Invincible Smart-Guy System

C185 Counterattack!

C185 Counterattack!

In order to develop the photographic terminator software as soon as possible, Zhang Yunfeng started using all his spare time to write the core code. After a software was coded, no matter what software it was, in the end, it was shown in the form of codes. Zhang Yunfeng had the software package and software development skills. Writing the code was like copying.    


But even so, he wanted to write out the entire software's code by himself. would take a long time, but the small software was still a bit forced. It was impossible for a large software, but after digitizing the photographic terminator software, there was only about 30 MBs of space. Zhang Yunfeng prepared to write the core code himself. He gave the other codes and various designing tasks to other people to do. Since he was preparing to set up a company, then at least hire some developers to assist him, in that case... The speed will be greatly increased.    


On Wednesday, after school in the morning, Zhang Yunfeng immediately went to the CBD to find a suitable office. He needed a development team, marketing staff, finance staff, and administrative staff. Therefore, the company had to have at least 20 people, and... The interviewees had a mentality that they paid a lot of attention to the company's hardware environment. If the company was located in a remote area, in an old office building, and the office space was small and poor, then very few people would be willing to work in this company. Only those who were eager to find a job would consider it. So the office place... Zhang Yunfeng chose one of the best regions in the Yanjing, which was also the famous CBD region.    


The CBD office building cost seven or eight RMB per square meter per day. Some of the top office buildings cost more than ten yuan per square meter. If they rented an office area of 300 square meters, the daily rent would be about 4,000 to 5,000 dollars. For some companies that had just started, unless they were crazy... Otherwise, they definitely wouldn't choose to settle down in such an environment. The rent would be more than 5 dollars per square meter per day. It was enough to make people shrink back.    


Fortunately, Zhang Yunfeng had the income of the pharmaceutical factory to support him, so it was not difficult for him to rent an area that was enough for twenty people to work in.    


Although the CBD was prosperous and many multinational companies had settled in, after all, there were not many companies that could afford such expenses. Zhang Yunfeng let his agent bring him around. The Golden Center along the main street became his favorite place.    


The rental price of the Golden Center was different depending on the floor and direction. If it was the higher ups... And it was facing the sun of the main street. The price per square meter was 15 yuan per day. This was also the highest price here, if it seemed to be the dark side... And if the floor was shorter, the price would be around 11 yuan. Looking at the few areas, Zhang Yunfeng saw a place that was located on the 28th floor, in the direction of the sun and the street. The area of this area was a total of 500 square meters. It was divided into four independent offices, two conference rooms, a main office area that was about 150 square meters, a meeting room with 100 square meters area, and a rest area. The front desk and waiting area occupied another 30 square meters, although it was a little bigger. It was indeed very generous.    


The manager said that the last company that rented this place was a foreign company. Foreign companies paid more attention to details and were more considerate to their employees. That was why they had drawn out a resting area of about 100 square meters. If Zhang Yunfeng wanted to rent this place, property could help him modify it into an office area. If that was the case... It could accommodate at least a hundred people.    


Zhang Yunfeng did not have this intention. He asked, "How many employees does that foreign company have?"    


The manager thought for a moment and said, "I am not sure about that. After all, I have not counted them in detail. However, there are still forty to fifty people."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and smiled. "The configuration on my side is about twenty people."    


"Twenty?" The man quickly said, "Then this place is a bit big. It is a waste of resources. Why don't I take you to the 12th floor to take a look. There is an office area of 200 square meters. It should be suitable."    


Zhang Yunfeng waved his hand and said, "No need, just this one."    


"This one?" The manager was stunned and asked, "You mean, you are sure you want to rent this one?"    


"Yes." Zhang Yunfeng nodded. If he wanted to attract high-end talents, he needed to have at least a front door. Also, to make the employees like the working environment that you provided. Only then can the employees work harder for you. So, it's necessary to spend more money to build a good office. Even if it was 500 square meters, it was only 7,500 yuan a day. With other expenses, it would not be more than 10,000 yuan. However, the profits that this company was about to bring were measured by one billion dollars. Compared to such a high profit, this amount of money was insignificant.    


The manager also could not believe that this young man in front of him would actually ask for such a large office space, so he had to confirm it again and asked, "Mr. Zhang, are you really sure you want to rent this one?"    


"That's right." Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "What procedures should be done? Tell me roughly."    


The manager was overjoyed and quickly said, "The procedures are very simple. You can sign the contract in the company's name. You can also sign the contract in your own name. Before you move in, you need to provide the relevant documents of the company. One, it will be convenient for us to file the case. Secondly, we can add your company's name on the index of the office building. "    


As he spoke, the manager continued, "As for the rent, we use the seasonal payment principle. The shortest payment period is a quarter. If you pay it annually, you can get a 10% discount."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "Then I'll pay it annually."    


The manager was extremely excited. If he signed this contract, even if he got more than 2 million, his commission would be five digits. So he hurriedly said: "Then, I will immediately prepare the contract. If you are sure there are no problems, then you can sign the contract. After signing the contract, you will follow me to the Finance Department to make a transfer. As for the date of the contract opening, I can extend it for ten days. After signing the contract, you can move the company in at any time, but the rent will only be calculated after ten days. "    


Zhang Yunfeng did not care about this. He waved his hand and smiled. "It doesn't matter. I haven't recruited anyone yet."    


"No one..." The manager was even more surprised, but what he cared about the most was his own performance. So, he did not care what Zhang Yunfeng wanted to do. He immediately brought Zhang Yunfeng to the finance department. First, he drafted the contract, then Zhang Yunfeng called Long Xiaoyue to transfer the money into the other party's account. After that, the contract immediately took effect. From that day onwards, within a year, this place would belong to Zhang Yunfeng.    


Zhang Yunfeng did not have much time to take care of the details of the renovation and the purchase of office supplies. After rushing back to school, that night, he used the design skills that he had learned to lay the blueprint of the office building. He designed a blueprint of the renovation results.    


From the various independent offices to the meeting room, the main office area, the rest area, and the front desk... Zhang Yunfeng carefully designed everything. Then, he found a few large equipment companies in Yanjing on the Internet. He contacted the other party's staff and sent his blueprint over. He asked them to give him a renovation plan and a specific price as soon as possible.    


By Friday, the engineering company's proposal had already been made. After comparing, Zhang Yunfeng chose one of the companies to cooperate. This company had very good control of the details, although the price was slightly higher. However, it was still within a reasonable range.    


As for the construction period, the other party had given him ten days. Because Jindi itself had completed the hardware installation, what the company needed to do was to do some soft equipment projects. In order to save time, Zhang Yunfeng also gave them the purchase of office supplies.    


Right now, Zhang Yunfeng only needed to wait for the renovation to be completed, then he could find a headhunter company and ask them to help him find all kinds of talents.    


It was already Friday, and it had been a few days since Zhang Yunfeng blackmailed the five Japanese Enterprise companies. In these few days, the public opinion on the Internet had dropped by a lot. After the five Japanese Enterprise closed the server, they gathered all the technological forces to conquer it. Finally, the website was restored. Then, Friday afternoon, the official websites of the five Japanese Enterprise organizations were opened at the same time.    


After the five websites were opened, the long-awaited Dongwo hacker finally made his move. On Friday night at 10 PM, he attacked the websites of several famous companies in China as a counterattack.    


This time, the companies that were recruited were China Mobile, Lenovo, Haier, Huawei, and Zhong Xing.    


At 10 o'clock sharp, the official websites of these five companies were hacked at at the same time. The hacking organization of the Dongwo people joined hands and hung the national flag of the Dongwo on the official website of the five companies. However, these reputable companies in China had long been reminded by the government to prevent the Dongwo hackers from retaliating and taking revenge. Therefore, the five companies closed the server the moment they discovered that they had been attacked. However, there was a reminder message on the page. The company's website is being upgraded, causing inconvenience to you. Please understand.    


The Dongwo hacker instantly vomited blood. He did not expect the Porcelain people to use such a method to deal with the attack. From attacking to shutting down the server, it only took less than a minute.    


This speed was simply rehearsed countless times in advance!    


This way, there was no way to publicize it even if they wanted to. The netizens didn't even know that they had launched a counterattack and the other party had already shut down the server. This was going against the rules!    


Seeing that everything that he had carefully planned was caught off guard by the timely closing of the server, the Dongwo hackers started to spread rumors in China that China companies were afraid of war and were willing to surrender without a fight.    


However, this was only him calling out twice. Due to the lack of visual impact, the Dongwo citizens did not buy their actions at all. In their opinion, they had suffered a huge humiliation back then. All of you have been preparing your attacks for so many days, but you have yet to see any effect. Yet, you have ended up in such an awkward situation. Don't even think about taking this opportunity to regain your face. Hundreds of millions of people in China don't even know that their company's website has been attacked. What the f * ck is the meaning of this?    


The netizens in Dongwo called for hackers to attack the official website of other companies in China, but the hackers did not know whether to laugh or cry. If they wanted to attack a website, they had to use a certain amount of time to find a loophole that this website could exploit before attacking. They also studied for a few days before finding the loophole on the websites of the five porcelain companies. Now that the other side had shut down the servers immediately, the netizens immediately ordered them to attack the other websites. How is this possible?    


The furious Dongwo hackers could only launch some netizens who understood Mandarin to spread the news on the Internet in China. Their words were extremely provocative. It was mostly similar. "Our hackers have already hacked off the websites of your five companies, but your companies are all cowards. The first thing they did was to shut down the servers and surrender without fighting. This is really despicable! "    


The media did not have any reports on these matters. However, the netizens in China had started a war of words with a small number of Dongwo netizens, especially on Baidu Tieba. Countless people had used the "@" symbol to call "yesterday's reappearance."    


Zhang Yunfeng happened to be writing the core code of the photographic terminator in his dormitory. He opened the Tieba forum during his break. He found that there were at least tens of thousands of people mentioning him. Curious, he opened it to take a look. All of them actually summoned him to teach the Dongwo hackers a lesson.    


Zhang Yunfeng opened the websites of the five companies and took a look. He discovered that they had indeed closed the servers. Immediately, he started writing an extremely simple attack program.    


This attack program only took less than half an hour to complete. In the TXT file, after changing a document, Zhang Yunfeng entered the Japanese Enterprise websites of the five companies that had just reopened the servers.    


Although this small attack program was simple, the most important thing was... Its compilation principles caused the current antivirus software to be unable to recognize it. Its own functions were also very simple. After Zhang Yunfeng created the IP region, he hung up the attack program on a certain website and embedded it in the form of a hanging horse. After that, the program would run on the other side's server. Once the IP in the designated zone pointed to the website, after the connection was completed, this attack program would copy its own program to the other party's computer.    


After this program operated on the computer, it would repeatedly carry out a mission, which was to attack and attack at all costs.    


How to attack? It was to replicate some rubbish content countless times, then use the network. In the fastest time possible, a large number of them would be sent to the target. As long as the number of infected machines reached a certain number, this... The attack will form an extremely large data stream, directly causing the other party's server to collapse due to the heavy burden. As for which website to attack, Zhang Yunfeng could choose at will.    


Zhang Yunfeng first chose the Mitsubishi Trading Company's official website and roughly looked at it. He discovered that the Mitsubishi Trading Company's official website had been upgraded to a certain extent, and many loopholes had been filled up. However, loopholes in the Internet were something that could never be avoided. The only way to absolutely avoid them was not to access the Internet. Otherwise... There would always be some loopholes. For a website, the size of their abilities... Depends on the degree of the loopholes being hidden. For a hacker, the size of an ability depended on how powerful the ability to drill holes was.    


Unless the technical staff of the Mitsubishi Merchant Group could reach the standards of the future generations, no matter how their website was upgraded, it would be full of loopholes in front of Zhang Yunfeng.    


After that, Zhang Yunfeng first quietly entered the server of the Mitsubishi business website. He inserted the attack program that he had developed, and then he did the same thing. He also inserted the attack program into the other four websites' servers. He entered Baidu Tieba and posted a post: "Regarding the attack of the Dongwo hacker, I hope that the netizens can help me."    


The content of the post was very simple: "I heard that the Dongwo hacker began to counterattack, and I myself do not understand Japanese. I hope that my friend who is proficient in Japanese can help me send a message to the Dongwo website: Tonight at 12 o'clock sharp, I will once again launch an attack on the five previous Japanese Enterprise. At that time, I welcome all the Dongwo netizens as witnesses. 12 o'clock. That is at 1 o'clock in the morning in Tokyo. Please open the five ___ families' websites on time and check them."    


The moment the ID that had appeared yesterday appeared, countless netizens immediately responded with a reply. This news spread throughout the entire Internet within ten minutes.    


In the eyes of the netizens, this time would definitely be more exciting than last time. Because this time, it was yesterday's counterattack against the Dongwo hackers. Furthermore, it was less than an hour away from 12 o'clock. An hour. He wanted to hack those five upgraded websites again? Just how awesome was this person to dare to say such a thing?    


Those who knew Japanese directly translated the posts that Zhang Yunfeng posted into Japanese. It also included the tutorial for posting on several big websites in Dongwo. Then, they advertised on the Tieba forum. This way, even those who didn't know Japanese... It could also be published on the Dongwo website.    


Very quickly, the netizens of the Dongwo found that the vast majority of the netizens from China had gathered on the Dongwo website. The content of the posts on the various big websites of the Dongwo was the same. The day before had reappeared. In an hour, they would once again attack the five websites that had been blacklisted!    


The netizens of the Dongwo were extremely nervous. They did not know that this mysterious yesterday had reappeared. Was it a bluff or did it really have the ability to do so? The five Japanese Enterprise families were even more nervous. Could the newly upgraded defense system really work? Could it be that the previous incident would happen again? This time, if he was blacklisted, could he be like a porcelain company? Turn off the server right away? However, before the other party attacked, the Internet was already in an uproar. At that time, even if the other party was attacked and the server was turned off immediately, wouldn't that be known by everyone? For him, as long as the server was closed, it meant that he had lost once again. And he had lost completely!    


In an hour's time, Zhang Yunfeng had taken control of the five websites without anyone noticing. He had also made a quick and closed opening function. As long as he opened and closed it, within three seconds, the control of the five websites would immediately be lost. After that, the static page that he had made last time would appear on their homepage at the same time.    


This was only the first step. Zhang Yunfeng had already hung up the attack program on the five Japanese Enterprise websites. Now, countless netizens had started to refresh their websites to check the situation. Little did they know, as long as the Dongwo's home country's IP address was connected to this server, it would immediately infect the attack program that they had created, believing it to be 12 o'clock. There were at least tens of thousands of computers that were affected by the Dongwo. At that time, this was a time bomb that he had buried in their Internet. As long as he could give them an address at any time... These tens of thousands of chickens will use all of their computing abilities and all the network bandwidth... They would launch a shocking group attack on the address that he had given them!    


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