Godly Stay-Home Dad



Before leaving, Mengmeng thought for a bit, then said:    


"My name is Zhang Yu Meng."    


This time, you should at least know who I am. If you see Yue Yang making a ruckus, being beaten up would still be alright, so stop messing around.    


As he turned around and walked to the back, Yue Xiaoxiao said in a dissatisfied tone,    


"Mengmeng, I am only giving you face. Otherwise, you can't let them live."    


In truth, Yue Xiaoxiao had never tried to kill anyone before.    


After the two of them left, the flat-headed man had a hideous expression on his face. He looked at his subordinates who were convulsing beside him and endured the pain as he kicked them.    


"Follow him!"    


"Brother Li, I can't move."    




About ten seconds later, a scrawny youth stood up and followed her from a distance.    


The man then took out his cell phone and made a call with a swearing look.    


Mengmeng and Yue Xiaoxiao strolled for half an hour.    


"Little Charmer, let's go to the next stop." The Mengmeng chuckled and said: "It's my favorite place to play in the past. I'm sure you have never played in an amusement park before."    


"Paradise!" I want to go. " Yue Xiaoxiao's eyes were shining. "I've only read about it in the computer."    


"Let's go to Disney today, Sea Paradise tomorrow, and my Magic Paradise the day after tomorrow. No, let's go to Disney today, Ocean Park next Saturday, and the Magic Paradise on the mountain on Sunday."    


Only then did Mengmeng remember that today was already Sunday, so he had to go to school tomorrow.    


Squeak, squeak, squeak ?    


A series of brakes sounds rang out, and the same black Audi stopped in front of the two of them. From the top of each car, a man in a suit stepped out.    


"He seems to be looking for us?" Yue Xiaoxiao's expression changed slightly, and she said angrily, "Alright, I'll let them go, but they still dare to find people? You're really courting death! "    


"Then you can beat them, don't kill them, the secular one is different from the Immortal Cultivation World, you can't beat people to death." Mengmeng reminded him again.    


The little girl was really worried. She was not at ease with Yue Yang's temper at all. This princess of Black White House was different.    


He was also a bit unhappy. Why did he always have to pick up some young masters whenever he met them?    


She might not have realized the power of the words' beauty disaster '.    


Although the Mengmeng was still young, their attraction power was strong. Even if it wasn't the kind that was extremely tempting and wanted to obtain, just saying a few words of flattery and looking at their shy expressions were still something that some people liked to do.    


But someone like the Mengmeng or Yue Xiaoxiao, the two Overlords of the Sacred Martial Star, how could they be provoked by others?    


Under the gazes of the two, a total of more than thirty people gathered, and the leading Mengmeng felt like he had seen it somewhere before.    


"It's them!"    


The bald man was still clutching his stomach, his face filled with rage.    


Having grown up like this, it wasn't that he hadn't been beaten up before, but rather that he had been beaten up by a little girl. This was simply something he couldn't tolerate.    


"Shan Xing, this is your territory. You can handle this matter."    


An imposing middle-aged man lightly said to the man beside him.    


"Hehe, you want to fight?"    


Yue Xiaoxiao looked at the people in front of her and sneered.    


How ignorant!    




Before she could make a move, a loud and clear voice sounded out from the dignified middle-aged man's face.    


He was slapped hard.    


Flat Head Man:?    


Did we hit the wrong person?    


F * ck, how can you hit your own people?    


Seeing his father's partner make a move against his father, the crew cut man was dumbfounded.    


However, at the next scene, he finally understood what was going on.    


The leader of the men in black was wearing a cold sweat, his face pale and powerless. He led his men and hurried forward. Halfway through, he clasped his hands and said,    


"Eldest Miss!"    


Although the subordinates behind him were also confused, they still agreed in unison:    


"Eldest Miss."    


At this moment, dozens of people who were watching the show were pointing at them.    


"Phew, you scared the hell out of me. I thought those two little girls were going to be bullied. I was just about to call the police, but now it seems like it's a misunderstanding."    


"He dares to bully people in broad daylight, what a shame!"    




Everyone's heart was set on Yue Yang and Mengmeng. With a single glance, one could tell that they were the weaker party and might be bullied.    


But he didn't expect that things would take such a turn.    




Yue Xiaolou was startled. "Mengmeng, you're very powerful here?"    


"Oh, not bad. Mainly, my dad is amazing." Mengmeng responded and looked at Wu Shan Xing. "You recognize me?"    


"It's my pleasure to meet Eldest Miss." Wu Shanxing answered carefully.    


"Who are you?" The Mengmeng asked again.    


Wu Shanxing tensed up, not daring to say his name.    


If the other party wasn't happy about this, then the mountains and rivers that he had fought for so many years would be in danger.    


"I'm Wu Shanxing. I have a junior in my family named Zhou Lei." Wu Shanshi answered carefully.    


His heart was beating extremely fast and he was extremely nervous.    


"You are Zhou Lei's senior?" The Mengmeng said, "Oh, okay then. We're going out to play. "    


"No, no, no, it's alright. Please go and play." Wu Shanxing quickly said.    


"Let's go, small."    


Mengmeng and Yue Xiaoxiao immediately left. Under the gaze of the crowd, the two hailed a taxi and got on.    


"Hu ?"    


Wu Shanxing heaved a sigh of relief. His back felt wet.    


I just heard him tell his name.    


The surrounding crowd instantly fell into silence.    


Quite a few shocked voices came out:    


"He, he is Wu Shan Xing?"    


"Oh my god, Wu Shan Xing!"    


"For him to be so fearful, that little girl just now must have some sort of background!"    




"Wu Shan Xing, what do you mean?"    


The middle-aged man behind who had been slapped said in a deep voice.    


"What do I mean?"    


Wu Shanxing sneered, "Your son almost caused trouble, can't you see? Li Feng, even if we don't talk about this collaboration, it doesn't matter. There are some people that you and I can't afford to offend.    


With that, Wu Shan left with a flick of his sleeve.    


"Zhang Yu Meng?"    


The middle-aged man was filled with rage as he took out his cell phone and made a call:    


"Have you heard of the Xiangjiang Zhang Yu Meng?"    




Ten seconds later, the phone fell onto the beach. The middle-aged man staggered and fell limply to the ground.    


With just a name, he scared the abundant nail to such a state.    


This was the difference in strength.    


To the Mengmeng and Yue Xiao Huan, this was nothing. They did not bother them with their sightseeing.    


They headed straight for Disney, this huge paradise caused Yue Yang to be extremely happy, and he quickly got to know Mengmeng.    


She became more and more casual. Mengmeng also understood that although Yue Xiaoxiao looked very willful on the outside, she was actually quite pure in her heart.    


She was also one of the 'people in the circle', the kind who could play together.    


They were having fun at the amusement park.    


On the other side, Kunxu Reaml was filled with a sea of people.    


Nearly a hundred thousand cultivators were gathered here, their auras awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring.    


As the representative of the Tianxia Mountain, Zhang Mu said the opening words:    


"Welcome all the heroes."    


"This time, the war between the king level entities is the strongest, involving nearly two million warriors."    


"It is fated to be a river of blood. Perhaps we will meet here today, and perhaps the people beside us will fall tomorrow."    


"Regardless of success or failure, a man will fight."    


"We, the Tianxia Mountain, need to participate in this Blood and Fire Trial. As for everyone, there are a lot of people here to help. We do not need such assistance."    


This is war, not a one-on-one battle. If you can abide by the rules, you can stay behind as long as you also want to train, and if you feel that the conditions are harsh, you can leave. I do not hope that after entering the King Realm, there will be a team that will move alone, because there will only be one outcome.    


"I'll give you all half an hour to consider it. In half an hour, head to the King's Realm!"    


Zhang Mu's voice spread to every corner.    


Those who heard it were shaken to the core.    


A huge battle between two million people, it had never happened before, not even in the history of the Kunlun Immortal World.    


The entire Kunlun Immortal World only had a population of two million, but there were many ordinary people, as well as many people with lower cultivation realms such as Qi Training Stage.    


The number of Aurous Cores was not something that belonged to the Shadow Clan.    


They were simply incomparable.    


Finally, there were more and more people leaving. There were roughly five thousand people.    


The remaining people numbered around 90,000.    


It could be seen that other than Chen Changqing, Mu Xue and the others, there were also Lei Tiannan, Ji Wushuang, Gai Xingkong, Leader Mu, Sect Leader Jiang and the others.    


If they missed out on such a great battle, they might never see it again in their lifetime. Compared to those dangers, they still did not want to leave behind any regrets.    


The pursuit of martial dao was sometimes very simple.    


"Head to the King's Realm!"    


Half an hour later, Zhang Mu gave a loud shout and the huge group headed towards the Ancient Ore Plains. At the entrance to the plains, there were people entering every second.    


The sudden appearance of a large number of people in the Hidden Dragon Land frightened the Bai Lian City and Consonance City. The two City Lords closed their doors and went out to watch the commotion. The black mass of people headed towards the King's Realm.    


"They ?"    


"They should be people who are supporting the Southern Mountain King."    


The Mayor of White Lotus stood on top of the city wall and sighed, "It's a pity that even though there are a lot of these people, the Southern Mountain King only has three hundred thousand men. With a million people serving under King Huai, and more than six hundred thousand under King Zhenhai, the difference in strength is huge."    


"King, when are we going back to the King's Realm?" Several of his subordinates asked.    


"It's dark."    


The City Lord of White Lotus City spat out these two words.    


The entrance to the Shadow Clan was mostly at the ancient mines, and there were only a small number of King's Realm cultivators. In the recent battles, they had been constantly returning from the top levels of the ancient mines, which was why they had gathered such a large group.    


For a moment, the people of the ancient mine's Shadow Clan were all panic-stricken, but at the same time, they fell into a state of calm.    


The great army advanced towards the King's Realm with unstoppable momentum, startling many spiritual beast along the way.    


Unless a martial artist of this scale activated the beast tide, he would have to temporarily avoid the danger.    


In the ancient forest, they were swaggering forward. There was no need to mention how cool these people were, even though they had thought about it before, they didn't dare to think about it.    


One way forward, the other.    


Xiangjiang Disney.    


"Wow, so many people."    


Yue Xiaoxiao was somewhat interested when she saw such a large crowd of people.    


"Mengmeng, this is your territory. Why are we still queuing up?" Yue Xiaoxiao said in confusion.    




The Mengmeng thought for two seconds and muttered to himself, "It's not my territory, it's my territory, so I have to follow the rules. Un, it's just a small matter."    


Turning his head to look, he saw that many people were looking at him. Mengmeng couldn't help but lower his voice as he whispered into Yue Xiaolou's ears.    


"We have to abide by the rules here as well. The secular world has its own rules. It's different from the ancient mines or the king Realms. You'll know in a few days. I'll talk to you later tonight."    


"Oh, okay, it looks like we'll have to wait a long time." Yue Xiaolou said helplessly.    


"Just wait."    


Mengmeng was already used to it, so he casually chatted with Yue Xiao.    


Most of his time was wasted on queuing up, but he still played some games, which were quite interesting. Having experienced these small games for the first time, Yue Xiaoshan was simply playing crazily. He never cared about the onlookers.    


At around 7 PM in the evening, the two of them ate some special snacks outside.    


Around 8, he took a taxi and returned to New Moon Mountain.    


"Today's fun, thank you, Mengmeng." Yue Xiaolou said.    


"You're welcome, didn't you also play with me at the King's Realm?" Mengmeng replied with a laugh.    


"That's different." Yue Xiaolou's expression froze. "Are we friends now?"    




"Mm, we are friends now. In the future, if anything happens, I'll cover for you." Yue Xiaoxiao vowed solemnly.    


Mengmeng made a face, you think I need you to take care of me? Humph.    


"Mengmeng, you said that you will play online games with me tonight. I've only played a few single-player games and have never played online games before." Yue Xiaolou said.    


"I have a notebook in my bedroom. We can play together."    


Mengmeng led the way back to the castle. On the third floor's living room, he saw Zhang Han and Zi Yan chatting by the window.    


"Where are my parents? Not here? " Yue Xiaoxiao was stunned upon seeing this.    


"They went back. Your father has a house nearby." Zi Yan slightly smiled: "Did you have a good time today?"    


"I'm happy." Yue Xiaoxiao immediately laughed. "It's very fun in the city. Tomorrow, no, we still have to go out and play next Saturday."    


"Did you have dinner tonight?" Zi Yan asked considerately.    


"Yes." Mengmeng replied, "After eating some snacks, Little Charmer and I are going to play games, but ? "Little Lu, since your parents aren't here, do you want to ask them?"    


"No need to ask, they'll come pick me up in a while." Yue Xiaoxiao shook her head.    


"Dad, mom, let's go play games."    




Zi Yan laughed, then the two girls ran to Mengmeng's bedroom and started to play games. Zi Yan even prepared some fruits for them.    


Yue Xiaolou wasn't really attracted to the game, but she was very interested in the players.    


They were both players controlled by real people, there were always people talking on the screen. Yue Xiaoxiao kept staring at them.    


Mengmeng and his classmates went black together, bringing Yue Xiaoxiao along as a rookie.    


Yue Yang was a little curious, from the looks of it, Mengmeng had quite a lot of friends here.    


Yue Wuwei and Lisa came here at ten o'clock.    


Lisa's face was slightly redder, Yue Wuwei also seemed to be a lot younger.    


What did the two of them do? It was obvious at a glance.    


"Little Naughty, let's go back."    


Yue Wuwei called out from the living room.    


"Ah, wait a moment."    


In the end, it was 20 minutes. When Yue Xiaoxiao and Mengmeng came out, she yawned and asked, "Dad, Mengmeng will be going to school tomorrow, there's also no one to play with me."    




Yue Wuwei chuckled, and a bulging bag suddenly appeared on his right hand: "Tomorrow, you will also go to school together with Mengmeng, and have a date."    


"Oh, okay."    


Yue Xiaoxiao agreed, looked at Mengmeng and waved her hand while smiling:    


"Mengmeng, then I'll head back first. I'll look for you tomorrow."    


"En, it's a little ruckus. See you tomorrow. Grandpa Yue, Aunt Lisa, see you later." Mengmeng waved her hand.    


"Bye bye."    


Lisa nodded with a smile, the way she said her goodbyes was somewhat novel. She looked at Mengmeng and smiled: "Thank you for your hard work today."    


Then he looked at Zi Yan and Zhang Han, "Sorry for the trouble."    


"What's the trouble?"    


Zi Yan laughed: "You guys, there's no need to be so courteous, Lisa, you have only just arrived here, if you want to go shopping, we can also go together."    




Lisa had the same intentions as Yue Wuwei, to go shopping with him, but it was meaningless. This fellow was a straight forward, although just a moment ago, it was a little romantic.    


After chatting for a bit, Yue Wuwei and his family left. In a blink of an eye, they returned to the mansion on the half mountain.    


Mengmeng was full of energy, thinking to play some games, bounce, and hum songs.    


"Lalalalala ?"    


"Mengmeng, did you finish your homework for the weekend?" Seeing her smug look, Zi Yan kindly 'reminded' her.    




Mengmeng's little face froze as he let out a heavy snort.    


"It's just homework. Whether or not I write it is all that matters." Zhang Han said in amusement, "There's no need to always be first or second place. Isn't life in school just to experience it?"    


"Who said that?" Zi Yan rolled his eyes: "No matter if I am learning or cultivating, I must be serious and not perfunctory. Let me tell you, in this aspect, don't disobey me."    


"Yes, yes, yes."    


Zhang Han nodded his head.    


"Middle school, high school, university, after finishing university, Mengmeng is already in his twenties." Zi Yan pursed his lips: "So fast."    


"Yeah, time flies, but we still have a long life ahead of us."    


Zhang Han embraced Zi Yan's waist and laughed: "Mengmeng's current Gungan's period, wait for your Jindan stage, to be able to control the treasures on the planet, to be able to come into contact with the core of Holy Martial Star, there must be some secrets hidden existences here, although your training career has ended, but your cultivation has not only just started, in Immortal Cultivation World, there are also many large academies, where you can learn alchemy, qi training, illusion techniques, magic techniques, etc., the Sea Dragon Star Domain, in terms of comparison, is equivalent to a small country city in China. Our goal is the sea of the stars, where there are many interesting things ?"    


"Ugh, don't brainwash me. Speak to Snowy. She really admires and admires you as her master." Zi Yan looked at Zhang Han with a smile.    




Zhang Han's expression turned serious. "Xiao Xue is very obedient, towards a master's wife like you, isn't she also extremely respectful?"    


"Oh, is your desire to live so high? Afraid that I will be jealous of Snowy? "    


"That's impossible." At the same time, Zhang Han hugged Zi Yan and gave her an understanding look: "Don't be naughty here, go back to your room and talk about it."    


Zi Yan: "..."    


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