've been inside for an hour and a half." Wang Zhanpeng reminded her.    


At this moment, the eyes of everyone else lit up.    


Fierce Zhang Ye definitely had the strength to fight his way in.    


Since they were willing to do so, why wouldn't they be willing to lend the limelight and enter to search for treasures?    


The dozen or so people present all knew each other, they formed an alliance temporarily, thinking to wait for a Late master stage, who would have thought that a ruthless person would come, Zhang Ye.    


Hearing that, Zhang Han nodded, looked at Lei Tiannan and Wang Zhanpeng, and asked:    


"Do you have any treasures to recover your blood and Qi?"    


"Yes." Wang Zhanpeng was startled, he waved his hand, and eight spiritual treasure appeared in front of him.    


Zhang Han looked at it, and immediately kept it.    


Absorbing the Flame Soul would require one to use the Blood Seal, and the blood would be used up. This was a tug of war, with the little treasures in Zhang Han's storage ring, it was obviously not enough.    


"I have more."    


Lei Tiannan nodded, and twenty heavenly and earthly treasures s, and even three Heaven-grade treasure s appeared.    


"Master Zhang, I also have some treasures to recover your blood essence. If you need them, please take them."    


An old man walked up ahead and laughed. He took out fifteen heavenly and earthly treasures, two Heaven-grade treasure and thirteen Earth-ranked treasures.    


When he took it out, he smiled and said to Zhang Han: "I am the Sect Leader of Heavenly Talisman Sect.    


While speaking, the old man cupped his fists at Zhang Han.    


This made Zhang Han's expression change slightly.    


At this moment, the others also came up to him.    


"Master Zhang, I have a few too."    


"I only have three options, I hope Master Zhang will not think that it's too little."    




Very quickly, seventy or eighty kinds of treasures gathered in front of Zhang Han.    


Zhang Han looked at these people.    


With a wave of his hand, he accepted it.    


He nodded his head and said:    


"Thank you. After this relic is over, you can go to the National Security Agency of Hong Kong's treasury and choose twice the treasures."    


"Puff ?"    


Lei Tiannan almost vomited blood when he heard this.    


What did you say?    


But Zhang Han did not give him the chance to speak, and directly headed towards the Flame Soul region, saying at the same time: "I'll bring you guys in first."    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


When they got close to the Flame Soul, Zhang Han took the initiative to attack, while Lei Tiannan and his group at the back also made their moves.    


After all, there were too many Flame Soul here.    


Zhang Han thought for a while, then gave up on absorbing energy. If he absorbed even a second, he would be surrounded by Flame Soul s at the back.    


Thus, Zhang Han led the way. Two minutes later, Lei Tiannan and the rest landed on the island.    


"Hu ?"    


They were all relieved.    


Wait, why didn't Zhang Han come?    


Everyone turned their heads.    


Yet they saw Zhang Han killing his way out, not coming to the island?    


Just as Wang Zhanpeng was about to ask, Zhang Han's voice sounded in his mind.    


The technique of sound transmission.    


Wang Zhanpeng and Lei Tiannan were startled.    


Everyone turned to look at Zhang Han, then turned and said:    


"He still has things to do, let's go in first!"    


Thus, they all wanted to go inside.    


On the other hand, Wang Zhanpeng stood in his original spot and observed for a few minutes. After seeing Zhang Han bravely kill the fire beasts, he shook his head, and also walked in.    


Zhang Han didn't need to worry about himself, he kept searching for treasures.    


In fact, Zhang Han was feeling really happy.    


Bang bang bang ?    


In the outer region, Zhang Han was like a god of death, with a strike of the Hand of Earth Killing Intent that was close to ten metres tall, it could cut down seven to eight Flame Soul with a single strike, releasing the Blood Death Seal on his left hand and absorbing the Flame Soul's essence.    


As time passed.    


On the side of Zhang Han's divine sense sea, the second cloud quickly gathered.    


Then, the third and the fourth ?    


Very quickly, on the side of the shore, a gap that was a hundred meters long had been forcefully torn open by Zhang Han in the hands of countless Flame Soul.    


This left quite a number of people who were still forming a party on the other side stunned!    


F * ck!    


What was going on?    


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