Invincible Smart-Guy System

C75 Mr Dong Guo

C75 Mr Dong Guo

"This is the old city. It's full of demolition houses. And there are several alleys connected to each other. Most people won't be able to find it even if they come in for the first time, and there are many exits. It was like a spider web. They only had one car, and they could only block one exit. The chances of meeting them were very low. If we run into them, we can only blame our bad luck. " After that, Zhang Yunfeng suddenly thought of something and blurted out," Which side of the Jiangquan Road is the place you're going to? If it's the south side, then we have to pass through the Jiangquan Road. If it's the north side, then... Tell me the exact location. Perhaps we can directly go through this spiderweb-like alley. "    


"The north side." The woman blurted out, "North of Lu, there's a River Spring BBQ. It's in a row behind the River Spring BBQ. The number plate number is Six Alley 331."    


Zhang Yunfeng relaxed a little and said, "I've been to the river spring barbeque before. We don't have to go out. We can go straight to the alley."    


The bike kept moving through the complicated alley. When Zhang Yunfeng turned the last corner, he said to the woman, "This is the sixth alley. Tell me when we get there."    


"I've never been here." The woman said, "Slow down, look to the right, I look to the left, see if there's a two-story building with a red iron gate. There are three cement steps in front of the gate."    


"There are too many of these kinds of houses" Zhang Yunfeng muttered, but still slowed down. The woman found a suspected house. She told Zhang Yunfeng to stop the car and take a closer look. She found that the number plate was 358. Zhang Yunfeng rode the bike forward again and walked for about 200 meters. He stopped in front of a house and said to the woman, "331, this is the house."    


The woman turned her head and took a look. Finally, she let out a sigh of relief. She got down from the backseat of the car. Zhang Yunfeng did not turn his head. He asked, "Sister, can I go home now?"    


"No." The woman said, "Get out of the car. Help me open the door. You can't ride your bicycle anymore. Just leave it here. You can walk out by yourself later."    


"Okay." Zhang Yunfeng could only nod obediently. After getting out of the car, he instinctively did not want to look at the woman's appearance, in case she wanted to kill him to silence him. The woman handed the key to Zhang Yunfeng and pointed the gun at him. She said in a low voice, "Move quickly, in case someone sees you."    


Zhang Yunfeng walked up with the key and opened the door. Then he turned around and pushed his bicycle. The woman was very close to him. Zhang Yunfeng wanted to find an opportunity to take the gun from her and subdue her. But when he thought about it, it was too quiet here. Moreover, the surroundings were all residents building their own houses. If there were any movements that attracted the attention of the surrounding people, it would be very troublesome. Not to mention, there was also a car full of murderous people outside. He could only give up. He might as well go in first and find an opportunity.    


Zhang Yunfeng pushed the cart, and the woman beside him limped beside him. The gun in her hand was pointed at him, as if she was afraid that he would play some tricks.    


Zhang Yunfeng looked at the woman in surprise. When he first met her, her running speed was very fast. At first glance, it was obvious that she had been trained. Why was she suddenly crippled?    


Only when he looked over did Zhang Yunfeng realize that she was tied to the belt on her left thigh. A hole had also been opened in her black tight pants. Clearly, she had been shot.    


"Don't dawdle, quickly go in." The woman scolded in a low voice.    


Zhang Yunfeng had no choice but to push the cart in. After the woman came in, he closed the door.    


This self-built house was different from most self-built houses Zhang Yunfeng had seen before. Most of the self-built houses had a small courtyard before they entered the main building. However, the courtyard here was completely sealed, and it was pitch black inside. They could not even see their fingers in front of their eyes.    


Zhang Yunfeng took out his phone and turned on the flash function. He found the switch under the woman's instruction. After the light was turned on, Zhang Yunfeng saw the whole courtyard that was sealed.    


A black Volkswagen Passat parked next to the courtyard, with a City J license plate hanging on it. There was also a very beautiful Yamaha light off-road motorcycle parked next to it. Other than that, in the corner, there were also several large toolboxes neatly piled up.    


At this time, the woman behind him said, "Put your bicycle aside and walk to the front door of the room."    


Zhang Yunfeng could only do as she was told. He walked to the front door, and the woman also limped over. She said to Zhang Yunfeng, "The password is 13682. Open it."    


Zhang Yunfeng opened the keyboard cover of the password lock and entered the password according to what she said. The lock core inside the lock rotated. Zhang Yunfeng pressed the door handle and opened the door.    


He turned on the light and found that the house was almost empty. The living room had only been renovated briefly. There was nothing else but a light in the living room. The woman said behind him, "Open the bedroom door on the left."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and went forward to open the bedroom door. He turned on the light in the bedroom and did all of this. Zhang Yunfeng returned. He did not look at the woman's face. He only hoped that the woman would ask him to leave. Otherwise, he would find an opportunity to subdue her.    


The woman walked into the bedroom and sat down by the wall with some difficulty. She leaned against the wall and made a painful sound. Zhang Yunfeng looked over. She sat on the ground and straightened her injured left leg. She tore her pants along the hole in the muzzle of the gun. She lowered her head to check her injuries.    


There was a black hole on her leg that was as thick as an index finger. The skin and flesh around her was about five centimeters in diameter, and there was also a tearing injury when the bullet hit her. However, because she had tightly bound her belt to the top of the wound, there was no blood flowing out from the wound.    


Seeing that the skin exposed by her thigh had turned purple, Zhang Yunfeng reminded her, "If you strangle your thigh like this again and cause the tissue to lack oxygen and necrosis, you will be in big trouble."    


The woman did not raise her head and said, "If I did not tighten the blood vessels, they would have been able to find us by following the blood. Otherwise, how do you think they found out that we entered that neighborhood?"    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded. When he saw the belt on her leg just now, Zhang Yunfeng knew that she used the belt to stop the bleeding, but this woman was strong enough. In order to prevent the wound from bleeding, she actually tightened her leg.    


Zhang Yunfeng asked, "You shouldn't be able to go to the hospital, right?"    


The woman nodded weakly and said, "My leg can't be used anymore. One more favor from you, and then leave the bicycle here. You can leave."    


"What?" Zhang Yunfeng asked in a hurry.    


The woman pointed to the only Simmons bed beside her and said, "Move the bed. There is a secret compartment under the bed. The password is the same as the password on the door. Open it and take out the first aid kit."    


Zhang Yunfeng walked forward and easily moved the bed away. As expected, there was a secret compartment under the bed. From the outside, the top door was about the size of an ordinary freezer. After Zhang Yunfeng entered the password, the hidden compartment door automatically opened up a crack. Zhang Yunfeng opened the door and found that there were a lot of things inside.    


There was a laptop, several boxes made of black engineering plastic, and some documents and cash.    


Zhang Yunfeng found the first aid kit with the red cross logo. He took the kit to the woman and she finally raised her head.    


The moment the woman raised her head, Zhang Yunfeng was a little stunned. This woman's appearance was very beautiful. At this moment, she did not have makeup on. Her skin was extremely delicate, and there were no flaws at all. Her lips had lost their color due to the injury, and her chin was small and delicate. It matched perfectly with her facial features, and her figure was impeccable. If this woman did not have a gun in her hand, she would definitely be a beauty.    


At this moment, the woman opened the first aid kit with one hand and flipped it for a long time. However, she only found some gauze and disinfectant, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs and one-time injections. After she flipped through the entire first aid kit, she said to herself with an angry expression, "Damn that Liana! She actually did not find any supplementary drugs before she left! She actually used up all her heroin! "    


At this point, the woman raised her head and looked at Zhang Yunfeng. She said, "Go to the secret compartment and get fifty thousand dollars. There are clothes in the closet. Find a suitable one and put it on. I don't think they'll find you if they don't see your face. Be careful when you go out, if you are afraid... Just walk further away from the alley and call the police. Ask the police to come and take you out. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "I don't want the money."    


"Take it." The woman said expressionlessly, "I don't like owing favors to others."    


Zhang Yunfeng curled his lips and said, "I like it when others owe me favors." As he spoke, Zhang Yunfeng walked to the wardrobe and found a man's jacket to change into. He said, "Big sister, then I'll go back. Don't see me again in the future."    


The woman nodded and said, "Don't come here again in the future."    


Zhang Yunfeng responded and was about to leave. When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned around and asked, "You're injured and there are people chasing you outside. Does that mean you can't go out to buy medicine and eat?"    


The woman hesitated for a moment and nodded lightly.    


Zhang Yunfeng sighed, turned around and asked, "Do you know the story of Mr. Dongguo?"    


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