Invincible Smart-Guy System

C74 Female Bandit

C74 Female Bandit

On the way home alone, Zhang Yunfeng was still thinking about the conversation he had with Song Mengyao while they were eating. He thought Song Mengyao valued him and Class 21 so much because she wanted to have a better future in the No.1 Middle School. He didn't expect Song Mengyao to only come to City J for an internship for half a year. She would leave after the college entrance exam. After listening to Song Mengyao's situation, Zhang Yunfeng was looking forward to going to Yanjing to attend university even more. Originally, he did not know anyone in Yanjing, but now he could at least be sure. When he went to the Yanjing, Su Nuoyan and Song Mengyao were both there. If Zhang Yunran did well, she would definitely be able to go to Yanjing.    


It was already past ten o'clock at night. When Zhang Yunfeng rode past an apartment building on the street, a woman in a tight black suit suddenly ran out from the exit of the underground garage. The woman ran very fast and ran straight in the direction of Zhang Yunfeng. As she ran, she swiftly took out a red windbreaker from the plastic bag in her hand. The red windbreaker was easily worn by her and her movements were very consistent. In addition, this woman had a very good figure and was wearing a tight suit. Coupled with her long black hair, her elegant and elegant movements made people's eyes light up.    


Zhang Yunfeng could clearly see what that woman looked like. Because the car was faster, he passed by that woman. Before Zhang Yunfeng could feel regret, he felt a person suddenly jump up from the backseat of the car. The speed of the car immediately slowed down a lot.    


Zhang Yunfeng turned his head and saw a red robe in the light. He said in surprise, "Big sister, this is not a taxi..."    


"Don't talk nonsense." The woman said in a low voice. Zhang Yunfeng felt a cylindrical object on his waist. After that, the woman threatened, "Ride on your car. Don't look back. Hurry up!"    


Zhang Yunfeng immediately knew that the thing the woman used to block him was a pistol. He was shocked, but he remembered that the woman had run out of the underground garage. She had changed her clothes in a very short period of time, and he couldn't help but guess the woman's identity. A young woman was carrying a pistol with her, and she seemed to be in trouble. Was she a police officer or a criminal, or a killer?    


At that moment, four or five men in black suits ran out from the underground garage. When they ran to the side of the road, they seemed to have lost their target. One of them shouted, "Split up and find her! We must find her!"    


Because they instinctively wanted to find a woman in black on the street, even if they saw the woman sitting behind Zhang Yunfeng's car, they did not pay too much attention to her because she had changed into a red dress.    


Another person picked up a black plastic bag from behind and took out a red windbreaker from inside. He handed it to the person in the lead and said, "Big Brother, look at this."    


"Damn it!" That person immediately looked at the red figure in his field of vision. However, Zhang Yunfeng had already rode more than 100 meters away. The man took out a gun with a silencer and shot three times in Zhang Yunfeng's direction. He turned around and yelled at the person beside him, "Go back and drive!"    


Zhang Yunfeng only vaguely heard what happened behind him. The woman put the gun on his waist, so he could only try his best to pedalize the car. Zhang Yunfeng could guess that this woman did not have any intention to kill him. As long as he helped her escape from the danger in front of him, she probably wouldn't make things difficult for him.    


When he fired from behind, Zhang Yunfeng did not hear any gunshots. However, a rubbish bin beside him suddenly made a banging sound when a bullet was shot through, leaving a fist-sized dent and a finger-thick bullet hole on the surface.    


A few drops of cold sweat seeped out from Zhang Yunfeng's back, but he said to himself, "The gun is so smelly."    


"Are you familiar with the environment of this city?" At this moment, the woman behind him blurted out a question.    


"Familiar." Zhang Yunfeng nodded. City J was a place he grew up in, and it wasn't very big. He could find most of the places with his eyes closed.    


"Go to Jiangquan Road. Don't take the main road. Try to take the small road that cars can't pass through. Hurry up. Otherwise, if those people catch up to us, we'll lose our lives! "    


Zhang Yunfeng was depressed in his heart and said, "Big sister, I'm just a high school student. Why don't I give the bicycle to you. You can go by yourself. I still have to go home and do my homework."    


"Cut the crap!" The woman said fiercely, "If you dare to be a little slower, I will beat you to death!"    


Damn it, she was actually so ruthless! What a female bandit!    


Zhang Yunfeng was both angry and angry in his heart. He came out to have a meal with headmaster, but before he could return home, he was kidnapped by a woman with a gun.    


Although he was angry, Zhang Yunfeng did not dare show any neglect. After all, it concerned his life. If he was really caught by the group of people chasing after this woman, he was afraid that he would not be able to escape misfortune.    


Zhang Yunfeng was very familiar with the environment in this area. Not long after the woman finished speaking, Zhang Yunfeng suddenly turned around and drove into a small area. The woman questioned him from behind, "Where are you going?"    


Zhang Yunfeng said, "Through this community, there is a small alley behind. It leads to the construction road. After passing through the Construction Road for a few more alleys, we will be able to reach the Jiangquan Road. The entrance of the alley on the other side of the Construction Road is separated by a block of cement. The width is at most one meter. A car will definitely not be able to pass through."    


"Then you'd better hurry up!" The woman urged, "If you haven't entered the alley before they catch up, we'll both die!"    


"Please!" Zhang Yunfeng said, then said, "They've landed so many times. It's impossible for them to find us in this neighborhood!"    


"Cut the crap. I told you to hurry up!"    


Zhang Yunfeng felt helpless in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. He could only use all his strength to kick the car at full speed. After learning the body strengthening technique, both his strength and strength had increased tremendously. His legs didn't feel tired at all. Plus, in order to save his life... Along the way, Zhang Yunfeng didn't slow down at all.    


Just as the bicycle was about to pass through the construction road, a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle rushed out from the alley behind him. The woman could not help but urge, "Quick, they caught up!"    


"How is that possible?" Zhang Yunfeng exclaimed. They could actually see him enter the neighborhood at night. He ignored the cars on the road and quickly passed through the two-way six-lane construction road. On the other side of the road. He plunged into the alley.    


As soon as he entered the alley, Zhang Yunfeng heaved a sigh of relief. The woman's hand suddenly turned around and touched his crotch. This action shocked Zhang Yunfeng and he hurriedly asked, "What do you want to do?"    


A woman had pointed a gun at his waist, and then this woman had suddenly touched his crotch. This kind of feeling made Zhang Yunfeng extremely uncomfortable. The woman noticed that the bicycle had been moved to the left and right twice, and she had used the gun to push Zhang Yunfeng. "Don't move!"    


Zhang Yunfeng wanted to cry but had no tears. He could only let her touch his crotch twice. He did not expect that the woman would push him further. After she touched him, she touched his belt and tried to remove it with her fingers.    


Zhang Yunfeng did not dare to move around. He could only let that woman pull out his belt. Just as Zhang Yunfeng was worried that she would violate him further, her hand suddenly turned back. She also withdrew his belt.    


Zhang Yunfeng felt a series of movements from the back seat. He did not know what this woman was up to. However, he did not dare to move. He could only focus on riding in the dark alley. The woman reminded him, "You'd better be faster. Otherwise, wait for them to circle around and guard the exit. We're dead. "    


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