Godly Stay-Home Dad



"Lili, these two children are really unreliable." Zhang Guangyou looked at his watch: "What time is it? "He's not back yet?"    


"Aren't we supposed to be on our way?" Rong Jiali laughed helplessly.    


Liang Hao and Zhang Li did not have children, so Zhang Guangyou was often displeased, and immediately summoned two people the moment he returned here. It had been a few days since they arrived.    


"They have recently led a few teams to familiarize themselves with the environment of the Sea Dragon Star Region." Liu Qingfeng laughed: "They are both young and fond of playing, my family's Jia Ran and Ah Hu, isn't there no news from them? Sigh, as long as we are happy to play for a few more years, our lifespan will be much longer anyway. "    


"Even if you say so, you can't possibly do nothing for the rest of the day." Zhang Guangyou snorted: "How great is it to see my son and daughter-in-law. It's easy to have children early."    


Zhang Guangyou was mostly worried, following the continuous increase in Zhang Li and Liang Hao's realms, they had already escaped the category of ordinary humans. It was said that the probability of having children would gradually decrease, and he didn't want to see the two of them being unable to bear children in the future.    


After chatting for a while, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei looked at each other and stood up.    


"You guys continue chatting. Fei Fei and I will take a look at the interview table, and we'll also take a walk around this new city." Zi Yan said.    




The two of them turned around and left.    


The others chatted about recent events.    


Zhang Han was actually very clear about the matters of the group. If they were to be established, then the reserves and cultivation resources on the crystal would reach a very high level. Although the Sea Dragon Star Region was a remote and barren land, it could still cause a qualitative change in their numbers.    


The streets were spacious, and there were many flying machines coming and going.    


There were also passersby on both sides of the hall. They had come for the interview after the first round of selections.    


In the square in front of the building, several rows of people stood, stretching out into the streets on both sides.    


Zi Yan and Zhou Fei seemed to have nothing better to do, they didn't rush either, standing in line at the back of the line, the crowd was noisy.    


The efficiency was not bad, every time there would be a hundred of them. Very quickly, behind Zi Yan and Zhou Fei, there would be a lot of people queuing up.    


When the fifth wave passed, the two of them entered the building and prepared themselves in the hall on the first floor.    


On the left was a temporary conference room, it was surrounded by transparent glass. Zi Yan saw Liu Wang's figure, as well as a Liang family elder and other five interviewers holding a book, as if asking some questions.    


In front of them stood a woman.    


Strangely, after she walked out, there were also a dozen or so people who left dejectedly.    


Was it because of the same reason as her? Not even reaching the standard?    


Just like that, a total of more than twenty people were interviewed, and the remaining people left.    


"Next batch."    


Several of the ShadowClan members maintained order.    


After entering the interview venue.    




"Why do I feel that the girl from earlier looks a little familiar?"    


"F * ck, Lady Boss!"    


The guard at the door was shocked.    


And King Liu who was drinking his tea leisurely.    


"Puff ?"    


A mouthful of tea was sprayed on his feet.    


"We're here for an interview." Zi Yan smiled.    


"Ah, an interview. Good, good."    


Liu Wang coughed lightly and used his clothes to wipe his hands. Then, he personally went to the side and brought out two chairs.    


"Please take a seat."    


"Would you like some tea?"    


"A little juice or something."    


King Liu asked for warmth.    


In an instant, everyone's expressions were filled with shock.    


Some looked at each other.    


I'll do it! Isn't this company's interview attitude too good?    


Why did those people who had just walked out of the city do so?    


He did not quite understand.    


But he looked at it carefully.    


Oh, are these two beautiful women?    


It should be like this.    


The elders of the Liang family and the other interviewers also smiled as they looked at Zi Yan and her.    


"Ahem, about that, what job do you want to interview for?" Zi Yan's uncle asked.    


"What are we suitable for?" Zi Yan said.    


"That must be the CEO!" The elders of the Liang family quickly replied.    


"CEO?" Zi Yan could not help but laugh.    


"Ugh ?"    


"How many crystals are you looking forward to getting?" King Liu looked at the documents and didn't understand the reason for the Lady Boss to come here. It was an interview anyway, so he should just follow the 'normal' procedure.    


"Ten thousand?" Zi Yan said casually.    


It was just a number, after all.    


"What?" Ten thousand? " The elder of Liang family shook his head like a rattle drum, "How can ten thousand be enough? 10,000 crystals is only the level of a company's sales representative. "    




Many people gasped from the crowd behind them.    


"Ten thousand a day." Zhou Fei said.    


"10,000 yuan per day is too little, about 100 times more." The elder of Zi family said.    




The crowd at the back were all flabbergasted. Some of them were even frightened.    


"When are you coming to work?" King Liu asked.    


"I haven't thought about it yet. Let's wait for the time being." Zi Yan looked around, as though he had affected the other interviewers.    


"Alright! "Then I'll send the notice right now. Ah, you guys play first." King Liu nodded.    


"Yeah, which side is more prosperous here? We plan to go shopping."    


"I'll send you off."    


"No need. You can interview them here. Just arrange for them to lead the way." Zi Yan laughed.    


King Liu personally arranged for his subordinates at the door to bring Zi Yan and Zhou Fei downtown.    


At this moment, the other interviewees were filled with excitement.    




Just as King Liu was about to get a chair, a yellow-haired man sat down on it. He hesitated for two seconds before saying:    


"I'm also the CEO. My monthly salary is enough for ten thousand crystals. About that, I have time right now. Please take me to my position!"    


"What?" King Liu's face darkened.    


Ye Zichen picked up the man's neck and took the chair.    


The elder of Liang family flicked the interview slip in his hand and said:    


"Take off your shoes. Those who are not a meter and a half tall, please leave."    


"You guys are interviewing for a security post, don't mention anything about a CEO."    


"For those who are 1.6 meters and above, leave with a weight of over 200 jin."    




Everyone was dumbfounded.    


What do you mean? Different treatment!    


It's not fair, I have to complain.    


With the guide leading the way, the journey became much simpler.    


He walked purposefully to the business street.    


There were many people here, and it was also a newly established neighborhood. There were all kinds of shops and large shopping malls.    


As for the brand, it was also part of Liu Qingfeng's plans.    


Currently, the products were all from the Sea Dragon Star Region and the prices were almost the same as elsewhere. However, their prices were still lower.    


"This set of clothes seems to fit our Zhang Han quite well."    


Zi Yan casually strolled around, the two used to only look at female clothing, but now they paid more attention to male clothing, and bought some for their husbands.    


There were also Mengmeng and Chen Chuan.    


After a big shopping spree, they didn't go back until the sky darkened.    


At dinner time.    


Zi Yan looked at the time and asked Mengmeng: "Did you have a good time?"    


"I'm so happy." The Mengmeng replied.    


"There's only one more week before your mid-term exam." Zi Yan said: "We will need two days to get back, we can still stay here for four to five days."    


"Oh, oh, okay." Mengmeng made a face and asked: "Every time it's the Monthly Test, it's really troublesome. Mom, look, it's too tiring to do this again and again, I can't bear it. "Until I go to high school, how about I stay there for a while longer?"    


"You're the only one with a bit of ideas." Zi Yan extended his right hand and pinched Mengmeng's face: "Alright, then I'll follow what you said."    


"Hehehehe, what the f * ck."    


After receiving a very satisfied reply, Mengmeng felt very comfortable.    


"Then I'll tell Nina that we have to take the exam." As Yue Xiaoxiao spoke, she took out her communicator and contacted Nina. After the projection was released, a smile could be seen on Nina's face.    


In fact, he was very happy.    


At this moment, she, Tissaia, Ferina, and the Elf King were all in the small courtyard.    


They chatted for a long time, but Felina didn't like the Elf King Alleyn and Nina.    




Do you want to take the exam? Uh, okay, I'll go over tomorrow. Father, Mother, are you going to visit Earth? " Nina asked.    


Tia was silent for a moment, but just as she was about to nod, she saw Alleyn's burning gaze. He nudged Tia, coughed, and said,    


"Take your little sister with you. Go take a walk over there and relax."    


"I'm not going." She refused directly.    


The Elf King: "..."    


"Be good." Tia walked over and patted Ferina on the shoulder, "You have to have your own friends too. The first half of your childhood was not well taken care of by the Queen Mother. You're still young, it's good to go out and play."    


It was only then that she realized that Ferina only seemed to listen to her, and even to the three dark elves, she did not pay much attention to them. She was a little taciturn, and her temper was not small either.    


The Elf King had also chatted with her before. She felt helpless about it, but she also felt that it might be better if she played with her peers for a long time.    


In the end, Ferina humphed and reluctantly agreed.    


"I'll leave it to you."    


Tisya said a few words of thanks.    


After hanging up.    


Mengmeng, Yue Yang, Chen Chuan and the others all stayed here and stayed. They played games everyday, but they couldn't go out to play.    


Zi Yan and Zhou Fei were actually going to be the CEO boards.    


Skyflow Entertainment.    


Seeing that there were only nine people in the conference room, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei felt a little dizzy.    


So lacking in people.    


"The Star Wars was a huge success on Earth. It could even be called an epic movie." Zi Yan thought for a moment and said, "Everyone has seen it, regardless of whether it's the editing or sound effects, it's all very good. But since this set of programs is placed in the Sea Dragon Star Region, it doesn't seem to have any effect, so Fei Fei has also studied the history of entertainment in the Sea Dragon Star Region, so very few public figures, even if there are famous experts, they don't have a high opinion of celebrities, and at least they have a bad influence on it. Our company's first work is the Sea Dragon Star Wars, also known as Star Wars.    


"Alright, we'll definitely do well in this matter."    


These people were also the core strength brought about by the Purple Moon Entertainment. Once Zi Yan set his goal, they would know what to do.    


There's a difficult point. It's easy to advertise, but it's more troublesome to synchronize. We've observed for a long time, and found that there's no general purpose website of this type that covers all of the areas. I suggest that we work together with the creator of the communicator to cover the signal of our website and create a professional signal star." Someone said.    


"Oh? This suggestion is not bad. " Zhou Fei laughed: "In a while, I will go and talk to Uncle Liu about it. It's not only for entertainment websites, but also for brands and so on.    


"Early stage promotion, you can only rely on the communication from each star sector. The video is ready and that sound effect won't take too long, but the propaganda needs time to prepare. Lady Boss, you guys can return to Earth in a few days, can you bring my girlfriend with you next time?" "Ahem, the promotional clip will be ready in the next few days. When it's released, I'm afraid that the Lady Boss and you will all be back."    




It was a simple meeting, but there weren't many quests available. Thus, they were quickly discussed and agreed upon.    


Zhou Fei had also talked about the matter of overwriting the Sea Dragon Star Domain's website. Liu Qingfeng pondered for a bit before assigning a few missions to it.    


The company's operations were quite impressive. Due to manpower problems, each of the key players was currently quite busy.    


Of course, there were also idle people who were busy.    


For example, when Zhang Han and his family were chatting.    




A pair of hands strongly patted Zhang Han's shoulder, and a head slipped out from the side. It was Zhang Li with a ponytail.    


"Bro, don't you miss me!" Zhang Li said loudly.    


"Move aside." Zhang Han pushed her to the side.    




Zhang Li snorted and sat on the grass by the side. "This place is not bad, brother, sister-in-law, Mengmeng, it's been a while since we last saw each other."    


"Aunt Lili, where did you go?" Mengmeng blinked his innocent big eyes, and said: "Grandfather was still scolding you yesterday, saying that he would teach you a lesson when you came back."    


Zhang Li: "Ah?"    


He was a bit dumbfounded and a bit guilty.    


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