Godly Stay-Home Dad



"It could only be for a few days." Zhang Han laughed.    


At this time, the Mengmeng, Yue Xiaoxiao and Chen Chuan all ran over to Nina's side.    


With the addition of a few children, the three of them were in a much better mood.    


There must be a lot more to say, but now was not the time.    


"Auntie Tisya, you're so beautiful." Mengmeng said while laughing.    


"You're more beautiful. And your mother, you're the most beautiful people I've ever met." She also looked at Zi Yan.    


"Madam, you are too kind." Zi Yan laughed.    


"You can call me Tisya." Tisya said.    


Towards her benefactors, she had a special feeling, as though it had been a long time since she last communicated with them, she did not talk much now, and would silently watch the scene. On Zhang Han's side, she was also filled with curiosity.    


Where did these people come from?    


"Queen Mother, Mengmeng and the others came from Earth. Earth is a hidden place in the Sea Dragon Star Domain and without Elder Yue, no one can enter. Earth is a very beautiful and special place." Nina introduced.    


"Aunt Tisya can also go for a walk." Yue Xiaolou said.    




After chatting for a few hours.    


Everyone became more familiar with each other.    


He also understood that Tisya was not an Elf from the Sea Dragon Star Domain.    


She came from the Heaven Realm, and when she was young, due to some special reasons, she came to the Little tianlong Realm.    


Tisya's father was a dark elf, and her mother was an elven, of two bloodlines.    


He was not bad at the Little tianlong Realm, but later on he met the Elemental Elf King Alleyn.    


At this moment, there were people who were curious.    


"Um, I see that Elf King. He seems to have a very calm personality and is not an adventurous person. He strives for safety."    


To put it bluntly, it was equivalent to being terrified.    


Zhou Fei asked euphemistically: "How did he catch up to you back then?"    


"He ?"    


"We met in a secret realm. At that time, he was still young, somewhat arrogant, and had great courage. He also suffered a lot of injuries while challenging a lot of young talent."    




Everyone was somewhat surprised.    


The Elf King had been in the limelight before?    


"He has toured the Little tianlong Realm and the tianlong Province before. It took him dozens of years before he and I got together." Tisya took the initiative to tell her about the Elf King.    


After hearing some stories, the Elf King was once in the late stage of the Refinement Realm, and even had a very high chance of growth.    


However, because she had protected Tia Sia and resisted the enemies from the Haotian Star Realm, she had suffered severe injuries and her cultivation had dropped to the Jindan Stage.    


The two of them escaped all the way into the secret realm before avoiding the chase. In the end, they came to the Ocean Dragon Star Domain. This was Alleyn's hometown.    


There were only a few hundred elves, and they were very few and relaxed.    


Even Nina and Elena were not aware of these things.    


It made even Zhang Han a little weird.    


To think that he would be so cowardly as to protect the Elemental Fairy Clan. He had nearly given Nina away, but his past had also blossomed and shone brilliantly.    


When she heard about this, Nina didn't say anything.    


However, Tisya closed her eyes and did not speak for a long time. After a while, she said:    


Nina, I understand him. Although he looks rather ordinary, he has a lot of thoughts in his mind. You are his daughter and I.    


"Really, really?" Nina's eyes trembled.    


Nina really hadn't thought about these things.    


It was as though the entire clan had never truly understood the Elf King.    


His sense of existence was not that high, or perhaps he was intentionally letting the others display their skills, or perhaps he had already broken through the mortal world and was unwilling to accept what was right and wrong?    


"How unexpected."    


Mu Xue drank a mouthful of fruit juice to calm himself down.    


No one had expected the Elf King to be like that.    


"Then ?    


"Who is Phileas's father?"    


The problem was.    


Zhou Fei still could not hold back his curiosity.    


It seemed that Alleyn and Tisya also had many stories, but Felina's father, that might decide Tisya's future.    


If there had been other men, she might not have returned to Roran either.    


Faced with this question, Tisya was silent for a moment before saying:    


I have both the Elemental Elemental and Dark Elves' bloodlines, Nina is an Elemental Elemental, and Filina is a Dark Elf. It's all because of me, and so is our Elf race, which was born in the blood of Alleyn for three years. Back then, when I went to the Anarchic Lands, I was just pregnant and accidentally entered the Seven Desolate Lands, and appeared in the Demon Sea's Eye. At that time, there was an island in the middle of the Demon Sea, and on it was a sword.    


Tisya thought for a while, then roughly explained the situation:    


I did everything I could to buy a small flying ship and a lot of food, and when I returned to the island, I couldn't find the way out. I heard about the ancient path of the starry sky, and I also tried it, but with my strength, I was unable to pass through the demon territory, and in the end, I returned to the island as well. It is very strange that only with the box in my hand can I see the island, put away the box, and then I decided to stay on the island.    


I followed the human ship and went to the continent, used the few remaining crystals to buy some needed for my daily life, went to the Demon Beast Mountain Range to kill some low level spiritual beast, returned to the island, and found a dying Stone Demon. That's right, I saved it, and when I was talking to him, I found out some secrets about Demon Sea Eye, and that the space there is a mess, so only when the sun and moon co-exist in the sky every month can there be a tunnel.    


Some of the encounters with Tisya had made the atmosphere on the field quiet down, and they all listened attentively.    


It was actually a very unfortunate journey.    


Or hard.    


Especially Zi Yan, Zhou Fei, Rong Jiali, Mu Xue, and the others. They had lived in the secular world for a long time, and as both of them were women, they knew very well that it was not easy for a living child to teach her cultivation and grow up.    


"It's all right now, Tisya. Are you ready to return to Roran first?" Zi Yan asked.    


"Hmm, I think it's time to go back. I think when he sees her, he will start to ponder. He believes in me, but he doesn't understand. It should be very hard for him." After saying that, she revealed a smile, "It's been a long time since I last saw those clansmen."    


"Like a happy smile." Zhou Fei was a little dazed. After thinking for a while, he said, "That Elf King, Alleyn, he has several wives, aren't you jealous?"    


"Jealous?" Tia shook her head, "That's normal. His wives only got married after I nodded."    


Tia gave a simple explanation to the people in front of her.    


It turned out that when she and Alleyn were together, she found it difficult to get pregnant because she had twin bloodlines. It was normal for the Elf King to have a few wives, but in order to continue the line of blood, there was a lot of other wives.    


"You're from the Haotian Heavenly Star Realm, how did you come to this place?" Zhang Han casually said, "If you had stayed in the Haotian Star Realm, you might have reached the realm of Void Transformation by now."    


"Because... In the Haotian Star Realm, the elemental spirits and the dark elves are mortal enemies. My parents were together again, so they broke a taboo. Tisya sighed deeply.    


A lot of bad luck.    


Everyone had their own story, like Elf King Alleyn, which was once glorious, once depressed.    


As the saying goes, life is like a play.    


They were all young, and Zhang Han had the aura of a ruler descending upon the world before.    


Many things can only be understood after experiencing them.    


The Great Dao is the simplest. Sometimes when you think back, you will be filled with emotion ?    




During the conversation, everyone decided to take the first stop.    


Roran Star.    


The trip in a few days was short.    


Everyone became more familiar with each other. It was just that Ferina, Nina, and the Mengmeng were not very good at handling this small group.    


In front of Tisya, she was like a child. With her temper, Tisya would often feel helpless.    


I heard about the matter of Elena in the Little tianlong.    


Tisya was silent for a long time.    


Although the Ancient Tuo Dynasty was powerful, much more powerful than the dark elves, Gu Yi and the others had already fallen, so no one was worried.    


A few days later, the group arrived at Roran Star.    


It was unexpected.    


No advance notice.    


When the people from the space station noticed her, they were dumbfounded.    




Tisya raised a finger and went straight to the palace without being notified.    


In the backyard, her usual garden.    


Elf King Alleyn sat on a chair, beside him on a table. There was a jade bottle filled with wine, and a person was drinking.    


Look at his expression.    


Mu Xue and the others suddenly realised that after knowing the underlying reasons, they realized that the Elf King also possessed a special charm.    


Perhaps this was the charm of a king.    




When Tisya appeared in front of him.    




The jade bottle fell from Alleyn's hand. He was stunned.    


"Am I dreaming?"    


Unable to believe the scene before his eyes, he stood up immediately. Just as he was about to take a step forward, he suddenly stopped.    


He was afraid, afraid that his actions would shatter the dream.    




Alleyn's voice was trembling. He slowly reached out his hand, seemingly touching her cheek.    


One second, two seconds, three seconds ? Ten seconds later.    


Alleyn took back his hand and sighed deeply.    


"Everything is a dream."    


He seemed to have turned into a dispirited man, turning around to retrieve the jade bottle.    




But he suddenly saw Zhang Han and the rest.    


He clearly didn't feel it.    


At this moment, he was stunned once again.    




Zi Yan pursed his lips into a smile, and said.    


"Was it an accident?"    


Zhou Fei added.    


"Still frightened?"    


Rong Jiali laughed.    




The Elf King instantly turned around and stared blankly at Tia.    


"Really? This, this is real?"    




He rushed over and hugged her.    


"Is it really you?"    


"It's me." "I'm back."    




Alleyn was extremely excited, and his entire body was trembling.    


"Great! You're still alive! This is not a dream, not a dream! I've been waiting for you!"    


Sincerity, will always touch the heartstrings.    


The Elf King spoke incoherently and spoke a lot of words. After a long while, he finally reacted. He set up a soundproofing and spoke for a few more minutes.    


An excited mood came.    


There was no end to the laughter.    


But there was a problem.    


"Is, is, is she ours? "And, or rather ?"    


The Elf King also had an uncertain tone.    


He seemed a little nervous.    


He looked at her.    


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