Godly Stay-Home Dad



Nina's strength as a late Nascent Soul stage martial artist was rare on the Profound Dragon Ranking. She easily won.    


Alleyn, after a bloody battle that lasted ten minutes, finally won with great difficulty.    


Lao Meng's luck was bad, he ran into a vicious beast, and lost in three moves, joining the resurrection competition army.    


Xu Yong won, Ah Hu won, Wang Xiaowu was even simpler, he had admitted defeat long ago.    


When it came to admitting defeat, one had to admit that the reason why several tens of thousands of disciples were participating was because many of the disciples of major powers were involved. Their subordinates formed a small alliance, and if they were to meet, they would have to draw lots and make their subordinates admit defeat in order to obtain a good ranking.    


Towards this kind of behavior, Ge Feng didn't care at all. In the end, how could the Dragon Rankings be so simple? It all depended on one's own strength.    


As far as he was concerned, this sort of drawing could only be considered as entertaining himself.    


"Zhong An from the Silver Wing Hall has become stronger. He's already at the middle level of the Nascent Soul Stage. His progress can be considered fast." Li Mu commented, "My luck is not bad. My opponent was at the early Nascent Soul stage. I won."    


"Yizhou, it's your turn. Good luck."    


"He's an old opponent, I'll definitely win." Yi Hou smiled.    


He got on the stage and walked back in a few minutes, easily winning.    


"Snowfall Alliance, Dwarf King. Wow, he is on the tianlong's leaderboard. His opponent is a mid stage Soul Formation expert."    


"They are fighting, the Dwarf King's hammer is so powerful."    


"The opponent simply can't defend at all. He won."    


"I can't even see through a hundred arenas."    


This feeling was simply dazzling.    


Because the difference in strength was quite large, it was easy to win the match in just two or three moves. It was not worth mentioning, what was most intense, was the kind where the difference in strength was almost the same, with the trump cards being used.    


The fierce battle continued.    


Gradually, the first round ended.    


The resting time was ten minutes.    


Actually, everyone had been waiting in their rooms for quite some time now.    


After the first round.    


There were nearly six thousand people on the Profound Dragon Ranking, thirty thousand on the Earth Dragon Ranking, and more than two thousand on the tianlong Ranking.    


"The second round of the drawing of lots has begun. Please press the button on the seat's armrest to check the information of your match."    


Whoosh whoosh whoosh!    


"I hope my luck is better this time."    




Yun Feiyang pressed the button, and the opponent that appeared made his eyes light up: "Not bad, Rank 32, enter the second match, the opponent is a girl, a Mid Nascent Soul Stage cultivator."    


"Don't be careless. What if he is stronger than you?" Wang Xiaowu said sourly.    


In the end, after waiting for a few minutes, Yun Feiyang returned. His face was slightly pale as he looked at Wang Xiaowu and said: "Brother, I'll accompany you.    


"Hahaha." Wang Xiaowu laughed loudly. "I already told you not to underestimate your opponent."    


"I didn't underestimate my opponent. It was the girl who was very powerful, who was proficient in soul techniques and illusions. I was hit by a single attack and was forced to retreat step by step. I suspect that she was even able to fight against a peak Yuanying Stage cultivator." Yun Feiyang lamented.    


The reason they were here, was mainly to participate. It did not look too important to them whether they would win or lose, or else Wang Xiaowu would not be able to laugh out loud.    


"It's my turn."    


Zhang Han suddenly stood up.    


"Dad, you can do it!" Mengmeng said perfunctorily.    


Everyone knew that Zhang Han would definitely win on stage.    


But just as Zhang Han stood up.    


Beep! Beep! Beep!    


"The opponent has admitted defeat."    


Zhang Han, "..."    


"Sigh." Mu Xue sighed, "Even Master doesn't dare to fight with me."    


"The key is that Master's reputation is too great, and many people have heard of his strength. Knowing that he can't beat him, it would be better to conserve his strength and go to the revival tournament. If he gets injured, it would be even less worth it." Zhao Feng said with a smile.    


"It'll be my turn soon. This time, my opponent is in the later stages of the Aurous Core stage." The Mengmeng muttered.    


"Just perform as you normally would. There aren't many who can beat you." Zhang Han laughed.    


"En, it doesn't matter if I lose anyway. Mom already said long ago that I can't fight for the number one spot in everything." Mengmeng leaned lazily on the sofa, in a relaxed posture.    


"I'll go down first." She went out, came back a few minutes later, and won again with ease.    


There were very few Soul Formation cultivators below the age of twenty who had opportunities like Elena.    


"It's my turn. This time, my opponent is at the Spirit Transformation level. It might be the end." Zhang Guangyou laughed bitterly.    


After a while, he still hoped that he could continue to fight.    


Gai Xingkong patted his arm.    




Before Zhang Guangyou went out, the aura around his body suddenly became vigorous.    


In the arena.    


Opposite him was a person who looked a few years younger than Zhang Guangyou. He cupped his hands and asked:    


"You are Zhang Hanyang's father?"    


"Yes, does that matter?" Zhang Guangyou said.    


"It doesn't matter. I'm the Great Clan Elder of the Great Mang Sect, I've been yearning for Zhang Hanyang for a long time. If you want to win, I'll let you win." The opponent laughed.    


"No need, I'm just participating." Zhang Guangyou laughed, but in his heart, he was feeling extremely angry and amused.    


The other side didn't take him seriously either.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


The battle began.    


Zhang Guangyou used all of his techniques, and after being stunned for ten minutes, the opponent had only released one last attack, which Zhang Guangyou found hard to defend against. However, before he arrived, he took the initiative to dissipate all of his energy.    


"I've lost. The gap between our realms is still a bit wide."    


"Thank you."    


Helpless, Zhang Guangyou got off the stage and returned to his room. Zhang Guangyou shook his head repeatedly, claiming that he would not participate in the revival tournament.    


"Dish, hmph."    


Dong Chen scoffed, ridiculed him for two minutes, then he went to the arena.    




Defeated in one move.    


"I want more."    


Dong Chen, who had returned to his room, wanted to cry but had no tears to shed. "There are many strong practitioners on the tianlong Ranking, wait for the next time, I, Dong Chen, will definitely be ranked at the top."    


Not long after, Zhang Mu and Nether Flame were defeated one after another.    


Sect Leader Li Hao, defeated.    


Elemental Elf King Alleyn, defeated.    


It was not because of bad luck, but rather the number of experts on the tianlong s rankings was relatively large.    


Very quickly, Yue Xiaolou went on stage and met an Aurous Core stage cultivator. It took her ten minutes of fighting before she finally won.    


Nina was in the middle Nascent Soul stage. She could be considered one of the upper echelons. Her opponent's luck was bad. She had lost at the early Nascent Soul stage.    


Gradually, everyone bumped into walls in the tianlong's rankings, losing and retreating bit by bit. Everyone's focus was on the Earth Dragon Ranking and the Profound Dragon Ranking.    


"The third round of the drawing of lots will begin."    


Very quickly, the third round of the battle was about to begin.    


In a room on the fifth floor below Zhang Han's room.    


One of the Young man s had a sharp look on his face.    


"This kind of battle is really boring."    


"If I were to say it should be that sort of Challenger League, with a hundred people going up on stage, it would be over."    


"How much time does this waste?"    


There were more than 30 people around him. They looked at each other and smiled.    


"Indeed, you have been in closed-door training for ten years, and are at the middle stage of the God Realm. There's definitely no match for you in the Sea Dragon Star Region's Earth Dragon Rankings."    


"Advancing is not a problem. The most important thing is that the final round of the tianlong Province will be held. The experts will gather there. That is your stage."    


"Our round might even be eliminated."    


The short-haired man snorted with laughter when he heard this. "Hai, let's take a look at this opponent."    


His right hand casually pressed down on the button.    




A line of words appeared on his armrest.    


"Zhang Hanyang, Seadragon Star Domain, early stage, battle arena 66, queue number 23. Current number: 21."    


"An early stage Soul Formation martial artist is quite good, but unfortunately, he bumped into me." The short-haired man shook his head with a look of regret.    


He had originally thought that he would hear a few more words from the people around him.    


But why did it fall into silence?    


Weren't they supposed to talk about it in the past?    


He turned his head and saw that the people beside him were all dumbfounded.    


"What's wrong?" The short-haired man was baffled.    


After they recovered from their shock, the gazes they shot at him underwent a drastic change, as if they were lamenting the myriad aspects of life.    


"Brother, prepare for the revival tournament."    


"Why?" The short-haired man frowned.    


"Preparing for the revival tournament?" More and more people's attention was drawn to this side.    


In the face of so many questioning gazes.    


Someone opened his mouth:    


"His opponent is Zhang Hanyang."    




Shocked cries rang out.    


The crowd fell into silence once more, the sound of a pin drop could be heard.    


"Son, prepare for the revival tournament, admit defeat." A middle-aged man said.    


"Why did I admit defeat? He's only at the early stage of Soul Formation; what's there to be afraid of? " The short-haired man was dissatisfied, and wanted to win even more.    


"You just came out of seclusion. I've never heard of him." The middle-aged man sighed deeply.    


"What early stage of Soul Formation? He's lying, Zhang Hanyang is a Void Refinement realm expert! You can defeat someone at the Void Refining Stage? "    


"Don't be rash, Zhang Hanyang's methods are extremely cruel. If you fight with him, you might fall in a moment of carelessness, are you sure you want to use your life to stake it on whether or not he will hold back? Just admit defeat and prepare for the revival tournament; if not, don't say that you have fallen, but if you are seriously injured, then you have no fate with the Dragon Ranking, and you don't have the chance to go to the big sects to cultivate. Are you sure? "    


"With just a casual wave of his hand, Zhang Hanyang can kill any one of the eight great clans of the Primal Chaos Dimension and turn them into a god."    


Each sentence he spoke caused the short-haired man's expression to change again and again.    


He sat down in a chair and fell silent.    


After a long while, he reluctantly gave up.    


Coincidentally, at this time, Zhang Han was also preparing to go down and fight.    


They would at least win one or two matches, and let Mengmeng and the others see.    




"The opponent has admitted defeat."    




Everyone laughed out loud.    


"Did Master directly advance without taking the stage?" Zhao Feng guessed.    


"It's very possible."    


"There might be a rash person, one of the more straightforward ones."    




The next round began.    


There were also many who had been eliminated.    


Chen Changqing was defeated by a young Ranker.    


Ah Hu lost to a woman in blue.    


Dark horses were everywhere.    


There were many moves that made people's eyes light up.    


Even Zhang Han could not help but say a few words: "This is a fortuitous encounter, a cultivator."    


Finally, after a series of battles.    


When it was two hundred to a hundred.    




Mengmeng called out, "My opponent is actually Elena."    




The entire field was silent.    


Mengmeng was very powerful, but he was still at the early Aurous Core stage.    


This was an increase of two realms.    


Alleyn sighed in his heart and slightly shook his head.    


Tirzia pursed her lips, glanced at Phileas, and wanted to remind her of something, but in the end, she decided not to, leaving the choice to her.    


The others fell silent as well.    


"It's the same for me when I go to the revival tournament." She was about to admit defeat with her operating system.    


This seemed to be a guarantee.    


"I'm not going to send you off." Mengmeng said, "I can win the revival tournament. We can go up onto the stage and have a normal exchange of pointers."    




Zhang Han laughed and said: "My daughter is great, she has guts, go on."    


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