Invincible Smart-Guy System

C85 The Situation

C85 The Situation

With Su Nuoyan's intelligence, she naturally heard some meaning from her mother's words just now. This made her incomparably excited. Originally, she had violated the promise she made back then. She thought that her mother had a grudge against her. But what she said just now was enough to prove that her mother had already acknowledged Zhang Yunfeng to a large extent. She even had high hopes for Zhang Yunfeng.    


At the banquet, Su Nuoyan's face was always wearing a smile that she could not help but smile. It made Nie Minhui, who was watching from the side, feel helpless. Her daughter had really grown up and she had her own thoughts. There was nothing more suitable for her than what she liked. If she and Zhang Yunfeng could really have long-term development... She would also be happy for her.    


Nie Minhui never asked the biggest question in her heart, which was how did Zhang Yunfeng master those unimaginable skills. However, in her heart, she attributed it to Zhang Yunfeng's super learning ability. Or perhaps it was because of ___'s super learning ability. It was precisely because he possessed extraordinary learning ability that those skills he had mastered were created.    


The pressure that Zhang Yunfeng had expected did not appear during the meal, which made him more or less heave a sigh of relief. Su Nuoyan's mother did not apply any pressure on him, which did not match the usual circumstances.    


After the meal, Nie Minhui asked Zhang Yunfeng to drink a few cups of tea that she personally brewed. While they were chatting, Zhang Yunfeng still had some composure. In Nie Minhui's eyes, Zhang Yunfeng's words and actions were very steady. She was quite satisfied with this point.    


After all, this was the first time Zhang Yunfeng visited and it was not good for him to stay for too long. When it was almost nine o'clock, Zhang Yunfeng wanted to take his leave. Nie Minhui looked at the time and also felt that it was already late, so she asked Auntie Chen to inform the driver to prepare the car.    


Zhang Yunfeng did not want to trouble others and opened his mouth to reject but Nie Minhui insisted. Zhang Yunfeng could only listen to her arrangements. Five minutes later, Auntie Chen came over and said, "Madam, the driver is ready. Wait in the underground garage."    


Zhang Yunfeng heard her and got up to say goodbye. "Auntie, thank you for your hospitality today. I will go back first."    


Before Nie Minhui could say anything, Su Nuoyan stood up and said, "Mom, I will go and see Yunfeng off."    


Nie Minhui helplessly smiled and said, "Go." Finishing, she said to Zhang Yunfeng, "Yunfeng, help me send my regards to your parents. I will be returning to Yanjing tomorrow, so I will not pay them a visit."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded his head and thanked her before walking out with Su Nuoyan. Nie Minhui sent the two of them to the elevator entrance. When she saw the elevator door close, she let out a soft sigh and walked back to the room with Auntie Chen.    


When they returned to the living room, Nie Minhui opened her mouth and asked Auntie Chen, "Ms Chen, ever since Yan was born, you have always been by her side to take care of her. You know Yan and also know her personality and preferences. What do you think of Zhang Yunfeng? Is he suitable for Yan?"    


Auntie Chen smiled knowingly and said," Madam, Miss is very smart and has good taste. I think she will not misjudge people. "    


Nie Minhui nodded slightly and sighed," It is just that I feel a little sad in my heart. My daughter is in love. I feel like she has already stepped out of the house. If she marries in the future, she will become someone else's wife. "    


Auntie Chen could not help but smile and console, "Madam, this day will come eventually. The key is to see how the man who took away the young miss is like."    


Nie Minhui smiled slightly and said, "I do not beg him to become great. As long as he can treat Yan well and make Yan happy, I will be satisfied."    


Auntie Chen nodded and said, "I believe in the eyes of the young miss. It will definitely not be wrong."    


Nie Minhui replied, "I hope so."    


After going down the elevator with Su Nuoyan, Zhang Yunfeng finally let out a sigh of relief. Although Nie Minhui treated him warmly, his heart was always tense and now he could finally relax.    


Su Nuoyan naturally held Zhang Yunfeng's arm and said with a smile, "Mom should be quite satisfied with you."    


"Is that so?" Zhang Yunfeng laughed and said, "It is worth it even if I broke out in cold sweat to be able to satisfy my mother-in-law."    


Su Nuoyan could not help but be shy. She was happy in her heart but on the surface, she said, "Don't be happy too early. You can't just make my mother satisfied. The most important thing is to make me satisfied."    


"This is necessary." Zhang Yunfeng said teasingly, "How about I ask my parents to arrange a meal for you at home next week?"    


Su Nuoyan said, "No. I am not as good as you. I am afraid that I will be so nervous that I won't be able to speak. I'll go when I'm ready. Besides, my mom has other reasons for treating you to a meal. Although her real purpose is to get to know you better, at least she wants to thank you for letting you come to my house for dinner. If I go to your house to eat, won't I have no suitable excuse?"    


" Sure. " Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "When the time is right, you can go to my house as a quasi-daughter-in-law."    


The two of them walked out of the elevator to the basement. Su Nuoyan saw the car parked at the exit. She whispered to Zhang Yunfeng, "Don't talk nonsense when you get in the car. Don't let Uncle Luo hear our conversation."    


Zhang Yunfeng said, "You can go up now. You don't need to send me home."    


Su Nuoyan pouted and said, "No. I'll send you downstairs."    


Zhang Yunfeng could only nod and agree.    


The car drove all the way to Zhang Yunfeng's house and parked steadily. Zhang Yunfeng said to Su Nuoyan, "I will go back first. We will contact each other on the phone."    


Su Nuoyan nodded and said, "Then send me a text when you get home."    


Zhang Yunfeng agreed and said, "You too."    


Back home, Zhang Yunfeng sent Su Nuoyan a message. His parents impatiently gathered around to inquire about the specific situation of Su Nuoyan's house tonight. Song Huafang asked the most direct question, "Yunfeng, how is Nuoyan's mother's impression of you?"    


Zhang Yunfeng was a little embarrassed and avoided answering, "Mom, this matter is not as complicated as you think. We just had a meal. She said some words of thanks to me, nothing else."    


Song Huafang could not help but say with some disappointment," I thought she wanted to inspect you so she invited you for a meal. "    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "Mom, you think too much. Nuoyan and I are only 18 years old. It's not time for us to get married yet. She only treated me to a meal to express her gratitude. Don't think about it."    


Zhang Xingmin said from the side," This is pretty good. It's too early to talk about your marriage now. The most important thing for the two of you right now is to make sure your studies are good. It's not too late to talk about other things in the future."    


Zhang Yunfeng made up an excuse to revise his homework and returned to his room. He habitually opened his computer and QQ first. As soon as he logged into his account, he received some messages from the alumni group. Zhang Yunfeng took a quick look. He was surprised to see a few classmates discussing a rumor in the group chat. "The famous drug lord Gu Haiming from Huadong was assassinated in City J two days ago."    


Zhang Yunfeng usually did not pay attention to these rumors, so he had never heard of Gu Haiming. When he saw the group discussing this matter, he instinctively associated this matter with Qian Yingning. Then, he hurriedly opened Baidu and searched for Gu Haiming's information.    


The results of his search were not much. Furthermore, not a single link came from the media. Only a few forums and Tieba forums had posts regarding Gu Haiming. Zhang Yunfeng found a post with the most replies and roughly looked at it. The post said that Gu Haiming was 45 years old and was from Changnan. He did not achieve anything before 30 years old. After 30 years old, he brought a few of his fellow villagers to explore ZhongHai. With his courage, he had made a name for himself in the ZhongHai. In recent years, Gu Haiming's power had become stronger and stronger, and he had started to set foot in the drug business. After these few years of development, he had become one of the biggest drug lords in Huadong. His history was so wonderful that it could even be used as a movie material.    


Gu Haiming was a smart person and knew how to arrange protective umbrellas and a network of forces for himself. He instructed his subordinates to do the drug business. He was manipulating them from behind the scenes. Although he was famous for drug trafficking, he never let the police find any evidence that he was directly involved in drug trafficking. This caused the police in several provinces and cities in Huadong to be very troubled.    


The post also said that Gu Haiming had many properties in various places in Huadong, and almost every province had his drug distribution point. A few days ago, on the surface, Gu Haiming came to City J to have a date with one of his lovers. In fact, he came to City J to check the distribution channels of the Nanjiang Province. However, Gu Haiming was assassinated the second night he came to City J.    


The person who posted the thread also revealed that Gu Haiming was merely a chess piece of a super big shot on the surface. Gu Haiming's death had also affected his drug sales in Huadong. He had suffered a huge loss. Right now, that big shot was extremely furious, and he was going all out to investigate this matter.    


Zhang Yunfeng was shocked by what he saw. He had basically concluded that this Gu Haiming must have died at the hands of Qian Yingning.    


Zhang Yunfeng continued to read the replies. Many people expressed their doubts. They thought that the OP was talking nonsense. However, there were also a few people who admired the OP. One of them replied, "The OP's information channel is really amazing. I work in a public security bureau. Even ordinary policemen don't know the inside story of this matter. I've heard about it from the Deputy Bureau Chief before. According to our Deputy Bureau, the entire City J's criminal police are currently looking for that mysterious killer. They must catch that killer."    


The other replying tower lords ignored him, but this reply... The OP sent a thumbs-up emoticon. He replied, "It seems like this brother knows quite a bit. I also received news that the assassin might still be in City J. It was said that she was injured by a gun. Oh right, by the way, a brother told me. The killer is a beauty."    


Then, the man said, "Brother, aren't you afraid of being discovered if you post such a post here?"    


The OP replied," Haha, my IP is overseas. Actually, people with a few connections know a thing or two about this matter. Besides, other than the dead people, there are no other sensitive names I'm talking about. "    


In the following replies, Zhang Yunfeng did not see any more valuable information. But just this alone was enough to surprise him. It seemed that the problem Qian Yingning faced was not only the chase of her enemies, even the police were searching for her whereabouts. The situation was not as simple as he thought. In this way, Zhang Yunfeng could not help but worry. How long could she hide in her hiding place?    


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