Invincible Smart-Guy System

C58 Concession

C58 Concession

The next day, Su Nuoyan got out of bed early in the morning. After a simple wash of her face, she thought of going out to buy some breakfast for Zhang Yunfeng. Zhang Yunfeng's body was still a little weak, and the system was helping him improve his body strengthening technique, so he slept very soundly. Su Nuoyan gently opened the door. She had just walked to the elevator when the elevator door opened at this moment. The one who walked out was Zhang Yunfeng's mother.    


"Hello, Auntie." Su Nuoyan saw Song Huafang and hurriedly called out politely.    


Song Huafang was holding a vacuum flask in her hand and there was still a bag of breakfast in her hand. When she saw that it was Su Nuoyan, she asked with concern, "You have stayed here for the entire night. Are you tired? I specially bought breakfast for the two of you and quickly eat while it is hot."    


Su Nuoyan was a little embarrassed and did not know how to answer. She did not get tired last night and only slept well in Zhang Yunfeng's arms the whole night.    


She followed Song Huafang back to the ward. Zhang Yunfeng was still sleeping soundly on the bed. Song Huafang then said to Su Nuoyan, "Don't wait for him. Let him sleep for a while more. Quickly eat some food. Let him eat by himself when he wakes up later."    


Su Nuoyan glanced at Zhang Yunfeng and lightly nodded her head.    


Su Nuoyan did not have a lot of appetite. She drank some soy milk and ate a few Soup Dumplings before getting up and going to the bathroom. She washed the lid of the thermal bucket and then covered the lid of the thermal bucket filled with soy milk.    


Song Huafang was a little absent-minded as she watched. She felt that this girl not only looked sensible but also very diligent. She was very careful and only picked up the lid after the lid was seamlessly sewn together and put it aside. She was clearly afraid that by the time her son got up, the soy milk was already cold. Was this girl really the daughter of a rich family that Lei Qianjun had mentioned to have a prominent family background and was doted on by all?    


Su Nuoyan tied up the bag containing the Soup Dumplings. At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Song Huafang hurriedly went to open the door and saw a middle-aged man standing at the door. The man did not enter the house but politely asked, "May I ask if Miss Su Nuoyan is here?"    


"Uncle Luo." Su Nuoyan could tell that the voice belonged to her driver, so she answered and walked over.    


The middle-aged driver said respectfully, "Miss, Madam asked me to bring you back for breakfast. She is already waiting at home."    


"I've already eaten." Su Nuoyan said and then asked, "Uncle Luo, can you come and pick me up at noon?"    


The driver said with some difficulty, "Madam said she has something to discuss with you. "    


Su Nuoyan nodded lightly and said with some disappointment, "Alright then."    


Immediately, Su Nuoyan turned around and looked at Zhang Yunfeng, who had not woken up yet. She said to Song Huafang, "Auntie, the nurse should have a microwave over there. When Yunfeng gets up later, remember to ask the nurse to help warm the Soup Dumplings. I need to go home first, so I won't wait for him to wake up. "    


Song Huafang nodded and said," Okay. I will tell Yunfeng later. Go back and have a good rest. I have troubled you last night. "    


" That's what I should do. " Su Nuoyan politely said, "Auntie, I'll be leaving first."    


Seeing Su Nuoyan and the middle-aged driver leave together, Song Huafang sighed in her heart, "What a good girl. Does Yunfeng have this fortune or not?"    


Nie Minhui almost did not sleep for the entire night. Her daughter staying in the hospital to accompany Zhang Yunfeng made her heart somewhat unhappy. She had been busy recently and had not seen her daughter since the end of the year. She rushed over last night but only saw her daughter in the hospital in a hurry.    


Thinking about the phone call her daughter gave her, Nie Minhui felt a wave of irritation in her heart.    


On the plane when she came, Nie Minhui had told herself in her heart that this time, no matter what, she had to bring her daughter back to Yanjing. It was not that she was afraid that her daughter would fall in love at an early age, but the incident that happened last night had made her nervous to the extreme. She did not want to be separated from her daughter anymore. She only felt at ease when she asked her to return to Yanjing.    


But would her daughter agree? Nie Minhui was extremely pessimistic in her heart.    


The driver brought Su Nuoyan back and Nie Minhui and her daughter sat across from each other at the dining table. The first thing she said was to ask with concern, "You have endured the whole night. Are you tired?"    


"I am not tired." Su Nuoyan avoided her mother's gaze and said softly.    


"Eat something."    


"I ate breakfast that Yunfeng's mother bought at the hospital," Su Nuoyan said.    


"Okay," Nie Minhui nodded. She felt even more irritated.    


After hesitating for a moment, Nie Minhui used a kind of persuading tone and said, "Yan, come back to Yanjing with me. I am worried that you will be outside alone."    


When Su Nuoyan heard this, she hurriedly said, "Mom, I am not going back to Yanjing!"    


Nie Minhui knew that her daughter had experienced such a big thing yesterday and did not dare to use a forceful tone. She could only continue to persuade, "I have not told your father and grandfather about yesterday's matter. If they knew about this matter, they would have to bring you back no matter what to be at ease."    


"I'm not leaving!" Su Nuoyan's voice was very soft, but her tone was exceptionally firm.    


Nie Minhui was helpless. She knew her daughter's temper. If she was so determined, it might be very difficult for her to change her view.    


Immediately after, Nie Minhui sighed and said, "I can understand your thoughts about Zhang Yunfeng, but you are still young. The feelings in your heart are actually very muddled. Just like how you loved Barbie dolls when you were in primary school. As long as someone comes back from overseas, we will always bring one for you. You have all kinds of Barbie dolls. But after you went to middle school, you didn't pick up any of the Barbie dolls. Perhaps in another three years, your thoughts will change."    


Su Nuoyan shook her head lightly and said," The Barbie doll matter does not mean anything. It is impossible for me to still like the Barbie doll when I am old. But you will still love my father when you are old. Therefore, people can only abandon what they should abandon, but they must persist in what they should persist in."    


" Then you will face the changes in the transition from a girl to a woman in the future. At that time, you will find that what you should abandon and what you should persist in will also change along with it " Nie Minhui blurted out.    


"No." Su Nuoyan said firmly, "I am already an adult now. I know what I want."    


Nie Minhui felt helpless but she continued to advise, "You are only 18 years old now. You will have plenty of time to deal with your emotional problems in the future. In a few months, you will be studying in the Yanjing. As for Yanjing, it is not far from City J. Furthermore, Zhang Yunfeng's grades are very good. When the time comes, he might be able to get into the Yanjing. When that time comes, you can consider the relationship between the two of you. I won't oppose you."    


Su Nuoyan was unmoved and said, "Then we will talk about this after I go to college. Right now, I only want to stay in City J. I don't want to go anywhere else. "    


Nie Minhui replied with a question, "This is your unilateral idea. What about Zhang Yunfeng's idea? Feelings are mutual, not your own wishful thinking."    


Su Nuoyan said lightly," I just want to work hard to do what I want to do. I don't know what he thinks in his heart, but I believe in him. "    


"Believe?" Nie Minhui shook her head and said, "A man's mind can change at will and is very good at disguising himself. A man can easily say love, but it does not necessarily mean that he really wants to be with you. Their love may be for sex, money, status, and even for vanity and psychological satisfaction. Do you think you can distinguish all of this?"    


As she spoke, Nie Minhui was a little emotional. She questioned, "If he sincerely cares for you and sincerely treats you for your own good, then he will not invite you to the hotel apartment. Do you know what his intentions were?"    


"I know!" Su Nuoyan's tone suddenly became cold. She said, "Mom, I don't know why you secretly investigated my whereabouts, but you didn't experience everything that happened yesterday, but I experienced it!"    


As she spoke, Su Nuoyan's eyes were filled with tears. She lowered her head and narrated everything that happened between her and Zhang Yunfeng in detail.    


From the few years they had known each other, to the fact that she took the initiative to approach him for his learning. From the time he had been plotted against by someone twice and almost ended up in jail, to the promise between them about his English grades.    


When she mentioned that Zhang Yunfeng specially went to the hotel apartment to get a room for her to prepare a special dinner, Su Nuoyan unconsciously had a satisfied smile on her face. She mentioned that he had put in a lot of effort for that meal, and that the taste of that meal was unforgettable. Nie Minhui, who was opposite, was stunned when she heard that.    


Nie Minhui did not know the details of the kidnapping last night. She only knew the general story of the incident from the police. She did not know that Zhang Yunfeng had risked his life several times to protect Su Nuoyan. He scolded Su Nuoyan and told her to run back to the hotel to call people. He was not shot because Li Chunyang casually shot anyone. It was because Zhang Yunfeng did not want Su Nuoyan to be taken away by Li Chunyang, so he took the initiative to face the muzzle of the gun. Even the police did not know these details, let alone Nie Minhui!    


Nie Minhui was shocked by the truth of the matter and did not come back to her senses for a long time.    


After a long time, Nie Minhui lightly sighed and said, "Since you want to stay, then stay."    


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