Godly Stay-Home Dad



"Eh ?"    


Zhang Han muttered to himself as he carried Mengmeng and walked out.    


"As long as you're happy playing games, then Mengmeng, are you happy playing games?"    


"I'm happy, but I thought the eagle couldn't catch a chicken. I didn't win." Mengmeng pouted and said.    


"Sometimes, winning or losing is very important. For example, it concerns one's future, or even one's life. It is very important."    


Zhang Han did not know if Little Princess would be able to understand, but he had clearly stated his opinion.    


"But most of the time, victory or defeat isn't important. Some people are born strong, they like to fight for first place in everything, they like the taste of victory, but this way, they will imperceptibly put pressure on others, and they will be very tired of living. Mengmeng, you don't have to care about the outcome of losing or winning, you just need to enjoy the process, and there are things that you need to do, as long as you work hard, you will not regret it, but Father will guarantee you, even if you lose the entire world, your Father and Mother will always protect you, forever."    


"Oh, the Baba is the best, huh."    


Mengmeng was confused listening to what Zhang Han said, she didn't understand either, but she knew that Baba was expressing his love for her. The little fellow's heart was also in a beautiful mood as it kissed Zhang Han on the cheek a few times.    


Zhang Han laughed as he shook his head.    


Some of their life experiences still required Zhang Han's own experience to understand, but there were some things that she did not say.    


The Mengmeng really wanted to win, so how could he let her lose?    


It didn't matter if he just said he would hang up. It didn't matter if it wasn't fair.    


This world did not have absolute fairness. Zhang Han just wanted the Mengmeng to grow up happily.    


Zhang Han had always wanted the Mengmeng to understand this logic.    


Light and darkness coexisted.    


He believed that the justice and glory of this world were like the Eldest Brother s of the Heavenly Talisman Sect, valiant men righteous and upright. Zhang Han admired them and was willing to help.    


However, one must also be certain that the darkness and terror of this world was not something a person in a peaceful environment could understand.    


However, because the Mengmeng was still young, Zhang Han did not think of explaining some truths or bringing the Mengmeng to experience anything.    


Just let it be.    


Back in the car, Mengmeng spoke a few more times with Zi Yan about the new Cantonese language.    


Listening to the mother and daughter talking behind him, Zhang Han's expression was very gentle.    


It could be said that Mengmeng and Zi Yan had flattened Zhang Han's hostility, as though they were ordinary husbands and fathers.    


Returning back to the dining hall, Zhang Han simply made the Egg-Fried Rice and the noodle soup.    


He didn't cook anything else, he just prepared a hotpot and ingredients for dinner.    


During dinner time, the three old masters Wang Ming, Rong Jiaxin, Wang Ya and Wang Zhanpeng all came over. Adding Zi Qiang and his friends along, Zhou Fei and Zhang Li, the second floor was bustling with food.    


As they ate the hotpot, Wang Zhanzong and the rest opened the thatched platform that Wang Jiawen delivered to them, drinking and chatting.    


"Xiao Han, Xiao Yan, we plan to return to the Western Airlines tomorrow." After finishing his meal, Rong Jiaxin wiped his greasy lips and smiled at Zhang Han and.    


"Aunt, haven't you been looking at the house for the past few days? Why are you suddenly returning? " Zi Yan was startled and replied.    


They usually had to choose a few days to look at a house, especially a family like theirs. They had to choose a large field.    


"Xiao Han said two days ago that we don't need to worry about the place we will stay. He will be ready in a few days, so we plan to go back and sort things out over there. After that, we'll all come over." Rong Jiaxin laughed as he replied, as his eyes were filled with gratification as he looked at Zhang Han.    


He was truly a dragon amongst men. Her sister knew that he would definitely be especially happy, and at the same time, she felt a little guilty. These few years, and her had been closed up in a Blessed Land, if she knew that he had been kicked out of the Zhang family, she would definitely call the Wang family over to take care of him.    


Hearing Rong Jiaxin's words, Zi Yan pursed his lips and laughed, he looked at Zhang Han with an unusual glint in his eyes and laughed: "Him, it seems like he can solve anything."    


"En hmph, my Baba is the strongest." Mengmeng said happily after eating a prawn that Zhang Han had just peeled.    


"Haha ?" Rong Jiaxin laughed as he shook his head.    


With regards to the residence, Zhang Han was waiting for the second reform of the thunder sun tree s since half a month away. At that time, Zhang Han would be able to contain the north and east mountains and become a brand-new New Moon Mountain.    


The current New Moon Mountain was not very big, and although it was enough for now, Zhang Han still planned to create a playground for the Mengmeng. In addition to the residence in the Wang family, there might be more Zi family in the future, with more people and more residences, so the area was a little small.    


Zhang Han had been thinking about the details recently and decided to make a move. Otherwise, he could only wait for the third time, the third time he would transform the New Moon Mountain into a real treasure land.    


and Zi Yan both liked to eat fruits very much. Zhang Han was normally still worried about food.    


The next day.    


8 AM in the morning.    


Baba, we will have Little Red Flower in a few days. Mengmeng will definitely be able to get it, at that time, Baba will promise me one thing.    


When Zi Yan was carrying the bag for Mengmeng, he said with a somewhat excited tone.    


"Huh?" Mengmeng, are you really looking forward to father agreeing to your request? " Looking at the little guy's expression, Zhang Han said in amusement: "You can tell me what you want daddy to promise you in advance."    


He said that in advance so that he could prepare in advance. Thus, Zhang Han asked.    


"Hm." Mengmeng raised his head, looked at Zhang Han and Zi Yan with his big eyes, and said naively: "I want a little brother, Baba, when I get hold of Little Red Flower, you guys can give birth to a little brother for me right?"    


"Huh?" Zi Yan was stunned.    


He never thought that the Mengmeng would have such a request.    


"Hahaha ?" Zhang Han said in amusement: "Mengmeng, why do you want my little brother so suddenly?"    


"Because Mu En has a little brother. She said that little brothers are fun, and I want one too." The Mengmeng answered seriously.    


If you want to play with your little brother, then we can go to the Singapore during the holidays. Zhang Han thought for a while and said.    


She was afraid that Zi Yan would think too much. After all, she could only bear one child in her entire life, and after searching for it herself, she discovered that it was related to the unsearchable situation in her Dantian. For the time being, she didn't have any methods at all, and even Zhang Han had never heard of it before.    


"Alright Mengmeng, we should go to school now. When there's a chance in the future, I don't think so."    


Zi Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he said this to Mengmeng, and then looked at Zhang Han.    


Her husband was an immortal; he would definitely be able to cure the problems in her body in the future. Every time he vented out his feelings, even though it was fine now, if he was cured in the future, he would let nature take its course.    


"Then he went to school." Mengmeng held Zhang Han's and Zi Yan's hand and walked downstairs.    


"Wait, take off your hat." Zi Yan walked to the tea table and put on his hat, and the family of three went downstairs.    


As soon as they stepped out of the door, they saw the regular brown Porsche Carnival that Wang Jiawen held. Seeing that Zhang Han and the others had come out, Wang Jiawen and Su Yu brought Wang Yihan over.    


After greeting each other, Wang Yihan and Mengmeng followed Zi Yan to the back row of the panda cart s, and Wang Jiawen and Su Yu immediately left.    


Zhang Han drove the two little girls to the kindergarten, then returned to New Moon Mountain.    


The crew was already waiting in front of the side beach.    


"Mr. Zhang, Miss Zi, you're here." Wu Dong laughed and said: "All of you should get on the carriage to put on some makeup and change your clothes.    


"Mm. Alright." Zhang Han nodded.    


Zi Yan and him got on the carriage, taking half an hour for them to put on makeup and change their clothes.    


The first shot has been recorded OK, today's character is to start the next shot.    


Wu Dong predicted that if everything went well, the morning could end. If everything went wrong, it would probably take a few more days.    


However, he did not expect it to go smoothly and go over it once.    


The previous scene depicted Zhang Han acting as a blind man and a Blacky being hit by a truck.    


Before the two of their souls reached heaven, Zi Yan was still a cluster of crystals with a pair of pure white wings, acting the role of an angel.    


Before the start, when Zi Yan saw Zhang Han's clothing and Blacky s, she could not help but smile slightly. However, after it had begun, she had quickly immersed herself in the scene.    


Under the lens, Zhang Han's eyes were extremely strange. He looked at his hands, looked at the Blacky, and then looked at the situation in front of him, interpreting the scene of a blind person regaining his eyesight.    


There were two mountains in the camera. The front mountain represented heaven, while the back mountain represented hell. However, it could only be seen after some post-production and special effects.    


Zhang Han did not know how to act, but based on his thoughts, his acting was not bad.    


He was already very satisfied with the big boss's performance. At the same time, he felt that the highlight of the movie, was Zi Yan's appearance, she was too beautiful, just like an angel. The Blacky were also majestic and quite handsome.    


If Zi Yan knew what the director was thinking, he would definitely burst into laughter.    


When Zhang Han and the Blacky arrived in front of Zi Yan.    


Zi Yan said with some difficulty: "I'm sorry, there is only one more spot in Heaven now, one of the two of you must go to Hell."    


Hearing that, Zhang Han hurriedly asked: "My dog doesn't know what heaven is, or what land is, can I decide who will go to heaven?"    


At this time, the camera showed the Blacky standing half a meter away from Zhang Han, looking very steady.    


At this time, Zi Yan glanced at Zhang Han with some contempt in his eyes. His brows slightly furrowed, and after muttering to himself for a second, he said: "I'm sorry, every soul is equal. You all have to use this competition to decide who will go to heaven."    


By this time, the content of the second act had already passed, but the director still looked at the scene on the stage and waved his hand, signalling for the filming to continue.    


Zhang Han's brows slightly furrowed, and revealed a look of disappointment: "What kind of competition is that?"    


Zi Yan quickly replied: "It's simple, it's a race. From here to the gates of heaven, whoever gets there first can go to heaven, but you don't have to worry, because you are already dead and no longer blind. Also, the speed of your soul and body, the more kind-hearted and quick you are, the more quickly you can go to heaven."    


"Alright then." Zhang Han sighed.    


When Zhang Han and the Blacky were ready, Zi Yan announced the start of the competition.    


When she saw the screen, she gaped.    


At this time, the scene paused for two seconds. Zi Yan would have a close-up of his face, and there would be a monologue for later production.    


She had thought that her master would try his best to run in order to enter heaven, but who knew that the owner of the dog would slowly move forward. What was even more surprising was that the guide dog didn't run, and followed its master's footsteps as it slowly led the way, refusing to leave even one step.    


Zi Yan suddenly realized: So it turns out that after all these years, this guide dog had already gotten used to following its master around, guarding in front of its master. This hateful master was using this point to make sure of his victory, if he wanted to win, he only needed to make his dog stop at the gates of heaven.    


Zi Yan looked at Blacky and said loudly: "You have already given your life for your master, and now he is not blind, you don't need to lead him to walk, quickly run into heaven."    


But at this time, Zhang Han and the Blacky seemed to have not heard his words, and continued to walk slowly as if they were walking on the street.    


In reality, a soft voice came out of Zhang Han's mouth: "Blacky, don't turn your head. Ignore her.    


After walking forward for over thirty meters, Zhang Han opened his mouth: "Sit!"    


The Blacky obediently sat down and watched Zhang Han wagging his tail.    


Zi Yan looked forward with a disdainful gaze, and as expected, it was done as expected.    


However, at this time.    


Zhang Han laughed lightly, the effect of his laughter was surprisingly good.    


He turned his head to look at Zi Yan, and said: "I have finally sent my dog to heaven. What I'm worried about the most is that it doesn't want to go to heaven at all, so it pointed to being with me.    


Zi Yan's expression instantly froze, and she looked at Zhang Han in a daze.    


Zhang Han then looked at the Blacky, and rubbed its head, saying: "It's really great to be able to use a competition to make a decision, as long as I let it take a few more steps forward, it will be able to go to heaven. But he had been with me for so many years, and this was the first time I had ever been able to see him with my own eyes, so I couldn't help but want to walk slowly and look at him for a while longer, and if I could, I wanted to see him go on forever. But heaven is here, that's where it's supposed to be. Please take care of it. "    


After saying these words, Zhang Han gave the order to the Blacky to move forward. The moment the Blacky reached the destination point, the director hastily gave Zhang Han a hand signal, signalling him to run towards a mountain on the other side.    


Zhang Han ran over quickly. When the Blacky saw him, it quickly turned its head and chased after its owner.    


Zi Yan stretched out her hand towards the direction of the Blacky, but didn't expect that the Blacky's speed would be so fast, so she absentmindedly looked at the scene in front of her, and two streams of clear tears flowed down her face.    


At this time, the camera gave Zi Yan a close-up of the scene and even captured the teardrop that fell to the ground.    




Wu Dong stood up somewhat excitedly, and took the lead to clap: "This is really great, go over it once!"    


Zhang Han also shook his head and laughed, walking back from a distance, he had only taken two steps when he was stunned.    


Zi Yan was really crying?    


He hurried ran over and hugged Zi Yan and whispered: "Isn't this an act? "Why are you crying?"    


"So touching ?" "Afraid ?" Zi Yan spoke a few sentences in a blur.    


After Zhang Han heard this, he finally understood that her feelings had hit upon something, and he started coaxing her on the side.    


On the other hand, the director's eyes were wide open. Why was he crying?    


Women were really made of water.    


He shook his head and smiled.    


"Awoo, awoo, awoo ?"    


The Blacky rushed over to the mistress's feet and continued to brush her treasures, allowing Zi Yan to quickly regain his good mood. She turned teary and smiled while looking at Zhang Han.    


"We've done it over and over again. Hubby, you're amazing."    


"It's better if you acted well. I was acting badly, and my line of sight is all on you. You're too beautiful." Zhang Han laughed.    


Facing Zhang Han's praise, Zi Yan's mood was once again beautiful.    


Everyone waited for a moment, and then took a few more shots. Zhang Han ran and turned into a track car and sat on it, as if he was flying.    


As a result, at ten-thirty, all sorts of scenes were taken.    


"We'll be waiting for the production later. I think it'll be OK in a day or two." The director said with a smile.    


"So fast?" Zhang Han was stunned.    


He had heard that postproduction required a bit of time and that the CG special effect would take even longer to produce. He didn't think that this video would be shot so quickly.    


Thus, two days later, Zhang Han finally understood why it was happening so quickly.    




After sending Mengmeng to play kindergarten in the morning, they returned back to the company and sat in Sun Ming's office. The two of them held onto their notebooks as they looked at the finished products of the video.    


The video did not last long. It lasted one minute and thirteen seconds, but after seeing the video, Zhang Han's mouth turned stiff.    


"This heaven and hell are too simple and crude. Whoever has light is heaven, and the darker one is hell. This is too fake, I can even tell that this is the border of New Moon Mountain."    


Zhang Han gave his own evaluation, a bad evaluation:    


"And the wings of Angels have a special effect on light? "It doesn't look like it. The words of the soul should at least appear translucent and ethereal, and there are even shadows on the ground. It's very different from what I imagined it to be."    


"Hmm, the special effect is indeed a bit simple." Zi Yan also nodded.    


"Uh, this ?" Sun Ming's expression froze for a moment, and said very helplessly: "They just gave us three million, and spent over eight hundred thousand on filming and other kinds of fees. Even with the funding and the current level of the company's team, they still wouldn't be able to produce the desired effect, if we find some late stage expert to produce it, spending would become a problem."    


"What's the best special effect team? Hollywood? " Zhang Han suddenly asked.    


"Huh?" Sun Ming was startled for a moment, then nodded: "The best special effects team in the world is indeed in the hands of the Hollywood's few big enterprises."    


"Then let's contact them and ask for a powerful team. I want the best special effects." Zhang Han said as he nodded his head.    


"This ? this is only worth three million." Sun Ming said somewhat blankly.    


A word vaguely appeared in his heart.    


"There's no need to consider the funding. You can contact him right now." Zhang Han laughed and said.    




Sun Ming nodded and walked to his desk. The words in his heart were still as clear as ever:    


Lose money.    


This made Zi Yan pursed his lips into a smile.    


Thinking about it, it made sense since this was their first time shooting an advertisement. Besides, this was his first time acting. It was like a video of himself that could be used as a memory in the future.    


So Sun Ming asked his friend in North America confusedly. Three minutes later, he hung up the phone and laughed bitterly:    


"Sure, the highest specification for the production of special effects would cost nearly four million, almost twenty-five million. If the specifications were low, then the price would be lowered a lot, but the lowest specification would cost at least five hundred thousand dollars. I think it would be better if ?"    


"Then the highest quality one."    


Zhang Han thought for a while and replied, "I heard that Hollywood has a few special effects films, saying that every movie is burning money, so we will follow those specifications."    




Sun Ming was immediately a little confused.    


A string of numbers quickly floated across his mind.    


Three million, minus the one million, the remaining two million, and another twenty-five million, which was equivalent to twenty-three million.    


When the company opened, the first lot was worth 23 million ?    


My God.    


What was going on?    


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