Godly Stay-Home Dad



Several voices of discussion did not make Gu Kun angry. After all, Gu Yi's death was related to him.    


Tisya's return made Gu Kun happy. He never thought that the traitor of the dark elves would provide him with such information. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to find her.    


The Black Fiend Seal must not be lost.    


The speed of the battleship was very fast.    


Just a day later, they arrived at the Seadragon Star Region.    


"The coordinates are Rolande."    


"I'll jump into the alternate dimension in five seconds."    


"I've entered the alternate dimension. This trip will take 2 hours."    


Two hours wasn't a long time.    


Many of them had even prepared for the upcoming battle.    


Sou sou sou!    


The three ships jumped out of the subspace.    


Gu Kun directly said, "Attack the space station."    


"Received command."    


"Magnetic energy cannon preparation."    


"Light Splitting Cannon, get ready."    






Six rays of light whizzed from the ship.    


When the elves on the space station had first seen the three ships, they had already noticed how quickly the energy pods of the battleship were running.    


"Alert, alert!"    


A defensive energy barrier was raised very quickly.    


However, the speed of the battleship was simply too fast.    


Six attacks were launched. In just a short twenty seconds, the defensive energy barrier had just risen.    


It was shattered.    


Following which all sorts of cannonballs exploded and the entire space station exploded. Countless pieces of metal floated around in the space.    


Even the other aircrafts that were flying in the same direction, including those inside the space station, were all smashed to smithereens.    


"Those that have locked down the entire planet, don't allow anyone to escape."    


"Send out reconnaissance aircraft to search for her."    


"Pass down the order for the Elf King here to come and see me."    


Gu Kun's three orders were quickly issued.    


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.    


The many scout ships within the ship swiftly flew towards the planet's surface. At the same time, the other two ships began to move horizontally, sending out shockwaves and other surveillance devices that covered the entire planet.    


At this moment on the surface, an alarm rang in the Elemental Elemental Kingdom's palace. It was accompanied by the sharp voice of the AI system:    


"Alert, the space station has been destroyed. The attack came from three battleships. Alert, the space station has been destroyed ?"    


In an instant, the entire palace fell into chaos.    




"He was attacked?"    


"Who are these three battleships?"    


At this moment, he was having lunch with the three dark elven elders, Tia, Ferina, Nina, Chen Chuan, and the Mengmeng.    


It was shocking to hear of this news.    


"Three frigates, could it be..." Elder Durman's expression changed slightly. "They've come looking for us?"    


"It should be the Ancient Tuo Dynasty." The Elf King Alleyn bitterly smiled. "In the end, we have to let them discover us. Mo Wen, send word. Gather at the king's palace within fifteen minutes. It seems that we can only escape now."    




Mo Wen quickly rushed out and notified his family through the AI system.    


"He was attacked?"    


Mengmeng blinked his eyes: "Hurry, go back."    


Sou sou!    


Yue Xiaoxiao, Chen Chuan, Mengmeng ran back to the place where Zhang Han went into closed door cultivation.    


"Men, we're being attacked."    


The Mengmeng shouted: "Hurry, someone come over, we won't be able to escape in a while."    


The voices echoed in the forest.    


Da Hei, Blacky, and little guy who were playing inside, quickly rushed out.    


The Da Hei and the little guy were very familiar with each other. After Mengmeng took out his schoolbag, they shrunk and entered it.    


These two fellows were the type to be traitorous. The moment they entered, they would lie down comfortably on the small bed in their school bags. They would lazily watch the activity outside the window.    


Zi Yan, Zhou Fei, Chen Changqing, Zhang Guangyou, Rong Jiali, Rong Jiali, etc.    


It only took him ten seconds to get out.    


"Mengmeng, what did you say? Was he attacked? " Zhang Guangyou asked.    


"Yes, they were attacked, the space station was destroyed, there were three royal battleships, they said they were people from the Ancient Tuo Dynasty." Yue Xiaolou said quickly.    


Dad is not so confident here.    


If Yue Wuwei was here, Yue Xiaoxiao would be in a different situation.    


"What about my dad? Daddy hasn't come out yet. " Mengmeng's expression became anxious.    


The others' expressions changed slightly as well.    


"This energy can't pass. If it's closed off, I won't be able to sense the situation outside." Zhang Guangyou's face changed.    


"If I really have no other choice, then I can only fight to buy time for Master." Zhao Feng said.    


They could not possibly keep Zhang Han here. Now, with Elder Yue not being present, the others would not be able to take Zhang Han away.    


A jewel appeared in Lisa's hand, and after a moment, she shook her head slightly, "I can't contact him, but I have another kind of treasure that I can guard against for a period of time. If it is attacked, he should be able to feel it."    


This sentence made everyone relax a little.    


However, his mood was still somewhat heavy.    


"Daddy! Father, come out of seclusion quickly! " Mengmeng shouted anxiously.    


He saw the concern and anxiousness on the little girl's face.    


Chen Changqing sighed.    


Zhang Han doted on Mengmeng, and at the same time, he cared deeply about him.    


At this moment, the most anxious person was the little girl.    


Unfortunately, this was just useless work.    


He couldn't wake up from his closed door cultivation.    


"Don't worry, we ?"    


Zhang Guangyou wanted to say something to the Mengmeng.    


A light cough suddenly sounded:    


"Darling, why are you in such a hurry?"    


A voice with a laugh and a pampering tone rang out from the energy whirlwind.    


Shua shua shua!    


The surprise came too suddenly.    






"big brother Han."    


Everyone shouted out.    


Under everyone's gaze.    


Whoosh whoosh whoosh!    


The extremely fast spinning tornado gradually stopped.    


Zhang Han who was inside.    


At this time, Zhang Han was dressed differently from when he was in closed door cultivation. His hair had even grown a little, and he wore a black trench coat as he slowly walked out.    


After the whirlwind dissipated, the remaining gentle wind blew Zhang Han's clothes back into the air.    


Along with Zhang Han's rhythmic moving hair, it gave off a feeling of sunshine.    


"He's out!"    


The will of the people was set!    


Everyone suddenly relaxed.    


With their pillar of support, they no longer had any panic.    




Mengmeng's clear eyes were unblinking. They were filled with pleasant surprise as he ran over quickly and rushed into Zhang Han's embrace:    


"Daddy, you've come out of seclusion! It's almost been a month!"    


"Ah?" "That long?" Zhang Han was startled upon hearing that, he hugged her for a few seconds, then put her down, he patted her head and laughed: "Were you waiting for a bit? I listened to your call just now. What happened? "    


"We have been attacked here. There are three king level ships among those that are suspected to be from the Ancient Tuo Dynasty. The enemies are unknown." Zhao Feng said simply.    




Zhang Han nodded his head lightly. The four words Gu Tuo Divine Palace did not change his expression at all, as if it was not worth mentioning.    


His gaze swept the surroundings: "Is Elder Yue not here?"    


No wonder he was so anxious. With Elder Yue not here, the situation would indeed be troublesome to deal with.    


Zhang Han pulled Mengmeng's small hand, walked to Zi Yan's side, and looked at him with a smile. Zi Yan took his arm, and said.    


"Elder Yue went to the Blue Sandstorm Domain."    


At this time Chen Changqing said, "It's about the same as when you were in closed-door training. There was a surprising change in the Blue Sandstorm Domain, and its area is shrinking extremely quickly, and it is said to be a hundred times smaller. Currently, it is only in the direction of the Sea Dragon Star Region.    


"The Blue Sandstorm Domain is shrinking rapidly?"    


Zhang Han raised his eyebrows slightly," There will definitely be some sort of change. Forget it, let's not talk about this for now and go take a look at the situation.     


He could already feel that many people were already heading towards the royal palace.    


Mo Wen and Nina also ran over.    


When they saw Zhang Han, the two of them were pleasantly surprised:    


"Uncle Uncle Zhang is out. Awesome."    


"Phew, it's good that you've come out of seclusion, it's good that you've come out."    


Mo Wen let out a sigh of relief, and said, "It's someone from the Ancient Tuo Dynasty. Just now, Gu Kun sent a message to Wang to go see him, and Wang asked me to come, saying that if I can't wake you up, he will go up and delay the time. We can quickly go to the central lake, where the Dark Elves' battleship is hidden."    


Zhang Guangyou and the rest nodded their heads. Compared to earlier, they had relaxed and planned to escape with the rest.    


However, Zhang Han said: "They are just a bunch of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, there's no need to run."    


"Huh?" Mo Wen was dumbfounded.    


Everyone looked at Zhang Han.    


"I felt it just now. There aren't many of them, and their strength isn't that high either. There's no need for them to leave." Zhang Han said while laughing.    


"Oh, oh. How many people are there?" Mo Wen asked subconsciously.    


"There are more than 100 people, but only five are at the Soul Formation stage." Zhang Han replied.    


"Puff ?" Cough cough cough cough ? "    


Mo Wen's eyes widened and he suddenly started coughing. After a full five seconds, he raised his trembling hand: "Oh my god, you can actually feel that far away?"    


With this said.    


The surrounding people were shocked.    


Nina: Uncle Uncle Zhang's spiritual sense can reach the universe space?    


"It can't be?" Chen Changqing said strangely: "I only have a spiritual sense of about five kilometers now, if I were to reach the starry sky here, I would need to travel more than a thousand kilometers."    


The difference was simply too great.    


Zhang Han thought about it for a while, then said: "I'm using a secret technique to coordinate with it, don't forget that I have a treasure here."    


The Seven Star Sword was able to control the power of the starry sky.    


This was a very powerful Profound Treasure, and it had accompanied Zhang Han for many years;    


Forget about searching 1000 kilometers, even if it was 10,000 kilometers, Zhang Han still had a way to detect it.    


"Only a hundred or so people."    


Mo Wen fell silent and then said with some excitement, "Since Fellow Zhang has come out of seclusion, a few Deity Stage cultivators are indeed not enough."    


"But they have three." Nina reminded.    


Mo Wen: "..."    


The excitement slowly dissipated.    


In a space battle, the destructive power of this battleship was too high.    


If they didn't come down and engage in a surface battle, how much damage would the elves suffer?    


He wasn't sure about that either.    


Everyone rushed to the royal palace.    


Alleyn and the others were shocked and relieved as they heard the news.    


"Only five people who have reached the Soul Formation ? Indeed, there is no need to flee. "    


Alleyn pondered for a moment, then said, "Fight! "Five Soul Formation cultivators, even if Fellow Daoist Zhang doesn't help, we can still fight him. We can't change our relationship with the Ancient God Church, so why don't we leave them here and then go hide in the Bedlam Lands."    


As he spoke, Alleyn laughed bitterly.    


After the crowd had gathered.    


They flew in dozens of airplanes and quickly headed towards the center of the lake. They only travelled two minutes and arrived in the blink of an eye.    


A large battleship slowly rose to the surface of the lake. Every cabin door opened and an aircraft entered.    


This scene caused the expressions of Gu Kun and the others on the battleship to change.    


"Hehe, as expected, there is a collusion." Gu Kun cursed, "They're actually hiding a King ship here!"    


He was somewhat angry, because he knew that this matter was somewhat troublesome.    


He only had three battleships, so it was impossible for him to take down the enemy's battleship.    


He didn't have too many people with him, and he couldn't get any key points. In the Ancient Tuo Dynasty, Wang Chuan was also a strategically ranked existence, and if he wasn't the Son of God, he might not have been able to get three.    


"The Dark Elven King Ship."    


"Stone Hammer, they're the ones who mixed together. Who knows if Uncle Ancient King was killed by them."    


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