Invincible Smart-Guy System

C204 Talents Gathered(part I)

C204 Talents Gathered(part I)

The newly renovated Dongchen Technology Development Co., Ltd seems to be very foreign to most domestic companies. In the construction of the office area, practical and conservation were considered, not humanized. Therefore, many companies' offices were very crowded, not to mention the beautiful environment. It was simply like squeezing people, using all the space that could be saved. On the other hand, Zhang Yunfeng's Dongchen Technology only had a maximum of twenty to thirty people. The average area was twenty square meters, and the decoration was very exquisite. The office environment in the entire Golden Land Center could be considered superb.    


Zhang Yunfeng set the venue for the interview to be here. Today, he would be interviewing three positions. One would be the future Operating Director, the other would be the technical director, and the other would be the Human Resources Manager.    


To Zhang Yunfeng, he could complete the development of the core part of the software by himself. However, the software still needed a proper team to complete it. As for the product, he still needed someone capable and capable to help him quickly expand the market.    


The first interview was for the position of HR manager. This position was also very important to the company. In the future, there would be coordination between the company, departments, and employees. In the future, most of the recruitment for ordinary positions would need to be done through HR. It would also depend on personnel management. So, in this position... First of all, it doesn't require any outstanding or powerful work ability. One had to be careful and patient. Second, one had to know how to be a person.    


The headhunting company had found five or six candidates for this position. Zhang Yunfeng had his own opinion on this position. First of all, the most suitable person for this position was a woman. Because as mentioned earlier, the most important thing for this position was patience. And you need to be careful and have good relations with people. Compared to women, men... There was a certain gap between these few points.    


In addition, there was also a great deal of emphasis on the age of women. The position of supervisor determines that this person must not be too young... Otherwise, the first reason is that he has no management experience, and the second reason is that this young man is quite imposing. They did not know how to be tolerant and tolerant, so this position was most suitable for those women in their thirties to forties.    


Zhang Yunfeng chose two middle-aged women in their thirties. Both of them were in charge of personnel in other companies. Both of them were in charge. Headhunter companies offered them tempting salaries. Therefore, they were willing to give it a try.    


Zhang Yunfeng rushed to the company at six o'clock in the afternoon to prepare for the interview. The interview was arranged all the way until eight o'clock. He was the only one sitting in the general manager's office. At six twenty, the first interviewer pressed the doorbell.    


Zhang Yunfeng came out and closed the door. There was someone standing outside the door. It was a middle-aged woman. She seemed to have some charm. She was dressed very elegantly and young. If it weren't for the fact that he had seen her resume, knowing that she was thirty-four years old this year, Zhang Yunfeng would have thought that she was only twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old.    


This person's name was Chen Lijun, the manager of a book publishing company in Yanjing. Zhang Yunfeng recognized her and asked, "May I ask if you are Ms. Chen Lijun and Ms. Chen?"    


Chen Lijun nodded in surprise. She knew that this young man must have read her resume. She did not know his identity, so she smiled. She nodded and said, "That's right. I am Chen Lijun. I am here for an interview today. Don't you know Director Zhang is here? "    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "I am."    


Chen Lijun was shocked for a long time when she heard this. After a while, she finally reacted and said with a bitter smile, "Director Zhang is really young."    


At this moment, Chen Lijun was somewhat disappointed in her heart. She was currently working in the library company and her work had always been very smooth. Although the salary was not too high, it could still satisfy her. If it wasn't for the fact that a young general manager had arrived in the company, she wouldn't have wanted to jump ship.    


When she thought of the young CEO, Chen Lijun felt indignant in her heart. Because the company was a private enterprise, and the big boss of the company was the young general manager's uncle. So when the big boss stepped into the media industry, he gradually looked down on the book company. Later, he directly handed it over to his nephew to manage, but the young general manager had no management experience at all. He was a completely new kid. Managing the company was unrealistic. He completely followed the management methods that he had read on the internet and in the books to manage the company. Very soon, it caused a lot of complaints.    


Chen Lijun had also concluded in her heart that young people had never experienced the training of society. They had never started from the bottom of society. Once he got a high position, he would have two extremes. Or, he would just leave it at that. Or he would care about everything.    


And that general manager was precisely the latter. He did not have the manners of a general manager at all. Instead, he was very diligent in everything. He even had to get involved in the hiring and work of the company's cleaning workers. Moreover, at such a young age, he had to learn the iron-blooded management of others and was not considerate to anyone. He wholeheartedly wanted to squeeze out the remaining workforce of the company's employees. In this way, as a personnel worker, it would be difficult for him to continue his work. Because the whole company had complaints about the boss, it caused the entire company's working atmosphere to become extremely tense and distorted. The degree of contradiction was far from what he could resolve.    


Therefore, when he first met Zhang Yunfeng and heard from him that he was the general manager of this company, Chen Lijun even had the thought of turning back, but at this moment... Zhang Yunfeng said, "Miss Chen, let's go in and talk. Please come in."    


Chen Lijun thought, since she had come anyway, she could not make a trip for nothing. She followed Zhang Yunfeng to his office with the attitude of a dead horse as a doctor.    


When entering Zhang Yunfeng's office, they needed to go through the entire company. The rest area, the meeting area, and the office area had to be passed through. Chen Lijun looked at the surrounding office environment in surprise because the environment here was very likable at first glance. Whether it was the layout, decoration, or style, they all gave people a refreshing feeling. It was as if she was used to living in simple and crude houses and suddenly walked into a magnificent villa. This contrast gave people the first impression that they wanted to move their house in from the flat.    


To Chen Lijun, she did not know what this company did. So she was very surprised by the company's economic capabilities. It looked like... The company had not even started operating, yet it had already spent so much money to buy the office environment. In that case, the financial capability of the company's investors should not be questioned.    


Zhang Yunfeng entered the office with Zhang Yunfeng and invited her to sit on the chair opposite him. He then poured a cup of water for her, which made Chen Lijun a little surprised. After all, it was very rare for a company's boss to pour water for an interview person. In front of an interview person, most bosses would pretend to be very big names. In short, they liked to put themselves in a very high position and look down on you. And they gave you an invisible sense of oppression.    


Just this point had improved Chen Lijun's impression of Zhang Yunfeng by quite a bit. She had been in human affairs for many years, and some details could tell a person's personality. With Zhang Yunfeng's little action, at least she could tell. This young man was more humble, and would not put on airs for no reason.    


Chen Lijun thanked Zhang Yunfeng, but Zhang Yunfeng only smiled slightly. He sat opposite her and went straight to the point. He said, "Mrs. Chen, I have seen your resume. You've already had 12 years of experience in the field of human resources and human resources, right?"    


"That's right" Chen Lijun nodded lightly and said, "Ever since I graduated from university, I have been working in the field of human resources. Until now, I have not changed to another profession."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and asked, "Then what qualities do you think we need to have when it comes to human resources? Especially when it comes to being a human resource manager."    


Chen Lijun thought for a moment and said, "Human affairs work, to put it bluntly, is a middleman who takes on the role of being enlightened. Facing In the leadership, human resources represents the entire company's employees. And facing the company's employees, the personnel representative represented the core ideals of the company's leadership and company. Specifically speaking, the personnel representative needed to be patient and meticulous. One had to be eloquent, have affinity, and have a good eye for things. After all, many companies' recruitment was first handled by the HR department. So... As for the HR department, they also need to understand a certain degree of psychology... You must understand how to communicate with others, and from that, you can see the other party's true side "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded in agreement. Chen Lijun spoke very comprehensively and professionally. Immediately after, Zhang Yunfeng asked, "If I ask you, what is the most important point, and what will you answer?"    


Chen Lijun did not think about it and said, "The most important thing is to coordinate."    


"Oh?" Zhang Yunfeng smiled and asked, "Why do you say so?"    


"It's very simple." Chen Lijun opened her mouth and said, "A company, whether big or small, with strong profitability and weak profitability. The most important thing is that the employees in this company must be harmonious. Moreover, it has a certain team spirit. This point needs the attention of the leader. More importantly, the personnel department needed to actively coordinate all kinds of contradictions and emergencies from within, to be able to coordinate this well. They can be considered a qualified HR worker. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "In a short period of time, our company will form a team between 20 to 30 people. However, due to some personal reasons, I may not be here often to take charge. If I give you the position of Human Resources Manager, then what do you think? Can you do your job well?"    


"Yes." Chen Lijun said decisively, "As long as the leader gives me enough support, I can definitely do my job well."    


"What kind of support do you need?" Zhang Yunfeng asked.    


Chen Lijun smiled and said, "First of all, I request the company leaders to focus on the team. The team should be the leader. When I do personnel work, I may not understand every employee's work ability and business ability. However, I can easily understand the popularity of every employee in the company, the way they conduct themselves, and the spirit of the team. I can also easily see if an employee is suitable for this team. If it is not suitable, then even if he is an outstanding talent... In my opinion, he must be replaced. Because what I need to guarantee is the health and cohesiveness of this team. Thus, on this point, I need the support of the leader. "    


Zhang Yunfeng asked again, "Is there anything else?"    


"Yes." Chen Lijun said, "I request the different departments of the company to have a clear distinction between their duties. Each department must carry out their own duties. Between departments, there must not be any interference that goes beyond principles. The same goes for the leadership to the departments below. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and asked with a smile, "If I agree with your first request, then wouldn't it mean that you have handed over the life and death of the entire company's employees to you?"    


"Not really." Chen Lijun smiled and said, "I am not a dictator. I use this right to do whatever I want on behalf of my personal feelings. When the time comes, I will naturally set up an arbitration mechanism. I will not think from my own point of view that someone will affect the team. But... From the team's point of view, so, it will definitely be based on the principle of fairness... As a HR manager, I only ask for what I do... It's what most people want."    


"That's fine" Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "If you can do what you said, I have no objections to you taking up this position."    


Chen Lijun also smiled and said, "If you can fulfill what you said, I will definitely do my job well."    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and asked, "So you are willing to work in my company?"    


"Yes." Chen Lijun nodded and said, "If you decide to hire me, I will give myself two months of probation. Two months. I will definitely prove myself."    


Zhang Yunfeng asked curiously, "We did not even talk about the specific situation of the company. You do not even know what kind of business and prospects the company does. To make a decision in such a hurry, don't you think it's good for you? Isn't it a little hasty? "    


"I don't think so." Chen Lijun smiled faintly and said, "I do human resources work. In other words, I am only responsible for managing people. I don't care about the business. The business is good and bad. It is not something that my ability can affect. In any company... Almost all personnel do the same thing, just like the cleaners. Sweeping the road and sweeping the hall are the same thing. It's just that the host is different. "    


Chen Lijun was speaking the truth. After all, her scope of work was modulated. It was not affected by the specific scope of the company's business, which also made Zhang Yunfeng feel that Chen Lijun did things. The difference between nail and riveting was very clear. This kind of person... She clearly knew what she should do and what she should not do. And what he couldn't do? If he could do this, he would be very professional.    


Although Zhang Yunfeng had basically confirmed Chen Lijun as the candidate in his heart, he did not immediately give Chen Lijun an answer. Instead, he asked her to go back and wait for the news. The next few people who would be interviewing for the same position. However, no one was more reliable than Chen Lijun.    


Zhang Yunfeng attached great importance to the position of operations director. As for the Huang Yong who came out from Meto Xiuxiu, he was someone he thought very highly of. At 7: 30 PM, Huang Yong arrived as promised, just like Chen Lijun. When they first met, his impression of Zhang Yunfeng was, in the end, two words: Doubt.    


No one would doubt how a young man could have the money to open a company like this. After all, there were too many rich young masters in 49 cities. Perhaps a high school student's net worth was nine digits, but most people would doubt it. After a young man set up such a company, would he be able to run it well?    


Huang Yong didn't look like much, but after he spoke, Zhang Yunfeng was very surprised, because he was very eloquent.    


As soon as he came up, Huang Yong introduced himself. Then, Zhang Yunfeng asked about his experience in the industry, as well as the reason why he left after entering Meto Xiuxiu. He explained: "I started working on Metu-Xiuxiu two years ago, and the smartphone market was not very popular at that time. But at that time, I had a feeling that I was working on mobile phone photography software... It must have been very promising, and Metu-Xiuxiu and the other similar software were successful... It also proved that what I saw at that time wasn't wrong."    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and asked: "As you said, smartphones at that time really haven't raised their heads yet. How did you identify the market for smartphones and photography software?"    


Huang Yong smiled and said humbly, "Actually, this is not because I have a unique vision. Actually, I also borrowed the success experience of other similar software platforms."    


As he spoke, Huang Yong explained, "First of all, the first carrier of software is from a computer platform. The Photoshop has been around for 20 years, and its positioning is very professional. However, it is not difficult to get started, so at that time, the PS had already become an ordinary digital product user. As for the general requirement for a second image processing, after that, light and Magic Hand's silly beautification software appeared. It was one of the products of the same type in China. It could be considered to have created a big miracle. These two classic cases were successful in the ordinary consumer group. As a result, I believe that the consumers' demand for the second processing of images has already matured. Furthermore, it has begun to develop in a diversified direction."    


After that, Huang Yong said, "On the other hand, the smartphone market at that time, although smartphones have yet to raise their heads, but the high-resolution mobile phones have already started to show signs. At that time, Nogia produced several high-end N series mobile phones. In addition to the Sabban system, the main phone number was high pixel. However, at that time, the market had yet to have a mobile platform that was truly based on mobile phones. It was also a software that could fulfill the consumers' requirement for the second processing of images. So... I thought that this must be a market, where the first one to take the initiative is... The one who takes over the market will be the first to take over the market. "    


Zhang Yunfeng agreed with what Huang Yong said in his heart. There were many successful smartphone software in the future. They all thought of ways to transfer the user's needs on the computer to the smartphone, such as browsers, smartphone app, smartphone websites, various smartphone software, and so on.    


However, Zhang Yunfeng did not express his agreement. Instead, he asked: "According to what you said, Metu-Soo Soo was just one of your thoughts at that time. Then how did you transform it into a real product, and how did you manage to operate Metu-Soo Soo?"    


Huang Yong smiled and said: "This, to be honest, I am quite lucky. Although my idea has been in shape for a long time, however, it has never been approved by the higher ups. Later, the Apple Phone gradually began to show itself. The Android mobile phone also forcefully logged in, and the smartphone market suddenly became popular. Many software developers discovered that the smartphone's performance would be improved so much in a short period of time. Therefore, everyone began to think of ways to turn their computer platform software into smartphones. At that time, I once again suggested this idea to the company leader, and the company quickly approved it. Begin the official development of Metu-Xiuxiu."    


After saying that, Huang Yong sighed and said: "But what really made Metu-Xiuxiu popular is not how good this software is. Instead, it is the internet sharing platform that is getting bigger and bigger. Tencent Space, Tencent Weibo, Xinlang Weibo, and other sharing platforms. It made users very quickly become addicted to sharing their photos on the internet, and most users like to use their phones to take pictures. Access to photos. As soon as Metu-Xiuxiu appeared, I focused all of my promotions on these internet sharing platforms, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] This way, the Metu-Xiuxiu will truly be known by the world."    


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