Godly Stay-Home Dad



"Elena, are you used to this place?" After eating for a while, Zi Yan smiled and asked.    


"Yes, it's fine, thank you." "Yes," said Phileas.    


"If there's anything you're not used to, tell Auntie, for example, food, living place, going out to play, etc." Zi Yan said.    


Although the little elf was a little tactful and might be a little sensitive at times, her actions had moved Zi Yan, Zhang Han's side.    


A hundred good and filial piety is the first thing, all evil and lusts are the source.    


In the secular world, which was like a textbook, Zi Yan felt that it was the same in the Immortal Cultivation World.    


After chatting for a while.    


Elena only spoke a few words, leaving Nina to chat with her.    


Nina was also curious. In the beginning, her little sister had been a bit cold and detached. She either replied or refused; she was very straightforward. After getting to know her, she discovered that she was unexpectedly a bit eccentric and silent.    


"Father, we are going out to play later. We need to find Mu En." The Mengmeng said.    




Zhang Han laughed.    


The little girl had grown up a little, so it was normal for her to like going out to play.    


Before she even finished her meal, Yue Yang ran over. Seeing that Mengmeng was almost done eating, she quickly dug a few mouthfuls and the small team went out together to play.    


It doesn't matter if you go out to play and eat less.    


They arrived at the parking lot.    


"What kind of car are you driving today?"    


Looking at the dazzling car, Mengmeng didn't want to drive the one from yesterday. The car door was high, and he had to step on the gas pedal to do so.    


"You drive one. I'll drive another." Yue Xiaolou said.    


It was also quite interesting to see the big toy open.    


"Okay, what about you? Driving a car or a car? " Mengmeng asked Nina.    


"I'll drive." she said.    


"I'll take the car." Nina said.    


"Oh, oh, alright. If you want to open it, then take the key." The Mengmeng said, his gaze sweeping the car until it finally stopped at a limited edition red and black Koenigsegg sportscar.    


No matter how he thought about it, the sports car was still suitable for him.    


"I'll drive this."    


Mengmeng waved his hand, and the car key flew into his hand.    


Chatterbox ~    


He opened the car door, entered the car, and got into his seat. It felt good.    


"I'll drive the sports car too." Yue Xiaoxiao grabbed the keys to the car and got into a Ferrari.    


She had noticed a big black Lamborghini with a tail, and she got in the car as soon as she got the keys.    


Buzz buzz buzz buzz!    


The grumpy engine sounded.    


Just like yesterday, he felt a bit dizzy at first.    




With one foot on the throttle, this Koenigsegg, unlike the Mercedes-Benz, sped forward at top speed.    


With this posture, he was definitely going to crash into the wall.    


But Mengmeng also gained experience.    




The spirit energy seeped out from his body and lifted the entire car up before turning it around and flying out of the main entrance.    


Yue Xiaoxiao and Elena were similar.    


Their control over their strength wasn't good, but with just a bit of familiarity, they were able to grasp it swiftly. Their control over their strength was incredible.    


"So simple."    


With a hint of interest, she sped up and slowed down until she entered the city.    


Suddenly, a taxi squeezed over after Yue Xiaoxiao's car, as if it was going to change directions.    




She frowned and sent her consciousness out.    




The taxi driver was sweating profusely.    


"What's going on? "It's no good?"    


He felt that the car was moving to the right uncontrollably. What was going on?    


Stunned, he could only turn right into the driveway and follow the flow of traffic. Only after walking for a few dozen meters did he feel that the steering wheel had returned to his control.    


Just like that, they walked all the way to the small district where Li Muen was.    


After reaching the entrance of the residential complex, he got off the car.    


"Wah!" Wow, wow, wow! Mengmeng, you actually know how to drive? "    


Li Muen was shocked and ran over to Mengmeng's side. "Aiya, Mengmeng, I missed you so much that I took so long to come back."    


"Hehehe, yeah, I'm busy. I have to go out and do chivalry and watch the fun." Mengmeng said while laughing.    


"Stop messing around, Nina." Li Muen greeted as he curiously looked at Fei Lina.    


"She's my sister, Elena."    


After mutual introductions, Li Muen sat in Mengmeng's car.    


There were not many passersby in the residential area, but there were a few stupefied gazes as they watched Mengmeng and a few other girls get into a sports car and drive away.    


"Do you have a driver's license at such a young age?"    


They were surprised.    


"The exam is tomorrow." Li Muen looked at Mengmeng carefully and said: "I always said that you were good-looking when you were young, but when you are older you will turn ugly. These few days, I haven't seen you, you seem to have gotten prettier again, and your height is also taller."    


"Of course it's going to grow. My mom is 1.75 meters, my dad is 1.8 meters, and 1.6 meters is such a small height, but it can't stop me." The Mengmeng said.    


"Yes, yes, yes." Li Muen laughed: "Have you studied in the past few days? If you drop your exam results, you'll have to come back to class. Sigh, I really envy you guys. I feel like there's no meaning to it every day in school, and our Cloud Shadow Society is about to turn yellow. "    


"Ah?" Was the society going to turn yellow? Oh, so what if it's yellow? " Mengmeng was stunned.    


Even as a president, he couldn't be alone, let alone other members. Besides, this society wasn't reliable to begin with.    


"I'll definitely be able to take the exam." The Mengmeng said.    


"Our Ben Bei Bei has a girlfriend." "It seems to be a girl in her third year. She looks pretty good, and I can't compare to you, so I finally realised that Bei Bei is a philanderer, hmph, I liked you first, then Nina. Seeing that you guys had all left, I wandered around and got a girlfriend."    


"Is that so? You know all this? " Mengmeng glanced at her.    


"Hey hey hey, don't look at me, look at the road, don't bump into me anymore." Li Muen hurriedly warned her, then said: "Of course I know, the last time I saw him walking hand in hand with that girl, in the little forest near our school, he even kissed me."    


Mengmeng: "..."    


Speechless choked.    


"Hey, look at them, their relationship seems to be especially wonderful. I see that senior Wang is very handsome when he's playing basketball on his third year. I kind of like him." Li Muen's eyes lit up.    


"Are you in love with her for the first time?" Mengmeng was shocked.    


"No, who would have long been in love with her? It's just that they normally like her, and it's not like that." Li Muen turned his body: "Right, our class's Little Wei..."    


It was time for gossip.    


Li Muen immediately told Mengmeng about the interesting things that happened in his class.    


Regarding the students' deeds, Mengmeng often could not help but laugh.    


Just like that, the car arrived at a shopping mall in bamboo pit area.    


"Go buy the ice cream, then where are we going to play?" Mengmeng thought for a moment, "Let's stroll around the special spots here. There are fun places like the Northern Ring Region, Eastern region and Dragon City."    


Since he had nothing better to do, he decided to take a drive.    


This was the first time she had experienced this, and the taste was not bad. The taste was average, comparable to the New Moon Mountain's, but under this atmosphere, it still felt good.    


Just like that, an entire day passed.    


Li Muen was under no pressure when he came out with the Mengmeng to play, and there was no problem if he took a leave of absence from his family.    


On the second day of the exam, Elena stayed in the New Moon Mountain, sitting in the villa and did not go out to cultivate.    


Mengmeng and the others drove past Li Muen's district and brought her along. They came to the school together and parked their cars by the side of the road.    


"You're back?"    


The homeroom teacher, Bai Yilin, was really nice to see them.    


"We've already agreed that if you don't do well in the exam, you will still have to return to your class to study."    


Recently, Bai Yilin had been chatting with a few teachers.    


In the past when they were in class, many of them would subconsciously look at the Mengmeng, Nina, Yue Yang, and the others. At most, they would look at the Mengmeng, but people liked beautiful things.    


Now, without them, I'm not used to it.    


The teachers were actually making fun of him when they were chatting in private. It would be good if they could come back to class if they lost their cool.    


There was a bit of anticipation.    


As a result, when the invigilator received the paper, he read it for a moment because they had submitted it in advance.    


He realized that ? He's also a bookworm.    


The accuracy of the questions was simply too high. At first glance, he didn't find anything wrong with them.    


Sigh ?    


A sigh represented an extremely emotional feeling.    


Truly, studying and playing didn't slow them down at all.    


At the end of the exam, he returned to his car and looked at a row of sexy documents.    


"Eh? Why is there a ticket now? "    


Mengmeng picked it up and looked at it, patting his forehead: We seem to have stopped at the wrong place, parking is not allowed here.    


"Alright, be more careful next time."    


Yue Xiaolou glanced at it for a bit. In the end, she still had to abide by the traffic regulations.    


two days in a row    


The test was very easy. On the third day, several students came to class as well, and the results were announced.    


Mengmeng remained seated at the head of the dragon.    


First place.    


Nina was second.    


The surprising thing was that Yue Xiaolou became the third person in the class, ranked in the top ten of the whole year class.    


This caused the students to be shocked.    


Could it be that taking a break from school would result in improved grades?    


"I'll go home and ask. If there's really no other way, there's no need to study and improve."    


A classmate said.    


And in the end, Bai Yilin said, "Forget it, originally, you were second from the bottom in class, but in the end, you ended up being first from the bottom? The Mengmeng and the rest are special reasons, and this method is something that the teachers essentially do not agree with. Of course, if your results surpass them and the parents also agree, you can come and apply to me. "    




Loud jeering sounds rose from within the class.    


Isn't this the same as refusing? It was impossible to surpass them. He didn't even know how someone's brain grew. It was too strange.    


"Mengmeng, I already have a girlfriend."    


At the end of the class, Beginnan walked over and said like a thief, "Meeting a wall here, I'm still very attractive to others."    


"Slightly, so shameless." Mengmeng said with a look of disdain: "This is my early love, do you know that?"    


"So what if you're in love for a long time? "It's not too early." Bei Jinnan said as if it was as a matter of course, "It's very normal for high school students to fall in love. We're about to be in our third year, just short of one year. Besides, we have quite a few girlfriends in our class.    


"What a low-level show you are." Mengmeng scoffed.    


"Cough cough, I'm not trying to show off. How would I dare to show off in front of you?" Bei Jinnan coughed dryly and asked with some curiosity, "Mengmeng, have you not seen the young idol drama before?"    


"Of course I've seen it before. I've watched a few episodes of each of the more popular episodes. Normally, I would just watch one episode before being persuaded to leave." The Mengmeng said.    


"Persuade him to quit? Why? Have you seen the latest Li Lu Lu's drama? " A female classmate said with a blush, "Our family's Emmie is too handsome. He sings well and plays basketball well ?"    


"What's so cool about that, childish." The Mengmeng said helplessly: "Hey, do you think that if you're a bit more handsome, then you can sing, dance, play basketball, speak gently and sometimes even have a little mischievous smile, is that what a male god is?"    


"Yeah, yeah. I really like guys like Emmie."    


"That's what's on TV. I don't think it's cool at all." Mengmeng didn't dare agree with him and said: "Many people are the same on TV, and there is another reason for it to be so private. It's not that it's bad, it's just that ? It's not what you think. "    


In his early years, Zhang Han had often brought Mengmeng out for a stroll on the production team, and also went to other production teams. He had seen many big stars, including some who were good at trump cards, some who were stingy with their nose, and some who were gentle and refined.    


The female celebrity who played the big role in the movie only had a princess' illness and was rather arrogant and adorable. She had a pretty good nature and had scammed the nose, thus she had done quite a number of charitable acts.    


In a place like Xiangjiang, the Mengmeng had also seen many Heavenly King Stage Stars.    


Little Princess had already seen this before.    


Looking at her schoolmate's infatuation, she repeatedly shook her head.    


For example, the commoners could only see a height of a hundred meters. In the end, Mengmeng could only see a thousand meters, and the coolness of the handsome men, who had previously known the height of a hundred meters, had somehow been raised by a lot.    


"Then who do you think is handsome? Who do you like the most? " The female classmate asked with a hint of gossip.    


As soon as these words left his mouth, he knew what the next words would be. He couldn't help but laugh and sigh.    




Mengmeng laughed and said: "Of course it's my father, my father is the most handsome and coolest male god."    


"Don't ask, it's her father." Yue Xiaoxiao curled her lips and said, "Mengmeng is just a precious daughter."    


"Hehe, you're jealous of me."    




Mengmeng and the other two returned to their classes, bustling with noise and excitement.    


The students all knew that they wouldn't be able to attend more than a few days of classes. Many of them had nothing to do with them at all, and some of them secretly in love with Mengmeng still didn't dare to speak up.    


New Moon Mountain.    


Zhang Han started to refine pills under the thunder sun tree, and occasionally got some spirit artifacts.    


Once in awhile, the Vale would send people to deliver a majority of the gems and other items. At the King Realm, it would also send medicinal herb s to the New Moon Mountain to keep them.    


"Son, you're going to start concocting pills again?" Zhang Guangyou walked over: "When are we going to the Sea Dragon Star Domain?"    


"In a few days, right?" Zhang Han replied.    


"Oh, one week later there's an A-class relic at the North River, your mom and I are going to take a look."    


"Then let's go." Zhang Han laughed: "Coincidentally, I still have to refine some pill and spirit artifacts in the next few days."    


"big brother Han, did you throw that Seven Star Sword underground before?" Chen Changqing walked over from the side.    


"Using the Thunder Sun Crystal to grow it, huh? It's already at the intermediate stage? " Zhang Han's expression changed, he could sense a bit of's Qi.    


"That's right, we're already at the middle stage. Our group are also close to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul stage. I think we'll break through very soon." After saying that, Chen Changqing laughed bitterly: "Now that we are stronger, we realized that the cultivation technique that you have given us, big brother Han, is truly too powerful. It has increased our limits by a lot."    


"It has a lot to do with your own talents as well. Don't belittle yourself." Zhang Han laughed and said: "Cultivation techniques are only supplementary means, you will all be able to walk your own unique paths in the future."    


"Then you have to be careful. Who knows when I'll overtake you and beat you up." Chen Changqing joked.    


Right now, the difference in strength between Zhang Han and himself was getting bigger and bigger.    


"You broke through so quickly. You can do it, kid." Zhang Guangyou scratched his chin and said: "It seems that I have to hold on tight too."    


"big brother Han, let's go to the Sea Dragon Star Region and we won't come for sure. If we go to some small tianlong Realm or to the Star Province in the future and come back less often, wouldn't that be wasting the Thunder Sun Treasure Land?" Chen Changqing said.    


"Of course not."    


Zhang Han shook her head slightly, "Little tianlong Realm is only a fart place, of course it's still bigger than Sea Dragon Star Region. tianlong Province is bigger, it's the home ground, and looks like it's very far away, but actually, it won't take us too long to reach tianlong Province. It's only ten days to go there, and Blue Sandstorm Region only blocks ships of extremely low class.    


Chen Changqing: "Alright, I'll bring some ingredients with me this time. When I'm free, I'll make some food for my naughty son."    


"The Land of Thunder has only just begun." Zhang Han said, "It will grow stronger with time, and the quality of the ingredients will also become higher. In the future, it will raise some eating beasts and the like, in the Immortal Cultivation World, for example, Firewing Chicken, Wolf Claw Chicken, Gale Duck, etc.    


"I'm getting a little greedy from all that you've said." Chen Changqing laughed, then looked towards the distance: "I heard that in the past few days, within Kunlun Immortal World, the Blood Clans of the west have made their move against the people of the valley, I was preparing to go there. In this world, there seem to be some places that do not feel your terror, and it just so happens that they can feel my terror, because some forces still do not understand what is right or wrong."    


In the nation of Hua, and even the neighboring nations, martial world, and small worlds, who didn't know that forces like the Luofu Sword Sect, Tianxia Mountain s, Water Cloud Sect, and even National Security Agency s, were all related to Zhang Hanyang.    


However, Zhang Han did not go out on a campaign against the world back then, and only came from the Eastern Region of Kunlun Immortal World.    


The quiet valley was the New Moon Mountain's representative in the Kunlun Immortal World. When Chen Changqing heard about this, he planned to go over and suppress Xiao Xiao Budian.    


"Sigh, it's difficult to find an opportunity. If I don't make a move now, perhaps there would be people in this world who would forget about the name 'Azure Emperor'."    


Chen Changqing left behind words that were mixed with a little pain, and then floated away and left.    


Seeing this, Zhang Guangyou laughed helplessly:    


"Xiao Han, being with you is indeed like this. Your radiance is too dazzling."    


"Is that so?" Zhang Han was startled.    


He seemed to be considering this question.    


He was lost in thought.    




A muffled sound came from the pill furnace.    


The furnace exploded.    


Zhang Han didn't mind the waste of this medicinal herb, after pondering for a few seconds, he sighed:    


"I feel that I am already very low-key, I didn't expect ?"    


"What is it?"    


"It doesn't allow strength." Zhang Han sighed.    


Zhang Guangyou: "..."    


"There's nothing to talk about. Your mother and I will go to Shang Jing to see some old friends. We'll go to the ruins later."    


"Sure, we'll set off when you return." Zhang Han nodded.    


"Let's go."    


Zhang Guangyou returned to the villa and left with Rong Jiali.    


Zi Yan and Zhou Fei went out to shop and stayed at the coffee shop to enjoy their normal leisure time.    


Chen Changqing went to act cool.    


Zhang Li and Liang Hao had already gone to find their friends for fun.    


Mengmeng and the others went to school while Zhang Guangyou and Rong Jiali went to visit their old friends.    


Only Zhang Han was still rather idle in New Moon Mountain.    


But was he really free?    


Not really.    


Zhang Han continued to refine pills. If one were to carefully sense it, they would be able to discover that the flames beneath the pill furnace were constantly changing. At the same time, Zhang Han ?    


Two wisps of fire also curled deep within his pupils.    


Zhang Han had always absorbed and refined the Source Attribute, the most basic of which had ended. Now, he was waiting to completely fuse it into the Immortal Body of the Five Elements.    


Seadragon star field.    


"Let's go. After we settle them down, there's no need for us to worry."    


The Elf King Alleyn held on to Tisya's hand.    


"According to Ferina, the Dark Elves only have around 30,000 people right now, which is a lot fewer than in the past. We don't know if we can quietly move them, but it might be easier with elder Dumann around, what if they come to the Sea Dragon Star Region and settle down there? Hiding might seem easy, but every star field has its own network. Tia frowned.    


"I have a good place."    


The other eight great clans have been destroyed by Zhang Hanyang, their planet is also left behind. The location of the planet is very good, the place where the signal is cut off is very good, although Zhang Hanyang does not have any intentions of collecting those planets, but no one dares to touch the remaining three clans, so let's kill them. We will communicate with Liu Qingfeng and let the Dark Elves exchange some of our special products, cultivation resources, or crystals, in exchange for the right to live in the extremely chaotic place.    


"Huh?" Tissaia was stunned.    


"They're big eaters anyway, it doesn't matter if they insist on staying." As he spoke, Alleyn shook his head. "They won't stay behind. After all, they won't be able to face the Ancient Era."    


"There's no time to lose, let's go. Should we tell Mo Wen and the others?" Tisya asked.    


"I already told him." Alleyn laughed. There was no fear in his eyes from before. He said, "This is a trip for the two of us. When we return, I will be accompanying Elena."    


"Very thoughtful." Tisya smiled.    


"Let's go, it's a trip for the two of us."    


Elf King Alleyn brought Tisya to a mountain on Roran, and they walked through the bamboo forest. The scenery was very beautiful, and they walked through nature.    


Half an hour later, they arrived at an open circle.    


With a chuckle, Alleyn extended his right hand forward.    




A muffled sound came from the ground.    


A strong wind was blowing in front of them, and sand and rocks were flying everywhere. The ground opened on both sides, revealing a circular door. A small round spaceship slowly rose up from within.    


"Well maintained." Tisya smiled.    


This was the small frigate that the two of them used when they were travelling.    


They entered.    


The small white looking king ship turned into a beam of light, shooting straight into the clouds.    


Five seconds later, he jumped into the alternate dimension and headed straight for the Blue Sandstorm Domain.    


The Blue Sandstorm Domain obstructed the people from the other nearby galaxies, such as the Sea Dragon Star Domain. However, for those who possessed a battleship, it was a rough road to travel.    


Their current destination was the Little tianlong.    


The goal was to place the dark elves in the most chaotic place.    


In the end, he still had to temporarily avoid the attacks of the Ancient God Church.    


"? ?"    




Mengmeng and Yue Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, were used to it. They didn't have any special feelings, it was just that they weren't at school for a period of time. They planned to stay for a few days, go out next time, and only returned after the final exam.    


There was no need to send him off after school.    


With their strength, they would just stay in the secular world and not bully others, as Zhang Han had said.    


It had already reached this level.    


The car was still parked near the school gate. There was no parking space, just beside the road.    


After school, they arrived nearby and saw the ticket on the window.    


Mengmeng fell into deep thought.    


"We've been punished again." Mengmeng said, "This is already the third time."    


"No parking here." Yue Xiaolou looked around and said, "I told my form teacher that we should just stop at school, right?"    


"Oh, that's fine too." Mengmeng thought for a while and muttered, "I need to talk to my father. We will have to wait a few more days, and once we do that, we won't be able to open it ourselves."    


"Then let's go back first."    


The three of them and Li Muen got on the car, and returned to the vicinity of New Moon Bay. They first sent Li Muen to his doorstep, and then held a meeting with him.    


"Dad, you're concocting pills?" Mengmeng ran over: "Do you miss me?"    




"Hmph, then I'll leave now." Mengmeng pretended to leave.    


"I'm not done yet. It would be weird if there wasn't, it would be weird if there wasn't." Zhang Han quickly turned and said.    




A muffled sound came from the pill furnace, accompanied by a faint black smoke.    


The furnace exploded again.    


If it was according to the normal refining procedures, simple chatting would not be a problem, it was just that Zhang Han was constantly testing the fire affinity that he had absorbed.    


Through precise control of pill concocting, it was also a form of cultivation.    


"Dad, when we drive out, someone always puts a ticket when we're not around." Mengmeng came over to Zhang Han's side, hugged his arm and said: "It's already been three times."    


"A ticket? Hahaha, that's where you guys stopped. " Zhang Han laughed.    


"There's nowhere else to park." Mengmeng snorted and said: "There is no line in front of the school gate. There is a line beside the parking lot and a plot nearby, but everything that is parked is full. There is no space."    


"Shouldn't we just stop at the school?" Zhang Han asked curiously.    


"I can't remember. The school doesn't allow cars to go in."    


"Then I'll go and say hello." Zhang Han laughed.    


There were many things, no matter how difficult, that could only happen with Zhang Han.    


The hundred year Li family s of the Xiangjiang and so on. Those families who had once confronted Zhang Han were all living examples, and were even treated as records by the few great clans.    


With the Luo family at the head, many large clans were in a state of submission.    


Even if they didn't have any connections, they wouldn't dare to offend him.    


"Little Charmer has already told our class teacher and the class teacher has also told the vice principal. The vice principal has already arranged for us to pass through, so if we can go in tomorrow, what should we do with the ticket?" Mengmeng pouted: "It's all just small amounts of money."    




Zhang Han almost choked on her saliva, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "How did she become a little money grubber?"    


"Under mother's good education, people never waste money." Mengmeng shook her little butt.    


With the little girl here, she could buy tens of thousands of dollars worth of clothes, hats, schoolbags, etc. They were all useful and did not waste any money.    


"There's no need to think about this. We can just have someone take care of it later."    


"Hmm, then I'll be going to play, and get first place again. Sigh, there's no pressure at all."    


Mengmeng happily left to grind the Da Hei and the rest.    


Not long after, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei returned, everyone had dinner.    


"We have to go to school for a few more days, Elena. Are you going?" Yue Xiaoxiao ate a mouthful of Red Braised Meat which was thin and fat. It tasted extremely good. As she ate, she said to Elena, "Are you bored by yourself here?"    


"The school is pretty fun too." Nina looked at her.    


"Let's go." She stayed silent for two seconds and then said, "Thank you."    


She was relatively cold towards people like her, and she would even return the favor. However, those who were nice to her didn't know how to communicate, nor did they know how to get used to it.    


She felt that being alone in the villa was also very boring. Although cultivating here could catch up to dozens of days outside, she still could not calm her heart down.    


I might as well go out and play.    


"I'll call him later."    


Zi Yan laughed.    


The number of students in the class was growing larger and larger. Two elves, in the future, after a long time, wouldn't Mengmeng's class be very large?    


Zi Yan felt that this was a little strange.    


Actually, he had never thought that the other side of life was so complex and colorful.    


The next day, the number of people driving the sports car changed to four super sports cars, which were very eye-catching.    


The key point was that both of them had discovered that with their current size, it was more appropriate to sit in a sportscar.    


Arriving at the door of Li Muen District, Mengmeng was in charge of receiving her during these few days.    


Mainly chatting and joking.    


Li Muen's parents, Li Kai and his wife were standing at the entrance of the small district and looking at the four supercar s.    


They looked at each other. They had been on tenterhooks the other day. Would they crash into a car or something?    


In the end, he found that the little girl driver was pretty good.    


Now he was relieved.    


"Mengmeng, who is our class? Zhang Xiaojun is famous." Li Muen said excitedly, his eyes lighting up.    


"Zhang Xiaojun?" Mengmeng pondered for a moment: "Ah, it's that slightly fat boy with eyes that's short by 300 degrees. He doesn't usually talk much, right?"    


"Yes, that's him."    


"He's very introverted. How did he become famous?" The Mengmeng asked curiously.    


Last month, someone from the Education Bureau came and set up a literary event, which was relatively easier. Since you don't even have any characters in our class anymore, just sing together, it's a Yellow River chorus, Zhang Xiaojun is the lead singer. He looks more artistic, but in the end, he went on stage for the first time and got nervous, shouting: The wind is howling, the horses are shouting ? Get ready, scream! "Hur Hur Hur, then he became famous."    


"Eh?" Mengmeng was startled, then burst out laughing: "Truly talented."    


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