Godly Stay-Home Dad



When she saw Mengmeng sneakily laughing, she finally realised.    


"You damned girl."    


Zhang Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he asked with some doubt: "Are you serious?"    


"I've said all of you, but it's not that strange." Zi Yan laughed: "Where's Liang Hao?"    


"He went over first. I saw that you guys were here, so I thought I might ask a bit about it." Zhang Li said in all seriousness.    


"I think you want him to block the gun?" Zhang Han said helplessly: "Isn't it just to urge you to have children? "Just give birth earlier."    


"That won't do." Zhang Li replied, "This world is so vast, I haven't looked around yet. You and Sister-in-law have a burden like the Mengmeng, so you don't even have time to go out and play on your own. I haven't had enough of this yet."    


"Who's the burden?" Mengmeng's face darkened. "Alright you, you're amazing, right? I'll go speak with grandfather right now."    


"Hey, don't, don't, don't. I said it wrong, I said it wrong." Zhang Li hurriedly said.    


She was very clear that the Mengmeng was going to add fuel to the fire, and she would probably be scolded.    


"Hmph." The Mengmeng snorted.    


"I have to go take a look." Zhang Li glanced at the place where Zhang Guangyou's villa was: "It's been a while, my Hao Hao should not be able to hold on."    


With that, Zhang Li called out to her, and quickly ran over.    


"Huh?" "He's already at the Greater Heaven stage." Zhang Han was a little surprised to feel Zhang Li's aura.    


It seemed like she had been cultivating quite a bit during this period of time.    


"Dad, I'm going to cultivate as well. After a while, I'll be a great cultivator in the Aurous Core stage." Mengmeng said confidently.    


"Amazing! He's only fourteen years old and is already in the Aurous Core stage. He is just around the corner from father." Zhang Han laughed loudly.    


"That's impossible, I don't need to surpass dad." Mengmeng's big eyes smiled like crescent moons.    


It was better to have Daddy's protection.    


After a while, Zhang Li, Liang Hao, Zhang Guangyou and Rong Jiali all walked over, and their entire family talked for a while.    


He did not scold her, but warned Zhang Li with a stern expression, the higher the cultivation, the harder it was to nurture.    


He even asked Zhang Han with a serious expression.    


At this time, Zhang Han did not dare to discredit them, and said seriously:    


"That's right."    






It must have been three consecutive attacks, but Zhang Li was so taken aback that he was stupefied.    


Seeing her pondering expression, Zhang Guangyou couldn't help but smile at Zhang Han, and raised his eyebrows.    


He also had a young mindset.    


Zhang Mu, You Huo, Gai Xingkong, Zhao Feng and the others went to cultivate after resting for two days.    


This trip to the Seven Desolate Region had given him quite a bit of psychological pressure. It was more of an impulse and motivation.    


One day, they would also be able to rely on their strength to travel through the Seven Desolate Domain!    


A long-term goal.    


Two days passed in the blink of an eye.    


Nina and Ferina came in the spaceship.    


After resting for a moment, everyone prepared to depart.    


"Master, I'm not going back this time."    


"We will cultivate here. You will be back soon anyway."    


"I'm not going to join in on the fun either."    


Mu Xue, Jiang Yanlan, Instructor Liu and the others nearly all stayed behind.    


In the end, only Yue Wuwei, Zhang Guangyou, Rong Jiali, Zhang Li, Zhang Han, and Zhang Han's family, Chen Changqing, Zhou Fei, Chen Chuan and a few others left.    


On a Thunder King and ten frigates.    


He would bring some people back this time and make preparations to contact the various sects. He would bring out a group with a plan.    


The current situation in the Sea Dragon Star Region was stable, but there were also some small problems. There were many areas that could be trained, and the brilliance of the Immortal Cultivation World s was just beginning to show itself in the Seven Desolate Region.    


Although they were strong at the border, as Sacred Martial Stars, there were many secrets there. It was just that their cultivation realms weren't strong enough to explore it yet.    


"Let's go!"    


The fleet was ready for close to two minutes before the energy burst and entered the subspace.    


On the way.    


Mengmeng, Chen Chuan, Yue Xiaoxiao, Nina, Ferina, these five young students were in the same room. There was a game room here, and although it could not be connected to the Internet, it could still be used to play online projection games.    


"You want to play with me too?" Seeing that she was a little out of place and did not speak much, the Mengmeng took the initiative to invite her.    


"I don't play this kind of retarded game." She said it directly.    


"A retarded game?" Mengmeng's twinkling beautiful eyes widened three times: "A game is a game for entertainment, not a retarded game."    


"Yeah, the game is super fun." Chen Chuan agreed.    


"You guys play by yourselves." said Phileas, turning her face to the side.    


"You're such an interesting person." Yue Xiaoxiao said, "If you don't want to play, just do it. No one forced you to do it. You make it sound like we're all childish."    


Yue Xiaolou scoffed. Her tone made Elena turn her gaze back to him. She directly said like a straight forward daughter of steel, "She is very childish to begin with."    


"Elena." Nina looked embarrassed and wanted to say something, but she did not know how to persuade her.    


"Do you believe that I'll beat you up?" Yue Xiaoxiao glared at him.    


"I am at the Spirit Transformation level." said.    


"Hur hur." Mengmeng laughed coldly, "You are also a little brat at the Spirit Transformation level. You are not even an adult yet, so you might not even be as old as me."    


Felina: "?"    


She turned her face away again, not wanting to say anything.    


Mengmeng snorted, and looked around unhappily.    


This dark elf is so boring.    


They had gone to play the game themselves, but on Nina's account, they ignored her.    


Little did she know that there was a trace of curiosity in the corner of her eye as they played.    


She had never played in a gaming cabin before.    


After playing for a while and ending a game, everyone returned to their seats.    


Nina looked at Elena with a helpless look.    


This little sister was truly worrisome.    


"Have some snacks."    


Yue Xiaoxiao took out some potato chips, fruit juice, and shrimp from her space treasure.    


"Mengmeng, Nina, Little Chen Chuan, have some."    


He purposely did not give her or look at her.    


Kacha, kacha ?    


Chen Chuan bit the potato chips. A crisp sound rang out, mixed with the special fragrance of the potato chips.    


She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, then turned her face away. She didn't want to look over there, she wanted to eat it too.    


Just as he was holding himself back ?    


A bag of chips was placed in front of her.    


"I don't want it." Phileas refused.    


"Let's give it a try." Nina thought for a moment and said, "This is the first time I have eaten this kind of food. It is not found in our Sea Dragon Star Region, it is Earth's specialty and tastes pretty good."    


After saying that, Nina tore open the bag and placed it on Fina's leg. She sat back down and smiled apologetically at Mengmeng.    


They were both good sisters. With Nina around, the two girls were more tolerant towards her.    


He looked at it carefully.    


After hesitating for ten seconds, she sneakily put her hand into the food bag, picked up a piece of potato chip and put it in her mouth. She then slowly ate it without even biting her lips.    


One piece, two pieces ?    


After eating half a bag, Yue Xiaoxiao slammed the table and said,    


"Hey, is it delicious? These are my snacks. Would you like to thank me? "    




She quickly took back her hand and stopped eating. Two seconds later, she put the food bag to the side and did not say anything for a long time.    


"What's wrong with you, sister?" Yue Xiaoxiao looked at Nina with dissatisfaction.    


"She ? she hasn't come into contact with many people of her age." "I'm sorry Mengmeng, it was a small disturbance. When she was born, she lived with the Queen Mother for dozens of years, and after coming out, she went through countless hardships to reach the Little tianlong Realm. Her fate wasn't very good, so she ended up like this."    


After saying a few simple sentences, Yue Xiaoxiao's discontent was appeased.    


So, this Elena did not have a childhood.    


Yue Xiaoxiao picked up a glass of juice and handed it to Nina.    


Nina brought it back to her and put it on her lap.    


She was silent for a few seconds. Then she turned and said, "Thank you."    


The voice was low, but it was clearly audible.    


Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Mengmeng place the straw into the juice glass and drink it one mouthful at a time.    


Phileas did the same, sipping.    


"I'm going back to sleep."    


After eating for a while, the Mengmeng got up and said, "It's almost time for the exam, I need to go read some books."    


"That's right, it's time to grind the spear." Yue Xiaolou also quickly left.    


"Sister Nina, shall we play games together?" We can be together tonight. " Chen Chuan said innocently.    




Mengmeng ran back again, grabbed Chen Chuan's collar and carried him out.    


Returning to his room, he saw Zhang Han and Zi Yan playing a game on the screen.    


Mengmeng ran over and squeezed between the two of them.    


"Daddy, I know why Phileas is such a loner." Mengmeng said with a bit of gossip.    


"Why?" Zhang Han asked.    


"In the past, she only stayed with Aunt Tisya and lived for dozens of years. She had no friends and did not see many outsiders. When she came out to the dark elves' place, she even met something from the Ancient Tuo Dynasty ? I think she's called Gu Kun, but now he wants to get married. Oh my god, she's still a little brat. "    


She has these experiences, which is why she has such a character." Zhang Han put away the projection screen, touched Mengmeng's head and said: "I've observed her a few times, she's very curious about some unfamiliar things, but she won't ask, and won't say, only look. From a psychological point of view, there's a layer of defense, and it doesn't have a sense of security.    


"Is that so?" Mengmeng was startled, she did not understand either.    


"She had no childhood." sighed lightly, "It has a huge impact on one's personality. Mengmeng, we lived in San Diego for a few years, and at that time, you were also a shy, introverted kid, and later on, when we were together, you became more and more cheerful. Childhood is the most important thing in life, it would determine one's three views.    


"Oh, Mom, we're in San Diego. I don't seem to remember anything." Mengmeng's clear eyes did not blink as he tried to recall, but there were only a few scattered images.    


"You were too young." Zi Yan laughed: "You're still a little thin, have you forgotten about how you choose to eat?"    


"What?" I can still choose food? "Impossible." The Mengmeng immediately retorted.    


"Have you really forgotten?" Zi Yan curled his lips: When you were young, you didn't like to eat meat. As long as there was just a little bit of fat, you would spit out the food in your mouth, and wouldn't like eating eggs, then Mom would fry eggs, and in the end you wouldn't like to eat them. Vegetables are a little better, the taste is better, if you can eat a few more, wouldn't taste better, and you wouldn't eat milk.    




Mengmeng shook her little butt.    


Why are you saying all this?    


As he said this, he recalled something and had an impression of it.    


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