Godly Stay-Home Dad



[Big Chapter: Dragon Shao Jia]    


"We cannot lose face for the academy. Fellow daoist, please understand my feelings as the branch dean."    


The Vice Principal said. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the President of the Mountain Sea Sect rapidly approaching from the airship. He was slightly relieved.    


"I admit that Flack was very much wrong, but the other five are not to die. Fellow cultivator, please spare me. Your murderous intent is too strong."    


"Is that so?"    


Zhang Han frowned.    




A loud sound suddenly rang out from the branch chief's body, and blood spurted out all over his body. He flew back a few hundred meters before crashing to the ground with a thud.    


He did not die, but his nascent soul and meridians were shattered by Zhang Han. He only had a few years left to live.    


"Oh my god! He even made a move on the Vice President? "    


Looking at this scene from afar, the dean and professors from other departments stared with wide eyes.    


It still felt like a dream.    


Countless students were dumbstruck as they stared dumbfoundedly at the scene before them.    


When the dean of the mountain quickly flew over, he had an extremely helpless expression.    


"How did this happen ?"    


His scalp was numb and his head was as big as an ox.    


Quite a few instructors whispered:    


"President Shan is here."    


"Facing such a ferocious person, only the Mountain's Dean can suppress him."    


"They're both at the Void Refining Stage. This is a fierce battle between two evenly matched opponents."    


"The battle of the Void Refining Stage is too intense. Quickly, let the group of students leave."    


The expressions of some people slightly changed.    


Just as he was about to move.    


However, something shocking happened.    


"This, this, what is this, why is he so angry about it?" The helpless voice of Principal Shan came from afar.    


Facing the Mountain Principal.    


Zhang Han didn't give them any face as he scolded in front of everyone in the Tian Luo Academy:    


"What are you doing? The result of hundreds of years of education? A few brain-damaged instructors, chairmen, and chairmen are making a fool out of each other, reversing right and wrong. Is this the specialty of your Tian Luo Academy? "    




It was like a bolt of thunder in a clear sky, reaching the extreme within the hearts of everyone present.    


What did the young man do? He was actually reprimanding the Principal of Tian Luo Academy.    


"Did I hear it correctly?"    


"What did he just say? I seem to be hallucinating. "    


"How can this be? He was the one who killed the dean and the instructor of the academy's department. After that, when Mountain Principal came, he actually scolded him in such a manner. Is this for real? "    


The teachers and directors nearby all had incredulous expressions on their faces.    


Even the numerous students in the distance were dumbstruck.    


Following the arrival of Mountain Principal. The atmosphere seemed to have reached its peak.    


"Principal, he, he killed Flack, An Lun Man ? The six of them, including the Vice Principal. " A teacher said with a trembling voice.    


The Mountain Principal was silent.    


As he looked at the thousands of people present, his scalp began to tingle.    


Especially facing Zhang Han's questioning, he was speechless. His mouth moved, and finally said:    


"That ? Calm down first."    


Puff ?    


The teacher next to Principal Shan suddenly spat out a mouthful of saliva, choking him to the point that he couldn't speak.    


"What the hell is going on?"    


Many of the department heads were already stupefied.    


That person had killed several of the higher-ups, yet not only did Director Shan not condemn him, he even allowed him to calm down?    


Oh my god.    


"What are you trying to vent? I want to see how you're going to deal with this matter now. " Zhang Han coldly snorted.    


He was truly angry.    


Currently, Mengmeng and the others, in terms of strength, was one of the minority that could bully them in the tianlong Province. In terms of temperament, the Mengmeng followed her heart and was groomed by him, so he knew how to reject her. Fina was a bit tactful, her fighting strength was also the highest, Nina's reaction was quick, she was good at analysis, Yue Yang was fearless, was impatient and did not want to be bullied.    


This was also the reason why Zhang Han was assured that they would come out and play on their own.    


There were very few people who could be bullied, yet there was such a thing as being wrongly accused.    


This was still Tian Luo Academy.    


But Zhang Han was completely furious.    


"He wants to run!"    


"And him, he's the one who deducted our credits from our school. He's Flak's disciple, and he even wants Mengmeng to be his dao companion."    


Actually, the last sentence was enough.    


After hearing the word Dao companion, Zhang Han who still had some anger in his heart looked over with a cold gaze.    


AHH!" Dean save me. Dean save me.     




President Shan subconsciously swallowed his saliva.    


Should he save them?    


He suddenly realized that after Zhang Hanyang became angry, he seemed to have become a different person. The Spirit Qi on his body was extremely sharp, as if he was a demon that exterminated the world.    


Thus, he once again remained silent. His attitude was completely silent.    


This caused the teachers present to panic, "Principal, the dean actually allowed him to start a massacre!"    


"Trying to run?"    


To Zhang Han, Chen Di Ran was just a little chicken that he casually slapped.    


Chen Diran and Pawn.    


At this time, Mengmeng weakly said, "Father, he still owes me eight million crystals."    


Zhang Han: "..."    


"Who is he?" Zhang Han asked.    


"Chen Ziran is a disciple of a middle-class family."    


Without waiting for Mengmeng and the others to reply, the Mountain Principal responded.    


Upon seeing Principal Shan's attitude, all of the instructors were once again stupefied.    


"Tell him about Chen family." Zhang Han said calmly, "Give them one day to return the crystals. If they are half a second late, annihilate the entire clan."    


The tone was light, but it was filled with killing intent.    




The dean laughed bitterly.    


He immediately ordered the system to inform the Patriarch Chen, saying: Your family's Chen Di Ran has offended someone he cannot afford to offend. He has already fallen.    


"Let's go."    


Zhang Han's anger slowly sunk down, he regained his calm demeanor, and said that, he brought everyone into the air and immediately left.    


"Dean." Many teachers and department heads flew over with lingering fear in their hearts.    


"Who is he?"    


"Principal Shan, he killed a lot of upper echelons."    




They were all staring at him with question marks on their heads.    


The students in the distance were now much more relaxed.    


"Let's go."    


"He's finally gone. Oh my god, he was just there. I feel like I can't breathe."    


"He's too terrifying, even scarier than my grandfather. This is the first time I've seen such a terrifying person."    


The sounds of discussion gradually grew louder.    


On the other hand, Principal Shan's face was somewhat gloomy.    


He coldly snorted, looked around, and suddenly said:    


"Since he caused such a ruckus in front of everyone, I have to say it out loud."    




A teacher's heart skipped a beat: so it was the dean's plan to delay the war. He felt that fighting him here would cause too much damage and damage, and that he was going to settle the score later!    


If he said this, he would be despised by many people.    


He only heard the principal say coldly:    


"Head of Department Flack, Head of Department Offa, Instructor ?" The six people who were killed were a group. They used the academy's name to seek personal gain, and Flack earned 250 million crystals. This was already known, but there was still an unknown amount, so it was unknown how many crystals had been earned by Offa ? "In total, the school lost over a billion crystals. This is all evidence."    


President Shan waved his right hand.    




The screens showed the trading figures, trading times, and trading targets one by one.    


Seeing this, the faces of the two instructors present went deathly pale and cold sweat flowed down their bodies.    


It was too ? too detailed!    


After watching for more than ten seconds, Principal Shan retracted the image and said, "The previous Mentor Dealing Treasure didn't care about fame and reputation and didn't care about the heavy stones or fame. I spent a lot of effort to get him to come here in order to let the students learn more, and similarly, because he is very powerful, the Tower of Mystery, the number one of the Eighth Board! He has a lot of things to teach! "    




It was like a bolt of thunder from a clear sky.    


It smashed into the hearts of everyone present.    


They stared blankly at the Mountain Principal.    


Following that, he fell into an extremely loud clamor.    


"What!" Chu Changan cried out, "Our teacher is Father Meng?"    


The first of the eight ranks? Heavens, it's our mentor! "Ahh!    


Fan Xiaomang was so excited that her face flushed. "We are too lucky!"    


"So powerful." Ling Duo grimaced in shock.    


This is especially true for others:    


"The one who did this was actually father Meng. He was ranked first on the 8th Board, a super powerful expert at the 100th level, the Void Refinement Realm."    


"Oh my god, no wonder he was so quick and fierce. Flack's instructors have actually tricked the academy into using so many crystals."    


"The human heart is hard to fathom, the human heart is hard to predict!" "Look, I've already told you this already. Those girls don't know how to lie, they are indeed right."    


Those words made many people look ashamed.    


"Today we have truly been taught a lesson. In Tian Luo Academy, there is also a very corrupt group of people."    


"It's not that we don't want to report, it's that the time is not right yet. The arrival of Father Meng is just a nightmare for those people."    




Even those instructors were incomparably shocked:    


"He's Father Meng."    


"He was specially requested by Principal Shan."    


"This means that Principal Shan wants to carry out a purge of the academy."    


Seeing the noisy scene, President Shan stopped talking. After waiting for a full two minutes, he let out a heavy sigh.    


The sighing filled the entire arena, causing the clamor to gradually come to a halt.    


"Regarding the pill formula just now, I also understand why. The others were fine. Why were only Flack and the other six dead, and why was the branch chief not dead yet?"    


There is a reason behind all of this, and the hearts of people are sinister. It is because their hearts have changed, their interests have turned black, so they are insatiable in their greed, and they even want to seize the pill formulas, because they are a group, and each of them has their own matters to attend to, so they all died. Because the branch chief did not commit the crime, he did not die.    


President Shan sighed again and shook his head slightly. After five seconds of silence, his body's aura became vigorous and powerful. A sharp edge seemed to want to tear through the space as he said word by word:    


"Is there no one present who is in cahoots with others? The evidence I have is very comprehensive. Some people have committed heinous crimes, and some people are just the first offenders. "    


Hiss, hiss, hiss!    


This caused the several instructors present to feel near despair.    


Could it be that Principal Shan still wanted to do it?    


"On account of the fact that you've worked for the academy for several decades, considering the fact that you still have a bottom line, the rest of the apothecaries in the Alchemy Division will leave this matter at that. If there's a next time, let alone others, I will also take care of my own affairs!"    




One of the white-clothed instructors deeply bowed to the Mountain Principal.    


"Thank you for not killing me, Dean. I was also threatened by Flack. I am helpless and unable to repay him. In the future, I will have to serve the academy for the rest of my life."    


The others looked at each other, seeing the cold sweat on their faces.    


Seeing this, Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment before he cupped his hands toward Principal Shan with a face full of shame.    


There was nothing they could do about it. They had seen the evidence provided by Frank and the others and knew that the investigation of this matter had not been carried out for a year or two.    


"This time, not only the Alchemy Division, but also all the branches, there will be a purge."    


The Principal said solemnly, "Tian Luo Academy is a place to serve the students. After the clear action is carried out, all the instructors, chairmen and others that remain will receive a double the amount of benefits, and similarly, I will be given more authority. Only the most outstanding people will be able to manage Tian Luo Academy, and I hope that the instructors will be aware of this and hope that the new students will be able to obtain the level of knowledge that they want here."    


Crash! *    


The impromptu speech made the audience thunderous with applause.    


It also calmed down the fear in their hearts from before.    


If the Tian Luo Academy had acted as they pleased, it would have been terrifying enough. However, the act just now represented the will and mission of the Principal, which was different. It was called Cleansing Sect!    


"Oh, right."    


When Principal Shan was about to turn around and leave, he said:    


"Bastards of the Alchemy Division, you guys are probably going to have some good fortune. The branch chairman is not available, and the department heads are also not available, so I've decided to let Taoist Dabao be the branch chairman."    


"No, ah! "No!"    


Chu Changan covered his head with his hands and cried out in pain.    


"You refuse?" Principal Shan's gaze swept over.    


"No, that's not it. Instructor De Bao is now a teacher from our Mirage Faction's 9th class. If he comes to the Alchemy Division, what should we do?" Chu Changan asked.    


"A good person can have several positions as well." The Mountain Principal calmly left behind these words, turned and left, getting on the flying ship, quickly fleeing in the direction that Zhang Han had left in.    


The many instructors in the Alchemy Division glanced at each other.    


"That person wants to come to our branch?"    


"What should we do? If something was wrong, would he ? Kill him? "    


"I'm too difficult."    


"Have the students return. Wait a minute, set up a ban. Don't let them spread the word and affect the Mountain Dean's actions. Blaming them wouldn't be good." A department dean ordered.    




Several instructors and their subordinates all walked over:    


"Don't go yet. Come here and follow the team to the building ahead."    


For a academy as free as it was, a ban could only slow down the speed at which news spread.    


However, that director also had the same intention.    


Ever since the scale of Tian Luo Academy grew larger, there were indeed people who used the academy's name to do things, and there were people who did things even more excessively.    


Since the principal was prepared to make a move, it was a huge uproar for the management of Tian Luo Academy.    


At the same time.    


In Zhang Han's villa, they had just returned.    


Zhou Fei, Chen Changqing, Chen Chuan, Zhao Feng and Liang Mengqi, Zhang Li, Liang Hao and the others were gathered there.    


"Brother, where did you guys go?" Zhang Li asked curiously: "You don't even need to reply."    


"Go deal with some trash." Zhang Han replied casually.    


"What garbage?" Zhang Li and the rest did not manage to react.    


At this moment, Elena said, "Three department chairmen, three coaches, one branch chairman, six dead and one heavily injured."    


"Plop, plop, plop ?"    


Chen Changqing had just taken a sip of the green tea and it all sprayed out. Chen Chuan, who was standing in front of him, was the first to be hit by it, and the back of his head was sprayed all over.    


"Dad, you attacked me." Chen Chuan immediately ran to the side and shouted.    


However, at this moment, the attraction of the crowd was all due to what Elena had said.    


"Three department heads, three coaches, and a branch president?"    


Zhao Feng opened his eyes wide.    


Liang Hao said with a stupefied expression: "Six deaths, one serious injury, this ? Are we running away now? "    


In Tian Luo planet, their base camp, if they were to cause such a huge commotion, they would probably be targeted by the entire academy.    


"Leave what?"    


Zhang Han smiled lightly: "Principal Shan still needs to thank me. Look, he's here."    


While speaking, Zhang Han indicated towards the left.    


Swish swish!    


Everyone turned their heads and looked over.    


He saw a flying ship flying over quickly. It arrived at the manor and stopped on the grass. The dean walked down from the flying ship and said with a helpless expression,    


"Zhang Hanyang, are you feeling better now?"    


"Not bad." Zhang Han replied.    


"Sigh, I also didn't expect something like this to happen." Principal Shan sighed, "I didn't think that Frake would be despicable to the point that it would make one's hair stand on end. He even dares to cheat a new student of his pill formula. What else is there that he can't concoct?"    


"Sister-in-law, what happened?" Zhang Li asked.    


"My daughter was robbed of her pill formula, and she was even framed, wronged, and framed in front of everyone." Zi Yan said.    


"It's actually like this?" Chen Changqing suddenly laughed: "Then he really went straight for the gun, it's normal to have six deaths and one injury."    


"Fortunately, it's not targeted at everyone." Principal Shan let out a long breath and said, "Those six people are a small group that has harmed the interests of the academy for many years and has grown even more violent. I also happened to want to punish them, but I didn't expect them to fall into your hands.    




The Branch Principal walked to Zhang Han's side and rubbed his hands: "The Alchemy Division's Branch President has been crippled by you. You can't be indifferent, can you?    


"Not going." Zhang Han refused.    


President Shan: "..."    


Wasn't he rejecting it too straightforwardly?    


"I can't think of anyone else besides you." I have asked him to be your assistant in dealing with daily affairs. When you have free time, you can go to the Alchemy Branch to take a stroll, give some pointers, and for such a simple matter, you are also a teacher of the Illusion division's 9th class, and also, you have a lot of resources in our academy. I will prepare a batch for you to refine, all of them being yours, and a pill furnace close to the seventh stage.    


The dean was talking about benefits alone.    


This caused many people to be stunned.    


Too strong.    


This was practically calling for Zhang Han's support.    


In fact, they also knew that it was because Zhang Han had too many dry goods in his head.    


Tian Luo Academy's wealth could slowly accumulate, what they lacked was precisely that kind of high-end knowledge.    


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