Godly Stay-Home Dad



Fifteen minutes into the journey, Zhang Xuan's vision lit up.    


He saw a lake in the middle of a mountain, on the north side of the lake, which was the entrance to the ruins.    


There were more than twenty people at the entrance, and more than a hundred people standing far away. Their auras were lower, and it was obvious that they were onlookers who came to watch the show.    


Every time the relic opened, some people would come to watch the show, just to see those experts who had only heard of this sovereign's name and had never seen it before.    


Just like this moment.    


When Mengmeng approached from the side, he heard the crowd's discussion:    


"The ones who entered the last wave are Windwave Wang An He, Tang Clan's Tang Qing Shan, and the rest right?"    


"There's also a from the Heavenly Talisman Sect.    


It's a pity that Miao Fei was heavily injured. When he was just coming over, he flew right over those people, and that boy of 17 already gave the order for someone to injure him. That's too overbearing.    


"That silly kid's bad temper, how did he stay in the martial world for so long?"    




Hearing the discussions, Mengmeng approached the ruins.    


At the entrance, stood Lei Tiannan.    


"The Mengmeng is here? It's already 12 o'clock. You should have arrived half an hour ago? " Lei Tiannan asked curiously.    




Mengmeng's gaze instantly froze.    


"I-I got lost just now." The little guy's voice became much softer, as if he was talking about some secret.    




Lei Tiannan immediately laughed out loud, and laughed for exactly 10 seconds.    


Seeing that, Mengmeng was annoyed, what is there to laugh about! Really!    


"Your parents can relax about you coming out by yourself. You can even get lost here, Mengmeng. Otherwise, it's best if you don't go in. The sky isn't peaceful recently." Lei Tiannan said while smiling.    


"Hmph, Grandpa Lei, you look pretty much the same as my great-grandfather. Look, your age." Mengmeng suddenly said.    


"Huh?" Lei Tiannan was stunned, he subconsciously stroked his beard: "It's not that I'm old, it's just that your great-grandfather is relatively young."    


"Then do you know why my great-grandfather is so young?" Mengmeng asked.    


"Because of his power."    




"What's that?" Lei Tiannan asked.    


"Because my great-grandfather never meddled." The Mengmeng snorted.    


Lei Tiannan: "..."    


"Blacky, let's go."    


Mengmeng took out a ribbon and tied it around his right wrist and around the Blacky's neck.    


Strands of light flowed, and Blacky and Mengmeng jumped into the ruins.    


"This girl."    


Lei Tiannan shook her head, then suddenly looked at the female subordinate beside her: "Is there a mirror?"    


"Ah?" "Ah, yes."    


The female subordinate quickly took out a mirror from her bag.    


Lei Tiannan looked at it and fell silent for two seconds:    


"It really looks a little... "He's about the same as her."    


"Manager, was that girl just now ? Zhang Hanyang's daughter?" Someone beside him asked in a low voice.    




"So you're saying, her father is Zhang Hanyang, her mother is Zi Yan, her grandfather is Zhang Guangyou, and the Great Master is the divine king Zhang?"    


"Little Bu, you're a newcomer. Let me tell you something." The old fox beside the young man pulled him to the side: "The one who just now was Princess Zhang Yumeng of the New Moon Mountain, you know, not only those close relatives, divine king Zhang's Tianxia Mountain, Zhang Hanyang's disciple Mu Xue, there is also, and Leader Mu is about to permanent residence in the New Moon Mountain, Zhang Hanyang's disciple Jiang Yanlan, is Water Cloud Sect, Sect Leader Jiang came over for one or two months, the head of the, Security corps's head, Azure Emperor, God King Chen, those are Zhang Hanyang's little brothers, do you think that is all? No, Zhang Hanyang has a good relationship with the real king of the ancient mines, he could casually bring people to the king realm, and in the Kunlun Immortal World, Zhang Hanyang has already destroyed several sects. Zi Yan was the Moon Emperor in Kunlun Immortal World, high above everyone else, her power was the strongest! Do you know ? "    


After saying a few words, the new comer, with a bunch of greetings in his head, surrounded by the old wily words, 'Do you know?'    


"I don't know."    


Entering the ruins.    


"Wind Protection!"    


"Blue Wood Defense!"    




Mengmeng instantly released four to five layers of defense, other than the light wind surrounding his body, the other layers of defense instantly glowed with light, and then disappeared, concealing themselves in the air.    




"What is this place?"    


When he clearly saw the scene before him, Mengmeng was stunned.    




The Blacky also shook its head.    


He saw that the surrounding groups of people were all large, smoky mirrors. Every single mirror was tens of meters long, with a layer of clouds curling around it every few hundred meters. Even the ground was covered in sparkling and translucent mirrors.    


Standing there, looking around, the Mi Mi Mama s were all reflected in the mirror, and felt that it was extremely strange.    


"Blacky, who is that Little Beauty in front?"    


Mengmeng suddenly pointed at himself in the mirror in front of him.    




"Sigh, forget it. Your aesthetic standards are also different from mine, hmph."    


Seeing the Blacky's actions, which seemed to want to lie but not say anything, Mengmeng understood and could not help but snort: "Can you fly up there?"    


"Awoo, awoo, awoo."    


The Blacky shook its head, indicating that there was nothing above.    


"This place is so strange, what does it mean? The world of mirrors? I feel a little dizzy watching this. "    




The Mengmeng suddenly shot out a fireball and flew forward. In the mirror, Mengmeng saw that countless of him had shot out fireballs.    




The fireball hit the mirror, and in that instant, a mysterious energy flowed into the mirror. The next second, the fireball appeared, as if it was a fireball that had been shot by him in the mirror.    




The Blacky moved and destroyed the fireball with a slap.    




Mengmeng was stunned, "It can still bounce back? No, I will let the Da Hei try. "    


While speaking, Mengmeng took off his bag:    


"Da Hei, stop sleeping, quickly wake up."    




The Da Hei opened its eyes and shook its head before finally standing up.    




All of a sudden, he clearly saw the scene around him, causing him to be shocked.    


"There are mirrors all around. Try breaking them."    


"Oh? "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh."    


In the end, his figure turned into a height of ten meters. Walking forward, he touched the mirror and smashed it with his fist.    


Weng! *    


On the contrary, the Da Hei endured the rebound of its own, its huge body taking five steps back.    


"Oh? "Oh, oh, oh, oh."    


I can't hit this thing.    


"Forget it, let's head outside first. I feel like this place is a maze. We'll talk after we walk out."    


Mengmeng vented his anger and leaped forward. He stepped on the Da Hei's leg and landed on its shoulder, while the Blacky sat beside Mengmeng.    


In this strange place, the Blacky were afraid of losing them.    


It was aware that the mirrors could block its ability to control smell and it could not underestimate them.    


Walking forward, the Da Hei did not have any experience, so as it walked forward, it crashed into the mirror with a bang.    




The Da Hei scratched its head, reached out its palm, touched the mirror and tried to walk.    


The large mirror maze was still a headache for him.    


During this time, Mengmeng tried many different methods.    


He even poured a cup of watermelon juice on top of the mirror, which was absorbed in an instant.    


Using the Flame Whip to explore the way was not very effective. In the end, he could only test it out, the mirror was separated by about twenty meters, and the place where it was reflected was also different. At this time, Mengmeng could only see her, the Da Hei, and the Blacky in the mirror.    


He felt his way forward slowly.    


In the Black White House.    


Yue Wuwei who was playing in the garden with her daughter suddenly had a change in expression.    




A treasure orb appeared in his palm, it was precisely the orb that had the appearance of Earth. His eyes flickered with a cyan light as he muttered:    


"Interesting. That little girl is going to the ruins to play by herself?"    


"This relic... Not bad, there aren't many treasures and it's quite interesting. The third level of the maze is enough for her to play. "    


"However, this girl has so many treasures on her body, even more than my daughter."    


"Curse Kun ?" With this thing here, she could leave whenever she wanted to. On the other hand, those two spiritual beast s that have grown from ordinary people till now are not easy to deal with. Forget it, let's give them some benefits and see how much they can grow. "    


Yue Wuwei's eyes flashed.    


"Father, come quickly."    


"Ahh, you damn girl, don't run so fast. Wait for me."    


Yue Wuwei kept the pearl, chuckled, and quickly walked over.    


"Isn't that boring? When can we get out? "    


The Mengmeng sat on the shoulder of the Da Hei and felt that it was rather boring to keep walking like this.    


Eating snacks and drinking Zhang Han's crushed ice sand, such an attitude was rarely seen.    




The hair on the Blacky's body stood up, and it stared coldly in front of him.    


"What is it?"    


Mengmeng was shocked. She put down the ice sand and stared ahead, only to see two balls of cyan gas floating in the mirror.    


Inside the maze mirror, he looked at the scene that was very close to him. It might be reflected from other places, even Mengmeng didn't know whether this thing was actually in front of him or not.    


However, they could feel that the two balls of cyan were getting closer.    


Bo! *    


It sounded like the sound of bubbles.    


Crash! *    


He felt waves of pure energy.    


Oh? "Oh oh oh oh oh?    


Looking at the two balls of cyan gas nearing it and the Blacky, the Da Hei actually blew a breath forward.    


"Awoo, awoo, awoo."    


The Blacky let out a low cry.    


It was not a threat, but something good that could be absorbed.    


Both it and the Da Hei felt it.    


Oh? "Oh oh oh oh oh?    


Dude, only two, we have four.    


"Awoo, awoo, awoo."    


To my little mistress.    






The Da Hei gestured towards the Mengmeng to clean up.    


"Ah?" You want to give it to me? Is it something good that can be absorbed? "    


Mengmeng was startled, then immediately laughed and said: "I don't need it, Daddy said that before I reach Innate, I don't need to cultivate, nor do I need to absorb other things, you three split it up."    


"Oh? "Oh, oh, oh, oh."    


What about the three? One bite at a time, taking turns to bite?    


"Awoo woo ?"    


The Blacky indicated that it did not want it. Eating this thing might cause one of you to fall asleep and one of you.    


The Da Hei and the Blacky began to study how to divide the two things.    


The Blacky did not eat it, but chose to guard the Mengmeng. Why else would the little guy eat by himself?    


After waking up the little guy, this guy didn't have the slightest interest in energy bodies. It was as if he was looking at two piles of feces as he continuously shook his head with a face full of disgust, expressing: This thing isn't tasty either, but I, the little guy, won't eat it.    


"Oh, oh, oh!"    


The Da Hei curled its lips.    






The Blacky said: Then let's go, it's fine, if there's anything good, the owner will give it to us.    


Who would have thought that the Da Hei would really walk away and leave just like that.    


He knew that this was an energy that could be absorbed easily, but he did not know its true meaning. The attribute source was something that the Da Hei and Blacky had absorbed before, but he did not understand what it was.    


Besides experience, the smell of the source energy was not very distinct.    


What he did not know was that on the other side, Yue Wuwei felt that the ball of energy was still there, so he checked the situation. In the end, he saw that the ball of energy was already several hundred meters away from the Da Hei.    


MMP, I'm giving you a big gift, but you don't want it?    




Just as he was about to take it back, Yue Wuwei snorted:    


Forget it, since you all have never seen the world and don't know what the source of energy is, forgive me this time.    


Yue Wuwei murmured as he kept the pearl.    


Sou sou!    


In the maze of mirrors, two masses of green energy source approached each other as if flying and entered the bodies of Da Hei and Blacky.    


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ?    


The Da Hei shook its head and gestured to Mengmeng:    


Ah, I can't take it anymore, I'm going to fall asleep! Little master, let the little guy protect you!    




The Blacky cried out, holding on for 10 seconds before falling into a deep sleep.    




Mengmeng's expression froze.    


The Da Hei and the Blacky are lying here?    


"What was that Da Hei competition just now?"    


Mengmeng blinked a few times quickly: "It's saying that it's going to fall asleep after absorbing the energy, so it wants Xiao Budian to protect me? Is it okay? Besides, the Da Hei and the Blacky are asleep, so I can't leave. Aiya, it isn't that I want to protect me, it's that I have to protect you guys. "    


"This won't do, without Da Hei, my defense is not enough, hmph."    


Mengmeng pondered for a moment, then took out five array flags, four defensive gems, and three thin ropes.    


Release the array flags, activate the gems, and tie the strings to your wrists.    




Mengmeng sat on the belly of the Da Hei.    


"Little guy, we'll just wait here for them to wake up."    




"How long do you think we'll have to wait? It wasn't easy for me to come out and play in the relic, I wouldn't just wait here until they leave right? You're even adding soy sauce? " Mengmeng grinned, as if hearing his mother's expression when she said that he did not finish his homework.    




"Xiao Budian, aren't you a Ancient cursed roc? "Then what do you know?"    




The little guy suddenly fell into deep thought.    


What would he know?    


"Little guy, didn't you think you could transform into something big? Do you want to become like that and then carry us around, always watching from here, until your head gets dizzy? " The Mengmeng muttered.    


Xiao Budian was still deep in thought.    




Mengmeng suddenly had an angry look on his face. He grabbed Xiao Budian and tugged him a few times, "Why are you always absent-minded? "Like a fool."    




"Guji! Guji!"    


The little guy's eyes suddenly lit up. He remembered that I, the little guy, also know some moves.    


Sssii! *    


The little guy's appearance suddenly changed and became two meters long, displaying his original appearance. His eyes were still not small, and were still very intelligent, somewhat like a whale that was many times smaller than it was before. However, the little guy's tail was streamlined and very well-proportioned.    


"Gu ?"    


The voice he produced now was ethereal and filled with mystery.    


With that shout, Mengmeng felt an energy lifting her up, floating to Xiao Budian's back. Her skin was very smooth, but the energy around her made her feel as if she was sitting on a chair, it was very stable.    




He shouted again and slightly shook his body.    


Hiss, hiss, hiss ?    


Absorbing forces suddenly appeared on the back of the little guy and in front of the Mengmeng. The Da Hei and the Blacky turned into rays of light and entered into it, disappearing without a trace.    




This time, Mengmeng was truly frightened: "Little guy, you gave it to Da Hei to eat?"    


After hearing his young master's words, the little guy once again sank into deep thought.    


In the end, he remembered something, and used his will to wrap around Mengmeng's head.    


Instantly, Mengmeng saw Da Hei and Blacky that were many times smaller than normal lying on the back of the little guy. Their surroundings seemed to be surrounded by a mysterious nebula.    


If Zhang Han saw this scene, he would definitely know that this was a mustard seed space.    


It was a unique subspace that belonged to the Curse Leviathan.    


There was also this kind of space for ancient demonic beast s, and on their back, there were many people that could be accommodated. It was similar to the theory of shrinking the earth into an inch, there was a saying in Immortal Cultivation World: The Ancient Strange Leviathan is the best beast to roam the sea of stars, because its Mustard Space was concealed in the void, belongs to a region of the Kun. The location may not be big, but it's heavy and safe.    


But of course these Mengmeng did not understand. Seeing the Da Hei and the Blacky, the Mengmeng asked:    


"Why are they so small? Can you still let them out?"    




Xiao Budian controlled his abilities and threw the Da Hei out.    


"How amazing!"    


Mengmeng chuckled and said, "Put it in again."    




"Release them."    




After repeating it four or five times, Mengmeng finally understood that it was placed on Xiao Budian's body.    


"Let's go!"    


Mengmeng ordered the little guy to move forward.    




He hit his head on the mirror.    


The little guy shook his head. He looked at himself in the mirror and sank into deep thought.    


Five seconds later.    


"Little guy, what are you doing?" Mengmeng held his forehead. "Don't always be so stupid!"    


"Gu ?"    


The little guy returned to his senses and moved forward again.    




He bumped into it again, shook his head, looked at himself in the mirror, and fell into deep thought again.    






Mengmeng was big headed.    


"Little guy!"    


Just as he shouted out, the next second came.    


Crash! *    


Around the little guy's body, ten streaks of dark black smoke suddenly appeared. In an instant, the fog became hazy, and once again advanced forward.    




The little guy's body directly collided into the mirror.    




This ability had broadened Mengmeng's horizons, it was a little too mysterious.    


"Little guy, are you thinking of a way to deal with the mirror?"    


Mengmeng's eyes lit up: So there's a reason for you to be in a daze, hehe.    


They walked for half an hour like this.    


"Wait, wait!"    


Mengmeng suddenly lowered his voice: "There's someone here!"    


The little guy and her were no longer in the mirror. A man wearing a green robe and carrying a sword appeared. He looked to be around 30 years old and was not very handsome.    




The other side seemed to be shocked as well, the two of them staring into each other's eyes, separated by countless mirrors.    




The man waved his hand. With a calm expression, he cupped his hands and walked to the side like a hero.    




Did you hear a sound?    


Mengmeng was slightly stunned.    






The other person suddenly stopped and turned his head to look over, "I heard what you said. Hello, is that you? Little Fairy? "    


"Who are you?" Mengmeng asked.    


"My name is Heavenly Talisman Sect Ma Di, Little Fairy. You look very familiar, I think ? Are you the daughter of Zhang Hanyang, Great Hero Zhang? "    


"How do you know?" Mengmeng asked hesitantly: "I don't think I've seen you before."    


"I met you a few years ago."    


Ma Di laughed: "Great Hero Zhang is our Heavenly Talisman Sect's benefactor. A few years ago, when our Sect Leader went to pay a visit, I saw you. Where are the kids? Why did you come to the relic alone? Where's Hero Zhang? "    


"Why do you call my dad a hero?"    


"Because your dad is amazing, he's the goal I'm pursuing in my heart."    


Mengmeng: "..."    


If one did not see Ma Di's calm face, they would even suspect that he was a comrade.    


"I came out to play by myself this time." Mengmeng answered and asked again, "How can we hear each other speak?"    


"Come out and play by yourself..."    


Turn the B-class relic into a game.    


It was a bit heart-piercing.    


Ma Di laughed: "Because the distance should not be far, I encountered five groups of people earlier. They were so close that I couldn't hear what they were saying, and yet so far away from the ten or so mirrors that it could only mean that we are close, and furthermore, this should be the exterior of the maze. We are about to leave."    


"Oh, oh, then I'll be going now. Have fun." Mengmeng greeted again, patted the little guy, and the two continued to move forward.    


In the outside world, strangers could not be trusted, and what they said could not be completely trusted.    


The little girl clearly remembered all of the things that Zhang Han had taught her.    


Xiao Budian continued to set off, but he did not expect it.    




A cry of pain came out, and Ma Di was sent tumbling.    


He then became stupefied, and a few talismans appeared on his right hand subconsciously.    


Buzz buzz buzz buzz ?    


As if it knew that there was a danger signal on the talisman, the defence around Mengmeng's body expanded one layer to the left and one layer to the right.    




Ma Di took back the talisman, his expression awkward: "Were we talking face to face just now?"    


"I think so." Mengmeng replied as two more gems appeared in his hands.    


Seeing that, Ma Di's face became stiff, he took two steps back and raised his hand: "We are on the same side, do not make a move, the treasure your father gave you, if you are careless, you would kill me."    


"I'm not going to attack." The Mengmeng replied.    


"What about the thing in your hand?"    


"For self-defense."    




Don't worry, our Heavenly Talisman Sect and your father's relationship is not bad. Back then in the ruins, I even gifted your mother a set of talismans, and when we met with danger, your father saved us. Maybe it was because of my actions. "    


"You mean when my parents used to go to the ruins?"    




"Hmph, don't bring me along. They can go play on their own." Mengmeng suddenly snorted.    




Ma Di broke into a cold sweat, "Did I say something wrong?"    


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