Godly Stay-Home Dad



"After we arrive at Dare planet, don't shine such a precious treasure. If you show it, there will definitely be a dispute. This place belongs to the transfer station next door, and there are actually a lot of fugitives here."    


Li Mu warned first. Seeing the Instructor Liu taking back the treasure, he said, "The sixth rank Treasures are immeasurable, and the sixth rank Treasures in the entire Sea Dragon Star Region are especially rare, you can count them all. For weapons like your, you need to auction them for at least a hundred million levels, and once they appear, many great powers will fight for them until their heads bleed."    


"It's that exaggerated?" Zhao Feng and the rest were stunned.    


Then wouldn't they all be billionaires?    


I'm just estimating that the number of crystals that can be used to level 100 million is very little, and most of them are bartering weapons. If you took out the weapons just now, you would definitely be able to trade them for a class 100 million main battleship, but in a certain aspect, the value of the sixth rank is not as exaggerated as a hundred million level crystal. No matter how many crystals there are, there's still a total amount of crystals.    


Li Mu replied: "Price often changes, and sometimes it is different. This aspect is very complicated, of course, in the case of sixth rank and treasures, ordinary things are still very stable, and when we get back I will give you a map of the Sea Dragon Star Region, as well as some basic information on the prices, and of course, my communication card, no matter where you go from now on, contact me anytime, ah. For a place like the Sea Dragon Star Region, no matter which star sector, I would still have some face."    


As he spoke of this, Li Mu found confidence in himself and elegantly revealed a smile.    


"It's fine, there's no need to trouble yourself. Maybe we'll have the strongest fleet next time we meet." Instructor Liu casually replied.    


Li Mu: "..."    


Are you an iron straight man?    


I've spent a long time explaining my saliva to you guys, so I can't give you guys some face.    


Troublesome to bother me, wouldn't Uncle Zhang give me extra points?    


If he added points, was he still far from obtaining the Cloud Diagram?    


As one of the three great secret arts of Cloudy Heavens, Li Mu knew that it wouldn't be easy to obtain the Cloud Diagram.    


He could tell that the Uncle Zhang was one of those people who treated their own people very well.    


Then he, Li Mu, would use his sincerity to move the other party.    


Regarding these words, Zhang Han had also heard it.    


The issue of price was very complicated. In Immortal Cultivation World, if one lived a very careful life, then they would be very tired. No matter what Zhang Han bought, there was no time to bargain.    


Although it was expensive, the process was simple.    


The key was that he had money.    


sixth rank spiritual treasure were also divided into different types. Some treasures could be traded for 100,000 high-grade crystals, but those level of exchange were basically all high-grade crystals.    


At that point, low-grade crystals were no longer of much use. High-grade crystals were the mainstream goods to be traded for.    


Now, with Zhang Han's high-grade crystals and Frostbite Crystals, the total amount was over ninety thousand, close to a hundred thousand. However, the number of low-grade crystals was not that much, and there were a little more medium grade crystals than high-grade crystals.    


There were also sixth rank medicinal herb s, more sixth rank and gems, and also quite a few weapons.    


This was the Sacred Martial Star. If it wasn't sealed, forget about sixth rank, there would be a Seventh, Eighth, and even a Ninth Order existence.    


They boarded the airship and headed toward the surface of Dare.    


The entire spaceship base was situated in the void, a distance away from the ground.    


"Are we in the atmosphere?"    


"Why are the clouds here a little silver?"    


"What a big city!"    


Mu Xue, Jiang Yanlan, Zi Yan, Mengmeng, Zhang Guangyou and the others couldn't sit still anymore. They stood by the window and watched the scene below.    


Looking down through the clouds at the scene below, the crowd was somewhat stunned.    


"Future city?"    


Mengmeng said these four words.    


The feeling was quite shocking.    


There were many tall buildings, some of them even floated in the air, a giant circle, in the distance, Mengmeng could see a gigantic playground, and that towering skyscraper was a roller coaster?    


The buildings were extremely beautiful, attracting people's attention.    


"As a planet with frequent transactions, this place is also very technologically advanced. This is a place controlled by the dark forces, and it's called the Dare Alliance. That's why it's named Dare planet."    


Li Mu smiled as he introduced to everyone:    


"The Dare Alliance, there are three powers, they were all universe bandits before, they specialized in robbing for a living, and later on they grew stronger and stronger, the two high-tech universe bandits allied with a sect, and created the Dare Alliance, and set up it here, with overall strength, in the Sea Dragon Star Region it was already considered the second tier, after a hundred years of development, they were all washed clean, and now they mainly rely on all sorts of transactions to earn resources."    


"A very fine city."    


Zhang Guangyou shook his head repeatedly, "The price gap between the Sea Dragon Star Region and the other star realms is very frequent, there's actually a huge business opportunity involved in this."    


"The premise is to have the ability to protect. Otherwise, it will be the food of the other corporate powers." Li Mu smiled and complimented. "I can tell you guys have that kind of strength. No matter what you do, you want to buy a ship, or anything else, I can help you. I can even get you the lowest price."    


"Thank you, Young Master Li." Ah Hu smiled and cupped his hands.    


The Sea Dragon Star Domain was an even bigger challenge. He had heard Liu Qingfeng mention this a few times and had even made preparations in advance. Ah Hu was very attentive, and had already discussed a lot of issues related to this with Li Mu.    


She was very willing to help, of course Ah Hu would let him have his way, if not he would be stupefied by the elegant Young Master Li.    


"There are two suns in the sky!"    


Zi Yan suddenly felt light coming from two different directions. Looking left and right, there were two suns.    


This feeling was extremely strange.    


"Yes, Darl has two suns and three moons." Nina looked at Mengmeng and smiled. "There is a very long daytime here and the night is very short. It is only one-fifth of daytime."    


"How awkward." Nameless scratched his head: "Look at the eye on the left, turning around is still eye piercing."    


"We stayed here for a few days." Li Mu smiled and said, "It just so happens that Princess Nina and I live very close to each other. Let's go there first, and then Princess Nina will take everyone on a tour around Dare City. Although it is very ordinary, there are still many places we can play in, especially for Mengmeng's Little Princess."    


Li Mu would never let go of the opportunity to show off.    


There were even some gestures that caused Mo Wen and the other elves to be stunned.    


Please, you're Young Master Li Mu!    


Such a flattering face, you have changed ?    


Only the heavens knew how strong Li Mu's desire for the Cloud Sky Diagram was.    


Furthermore, it was just flattery from normal people. He did not know that one day, he could do the same, but it was all worth it.    


Li Mu had long planned for this.    


If worst comes to worst, I'll follow you for two years. In any case, I'm going to get Yun Xiao Tu, if you don't teach me, I'll follow you.    


Seeing that Li Mu had confirmed his identity, Zhang Han could not help but laugh.    


He still had some feelings for Yun Yingtian. Otherwise, when he returned, he wouldn't have provided him with so many resources.    


Li Mu was very smart, his actions were orderly and orderly, his personality was also something that Zhang Han would take notice of.    


It was a simple matter to raise his hand to support his juniors.    


But Zhang Han felt that Li Mu's flattery was quite interesting.    


This would mean that Li Mu was bound to fall into an endless pursuit.    


"What a tall building, why is this building circular? Won't the people up there just slide down? " Mengmeng looked out of the window and saw a structure that looked like a bracelet. Through the glass, he could see that the inside of the building belonged to that kind of office building.    


"This is the recording center of the Dare Alliance. I heard you say that you opened a company before and understood the meaning behind your words. There are no such companies in the Sea Dragon Star Region. They only have power." Li Mu smiled and said, "Like Dare, everything is managed by the Dare Alliance. Only the workers, the managers, the trading center, and no other forces will be stationed here for a long time, and they will also be professional in their service. If they are dissatisfied with something, they can report it to the relevant departments, and most of the planets forbid combat. If they really fight, then they will face a huge punishment, unless your power exceeds a few levels of their level, like me, and if something happens here, it doesn't matter as long as you don't touch the highest level of the Dare."    


"Actually, even though this place looks like our bustling city, there isn't much of a difference." Zhao Feng said: "It's just that the various facilities are much more developed, more prosperous, more advanced, ah, humans are different too. When I was at the rooftop just now, why did I see a horse-mask man fighting?"    


"Hahaha." Li Mu laughed when he heard this, "The human race is also very complicated. The Immortal Cultivation World is dominated by humans, and there are many similar intelligent life forms. They look different, but they can communicate normally, and there are even some special life forms that are very strong, ones that even I do not dare to provoke."    


"We're here, that's the place to stay."    


Nina suddenly pointed forward.    


Everyone looked over and saw three tall, round buildings with a diameter of a hundred meters, covered in clouds and smoke. They were situated in the middle of the lake.    


The area of the lake was very large, and there were many facilities. Many guests were wandering around, and some were even fishing by boat.    


At the back of the building, there was a place to dock the flying ship. Layers of flying machine, it was as though a huge building had been built.    


Buzz buzz.    


The aircraft came to a halt, two small, circular craft blocking the front.    


"Check complete, welcome ADSAD5425."    


"Please follow me to the dock."    


One of the small aircrafts led the way, guiding Nina's aircrafts to the rear area in the middle.    


"Let's go."    


Nina and Mengmeng held hands and stepped onto a round plate. Zhang Han and Zi Yan took one, while the other people left the flying machine and headed towards the building.    


"This is the place to live, the rooms are divided into different levels, the best would cost several hundred crystals per day, and the worst would be fifty crystals."    


With Li Mu around, Nina didn't even need to introduce them. She took the initiative to lead everyone to the building on the left.    


As he flew in through the entrance, he could see that the interior was colorful. There were streams of water, gliding ladders and other entertainment facilities. At the bottom of the building, there was a circular shaped water surface similar to a swimming pool.    


They were two slim women with pointy chins, and a dozen men in black with machine guns.    


"Welcome Young Master Li Mu, Princess Nina."    


The two attendants knew Li Mu and knew that Nina had returned. They greeted her warmly.    


"We want a room, we want, we want ?"    


Li Mu suddenly felt a little awkward.    


He wanted to get a room for Zhang Han and his family.    


The best few hundred crystals would be enough for a few days, but their father and grandfather wouldn't be able to watch over there. Besides, there were still a few disciples who had to be arranged by their subordinates.    


Li Mu only brought tens of thousands of crystals this time.    


Plus the money he had spent earlier, he didn't even have ten thousand left. With this method, one day would do. If he stayed two or three days longer, he would go bankrupt.    


"Can you swipe an interstellar card?"    


Li Mu asked.    


He had never asked before. In such a remote area, there were very few people who could obtain an interstellar bank card. The key point was that there weren't any interstellar banks here either.    


If he could farm, he would have hundreds of thousands of crystals.    


"Eh? little Li, how can I let you spend this money? "    


Zhang Guangyou hurriedly said: "I'll do it, child, it's not easy to earn money, don't keep them."    




Li Mu was slightly surprised.    


He had never been so courteous before, and under everyone's gaze, Zhang Guangyou walked to the front desk and waved his hand:    




Ten crystals fell on the table.    


top-grade crystal.    


"Let's have the best room. Is that enough?" Zhang Guangyou asked.    


"Enough, enough."    


The two receptionist girls' faces turned green as they stared at the crystal.    


He took out ten high-grade crystals.    


One hundred thousand low-grade crystals.    


I can live here for a long time!    


"We have the best rooms here, 500 crystals per day. We can only have 10 people per room, 3 bedrooms and 10 sleeping cabins. You only need 3 rooms, and that's enough for one day, 1500 days, 1500 days. How many days do you want to stay in this room? "There's too many of these crystals."    


One of the female attendants enthusiastically said.    


"Xiao Han's room, dad, shall we have this room?" Zhang Guangyou looked at Zhang Mu and asked.    


"Let's go to each other's room." Nether Flame said.    


"Me too." Dong Chen also said.    


"I'll take my own room." Yue Wuwei casually said.    


Jiang Yanlan shared one room with the Instructor Liu, Chen Changqing shared another with Zhao Feng, Ah Hu, Xu Yong and Lao Meng.    


Mu Xue had his own room, and Leng Yue was also his.    


In this way, the room was quickly arranged.    


In the end, he was determined to stay there for five days, so he only took three high-grade crystals and retrieved some medium grade Crystals.    


They stepped on the flying discs again and headed up to the grand suite on the top floor.    


After the drone flew up, there was a small corridor that was horizontal. The door was an electronic device that allowed people to see what was happening. As soon as they walked over, the door automatically opened on both sides.    


The layout inside was similar to that of some luxury hotels. The only characteristic that could be added was the feeling of technology.    


"Mengmeng, take a look at the house first. I'll go change the room." Nina smiled.    


Originally, she lived in the lower middle level. After thinking about it, she also wanted to chat and play with Mengmeng.    


When Li Mu heard this, he hurriedly said, "I'm in the building next door. I'll go change it too."    


Living next door was easy.    


The two of them walked out. Mo Wen and the others also went back to their own rooms to rest so that they could inform the elves about this experiential learning.    


"Are there robots in every room? This robot looks like a Maneki-Neko. "    


"Mom, this eye is so interesting. I can watch stereo movies and take pictures. If I gesture like this, I can take pictures."    


"Invisible parachute? A floating umbrella. A clothes rack can also clean clothes, it's really smart. If you want to buy this back, then Mom won't even need to wash clothes anymore. "    


"Is there this cabin? "It doesn't look that good either."    


"Dad, there are so many cars flying in the air outside. Tell me, do you think we should scare a lot of people if we buy a few flying cars and drive them in the air?"    


"I think many scientists would be shocked if I just bought a few."    


The Mengmeng curiously walked around, fiddling with the things in the room.    


With the introduction of the AI robot, all sorts of functions were quickly discovered.    


Hearing the Mengmeng's words, Zhang Han sat on the sofa beside the bed and laughed:    


"It would be very helpful for science to make a breakthrough if we were to get some random gadgets back. The ones on Earth are already a developing technological world. Maybe in another thousands of years, they will also become like Dare, and study them with their own intelligence."    


"Wu, then would I be discovered if I casually bring back some small gifts that I still need to give to Mu En and the others? If you really want to buy a spaceship and fly a car back, can you do it? " The Mengmeng said as he looked at Zhang Han.    




Zhang Han laughed and patted on the arm of the sofa. When Mengmeng came over and sat down, he scratched the little girl's nose:    


"You are now the master of the Skysoul Institute and the entire planet is yours. You can play with it however you want."    


"Mhmm." Mengmeng said in a smug voice, "I will follow your lead in the future."    


"Elder Yue said that the aurous core stage begins." Zi Yan mischievously reminded him.    


Mengmeng's face darkened, "That will still take a long time. Mommy, I discovered that you are becoming more and more powerful, and have always displeased me when I am feeling proud."    


"Hehehehe." Zi Yan laughed.    


"Humph!" "You're still laughing, you're called a scumbag." Mengmeng snorted.    


"It's the truth." Zhang Han said in amusement: "Waiting for my daughter to reach Aurous Core Stage would take some time, and you still have to go to high school and university. Actually, it was very fast for you to be so young in the past, in the blink of an eye.    


"So what if you're thirteen? I'm also your baby when I'm thirty." Mengmeng giggled: "When we go shopping, I want to bring back some gifts for Mu En and the others, as well as Grandfather and Grandma, they all didn't come. They always give me gifts every year, and this time I'm going to send them off.    


"We'll be going back after a few days. If we don't have any rules next time, we can bring more people with us and take a look at the outside world." Zi Yan said with a smile.    


"Dad, I want some juice."    


The family of three sat by the window, enjoying the view and juice, enjoying their leisure time.    


No one disturbed them, not even Li Mu.    


He was in the next room, sitting on the sofa. He pressed on the right armrest of the sofa and an electronic screen appeared in front of him. He took out a communication card.    


"It's connected."    


"Get through."    


Tsssss! *    


A three-dimensional design appeared in front of him. Upon closer inspection, it was a man with a long face and the aura of a superior sitting in a chair.    


"How's the experiential learning here?"    


"Great! I've acquired quite a few treasures, and also gained enlightenment once. This time, I'll be back in less than half a year, and I'll be able to break through to the Nascent Soul stage." Li Mu answered.    


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