Godly Stay-Home Dad



Rong Jiali was in a good mood as he went to make dinner personally.    


Other than the two of them, only Zhang Han's family were eating, Chen Changqing, Zhang Li, Rong Jiaxin, Rong Jiaxin and a few others were.    


Zhao Feng and the others were eating in the kitchen of the Tianxia Mountain.    


They did not have any points, but Clan Elder Dong Chen had gifted them some, which was enough for them to cultivate in the outer sect, since they had the thought of participating in the outer sect competition. Although the disciples of the eight peaks were fast, but only after reaching the late stage of their medium term of master stage, they were prepared to train themselves to the late stage, so no matter what, compared to the disciples of the outer sect, they could not give face to their boss.    


However, they only knew that it was Zhang Guangyou who had done it. The other person, other than a few elders, no one knew either, and other than the Great Clan Elder, Dong Chen, the others did not know much either.    


The Sixth Elder wanted to suppress Zhang Han with his pill refining techniques, which meant that he wanted to teach him a lesson. He did not personally see how powerful Zhang Han's Array Path was, but just based on hearsay, he did not think that the Sixth Elder would be able to subdue him.    


About an hour later.    


"Good food."    


Rong Jiali walked out from the side of the kitchen and placed two dishes on the table.    


"He's coming."    


Zi Yan smiled and quickly walked over. He went in with Rong Jiali to the kitchen and took the tableware and other things.    


Zhang Han then carried Mengmeng and sat down at his usual place while Zhang Guangyou took out a bottle of white wine.    


"Son, do you want a drink?"    




Zhang Guangyou poured two cups of white wine and drank the wine with Zhang Han.    


Just by looking at it, one could tell that this goblet of wine was a celebration of this victory. Everything was within words.    


Mengmeng sat beside Zhang Han. She blinked her bright eyes and looked around adorably.    


Very quickly, platters of delicious food were brought up. Although the food here was still not as delicious as the ones in New Moon Mountain, it was still far from ordinary and there were even some low-grade spiritual beast's meat. Seeing that Mengmeng was having a good time eating it ? Ehh, this is the biggest reason why Zhang Han suggested for Tianxia Mountain to go train at Beast Mountain. Mengmeng likes to eat, then let her eat enough.    


It could be imagined that not long from now, New Moon Mountain's dining hall would offer some spiritual beast meat.    


While they were eating, the other one wasn't idle either.    


"Oh, oh, oh!"    


Little ones, let's go!    


With a wave of his hand, the Da Hei took the lead and walked towards the back of the mountain, swaggering.    


Blacky was the fastest. Walking beside the Da Hei, the little guy was at its back playing with it with his short legs.    




Little cumbersome.    


The Da Hei smacked its lips a few times, then picked up Xiao Budian with one hand and threw him onto its shoulder.    


"Guji! Guji!"    


This fellow even shouted twice to express its gratitude. Although it didn't understand how its big brother and second brother communicated with each other, it could still feel its emotions and simple body language, such as lighting a fire ? It was the task that it thought was very sacred!    


They swaggered towards the Beastmaster Peak.    


Hide? nonexistent.    


They had been exposed a long time ago.    


However, those disciples had yet to attack them.    


Although they were angry at the beginning, after they promised the benefits, even Command Beast Peak Host turned a blind eye. He was also very curious, as he did not know why Taizong would place so much importance on the three spiritual beast.    


didn't dare to say anything about King Kong and the Curse Kun. He was afraid that if he said it out, Beastmaster Peak would trap him and the others and not give him back.    


At this time, below Beastmaster Peak.    


At the foot of the mountain, there were three to five people patrolling. On the west side, several men were chatting with each other.    


"Why aren't you three here yet?"    


I think the Young Master and the others have returned. I heard that only when the Young Master and the others are eating, the three fellows will come out to cause trouble, they are very intelligent, and that gorilla has already f * cking become a god after eating. That old dog is the same, right? And that little penguin, it's just ordinary. I have to say, our Great Master Elder is giving us too much face, paying for all the spiritual beast in Young Lord. "    


"That's right. Today, Senior Brother Lian and the others put down the spiritual beast, and the spiritual beast that were eaten by them reached the God Realm. Each of them could be exchanged for ten thousand task points, and they could choose a divine object."    


Speaking to there, a man in a green robe sighed: "But cultivating a spiritual beast is not easy, the spiritual beast senior brother and the rest have placed down, it is also a time to capture them, the degree of taming is low, the price is not 10,000 points, but for those with high taming, they are reluctant to let go, it is just that I find it strange, normal God Realm spiritual beast, they do not have high intelligence, but those three fellows seem to be able to understand human speech, they are truly powerful."    


"Eh? They are coming! "    


Suddenly, a surprised exclamation came out, and looked towards where the man was pointing, only to see Da Hei and Blacky swaying on the other side of the small stream.    


"Oh, oh, oh, oh?"    


Second Brother, what do you want to eat today?    


"Awoo, awoo, awoo."    


If he didn't eat the tiger on the other side, the meat wouldn't taste good.    




His disregard made the two meter tall green tiger on the other side of the stream roar with dissatisfaction!    




The Da Hei's eyes stared wide open as it let out a cry and fiercely extended its right fist forward.    


Puff! ~    


The middle finger stood up.    




The green tiger cried out again, its right leg was slightly bent, it was beaten up by the Da Hei, it knew that the big guy in front of it was not easy to mess with, after a few looks, it slowly retreated.    


The Da Hei curled its lips and ignored it as it continued to lead the way upwards.    


On the other hand, because of the Da Hei's shout, all of the Beastmaster Peak's disciples wandering around nearby ran over.    


Seeing that many figures were approaching, the Da Hei was not surprised.    


The first time, it thought that these people wanted to beat it, so it was on guard. The first time, it thought that these people wanted to beat it, so it was on guard.    


In next to no time, more than ten people had gathered here.    


The Da Hei saw that they were all pointing at it, so it called out:    


"Oh, oh, oh, oh!"    


What are you looking at?    


However, the other party could not understand the expression of the Da Hei.    


The Blacky followed as usual, walking upwards, when suddenly it called out in a low voice.    


Enemy! Oh no, delicious food!    


A thick red rhinoceros.    


Seeing this, the surrounding people were all dumbfounded.    


"It seems like their luck isn't good. They actually chose Senior Martial Brother Li's red rhino. This divine realm red rhino has extraordinary strength. Its horn can reach a strength of ten thousand jin."    


"They are no match for us, eh?" The speed of that vicious dog is indeed very fast, but it has broken the skin of the red rhino. In terms of the length of its teeth, not even its muscles can be cut. "    


"Wait! Look at that gorilla! "    


Suddenly, an exclamation was heard.    


Everyone's gaze turned to the back in unison.    


For the first time, the Da Hei revealed its true body in front of this group of disciples.    


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!    


Everyone only felt a powerful aura pouncing on them, the Da Hei's body became sturdy, and continued to rise, as though it was a giant.    


"Oh my god! What is this? A gorilla that can transform? This height must be more than thirteen meters, right? "    


"Scary! "What a powerful talent."    


"No wonder the Lord personally caught the spiritual beast and gave it so many rewards. It turns out that this gorilla has a high innate talent, it's worth training!"    


"It seems that Senior Martial Brother Li has gained another divine item."    


The nearly twenty disciples present were all somewhat emotional. From the looks of it, the red rhinoceros was no match for the gorilla.    




The Da Hei suddenly roared.    


The red rhinoceros flung its head, sending the Blacky flying. The Da Hei rose higher and higher, arriving in front of the red rhinoceros.    




With a dull thud, the red rhinoceros fell to the ground. However, it did not lose the ability to resist.    




It howled in pain as it tried to resist.    


However, the gigantic Da Hei was unwilling to give it the chance.    


Bang bang bang bang bang ?    


After a minute of one-sided fighting, the red rhinoceros was dead.    


"Hu ?"    


The Da Hei took two breaths, grabbed the red rhinoceros' leg, carried it on its shoulder, and walked towards the front of the mountain.    


"Guji! Guji!"    


The little guy's face was filled with worship. He clapped his hands and made some noise, only then did the Da Hei remember him. Its body turned back two meters, and he picked up the little guy to place on his shoulder.    


He moved his mouth and let out a faint sound, as if he was mumbling to himself.    


It was reminding itself not to forget the little guy next time. It was making a fire.    


The Blacky at the side also shook its head. It was knocked down by the red rhinoceros, and was a little dizzy.    


He also knew that he was much worse than his big brother. This was probably the reason why his big brother always gave him so much meat.    


The Blacky thought so.    


Looking at the departing back of the Three Black Overlord, many disciples were speechless.    


"Strong, really strong. It looks like that gorilla is at the God Realm. He's quite a powerful existence."    


"Sigh, of course it's amazing. If it wasn't amazing, would their lives have been so comfortable? Eating spiritual beast everyday, no one will get such treatment. "    




As he spoke, a figure rapidly approached and the crowd turned to look at this young man.    


"There were quite a lot of fluctuations just now. Did those three guys come over?" The young man asked with a smile.    


The answer he got was in unison:    


"Congratulations Senior Li, you have gained 10,000 points."    


Senior Martial Brother Li's smile gradually froze.    


"? ?"    


Not only were they shocked, even the Peak Master at the top of the mountain top was also shocked. Beside him stood a huge eagle.    


His gaze fell on the Da Hei and the little guy on its shoulder as he muttered.    


"Can't see through it? "No wonder..."    


The people of Beastmaster Peak finally understood the intentions of the Grand Elder. It turned out that those two spiritual beast were really extraordinary.    


Blacky... On the other hand, the Blacky made them feel that it was a little ordinary.    


Of course, how many spiritual treasure had been eaten, especially the one with Prince Harlan as the main body, who had their true blood refined by Zhang Han and had not finished absorbing? The little guy was a Ancient cursed roc, so if others did not know, no one would be able to see through him.    


In comparison, only the Blacky was slightly weaker.    


But tonight, the opportunity for the Blacky came.    


After Zhang Han had coaxed the two into sleep, he left the house softly and walked to the side of the lawn, where he heard the sky shaking snores of the Da Hei s.    


The little guy also lazily lied on its belly, not worried that it would roll over and fall down.    


The Blacky was very sensitive, the moment it ears moved, it opened its eyes. Seeing Zhang Han, it ran over happily and wagged its tail.    


"Let's go, I'll give you some good stuff."    


Zhang Han smiled as he rubbed the Blacky's head. Then, he quickly headed up the mountain.    


The Blacky's speed was also very fast, as it followed behind him.    


The shadow of a man and a dog in the dark night was rather ethereal and beautiful.    


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