Godly Stay-Home Dad



"Alright, next match."    


Li Mu coldly looked at Nameless, his expression saying that he did not want Nameless to leave.    


"It's my turn for the next match."    


Hu Bin waved to the person behind him, "Shore Gate, go kill people."    


"Yes sir!"    


The red-haired man behind him walked forward.    


As he walked, the items strapped to his trousers and shoes suddenly expanded to cover him, turning him into a mecha.    


"I'll do it!" Shi Fenghou said.    


"I'll go!" Ye Longyuan also said.    


"This is an Armored Warrior? Let me handle it. " Su Bei Mu said.    


Nameless: "I'm still here. I'll take them down by myself."    




He could not say anything, but his movements were extremely fast. He stood in front of Nameless and said calmly:    


"It's better if you go down. When you provoke the opponent to kill you, you still need to find the owner to protect you."    


The meaning behind his words was, if you anger the other party, if you can't beat him, then you have to find Zhang Hanyang?    


Nameless knows this as well, and purses his lips before slowly retreating.    


After he left, Hu Bin and Li Mu's expressions eased a little and they prepared to watch the second battle.    


"Whoever kills you, Tiger Tally Royal Family, Shore Gate."    


The red robed man spoke from within the mecha. His voice had turned electronic as he spoke, his tone cold and emotionless.    


Yan Chen didn't say anything as he silently looked at the weapon warrior in front of him.    


This was the first time he had faced an enemy, and although Yan Chen's expression remained calm, he was still extremely alert in his heart.    


In the first place, there was no change in the expression of this kind of person.    


The entire field was silent. Only the sound of the shore door moving could be heard, accompanied by a slight mechanical sound.    


When he was thirty meters away from Yan Chen.    


Sssii! *    


In a split-second, a ball of lightning flashed from the mechanical arm of the right hand of the shore door.    


The bead was like a flint, suddenly burning.    


With a 'bang', the stone broke apart into many tiny bullets. Accompanied by the blazing flames, they quickly flew towards Yan Chen.    


It could be said that each and every bullet of an armed martial practitioner had a great lethality.    


However, to Yan Chen, he raised his eyebrows.    


Why is there so little thunder?    


He waved his hand and shot out three feet of black light, blocking those bullets.    


At this moment, an unexpected scene appeared.    


As the hundreds of bullets were blocked, they suddenly stopped moving.    


Sssii! *    


In an instant, each bullet shot out a bolt of lightning that intertwined with each other and formed a giant net that covered the dust on the ground.    




Yan Chen's eyes narrowed. The power of this electric net was close to the peak of the Aurous Core stage.    


"When the technology has reached a certain level, you can't underestimate it."    


Yan Chen's eyes flashed with a tinge of black fog. He raised both of his hands and gathered all the energy in the air into his palms. Following his movements, they continuously gathered into two bundles of energy.    


A great gale rose up into the skies, as if it wanted to devour this world.    


Hundreds of lightning bolts along with the bullets were completely destroyed, turning into enormous ripples that swept in all directions.    


Everyone present raised their shields to block off the shockwaves.    


However, the spectators on both sides of the plaza felt a chill in their hearts.    


"This person is also very strong. He can even block the bank gate. Is he really a late Aurous Core stage cultivator?"    


Under many bewildered gazes.    


The shore door struck again.    


Sou sou sou!    


Suddenly, a frightening cold glint was refracted on the mechanical arm. The three giant bullets were about ten meters into the air before they suddenly exploded, turning into thousands of ice bullets that covered the sky.    


"There's no need to use this move again."    


Yan Chen's eyes were calm as he performed a double-handed incantation gesture. A large, pale green circular mark appeared, with the emblem of some sort of sports car carved into the center of the circle.    


"Zizi ?"    


Tens of thousands of ice bullets melted and turned into mist, covering the entire battle circle.    


One second, two seconds ? After five seconds, the fog dissipated.    


Even Yan Chen couldn't help but be stunned by the scene.    


"You shouldn't let me take the initiative to fight against an automaton warrior."    


The shore door said something.    


"Is that so?"    


Yan Chen's eyes were filled with the desire to do battle. He looked to the side of the shore door and saw seventy to eighty mechanical legions of different types appearing.    


Is this a true weapon fighter?    




"Hur Hur Hur Hur."    


The bank door laughed, and he clapped his hands together, as if to indicate that the war was about to begin.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


The ones flying in the air, the ones crawling on the ground, the ones shooting at fixed spots, all sorts of machinery, they all released their anger.    


Even for someone as talented and outstanding as Yan Chen, he still felt it was a little tricky as he continued to unleash various defensive moves.    


Bang ?    


All sorts of muffled sounds rang out as a high-intensity firepower was unleashed.    


Most of the people present were already familiar with the Mechanical Warriors and did not feel shocked at all. However, Zhao Feng, Mu Xue, You Huo and the others were dumbstruck.    


"My god." Instructor Liu said dumbfoundedly, "Earth's scientific and technological warriors are simply too weak when compared to this. Unless they use nuclear weapons, I wonder how strong their ultimate technological force is."    


"Main cannons." Nina softly replied, "Usually in fleets, the main cannon is extremely powerful. A small planet can be destroyed with a single cannon."    


"This ?" Instructor Liu's face stiffened, but at the same time, his eyes grew brighter.    


"If they are of the same rank and have been attacking with such high intensity, then I'm afraid that no one would be able to defend against them. Do the firearm martial artists have such great advantages?" "No weaknesses?" Zhang Mu's face became gloomy, and as he spoke, he looked at Zhang Han.    


In the past few days, he had gotten used to it. If there was anything he didn't understand, he would just ask Zhang Han. There was just a lot of things they didn't understand, and there was almost nothing Zhang Han didn't understand.    


"Weakness..." Nina pondered for a moment, trying to find the words to clarify the situation.    


However, Zhang Han directly said:    


"Soul, and more destructive attacks."    


"Soul?" Everyone was deep in thought.    


Yes, their own cultivation is good, it looks like they can, but it's just a small thing. In a direct battle, Yan Chen's attack could kill the opponent, an ordinary Mechanist, by relying on the strength of the machinery, the Mechanic Warrior, who has strength, but the machinery is still a machine, if one of their parts is broken, it can affect the whole situation. Their weakness lies in their soul defense, while Yan Chen is adept at this, he might have already noticed it, but he just wants to have a better understanding of the Mechanical Warriors.    


Zhang Han explained to everyone:    


"The second point, an attack with even more destructive power, belongs to the single-target attack. Attack one point. If it is destroyed, then victory is not too far away."    


After saying that, Zhang Han took a sip of the green tea.    


Nina looked at him blankly.    


'Uncle Zhang knows a lot.    


"Single burst ?" Mu Xue, Zhao Feng, Chen Changqing and the others all started to ponder. If they were the ones standing in the position where Yan Chen was, how many ways would they have to face the enemy?    


There seemed to be quite a few.    


Yan Chen seemed a bit busy, but he was as steady as an old dog.    


Finally, under the suppressive firepower, the door opened up.    


"If you have some skill, then let the firepower be even more intense."    


Buzz! Buzz!    


His arms stretched out once more, and pieces of metal flew out from the mech. As they flew out of his body, they split into two, two, four pieces, and they kept changing, like a balloon being blown up. They kept expanding, turning into wave after wave of mechanical legions.    


"Enjoy the fear."    


The voice of the shore door was cold and indifferent. Standing there, it seemed as if it was mocking the words of this world.    


At this time, the onlookers s on both sides continuously made sounds:    


"There are many more mechanical legions that can be controlled by the shore door."    


"Forget about the final level of the Aurous Core stage, even the peak of the Aurous Core stage would have to be extremely cautious when facing a huge army of machinery."    


"The Seaside Gate is also a famous expert within the Tiger Tally royal family. It has been famous for many years, and even an unknown brat can't take it. That's a joke. It's normal for him to win, so there's nothing to be surprised about."    


In the eyes of the crowd, the one who had just fainted was an accident. This time, it was a 100% chance of victory.    




This was because Hu Bin was already angry. In the middle of the ocean, for those who were able to stand on stage, who didn't know of his name? If he was angry, blood would flow like rivers?    


As Hu Bin's subordinates, how could they not know about this? Under the full might of their opponents, only a few who were in the same stage could be considered opponents.    


Therefore, these people were extremely confident.    


It was just that he did not expect Yan Chen to continue playing with him.    


It was enough for them to understand the Mechanical Corps. If they continued to be beaten up like this, when he had exhausted most of his energy, he would really play it to death.    


"Soul-swallowing wind!"    


Yan Chen's eyes instantly lit up.    


Faint black gusts of wind whizzed past him, passing through all sorts of suppressive energy and assaulting the main body of the shore.    


"Intermediate defense!"    


Weng! *    


Lines began to form on the surface of the door.    


However, once Yan Chen made his move, how could he just let it go?    


"Heavenly Soul Destruction!"    


"Poison Soul Taper!"    


His left and right hands each released a secret technique.    


A heart-palpitating aura of energy swiftly assaulted the red armored gate.    


At this moment.    


Wei Fan's eyes narrowed:    


"This child is proficient in secret art of the soul!"    


"How dare you!" Hu Bin's eyes widened as he thought that something was wrong.    


He knew the weakness of the shore sect. He might not be able to handle these few secret art s.    


Just as he was about to lend a helping hand, a spear appeared in his right hand. As soon as it glowed with light, Yan Chen's attack arrived.    


Weng! *    


Weng! *    


Weng! *    


The energy waves that everyone felt emanating from the red armored gate were his defenses. They collided with Yan Chen's attacks. It was as if at this moment, the sky changed color and everything turned silent.    


Only the people who were proficient in soul secret art could sense that the soul of the gate was being smashed to the ground by a huge claw, which then pierced through it and crushed it.    


Tzzzzzzzzzzzzz ?    


The red armor gave off the sound of electric currents and all of the lights in the area went out in an instant.    


Shore Gate, Pawn.    


With his soul gone, perhaps his physical body could still live for a while, but in reality, he was already a living corpse, or perhaps a vegetable.    




Hu Bin was infuriated as he abruptly broke the armrest of the chair beside him. His entire body was agitated. The entire chair could not remain suspended as it fell from the sky.    


"You're courting death!"    


Hu Bin was filled with an intense desire to kill that he had never felt before.    




Before Yan Chen had even opened his mouth, Shi Fenghou could not help but sneer coldly halfway as he said in a mocking tone:    


"Didn't you say to send people to take turns? What? One dead and unable to sit still? I still have not made my move. Don't tell me that none of your so-called powers from the Sea Dragon Star Region are left? "    


"Sure, if you want to fight, I'll accompany you." Hu Bin's murderous intent flared. With a thought, a large number of red mechs appeared around him. They floated in the air from all four directions, indicating the time when he was determined to kill them.    


At this time, Wei Fan spoke again:    


"They are right here, and they can't run away, so why don't we continue this game? "Prince Hu Bin, please calm down. It's not too late to kill a fish on the chopping block."    


"Yes." Li Mu suddenly laughed, "Aren't you curious if the few people they didn't attack will bring about a good fight?"    


"Let's continue." The Division Head of the Silverwing Hall, Zhong An, only said one word.    


Hu Bin frowned for a good two seconds before waving his hand for his subordinate to bring the chair over. He sat down again and said coldly, "Continue."    


With that, he pointed at Yan Chen, "His life is predetermined."    


"Don't they like fighting?" Wei Fan revealed a smiling expression: "Then let's just let them fight. There are so many people here. Let's see how long they can keep their calm."    


"A war of attrition?" Shi Fenghou did not wait for anyone as his body moved and he stood at the very front, saying: "Alright, come. You guys are not afraid of the death of too many of your subordinates, continue then."    


"How arrogant!"    


From the direction of Silver Wing Hall, an old man quickly rushed over.    


When they saw this person, many people present exclaimed in admiration:    


"It's actually Shi He. Why did he come out himself? There are quite a few juniors of the later stage of the Aurous Core stage with him."    


"Looks like they're in urgent need of a victory. Otherwise, Shi He definitely wouldn't have come out himself."    


"That's right, an alliance of over a dozen powers can't even beat a few who don't know their own corner. It's indeed very embarrassing."    


"If we don't win today, it will become a joke. However, those few people are really powerful. Among those of the same level, they should be among the top few. They seem very young, but I've never heard of them."    


There were many discussions, but no one cared about what they were saying. All eyes were focused on the stage.    


"Remember my name."    


Shi He was dressed in cloth. His eyes were cold and his killing intent was obvious. He said slowly and deeply, "My name is Shi ?"    


Whoosh, whoosh!    


"Stone, stone, stone ?" "Pfft."    




"My name is Shi Fenghou."    


Shi Fenghou left the stage indifferently.    


The whole process took less than a second.    


Before anyone could even see his movements clearly, they saw a set of blood fog s shoot out from Shi He's body, and his body dropped to the ground five meters in the air.    




The entire field was deathly silent.    


Was this still a battle? This was simply an instant kill.    


Hu Bin was stunned at this moment, including Li Mu, Zhong An, and some of the peak Jindan Stage experts. Their gazes all revealed a serious expression.    


If it was them, how would they defend themselves against such an unimaginable speed?    


He would have to use his trump card to neutralize it, and he might even be injured.    


"Such a fast speed!"    


Nina was also dumbstruck. She hadn't thought that a person's instantaneous speed would be so fast.    




Wei Fan, who was in the Nascent Soul stage, also revealed a strange look: "Very fast, cunning attacks, sharp attacks, one-hit kill, not bad, not bad, not bad, he is a seedling, but a pity, you guys can't survive here, you can only serve as my seasoning."    


"Cut the crap, it's my turn!"    


Ye Longyuan couldn't help but rush up the stage quickly.    


He finally understood why Nameless and the others were not worried at all. Wasn't it because Zhang Hanyang was sitting beside them?    


I heard that Nameless and Zhang Hanyang have some relationship, and furthermore, both of them owed money. Furthermore, they both came from Earth, so it was reasonable for him to help them, so there was nothing to be afraid of.    


What he didn't know was that this sentence made Wei Fan, who was in the Nascent Soul stage, raise his right hand. After a second, he put away his murderous intent and said:    


"Then let's continue, don't bother with some trash."    


It was a naked taunt. Even if more than a dozen forces combined, they still wouldn't be able to win a single match?    


Quite a few late stage Jindan Stage cultivators at the back straightened their bodies. Some of the more famous ones couldn't sit still and were ready to personally take action. At the very least, they had to win a battle.    




One of them quickly flew over. Without a word, he took out a curved weapon. The weapon glowed with a ghostly light as his secret technique flew toward Wang Lin.    


"Hahaha, remember this, grandfather is called Demon King of Confusion Ye Longyuan!"    


Ye Longyuan suddenly laughed out wildly, the moment the two collided, the shockwave caused cracks to appear on the ground.    




Saber, unsheathe!    


A cold light flashed by as the man's weapon was split in half.    


At the same time, his entire body was split into two halves like a blood fog.    


Ye Longyuan floated above the blood fog, raised his head and laughed loudly:    


"Hahahaha, who can take a slash from Lord Ye?"    




This time, even Wei Fan's expression changed.    


The faces of Li Mu, Hu Bin, and Zhong An, as well as the representatives of over a dozen forces, slightly changed.    


"If I'm not wrong, what he just took out is ? sixth rank treasure? "    


Li Mu leaned against the sofa and looked at Ye Longyuan with interest. "Not everyone can possess a sixth rank treasure, which side are you on? If you say it out loud, you might be able to escape death. "    


Unexpectedly, Ye Longyuan just glanced at Li Mu blandly and ignored him, turning back to Yan Chen's side.    




Wei Fan looked at Ye Longyuan with his burning gaze. This expression made Hu Bin and the rest helpless.    


It was likely that Wei Fan was going to get a sixth rank treasure.    


sixth rank treasures, that was a treasure that only the heads of every great sect possessed! In the Sea Dragon Star Region, there were more than half of the powerhouses and heavyweights, and even the Sect Leaders of the sects did not have any sixth rank or treasures.    


Some forces aside from the Sect Leader, a few Elders might also have some.    


To obtain a sixth rank treasure, all depended on luck.    


He never thought that the person in front of him would actually have a sixth rank treasure.    


Who could not be tempted?    


"Once they use their weapons, they won't let us leave." Yan Chen said with a helpless smile, "It seems that today, blood is destined to flow."    


"Let's not talk anymore. It's finally my turn. Who is my opponent?"    


Su Bei Mu's body flashed forward.    


"Your opponent is me."    


A white-clothed man descended from his chair. His movements were graceful. His appearance caused an even greater sensation.    


However, he did not care about this. A mere reputation was not worth mentioning. Instead, he gently said.    


Originally, I did not want to kill you. However, we, the alliance of over a dozen powers, have not won a single battle. You are the last person over there, so this time, we must win.    


"Oh, don't worry, I'm ready." Su Bei Mu nodded.    


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